Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 53 Stupid Loki!Send the scepter in front of you!

Chapter 53 Stupid Loki!Send the scepter in front of you!
Above the sky, a new enemy suddenly appeared on the huge portal, a huge mayfly covered in metal armor, passed through the portal and came to the earth! !
Looking at the huge metal mayfly, Ye Yi held Zanpakuto tightly. The metal mayfly is not only powerful, but it is also a transport ship. Countless Chitauri people are hiding on it. Bounce, land before a New York building...

"Unleash the shackles, Shu Ling!"

Looking at the heroes who were gasping for breath, Ye Yi chanted the liberation language softly, and a huge sickle appeared in Ye Yi's hand...

The heroes of the ground and the sky have never seen Ye Yi in such a posture, holding a giant scythe, wearing a golden battle suit on Ye Yi, wearing a helmet, majestic...

The aura on Ye Yi's body soared tenfold, and with a light wave, a huge knife glow cut across the metal mayfly's body, cutting it in half...

The Chitauri who were still making trouble on the earth took off their masks and roared loudly...

The heroes saw that the metal mayfly was cut in half, and before they had time to be happy, more metal mayflies rushed out...

A red ray that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth shot out from the eyes of Cyclops, and the enemies encountered, whether they were Chitauri or metal mayflies, all turned into sparks and disappeared into the sky...

The giant long knife in the sky started to dance again, tearing open a metal mayfly with one knife, Eric coughed a few times, leaving bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth...

Black Bolt King's voice became louder: "Get out, you invaders!!"

Following the voice of Black Bat King and the direction Black Bat King was facing, countless enemies exploded and died, and the body of the metal mayfly gradually expanded...

Finally, the thunder net in the sky disappeared, and the two thunder gods had exhausted their last bit of strength...

Anna flew over, and in her arms was a comatose Thor, with his ears raised, Ye Yi touched Thor's head, and said to Anna: "Send Thor to a safe place, and send Thor to a safe place by the way." That Saul over there is also taken away..."

Anna touched Thor distressedly, and nodded to Ye Yi...

Looking at the endless stream of enemies in the sky, a card appeared in Ye Yi's hand...

After crushing it hard, a figure wearing black armor and holding a long stick suddenly appeared behind Ye Yi...

That's right, it is Monkey King: Sun Wukong!
Turning around, he bowed to Sun Wukong: "Great Sage, above the sky, I'm counting on you."

Sun Wukong looked at everything in front of him, his eyes suddenly burst into golden light, he patted Ye Yi's shoulder, and said with admiration in his tone: "Yes, you have done a good job, especially you, who have the demeanor of my grandson, the sky, just Give it to my grandson!"

Monkey King's body shook, and countless Monkey Kings suddenly appeared in the sky. Ye Yi also looked at everything in front of him, and the black light of the sickle in his hand flashed past.

"My former enemies, fight for me!!"

A group of black shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, with a huge number and different shapes. Following Ye Yi's scythe, the leading shadow showed humanity...

With a sound: "God said: You are guilty." A white light flashed from the fingertips of the leader's shadow, destroying the enemy in front of him and shooting down two metal mayflies...

The two shadows next to it also threw out their own attacks: "Judgment!", "Dark dimension, descend!!"

These three figures are the gods of the coalition of gods and demons, Zeus and Dormammu...

The other shadows are also different, God of War, Sun God, Witch Heart Demon, and even the multiverse mercenary just now, Rael is among them...

These are Ye Yi's previous enemies. Among these shadows, there are many strong people, and more are Chitauri people...

The shadow Chitauri are also fully armed, and their attack and defense are even stronger than the real Chitauri...

Ye Yi used his big move, and his body became weak for a while, leaving Leier to protect himself, and slowly landed on the Stark Building...

A metal mayfly rushed towards Ye Yi. Before Leier moved, a group of green figures pulled the metal mayfly to the ground. With a place to rely on, Banner knocked down the metal mayfly with a punch …

Looking at Ye Yi with a tired face, Banner was very worried: "Are you okay? Ye Yi?"

Ye Yi waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, pointed to those scurrying metal mayflies, and patted Banner's hand: "Go, I'm fine, those things need to be dealt with, I'll rest for a while..."

Nodding his head, Banner jumped out to kill the metal mayfly with the stone man Ben...

Loki's figure quietly appeared, looking at Ye Yi who had made him suffer a lot, he waved his scepter and stabbed out...

Ye Yi, who was resting, did not expect Loki to appear suddenly. Luckily, Leyle was kept by his side, and he cut open the scepter that stabbed him, and saved Ye Yi...

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Loki simply showed his body: "Mortal, I will give you a chance to surrender to me..."

Ye Yi appeared in front of his eyes. Loki, who was talking nonsense, was speechless for a while: "Are you crazy?"

Looking at the weak Ye Yi, Luoji felt at ease: "Now you, what else is there to be afraid of? I am so generous, forgive you for being unreasonable to me before, and now, surrender to me! Mortal!"

Ye Yi looked at Loki as if he was insane, waved his hand, a flash of saber flashed, and Loki's hand was chopped off...

Picking up the scepter on the ground, Ye Yi watched Loki clutching his arms and disappearing hastily, shaking his head: "Guys, I can close the portal now, I'm working harder!!"

With his body suspended in the air, Ye Yi came before the Rubik's Cube, ready to close the portal...

 Ask for a collection, ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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