Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 52 Fierce Battle! !Everyone who is close to the limit!

Chapter 52 Fierce Battle! !Everyone who is close to the limit!

Ye Yi sighed, looked at the Chitauri who had already appeared outside the portal, and called Thor: "Thor, come on, fight, win and buy you the most expensive dog food!!..."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yi began to clean up the Chitauri who flew out of the portal. The Zanpaku Saber in his right hand flickered frequently, and the left hand flashed with various lights, Thunder Roar Cannon, Red Cannon, Blue Fire Fall...

There were bursts of sparks in the sky, which were all shot down by Ye Yi. However, the portal was so big that Ye Yi couldn't defend it alone. When Ye Yi was about to release the Zanpakuto, there were bursts of thunder in the distance, and a grid of lightning formed. Blocking the Chitauri army in one direction...

There were endless reminders in his head, Ye Yi simply ordered the system, the joyful reminder...

Thor struggled to hold up the hammer, and thunder and lightning shot out from the hammer continuously. When the Chitauri touched the grid, he was ignited and became a cluster of sparks in the air...

On the ground, the crowd who had been stunned by the heavenly portal were fleeing in panic under the shooting of the Chitauri who slipped through the net. , but for ordinary people, a fully armed Chitauri can be said to be a demon...

The cars on the street were hit by the Chitauri weapons and exploded instantly. The Chitauri shot and killed wantonly. Suddenly, a huge red ray on the street emptied the Chitauri in an area. , protecting civilians in the area...

Charles Xavier came to support with his X-Men, Cyclops ended the continuous output and switched to single-point shooting, Jean Gray and Charles formed a barrier for the men, Storm rolled her eyes, Brought up by the wind, the originally blue sky and white clouds in New York were instantly shrouded in dark clouds...

Seeing Charles and the others, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and his subordinates swung harder. A flash of fire came to Ye Yi's side, followed by a fighter jet. Looking at Tony whose chest was flashing all the time, Ye Yi roared loudly. Said: "You guys are really slow to come, Tony, hurry up and change your "clothes", are Steve and the others here?"

Tony landed at the Stark Building and changed into another armor: "Captain and Black Widow, Hawkeye is in the fighter plane behind, Thor and Banner are gone..."

Putting on the battle armor, Tony looked at the grid in the sky: "Isn't Saul here?"

Ye Yi slashed out with a huge sword glow: "That's not Sol, it's Thor, that's my dog..."

Tony had just shot down a few airships when he heard such explosive news: What?Your dog?Thor turned into a dog? "

Ye Yi fired three thunder cannons from his left hand: "No, that's the God of Thunder from other universes... Stop chatting, hurry up, there are more and more of them"

Countless weapons suddenly appeared on Tony's body, and they all shot out: "Aren't you stunned by this news? Haha, Thor is a dog!!"

Another thunderbolt in the sky, together with the previous one, formed an even bigger power grid, Thor, the God of Thunder, is here...

Seeing Sol coming, Tony fired energy bullets with his hands and chest, cleared the area in front of him, and flew to where Sol was...

"Sol, do you have a brother?"

Tony stops beside Saul, covering Saul...

Sol increased his energy output and looked at Tony suspiciously: "What? Don't you know my brother, Loki..."

Tony's shoulders suddenly raised two magazines, aiming at the dozen or so Chitauri rushing in front of him: "No, I'm talking about Thor, who is also a Thor!"


Tony shot down the enemy in front of him, looked at the confused Saul and nodded in satisfaction: "Besides, it's still a dog...!!"

A few exclamations came from the headset: "What? Sol's brother is a dog???"

Ye Yi covered his face, not in the mood to listen: "Guys, is this the time to discuss this? Can we talk about it after the fight??? Has anyone seen Banner?"

Thor's voice was full of guilt: "I knocked Banner off the spaceship, he is probably already..."

"Well, who called me? I'll be right there, hold on!!"

Before Sol could finish speaking, Banner's voice came from the headset...

"Are you okay???"

Sol asked Banner in surprise, and Banner's voice in the headset was normal: "It's okay, don't worry, there is probably no one on earth that can kill me."


Thor was in a happy mood, and the lightning on the hammer became thicker...

In the sky, although Ye Yi, Thor, Thor, and Storm formed a defensive network, the enemies are still more and more numerous, and they are powerless. Ye Yi roared loudly: "Who sees Luo? base??"

Everyone was silent, and Charles' voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I can look for him, what's the matter?"

"His scepter can close the portal..."

Ye Yi put on the golden holy clothes at night, and the Chitauri weapon hit Ye Yi, splashing blue sparks...

"I'm looking for it now, Jean..."

Charles withdrew from the mind barrier, nodded to Qin...

Jean Gray also nodded, increasing her mental output to buy time for Professor Charles...

On the ground, the wreckage caused by the Chitauri gathered together to form a huge long knife, and between swipes, pieces of Chitauri were emptied...

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi looked around. Sure enough, Magneto King Eric led his brotherhood to support him...

Eric looked at the ruined city in front of him, the crowd of casualties on the ground, with a look of anger, how many mutants there are...

The angry Magneto, wielding a huge long knife, emptied the Chitauri one after another...

Another fighter plane flew by, and the Fantastic Four who had met once came. The Human Torch was dancing in the sky, and the flames in his hands kept igniting the Chitauri. On the ground, the stone man was trying in vain to catch The Chitauri, the invisible woman Susan protects Ben, and Mister Fantastic Dr. Reed grabs the Chitauri's body and throws it to Ben...

Looking at these heroes, Ye Yi was full of pride in his heart. He held a knife in both hands, and a huge knife light flew towards the portal. Where the knife light came, there was a faint black crack in the space. This knife, It almost broke the space! ! !

Although so many heroes participated in the battle, the enemy still passed through the portal, trickling...

A Kun-style fighter suddenly stopped outside the scene, opened the door, and Black Bolt and his family members in black uniforms came to the scene...

Medusa's voice reached Ye Yi's ear: "I'm sorry, Ye, we need to find the leader of the human race before we can join the battle. After all, we are not native..."

Ye Yi took the time to reply: "It's okay, I'm very grateful that you can come..."

Black Bolt King walked down, and said softly to the sky: "Get out!"

The Chitauri fell from the sky like dumplings. On the ground, some bull-hoofed warriors dealt with the Chitauri one by one. The crystal princess's hands were shining with various colors of light, and various elements attacked these poor people. The Chitauri…

Seeing the gradually improving battle situation, Ye Yi smiled gratifiedly...

Suddenly, more Chitauri rushed out of the portal, and some demon-like creatures with wings on their backs also rushed out of the portal...

When Ye Yi saw those things, his pupils shrank suddenly: "Those, aren't they imitations? Damn, Darkseid and Thanos are together???"

The heroes worked harder to clean the sky, but there were too many enemies, two fists were hard to beat, and the heroes gradually suffered some casualties...

Daredevil in Hell's Kitchen, shot by several Chitauri, other members of The Defenders: Wonder Woman Luke, shot by dozens of Chitauri, struggling to hold on, Jessica Jones, the tragedy The hero, surrounded by the Chitauri, was being punched and kicked, Iron Fist Daniel, waving his iron fist, knocked away the Chitauri surrounding Luke, and scattered the Qi who was ravaging Jessica. The Tari people are in relatively good condition...

Ye Yi called Charles: "Where's Kuaiyin? Why didn't he come??"

A silver light flashed across the entire battlefield, and all the Chitauri on the ground were blown into the air, and the light stopped. It was a young man with silver hair and earphones...

He lowered his head and took a few breaths, and shouted loudly at Ye Yi: "Miss me? Ye Yi?"

The black coffin in his left hand sealed the enemy in front of him, and smiled at the panting Kuaiyin: "You're finally here, help me look at it."

Look around and look at the injured people: "Turn the injured to a safe place, there are enough dead people..."

Looking at Ye Yi who suddenly fell silent, Kuaiyin nodded, and his figure disappeared...

The battle, only 30 minutes have passed...

Turning around, looking at the sky, the power grid formed by the two Thors is already very weak, and Storm also fell from the sky, taking a deep breath, Jean Grey has retracted the barrier, panting, X-Men, now Thanks to Wolverine and Fireman and Iceman to support the defense line...

The giant long knife in the sky has not been moved for a long time. Magneto sits on the steel throne and coughs a few times. Beside him is a red tank guarding him...

There is nothing wrong with the Inhumans, the line of defense is very solid, and it is currently the most reliable line...

Susan has already withdrawn from the Fantastic Four's line, and her mental power is too exhausted, and she is recovering under the protection of the stone man. Above the sky, the flames on Thunderbolt's body are not so obvious, and they can't even cover her whole body. , revealing the youthful face of Thunderbolt...

On the ground, the captain and the black widow Hawkeye are constantly rescuing the trapped people. Looking at the tattered uniform of the captain, they know that it is not so easy...

There was a strange sound from the sky, Ye Yi turned around, saw the huge metal mayfly, rushed down...

 Ask for tickets, ask for collection,

(End of this chapter)

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