Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 132 Protecting the Earth Lord's Daily Life...

Chapter 132 Protecting the Earth Lord's Daily Life...

On the fourth day after marriage, at 4 o'clock in the morning, Ye Yi's new home

"Let's go, Gongzhou meets a tiger and a bear..."

The familiar ringtone of the mobile phone rang, Ye Yi suddenly sat up, looked at the incoming call from Mo Du on the mobile phone, and scratched his head irritably: "Ahhh!"

Anna opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at Ye Yi: "Who is it?"

Ye Yi waved his phone: "Mo Du, there's something else to do!"

After connecting the phone, Ye Yi's voice was very irritated: "Time and place!"

Modu: "Near Saturn, Mephisto is trying to enter reality."

Ye Yi complained: "Isn't Stephen still good enough? I've blocked 7 waves of invasions that you can't stop in just three days so far. Was Gu Yi always so busy when he was here?"

Modu: "When Mage Gu Yi was here, we were very leisurely, because the name Gu Yi alone could make those guys consider whether they could withstand the blow of Gu Yi before they invaded."

Ye Yi yawned: "So, it's because my deterrent power is not enough?"

Modu was silent for a while: "Yes."

Ye Yi hung up the phone, got dressed, kissed the sleepy-eyed Anna, shrugged and disappeared

"It's so troublesome..."

Ye Yi took the magic weapon and came to a micro-star of Saturn, looked at the portal opened on the cantilever of Saturn, and yawned: "It's really troublesome!"

I found a meteorite at random, aimed at it, and the purple light on my body lit up, and the meteorite suddenly changed its course and rushed towards the portal...

The moment the meteorite came into contact with the portal, one hand blocked the meteorite, and then the palm of the hand became bigger, and it squeezed lightly...

The whole meteorite turned into gravel, floating in the air...

Then, the two sides of the portal were grabbed and forced to expand...

A humanoid came through the portal and into reality...

"Mephisto, have you been dancing recently?"

Ye Yi yawned, stood up from the satellite, and instantly came to Mephisto...

"Oh hehe, Ye Yi, where's Gu Yi? Is he dead?"

Mephisto said hello, just by looking at his expression, one would think that a good friend met.

"Don't bullshit, are you going back by yourself or shall I send you back?"

Ye Yi yawned more and more, so his tone became more and more impatient...

"Are you in a hurry? How about we chat?"

Mephisto's speech was not in a hurry, and he felt very convincing.

"Don't leave, right? Then do it, don't ink, I'm going."

Ye Yi narrowed his eyes, and his figure disappeared in an instant. A cane suddenly appeared in Mephisto's hand, and he turned around to block the fist that appeared from the right...

Ye Yi's figure suddenly appeared on the right side of Mephisto, his right fist was blocked, but his left leg was not. With the momentum of thunder, he kicked Mephisto in the stomach and kicked Mephisto back to the portal …

He grabbed two huge meteorites passing by, poured energy and stuffed them into the portal, and then snapped his fingers...

The portal was blown to pieces, the giant palm supporting the portal couldn't shrink enough, and two fingers were cut off by the portal...

Ye Yi yawned, his left hand gathered a layer of golden energy, covering himself and his fingers, his right hand tapped lightly on the two fingers...

The golden energy continued to wear away the broken flesh and blood until it completely wiped away the flesh and blood...

Looking around to make sure nothing was missing, Ye Yi nodded and disappeared from Saturn...

Back in his room, he sent a message to Modu that he had finished, looked at Anna who was lying on the bed, and then lay down on the sofa, throwing the phone away...

"It's so troublesome."

Muttering in his mouth, Ye Yi's eyes were already closed...

The next day, Ye Yi yawned, woke up from his sleep, turned his head, and found that Anna had already woken up, opened the curtains while yawning, and then lay down on the bed again...

There was a sound of footsteps, Anna opened the door, looked at Ye Yi who had closed his eyes again, sat by the bed, and gently massaged Ye Yi's arms and legs...

Ye Yi felt very comfortable in his body. When he opened his eyes, he found that Anna was massaging himself, and he narrowed his eyes comfortably...

Anna kissed Ye Yi, seeing Ye Yi closed his eyes and enjoying the expression, the corners of his mouth turned up...

Nayari came in with Thor in her arms, Anna made a shush gesture to Nayari, and continued to massage Ye Yi...

Nayali sat next to Anna, tightly hugging Thor who wanted to jump onto the bed: "What's wrong recently, Ye Yi looks so tired..."

Anna kept her hands on her hands, and explained: "On the night we got married, Master Gu Yi sealed himself off and entrusted Ye Yi to protect the earth until the next Supreme Master took office..."

Nayari thought for a moment: "Isn't that the guy in the cloak? Isn't he already the Supreme Mage?"

Anna smiled: "Well, although I control the Eye of Agamotto, I haven't completely reversed my mind, and I'm not ready to bear the burden of the earth..."

Nayali pouted: "What an idiot, and still make Ye Yi so tired."

Anna looked at Ye Yi tenderly: "Yes, he is an idiot, and Ye Yi is also an idiot, two idiots!"

Nayari nodded her head...

"Wang Wang..."

In the early morning, Ye Yi woke up suddenly, looked at the floating figure in the sky, frowned, then turned his head, looked at Anna who was sleeping on the sofa, gently hugged her, put her on the bed, kissed her, and her body Disappear…

Came to the air, looked at the person floating in the air, frowned, and said impatiently, "Stephen, what's the matter?"

Stephen Strange, also known as Doctor Strange, is currently the supreme mage, controls the Eye of Agamotto, and was evaluated by the ancient one as the most suitable genius for gradual magic...

Doctor Strange looked at the sky: "Someone is coming."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Why bother so much, hit when you come!"

Doctor Strange has a serious expression: "This time is different from the past. The people who come this time can become stronger with the sun's rays, so we have to keep them out of the solar system!"

Ye Yi's body gradually declined: "Observe first, and call me when you find it. Also, you should grow up quickly, so that you can take over the burden of defending the earth."

Dr. Strange was floating in the air, touching the Eye of Agamotto on his neck, and pondered for a long time...

When Ye Yi returned to the room and was about to sleep on the sofa for a while, Anna opened her eyes in a daze: "Ye Yi? Come and sleep on the bed."

Ye Yi looked at the opened quilt, swished, and covered the quilt...

Anna twisted, found a comfortable position in Ye Yi's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Ye Yi suffered a lot now, Ye Yi's little brother raised his head and saluted, Ye Yi had no choice but to curl up and sleep, this night, for Ye Yi, was very long...

(End of this chapter)

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