Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 131 Gu 1 who left, and Ye Yi who asked for trouble

Chapter 131 Gu Yi who left, and Ye Yi who asked for trouble

Back at the hotel, Ye Yi is educating Nayari on his thoughts...

"Don't you understand your own situation? When I collect the infinite gems and let your body recover, then you can do whatever you want. You don't have to fight for this moment..."

Ye Yi said that his mouth was parched, and when he turned his head, Nayali had already slept soundly, drooling...

Ye Yi was at a loss, and looked at Anna for help, Anna gave Ye Yi a blank look, and pulled Ye Yi out...

"Don't you know her little thoughts?"

Anna folded her hands on her chest, looked at Ye Yi with a sneer: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Yi leaned against the wall and remained silent. Seeing Ye Yi like this, Anna became even angrier: "No matter what, you have to say something. If you procrastinate like this, it's not good for anyone."

Ye Yi was silent for a while, and then said: "I love you, there is no doubt about it, for Nayari..."

After a pause, Ye Yi wanted to smoke a cigarette, but was snatched away by Anna, shrugging: "Niali is very cute, but my feeling for her may be that there is some other emotion mixed in the brother-sister relationship Well, I don't quite understand myself."

Anna was expressionless, and Ye Yi lowered his head. The door opened, and Nayali came out with tears in his eyes: "Ye Yi, I just want to ask you a word!"

Ye Yi couldn't help looking at Nayali, and Nayali stared into Ye Yi's eyes: "Have you ever been in love with me?"

Ye Yi was silent, but the silence already represented the answer, Nayali smiled: "I know."

Afterwards, when Nayali was about to walk into the door, Ye Yi said a word: "I liked it."

Ye Yi closed his eyes, he chose the path himself, he recognized any kind of marriage...

"Look, I just said, if you don't force him, he will never know to say it."

"Well, Sister Anna, you are so smart!"

Ye Yi felt that he had an auditory hallucination. It should be Shura Hell, but what came to his ears was their triumphant laughter...

Quietly opened his eyes, Ye Yi saw two women embracing each other, and Nayali's head was still rubbing back and forth on Ye Yi's dream...

Ye Yi opened his eyes and looked at the two strange women in surprise: "Who are you?"

Anna hugged Nayari, and rolled her eyes at choking: "It's too cheap for you stinky bastard, I can't do anything to be sorry for this little guy, Nayali, and her feelings for you are very firm, I can What to do...of course I chose to accept her..."

As she said that, Anna hit Ye Yi: "Really, it's cheap for you!"

The expression on Ye Yi's face is like this... his eyes are blank, he is at a loss, he doesn't know what expression to use to face this matter (you can refer to Wang Dahammer)...

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yi finally extracted an important message: "Anna, have you accepted Nayari? Are you willing to share me with Nayari?"

Anna glared at Ye Yi, and dragged Nayali back to the room. Ye Yi wanted to follow, but his nose was almost broken...

"I have something to say to Nayari, whoever you find yourself!"

Ye Yi rubbed his nose and walked away resentfully...

When I returned to my room, I found that Master Gu Yi was already sitting in the room...

Seeing the poured two cups of tea, Ye Yi picked up a cup politely: "What's the matter, Master Gu Yi."

Gu Yi shook his head: "I'm going to find a place to retreat. Although that guy is gone this time, I can feel that he is still in my body and can possess me again at any time."

Ye Yi was startled: "Then you are going to retreat to death?"

Gu nodded, and looked at the east with a wry smile: "Kama Taj is gone, Modu and that Stephen are the last survivors of Kama Taj, I hope you can take care of them for my sake one time…"

Ye Yi nodded: "Don't worry, mage, even if you don't tell me, I won't ignore that rigid fellow Modu when he encounters difficulties."

Thinking back to the guy in the cloak, Ye Yi probed a bit: "As for Stephen, is he the next Supreme?"

Gu nodded slightly: "He is the most talented person I have ever seen, and the Eye of Agamotto also recognized him, and the cloak..."

As he spoke, a book suddenly appeared in his hand: "This book, if possible, pass it on to Stephen for me."

Ye Yi took it, put it in the system space, and nodded to Gu: "Don't worry, I will hand it over to him, so when are you going to leave?"

Gu Yi waved his hand, and a portal opened: "Let's go now."

After walking in, a golden ring was thrown out: "Hold me and keep it, if I still need it, and the earth, I will leave it to you to protect..."

The portal closed, Ye Yi picked up the ring, put it into the system space, lay on the bed, smiled wryly: "It's really troublesome, I asked for it... Hey, sleep, sleep, don't think about it, there are so many troubles today!"

Ye Yi closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but the picture of Gu Yi getting along with each other kept appearing in his mind...

The panic when I first summoned the god of death, the joy after being rescued by the ancient one, the longing for magic, the loss of not being able to learn magic...

Everything, like a projector, went through in my mind, and slowly, a tear flowed across the corner of Ye Yi's eyes...

"Old monster, don't die."

The next day, early in the morning...

Ye Yi suddenly felt that he couldn't breathe, opened his eyes suddenly, and found that it was Naiyali who was holding his nose...

After slapping Nayali's hand off, Ye Yi covered his head with the quilt: "What's wrong?"

Nayali snorted twice, then looked at Ye Yi, with strange eyes, Ye Yi could feel it through the quilt...


Ye Yi lifted the quilt helplessly, and Nayali sat on the bed, talking nonchalantly: "Gu Yi confessed his love to you?"

Ye Yi just picked up the cup and drank some water first, before he drank, he was startled by Nayali's words...

"Where did you know that Gu Yi confessed to me?"

Ye Yi put down his cup and decided to drink again later...

"When I came to call you yesterday, did I hear you talking to Gu Yi, heh heh..."

Nayari looks proud...

Ye Yi covered his face, his voice was full of despair: "Then you can tell from her words that she confessed to me?"

Nayari thought for a while, and stuck out her tongue: "It seems that you didn't yell. If that's the case, then Master Nayari will let you off with mercy and stop making small reports with Sister Anna."

Then, he jumped and left the room, and when he went out, he stuck out his tongue at Ye Yi...

Ye Yi felt very tired, picked up his teacup, and prepared to drink water...

The door opened suddenly, and Nayali stuck out her head: "By the way, you didn't attend yesterday's banquet, so they decided to continue today!"

Afterwards, Nayali closed the door: "Don't forget, I have notified you."

Ye Yi took a sip of water and lay down on the bed again...

"It's so troublesome, it's really troublesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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