Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 112 Power Gem.

Chapter 112 Power Gem.

Walking in this pitch-black space again, Ye Yishu walked to the bottom of the towering mountain...

Still in that position, still that person, the two of them looked at each other speechlessly...

The person who was bound by the chain spoke: "So, this time, what do you want to know?"

Ye Yi crossed his legs, staring at the scar on the man's face: "Does it hurt?"

The man was silent for a long time before speaking: "Is this a problem?"

Ye Yi smiled: "Of course, if you want."

The man stared at Ye Yi, looking directly at Ye Yi's soul through his eyes, as if he noticed something, he suddenly smiled: "It's a wound caused by being rubbed on the ground by 4 very powerful guys, can it not hurt? If you don't work hard, you will be like me, disfigured."

Ye Yi smiled: "Really? But I think it's very manly."

The corner of the man's mouth raised: "Really? I forgot to tell you, this is also a badge of honor."

Ye Yi nodded: "I believe that battle must be very glorious."

Afterwards, Ye Yi stood up: "I'll go back first, we'll talk about it next time we meet."

The man nodded, Ye Yi didn't go far, turned around, his voice was low as if he was muttering to himself: "At that time, were they okay? Did you still use the knife?"

Under Ye Yi's gaze, the man nodded slowly, Ye Yi waved his hand as if relieved, and the figure disappeared from the man's sight.

The man sighed, looking at the chains that bound him, three of them were already shimmering, and he suppressed them vigorously...

"One more time."


In the Stark Tower, Ye Yi slowly opened his eyes. This time he entered the soul space, time seemed to have stopped in the past, and he was still at the moment when his body fell to the ground. With a strong effort, he stood up straight.

Looking at the people surrounding him, Ye Yi shook his head, indicating that he was fine, but Anna and Nayali still came to support Ye Yi. Everyone sat on the sofa, and Steve looked at Ye Yi worriedly...

Tony waited until Ye Yi was done, and asked impatiently, "Finally, who is that hand?"

Ye Yi thought of Cronus, who was completely dead, and his tone was not very good: "The master of the dark matter latitude, the second generation of Greek god king Cronus."

"Cronus? Greek God King?"

Everyone's eyes were full of doubts, and Tony suddenly said: "Jarvis, project the information of Cronus."

"Okay, sir."

Everyone looked at the information projected by Jarvis, with different expressions on their faces...

Ye Yi felt the energy in his body, the spiritual pressure had disappeared, the small universe was fine, and now only the small universe and the vector control that required a lot of calculations could be used, this battle had suffered heavy losses.

"Didn't Kronos be exiled to Tartarus Hell? How did he appear there?"

Tony found a problem, and then shook his head: "Could it be that the Greeks at that time were able to open the door to the dark matter latitude?"

"Maybe, that latitude space has already been opened at that time? It should be reasonable for those monsters to be considered evil spirits by the ancients?" Dr. Banner guessed: "After all, that kind of thing is very similar to the legendary evil spirits."

Ye Yi watched everyone discussing the mythological background of ancient Greece, and shook his head: "There is nothing else, I will go back first, the house, Tony, please help me pay more attention."

Seeing Tony nodding, Ye Yi called out to Iron Armored Treasure in his heart, and when Iron Armored Little Treasure stopped on the tarmac of the Stark Tower, he pulled Anna and Nayari into it.

Back at the small shop in Brooklyn, Ye Yi asked Tiejia Xiaobao to stand by in the air, and led Anna and Nayali to the small shop...

The three sat on the sofa, silent for a long time, recalling what Gu Yi said to him, Ye Yi said: "Anna, Nayali, I have something to do, I need to leave the earth for a while, you should take care of yourself during this period of time." Yes, especially you, Nayari, don't fight during this time."

Ye Yi looked at Anna: "Anna, help me watch her, this family, please."

Anna looked at Ye Yi worriedly: "Do you have to go? We can go together."

Ye Yi shook his head: "We must go, but don't worry, I am very strong, don't worry about me, I will be back soon."

"If it goes well."

Ye Yi said something silently in his heart, not letting his emotions express on his face.

Anna looked at Ye Yi and gave up persuading him. Ye Yi is very lazy, but he is also very stubborn. Other people will not change what he decides. All Anna can do is nod his head to reassure Ye Yi.

Ye Yi hugged the two of them, and then stepped onto Iron Armored Little Treasure.

Anna and Nayari watched Iron Armored Little Treasure take off into the sky, and soon disappeared...

In Iron Armor Little Treasure, Ye Yi was sitting on the sofa, holding the star map he had just exchanged in his hand, studying the route for a long time, but found that he had no such ability at all...

Throwing the star map to Tiejia Xiaobao, Ye Yi did the math himself: "System, how many times do I still have the chance to summon?"

"Ding, host, you have 4 more times."

Ye Yi looked at the empty universe that had rushed out, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands: "I hope you don't get dirty today."

After washing his hands, Ye Yi lay on the sofa: "The system, randomly summon!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have extracted the Forbidden World: Accelerator's combat awareness."

Ye Yi turned over the card in his hand in surprise, and immediately chose to use it. After using it, Ye Yi felt a huge data flow hitting his brain, and Ye Yi couldn't help covering his head...

"Master, are you alright?"

Tiejia Xiaobao's voice full of concern came from the radio, but Ye Yi couldn't speak at the moment, he gritted his teeth and didn't let out a cry of pain.

After about 5 minutes, the data flow was completely loaded into Ye Yi's brain, and Ye Yi could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The double thinking of body and mind made Ye Yi quickly give up control of his body.

Thinking back on his previous usage of vector control, and comparing it with Accelerator's usage, Ye Yi felt that vector control was really a waste of money for him, and he had to calculate the parameters for a long time after a fight. Run away, the final result is not as good as slashing with Zanpakuto...


Ye Yi's eyes were a little dim, and he habitually wanted to summon Zanpakuto, but he couldn't catch anything...

Sitting up with effort, he waved to Tiejia Xiaobao, indicating that he was fine, and then checked the time. Sure enough, 5 minutes hadn't passed yet.

Looking at the outer space, the earth is completely invisible. Ye Yi asked Tiejia Xiaobao in surprise: "Hey, no, isn't your speed only Mach 10? How come you can't see the earth so quickly?"

Tiejia Xiaobao's voice is full of complacency: "Master, I just said that my speed on the earth is Mach 10, because no matter how high it is, there is no way to guarantee your comfort. The normal speed I can reach in the universe is sub-light speed. Space jumps are commonly used in interstellar space, otherwise it would be too slow to rely solely on speed."

Ye Yi seemed to understand and nodded: "It means that you are very fast, right? Then how long will it take to get here?"

"Morag? About three days in Earth time."

Ye Yi stretched his waist: "All right, call me when you arrive."

"Okay, master."

Ye Yi lay directly on the sofa, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Time in the universe can pass quickly, but it is also difficult. Fortunately, Ye Yi can chat with Tiejia Xiaobao, and I don’t know what kind of black technology the Tiejia Xiaobao has given Tiejia Xiaobao from the source of fire, so far away, and it can still connect to the earth in the tunnel network of…

Ye Yi looked at the game displaying the six-character mantra of "Internet connection interrupted", and shook his head with a wry smile: "It's just too unstable."

"Master, Morag has arrived."

Ye Yi gave up the disconnected game and came to the window, looking at this deserted planet...

Following the landing of Iron Armored Little Treasure, Ye Yi walked out, saw the shredded earth's crust, looked up at the sky, it was always covered by dark clouds, and it was always raining, Ye Yi frowned, and tried to use one-way The way to use vector manipulation...

Looking at the heavy rain that was originally impenetrable, as if hitting a wall, unable to enter his surroundings, Ye Yi nodded in satisfaction...

"Sure enough, my brain is still not suitable for such highly manipulated things. With Accelerator's experience, vector control can replace Zanpakuto as my trump card."

Against the storm, Ye Yi came to the ruins of a city, looked at the dilapidated temple, and walked in slowly...

Inside the temple, it was more lively than outside, little monsters like mice surrounded Ye Yi...

Looking at these strange things that wanted to attack but didn't dare to attack, Ye Yi released his momentum a little bit, and all the little things that surrounded him ran away...

After crossing a crack full of strange fish, he came to the door of Yishan. Looking at the door that couldn't be pushed, Ye Yi smiled, came to the side, and tapped the wall next to him...

A hole the size of a person appeared in front of Ye Yi. Walking in, a spherical object protected by a protective cover appeared in front of Ye Yi...

Walking over, he touched the protective cover with his finger, and the blue-white protective cover flickered twice, and then went out.

The cosmic spirit ball, which is the power gem among the infinite gems, just fell on the ground. Ye Yi bent down to pick it up, held it in his hand and observed it carefully...

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the plot item Cosmic Spirit Orb (Power Gem)."

"Hey, brother, you took something you shouldn't take, and threw him to me, don't worry, you give it to me, I won't hurt you."

A voice came, and Ye Yi looked up. A man in a brown leather jacket and a mechanical mask pointed a gun at Ye Yi...

"You want this?"

Ye Yi threw the cosmic spirit ball in his hand and looked at the man.

"This guy should be Star Lord."

On the opposite side, Xingjue held the trigger tightly with his finger. In his feeling, although the man in front of him was smiling, he gave off an extremely dangerous feeling. Every cell in his body was frantically agitated, reminding himself to play. Stay away from this dangerous man.

"Brother, give me something, I'll turn around and leave."

Xingjue's gun was pointed at Ye Yi's head all the time, Ye Yi smiled: "Even if I give it to you, you can't take it away."

Xingjue became even more nervous: "Why? Hey, brother, actually we don't have to do this. How about I leave now?"

Ye Yin nuzzled: "Then I guess you have to ask him..."

Xingjue looked at Ye Yi, suddenly realized something, turned around quickly, threw the ball, all in one go...

But a black-skinned man grabbed him at once, looked at the long gun pointed at him, looked at his short gun, threw the gun on the ground decisively, and raised his hands: "Hey, brother, I Just passing by, things are in his hands."

Xingjue pointed to Ye Yi, and the few people who rushed in also looked at Ye Yi, to be precise, at the universe spirit ball in Ye Yi's hand.

"Give me something! Or die!"

The person in the lead shouted sharply, Ye Yi was unmoved, watching the Cree soldiers who came to him and pointed their guns at him, Ye Yi didn't have such a good temper towards Xingjue...

"I don't like people pointing things at me, so those who point at me are dead. Do you want to try?"

Ye Yi looked calm, as if he was talking about a small matter...


The leader is also a warrior who has experienced bloody battles. He has a hunch that the smiling man in front of him is very dangerous...

The soldiers of the Cree have always been forbidden. The officer said to shoot, and they pulled the trigger as soon as the words fell...

Several shots were fired, and the leader looked at everything in disbelief. The person being attacked was unscathed. All the energy bullets were reflected back at a faster speed before touching the smiling person. Moreover, it is more powerful!
While all the Kree people were stunned, Xingjue escaped with a golden cicada shell, abandoned the leather jacket and escaped from the leader's hands. He passed his hands around his waist and drew out two pistols at an astonishing speed. Knocked out the remaining two Cree soldiers and the guy in the lead.

Picking up his leather jacket, putting the pistol back into his waist, Xingjue opened his mask, and came to Ye Yi with a playful smile: "Hey, brother, how did you do that just now? What's your nickname?"

Ye Yi looked at Xingjue silently, and sure enough, people who are interstellar pirates have no shame: "If I remember correctly, you seemed to be pointing a gun at me just now?"

Xingjue's face changed, and then he pretended to be innocent: "Hey, buddy, I was just scaring you just now, have you forgotten, I was leaving just now."

Ye Yi curled his lips and walked out. Xingjue looked around and followed Ye Yi...

"Hey, brother, who are you? By the way, let's get to know you. I'm actually Peter Quill, nicknamed Star Lord. Nice to meet you."

Ye Yi felt that Xingjue was fighting Tony: "My name is Ye Yi, well, you can also call me Avenger."

Xingjue looked at Ye Yi in surprise: "Hey, buddy, you are so powerful, and you have enemies? Who is your enemy? I can help you, of course, not for free."

Ye Yi stopped, looked at the corpses beside Iron Armored Little Treasure, and turned to look at Xingjue: "I suggest, you go to see your spaceship, it may have been occupied."

Xingjue looked at the corpse near Ye Yi's spaceship, and became more afraid of Ye Yi: "Of course, of course, I'm leaving now."

When Ye Yi was about to board the ship, Xingjue turned around with hesitation on his face? "Hey, buddy, I have a message for you. A famous space pirate is looking for what you have. Although you are strong, they are not weak. If, I said, if, you believe me, I can help you deal with it Drop this thing."

As he said that, Xingjue's eyes lit up: "Of course, it's not free."

Ye Yi looked at Xingjue, who was like a money fan, and was amused for a while. After thinking for a while, Ronan should also be worth a random number of times, so he waved to Xingjue: "Alright, when the time comes, I will share [-]% with you."

Xingjue's eyes lit up: "Deal!"

 Thanks for the 500 reward from the dark magic black brother, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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