Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 111 Blood and Tears

Chapter 111 Blood and Tears

Just when Ye Yi accepted his fate, countless purple tentacles slapped on the Heavenly Knife, and each tentacle would shatter when slapped on the Heavenly Knife. How could Ye Yi not recognize these purple tentacles...

"Niali, hurry up!"

Ye Yi let out a mournful cry, watching the tentacles that kept blocking the falling of the Heavenly Knife shattered one by one, his eyes suddenly turned blood red!
Nayali suddenly appeared beside Ye Yi, and gently wiped away Ye Yi's blood and tears. The chains around Ye Yi's body were inexplicably broken, and Ye Yi, who was able to move, immediately protected Nayari behind him: "Bastard!" ! Who told you to come here! Didn’t they tell you to look at the space door!”

Through the contract, Ye Yi could find out how weak Nayali's aura was, her own strength had been fixed, and now she was using her body to attack suicidally, and she was about to die out.

Ye Yi hugged Nayali, the red in his eyes became more intense, and he was completely invisible to the naked eye: "You stop, I order you, stop!"

The tentacles finally stopped, but Nayali couldn't hold it anymore, her body softened, and she fell into Ye Yi's arms...

The Sky Knife continued to cut towards Ye Yi, and Ye Yi didn't care about it at all now...

Nayali wiped away the blood and tears for Ye Yi with a somewhat illusory hand: "It's so good, in the future, no one will grab food from you, and no one will play tricks on you, am I annoying? Ye Yi?"

Ye Yi hugged Nayali, blood kept rolling out of his eyes: "No, Nayari is the cutest, everyone likes Nayari, think about it, if you didn't grab food, the dinner would be a mess How boring, how boring my life would be without you playing pranks on me every day, you are my pistachio, don't go, stay!"

"System, system! Come out, save her, save Nayari, take whatever you want!"

Ye Yi yelled at the system frantically in his heart, hoping that the system could save Nayari...

"Ding, host, with what you have now, there is no way to save her or you."

The voice of the system is also full of apology: "If I don't summon Unozhihuarei to fuse with Anna, I want to give Ye Yi a surprise, or if I save a little more shopping mall when building the base..."

The system stopped talking, and Ye Yi's clenched fist also oozes blood...

Nayali's body was almost transparent, and her hands could no longer wipe away Ye Yi's blood and tears: "Ye Yi, don't cry, don't worry, I won't die, I just went back, next time, next time you can do it Summon me?"

Ye Yi pressed Nayali's hand tightly to his face: "I don't want another time, I just want you not to leave!"

Nayari's voice was already too low to be heard: "I don't want to leave either, hey, it's an agreement, next time, be sure to summon me."

Nayali's body was completely transparent, leaving only a sentence that seemed to be completely inaudible: "Ye Yi, actually, I really like you, goodbye..."


Nayali completely disappeared into Ye Yi's arms, and Ye Yi's hands lost all weight, and Ye Yi, who was kneeling on the ground, let out a distraught wail...

Looking at the Heavenly Knife so close at hand, the small universe in Ye Yi's body was burning crazily and squeezing the spiritual pressure crazily. Suddenly, Ye Yi appeared in a dark space...

A man holding a Zanpakuto with bandages on his face appeared in front of Ye Yi: "Stop, your body is close to its limit, and it's about to explode."

There was no emotion in Ye Yi's voice, it was like dead silence: "So what? As long as I can avenge Nayari, no matter what, I am willing."

The man lost the depth of the past, leaving only gray eyes, and sighed: "Is she so important to you? Don't forget, there are many people waiting for you outside!"

Ye Yi's dull eyes moved a little, and then fell silent again: "It doesn't matter, now, Shu Ling, are you going to stop me?"

Shu Ling took a deep look at Ye Yi, and stabbed the Zanpakudao into Ye Yi's abdomen: "I'm just protecting you, remember my real name, Ling! This is the first and last time, beyond Come on, Ye Yi, surpass the enemy, surpass yourself, surpass, time!"

Endless power surged out of Ye Yi's body, even the small universe that was about to burn out was forced to stop, the Zanpakuto was shattered inch by inch, and Ye Yi's holy clothes were also taken off under this force , and then, a bandage that suddenly appeared wrapped around Ye Yi's body...

"Now, thank you, Ling, if we can meet again."

Ye Yi murmured inaudible words softly, looked at the sky knife that had reached the top of his head, flicked his finger lightly...

The Sky Knife stopped suddenly, and then shattered inch by inch. During the shattering, Ye Yi walked to the place where Nayali disappeared...

The bandage-wrapped right hand suddenly stretched into a void, shaking constantly, as if looking for something, and finally, Ye Yi's dead face showed a gleam of joy...

With a violent pull, Ye Yi pulled out a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. With a wave of his right hand, a transparent tentacle wrapped her around her, making her fall into a deep sleep. Through the tentacle, Ye Yi touched the girl's face, a drop of blood and tears , fell on the tentacles, smashed to pieces: "I said, I only want you! Get a good sleep, wake up, it's another beautiful day."

Cronus in the distance realized something was wrong when the Heavenly Knife was shattered, as if he wanted to run away, but an invisible murderous aura locked him, making him dare not move at all...

After retracting the tentacles into the system space, Ye Yi's face returned to the state of dead silence. He stood up, looked at Cronus, and broke out in cold sweat looking at him...

Trembling in his mouth, Kronos lost the aura he had just now, and begged for mercy like a little girl surrounded by bad guys: "Great strong man, I really didn't mean it, and the little girl has already been saved by you, Let me go, I recognize you as master!"

Ye Yi looked at Cronus begging for mercy, expressionless, raised his right hand lightly, and pointed his finger at Cronus. In an instant, Cronus, who was begging for mercy, had a blood hole between his eyebrows, and his body gradually turned into a Gray fly...

Ye Yi looked at this latitude with ruthless eyes, raised his hands high, and slowly clenched it. The entire dark matter latitude was twisted and destroyed by Ye Yi's hand. Finally, when Ye Yi completely clenched his fist, this latitude exploded. Already...

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for killing Cronus, the master of the dark matter latitude, you will be rewarded with mall points*15000, and you will be rewarded with random summon times*1. "

At the moment of the explosion, Ye Yi stepped out of the dark matter latitude, looked at the scene in front of him, and asked the system: "System, you couldn't save her before, what about now?"

"Ding, host, you can find the time gem first, maybe you can save her."

Ye Yi whispered: "The time gem?"

The voice was firm, and then, Ye Yi opened the space casually, and landed on the earth...

Kama Taj, Gu Yi was reading a book when he suddenly looked up and saw Ye Yi suddenly appearing in front of him...

Gu Yi closed the book: "What's wrong? Ye Yi... No, your state is not right!"

Ye Yi remained silent, took out his tentacles from the space, and Gu Yi's expression became serious: "What's going on?"

Ye Yi's voice was a little hoarse: "Tony discovered a dark matter space, and then conducted an experiment, and the things in it ran out."

Gu Yi had a serious expression: "Is it something that looks like a ghost? Did you meet them? Wasn't it thrown into that latitude?"

Ye Yi looked at Gu Yi: "Except for me, they can't imitate my body, so I can't hurt them. But other people came out, and I was entangled by a guy named Cronus. When I was dying, she saved me."

Gu Yi looked at the little girl in the tentacles: "So, you brought her here to save her with the Eye of Agamotto?"

Ye Yi nodded, Gu Yi smiled wryly: "I can't use the Eye of Agamotto anymore, last time I needed your help to recover the wound, you should know."

Ye Yi stretched out his hand: "So, I want to try it myself."

Gu Yi looked at Ye Yi, sighed, and called Modu, asking him to bring the Eye of Agamotto...

Not long after, Modu came over with the Eye of Agamotto, and Ye Yi took the Eye of Agamotto...


"Ding, host, I see, magic knowledge is being imported."

An inexplicable breath appeared on Ye Yi, Ye Yi closed his eyes, but Agamotto opened his eyes, and a green magic circle appeared on Ye Yi's hands...

As the right hand turned to the left, Nayari underwent a miraculous change. The tentacles disappeared, her body gradually faded, and then condensed again. Gradually, she recovered and became the same as a healthy Nayari.

Looking at Ye Yi's careful operation, Gu Yi and Modu were all amazed at Ye Yi's amazing talent, but they didn't know that Ye Yi had already consumed 50000 mall points to exchange for knowledge about magic...

Ye Yi stopped what he was doing, opened his eyes, and the green magic circle in his hand disappeared. Nayali's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Ye Yi held his breath. Finally, Nayari opened her eyes...

She hugged Nayali tightly, and Nayali also hugged Ye Yi tightly, looking at each other speechlessly...

Returning the Eye of Agamotto to Gu Yi, Gu Yi pulled Ye Yi and said a few words, Ye Yi nodded, thanked, grabbed Nayari's hand, and disappeared instantly...

Earth, Stark Tower, everyone was waiting anxiously. Suddenly, Anna called out in surprise: "Ye Yi, Nayali, are you all right?"

Ye Yi smiled with difficulty: "It's okay, it's just Nayari..."

Anna held Nayali tightly: "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Nayali smiled sweetly: "It's okay, Ye Yi has cured me, I'm full of energy now."

As he said that, he broke away from Anna and turned around a few times...

Ye Yi finally laughed, the bandages on his body turned into flying ash, he shook a few times, and passed out...

"that is really good."

(End of this chapter)

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