The Old Philosopher of Ninja World

Chapter 348 Real Illusion!start!The red and blue showdown begins!

Chapter 348 Real Illusion!start!The red and blue showdown begins!
"Are you all ready?"

In an open space, Uchiha Madara said with his arms folded.

Beside Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama smiled at Uchiha Tetsu and Uzumaki Mito opposite, very kind.

"Mito and I are naturally ready, it depends on whether you and Hashirama are ready."

Uchiha Tetsu replied with a smile, although the enemy he is about to face is a powerful combination of Banka Hashirama, but...

Because the four of them were too familiar with each other, there was no such arrogance at all before the battle. They were all smiling and thinking about a fierce battle.


"Hashirama and I will fight you, do you still need to prepare?"

Uchiha Madara said proudly.

"Hey, the tone is not small, but I don't know how the two of you are doing in actual combat."

Uchiha Tetsu said.

"Now that you're all set, let's go!"

Saying that, Uchiha Madara held out one of his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Tetsu, Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama also put their hands on Uchiha Madara.

The powerful power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun is stirring in the world, and an illusory but real world is slowly taking shape.

To put it simply, the four of them worked together to create a large-scale illusion similar to Infinite Tsukuyomi. After all, the main world really couldn't stand the toss of several people. Only in the illusion world that would not be damaged could several people fight with confidence.

It's just that, compared to the separation of everyone's illusions in Infinite Moon Reading, this large illusion world can link everyone's spiritual world.

"Yin Yang escape! Real illusion!"

The four shouted at the same time, and a large white mist began to fill the entire sky.

All the young ninjas were amazed.

Among them, the one who can see something the most is Yori Uchiha, who has the highest attainment in illusion.

"The false is true when it is true, and the true is false when it is false."

"Illusions of this level are no longer simply illusory illusions, but create an illusion world that is extremely close to reality."

"Maybe the highest level of illusion is like this."

Kurama Hongyun and Kurama Baiyun stood in the red square team led by Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma, and they felt much more emotional about the things in front of them than ordinary people.

"It's very similar to our Kurama clan's phantom coming to reality, but we still use the ninja world as the main body, and they are almost creating a world by themselves."

An SS-level powerhouse like Kuruma Hongyun who specializes in illusion has such a sigh, let alone other SS-level powerhouses.

Among them, Maitecang and Maitelan were particularly excited.

"Dad, in this case, you can fight with all your strength again."

"Cang! Burn your youth to your heart's content!"

They are also the red group where Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama belong. Such a world that will not die seems to be specially prepared for ninjas like them who are sure to die after activating their big moves.

"An imaginary world?"

"This time, if I want to try to accumulate strength for a month, how powerful the earth spider family can burst out in an instant."

The Yakuza of the Earth Spider Clan thought, accumulating power for three days and three nights is already the peak power of an A-level ninja. I don't know if I can fight a good battle with the power accumulated for a month.

Many other strong ninjutsu who sacrificed their lives are also secretly delighted. They may never have the chance to use these moves in their entire lives.

In other words, even if you use it, you may not be able to find a strong enough opponent to test yourself.

But now, the ultra-high-density powerhouses are all gathered together, and at the top are the four directors of the Ninja Tribunal as synonymous with power.

They can definitely maximize their value!
"Everyone, let go of your resistance!"

"We will start using large-scale illusions immediately!"

Uchiha Madara shouted.

The time...has come!
Uchiha Tetsu also said loudly.

"After entering, everyone will be randomly teleported to every corner of the world."

"Which position is it, for the sake of fairness, even we ourselves don't know."

"This illusion will automatically match an S-rank or SS-rank ninja with multiple ninja school students based on your spiritual strength."

"The students assigned to the S-level or SS-level ninja are eliminated, and the S-level or SS-level ninja is eliminated."

"The rules must be clear to everyone, red and blue confrontation! The eliminated loses, and the survivor wins!"

"The world will be made smaller and smaller in order to ensure that all people can meet, and each person can see in his own spirit where he is now and where he is safe."

"Anyone who stays in an unsafe position for more than a day will be eliminated."


Uchiha Tetsu gave a final drink, and then everyone passed out at the same time.

After Uchiha Tetsu, Uchiha Madara, Uzumaki Mito and Senjujuma looked at each other, they nodded at each other and entered the world created by this illusion together.

There is no doubt that a huge battle is about to begin.

And which strong and which strong will collide has become the most anticipated point this time.


The world was spinning, and Uchiha Tetsu regained consciousness after being in a trance before his eyes, and there was a forest in front of him.

And the ninja school students he assigned are...

The future three generations of Raikage Ai.

"I'll go! Teacher Zhe!"

The third generation of Ai's temper was still hot after all, and he burst out with a foul language.

Among the dozens of S-rank and SS-rank ninjas, he was assigned as one of the strongest four, which is definitely a piece of shit luck.

"calm down."

"Keep your voice down, or we will be discovered by the enemy."

Uchiha Tetsu hissed.

Third Raikage hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He is indeed a kind of arrogant ninja, but it also depends on who the other party is.

If the opponent is a ninja with unfathomable strength like Uchiha Tetsu...

It must be possible to hug the thigh as soon as possible!
Is there any hesitation!

"Teacher Zhe, let's do something first."

Three generations of Ai asked.

Uchiha Tetsu twitched his chin and thought about it carefully.

"Well, since our two lives are linked together, let me improve your life-saving ability first."

Uchiha Tetsu said.

"How to improve?"

Third Ai asked curiously.

Uchiha Tetsu smiled mysteriously, a large amount of Yin escape chakra began to surge from his hands, layer after layer of Yin escape chakra began to attach to the body of the third generation of Ai.

An extremely thick layer of pitch-black armor gradually formed on the body of the third generation of Ai, like the armed domineering in One Piece, which was magnified many times and the unit strength was also stronger.

"This is the armor I made with Yin Dun. It should be able to withstand the full blows of most SS ninjas."

Uchiha Tetsu introduced.

Three generations of Ayton's eyes lit up immediately, he heard right.

Withstood the full blow of the SS ninja?
Resist the full blow of the SS ninja!
(End of this chapter)

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