The Old Philosopher of Ninja World

Chapter 347 Field combat training!prelude!

Chapter 347 Field combat training!prelude!
"Students, I have an announcement."

"Classes are closed today!"

In the Ninja Ninja School, Uchiha Tetsu said.

After he left the Judgment Office of the Ninja World through the technique of Flying Thunder God, he came to the Ninja Ninja School and gathered all the students together to announce this matter.

"Stop class."

"Why are classes suspended?"

The ninety young ninjas asked in confusion.

Uchiha Yeri, Uchiha Mirror and others all looked at Uchiha Tetsu, wondering what they were going to do.

"Starting today, we will conduct a week-long field survival training!"

Uchiha Tetsu announced.

All of a sudden, the whole class was excited. It had been a long time since they had fought with real swords and guns, and now they really wanted to have a good fight.

"What about the rules? What about the rules?"

Third Generation Ai was the most excited, he already wanted to jump up, and asked loudly.

"The rules are very simple, and basically revolve around two points."

"One point is that ninja school students participating in field survival training and S-class and SS-class ninjas should be divided into two groups."

"The members of one group are ninjas from the Four Great Nations outside the Land of Fire, and this group is led by me and you, Mr. Mito."

"The other group consists of ninjas from the Land of Fire and ninjas from non-five major countries. This group is led by you Mr. Madara and Mr. Hashirama."

"Wow!" The young ninjas couldn't help shouting. In this case, it will be worth seeing, and both sides are led by top fighters in the ninja world.

Wouldn't this fight turn the ninja world upside down?
Uchiha Yori noticed something keenly and asked aloud.

"Teacher Zhe, do you mean that we ninja school students will compete with S-rank and SS-rank ninjas?"

"But how can we beat them?"

Uchiha Tetsu nodded and replied.

"Your question is very good, Yeli. This is the second rule I'm going to talk about next."

"In addition to the two large groups, each group will be divided into many groups, and each group will be randomly formed by drawing lots from an S-level and SS-level ninja and two students from the ninja school."

"All groups, at the beginning of the field survival training, will be thrown into a huge world and fight in groups."

"S-level and SS-level ninjas will share the same fate as the students in the team. This is our rule."

Uchiha mirror showed a knowing smile. It sounds like this field survival training will be very interesting.

And which S-rank or SS-rank ninja would I team up with?

This is a very good practical learning opportunity.

"Mirror, did you hear that? We will team up with S-rank and SS-rank ninjas!"

"How many S-rank and SS-rank ninjas are there?"

"It's exciting just thinking about it."

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt a flame burning in his chest, he was really, really looking forward to it!


"S-rank ninja, it's best to come to someone who can hold me down."

"Otherwise I won't appreciate it."

Koto said stinkingly.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest."

"Goodness is goodness."

Monk Fenfu clasped his hands together and said.

Inside the body, a guarding crane couldn't hold back anymore.

"Monk, shouldn't monks be compassionate?"

Monk Fenfu nodded.

"Shouhe benefactor, you are right."

"But in the face of the historical laws of the ninja world, we must learn to follow the times."

Watching the crane with one tail:
In Shouhe's view, Monk Fenfu has already learned from Uchiha Tetsu's ideological courses to the point of becoming a demon.

"Give me enough spiritual power and chakra, and I can move the entire earth."

Kurama Baiyun thought, he naturally hoped that he could be matched with a powerful ninja.

The stronger the better.

"Do you really want to learn from S-level and SS-level bosses?"

"I must learn all the advantages of the S-rank and SS-rank ninjas I teamed up with, so that I can revive the country of rain."

Sansho Hanzo thought.

Tetsu Uchiha looked at all the classmates who were in high spirits and laughed too.

"Okay, let's get ready now."

"Remember we're meeting at the playground tonight!"

Uchiha Tetsu announced loudly.

"it is good!"

The ninety young ninjas couldn't wait to leave the classroom and rush back to their dormitory to pack their various things.

Uchiha Tetsu smiled, he understood that these young men who were full of vigor couldn't help but want to show their talents.

But now, he still has a few places to go.

In the land of ghosts, the witch Violet is sitting quietly to cultivate her body and mind.

When the sprites are sealed, the Miko's biggest task is to ensure that the seal is strong.

And this matter is very simple, so the maiden's affairs are actually very few and very free.

Suddenly, Violet keenly sensed that sometimes space fluctuations appeared around her.


Violet opened her eyes and asked warily.

If someone wants to lift the seal of the monster, then she will never allow it.

Violet is still very confident in her own strength, and few people in the ninja world can compete with her.

"it's me."

The space-time fluctuations slowly disappeared, and Uchiha Tetsu's figure emerged from it, smiling and greeting Miko Violet.

"It was you."

"Is there anything going on this time?"

Only then did Violet feel relieved, and said to Uchiha Tetsu easily.

She is clear about Uchiha Tetsu's strength, defeating her is not a problem at all, if there is malice, there is nothing she can do.

However, Violet, who has had contact with Uchiha Tetsu before, knows Uchiha Tetsu's character very well, and he is still a pretty good person.

"We're planning a massive contest between the top ninjas."

"And in this contest, Mito and I are on a team, and the other two powerful ninjas are on a team."

"I want to invite you to join our group. I don't know if I have the honor."

Uchiha Tetsu sat beside Violet and said.

"That's it."

Violet nodded, she understood.

Violet stared at Uchiha Tetsu for a while, and then suddenly showed a bright smile.

"my pleasure."

Violet stood up and looked at Tetsu Uchiha.

"When to set off?"

asked Violet.

"If you can, you can go now."

Uchiha Tetsu said.

"You and Mito should be able to support me, so I won't bring anything."

"lets go!"

Violet said heartily.

Uchiha Tetsu smiled helplessly.

"Strictly speaking, this is a field survival training, and you have to find the food yourself."

"But since you said so, we will find you as soon as possible."

After speaking, Uchiha Tetsu placed his hand on Violet's shoulder.

"get ready"

"It's time to use the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Uchiha Tetsu said, if he invites Violet from his side, and Mito invites Winter Star, basically everyone will be there.

"it is good!"

Violet said.


"set off!"

Uchiha Tetsu said loudly, with bright lights shining in his eyes, and he was also looking forward to the upcoming field training.

"Madara, Hashirama."

"this time."

"We will definitely win!"

(End of this chapter)

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