Pokemon Poor

Chapter 71 The road ahead

Chapter 71 The road ahead
At night, the walking plants are basically moving around the periphery of the forest, so the elves that Tianci can meet are almost walking plants.

Of course, Bobo's sharp gaze is not for nothing. Although it is disturbed by the night, if the yellow unicorn is not well hidden, it can still be found.

Green caterpillars are more difficult. Most of the forest is green, and green caterpillars themselves know that they are the weakest, so they usually hide in natural protective colors to rest at night.

Coupled with the protection of the night, Tian Ci seldom found green caterpillars during night hunting, so he escaped a catastrophe.

"Bobo, use your claws to deal with it!" Tian Ci saw that there was only one walking grass still panting, so he immediately asked Bobo to catch the target and practice.

"Boom!" Bobo stretched out his claws and began to grab the walking grass fiercely.

"Duo! ~Woo~Woo" the walking grass just yelled, but the trumpet bud tied its mouth with vines, and the only sound could be a painful whimper.

"Bobo! Boo~" Bobo became more and more excited as he practiced. This kind of claw-to-flesh feeling is not comparable to grasping a tree trunk.

"It's cruel! But natural selection, don't worry, it will be soon." Tian Ci looked at the body with claw marks all over the walking grass, inexplicably looked like Zhou Zhiruo in the previous life in Yitian Tulongji, who went crazy and practiced Jiuyin White Bone Claw.

"Boom!" Bobo cried out excitedly at the end, he inserted his claws fiercely into the body of the walking grass, and then pulled them out violently.

"Pfft!" Blood spattered, and the walking plant was finally freed.

"Bobo, come here and let me see your claws and mouth." In today's battle, Tian Ci left a prey for Bobo to use as a target.

At noon, he also applied wound medicine and bone strengthening powder to Bobo, and it was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that the medicine was removed, and he was allowed to continue to fight with his claws and sharp beak.

"Boom~" Bobo flew to Tian Ci and showed him the results of today's training.

The originally white paws were stained with blood. Tian Ci first pulled out a few weeds and wiped them, then opened the protective cover of the helmet and observed.

"Well, it seems to be a little darker and sharper." He touched the sharp claw with his finger as usual, and there was a little tingling sensation from his finger, which was stronger than yesterday's.

Without scientific measuring tools, Tian Ci could only use this stupid method. Of course, after returning home, he could take a closer look under the bright light.

The tree at the back door can also be used as a measuring tool, just look at the depth of the scratches.

"Okay, let's continue. We are finally looking for one or two, so let's go back." After touching Bobo's body and looking at the electronic watch on his wrist, it was almost time again.

"Boom~" Bobo rubbed his head against Tian Ci's hand affectionately, then flew around and began to investigate.

"Moo Moo" At this time, Trumpet Ya had already carried the corpses of the three walking grasses to Tian Ci.

"Okay, trumpet bud, you help me be vigilant, and I will clean up right away."

"Moo('ω')" Horn Ya nodded, and stood beside Tian Ci, his big eyes began to move around.

It understands that its role at night is not as good as Bobo, so for Tian Ci's safety, it basically stands by his side whether it is fighting or guarding.

Soon, Bobo found two more walking plants bathing in the moonlight.

"Let's go, quick fix, Hornbud"

"moo moo(_)"

Fighting at night is usually to deal with walking grass, so the trumpet bud is to assist in controlling the enemy, and Bobo is the main attacker, using the flying move to create a lot of damage.

"Huh~huhu" the wind swept the bundled walking grass, and these two were quickly killed by Bobo's sharp beak.

"Let's go, go back." Quickly harvested the loot, and the three of them set foot on the way back to the town.

"Seven walking grasses and two unicorns are fine, after all, the real fighting time is less than two hours."

Thinking about the harvest tonight, Tian Ci also nodded contentedly.

Back in the town, he still chatted with the guard guarding the gate for a while before he went to the grocery store to dispose of the materials.

The guard team is a personal relationship he has developed with great difficulty. Since others are willing to exchange greetings with you, he will definitely accompany you.

"Tonight's income is 7500, which is not bad, and it should be similar in the future!"

He took out the 1700 during the day, added another 800 to make up 1 and deposited the money in the card.

"Hey, there are 14 in the card, and I have a little over 6000, which is enough." Looking at the number displayed on the self-service deposit machine, he smirked, feeling quite satisfied, everything is getting better !
"It seems that it is not difficult to make money. The low-grade Ye Zhishi only costs 20. If I want an ordinary high-level Dashihua, it seems to be enough. I can live well in the town."

Thinking of this, Tian Ci immediately patted his head and threw out this decadent thought.

Yes, if he wants to live in this small town all his life like the guards who guarded the gate before, that's almost enough.

When the Trumpet Bud evolves into a Dumb Flower, if you don’t buy the Energy-rich Leaf Crystal, you will save money.

Then at the normal level, I saved almost 40 to buy middle-grade Ye Zhishi. Even if it is triggered with a small probability and the aptitude is improved, it is nothing more than a good middle-level aptitude, and the most strength is through evolution. After being promoted to the ordinary high level, the highest achievement in his life is the small captain of the guard team.

But after that, no matter how to bridge the big chasm at the elite level, it is no longer possible to evolve, unless there is a precious grass-genius treasure for him to encounter, such as the miracle seed, it is possible for the big-eating flower to advance.

But how can such a genius treasure be touched by a small ordinary trainer!
Therefore, in order to break through the elite and go even higher, for the speaker buds with only good inferior qualifications,
Only by using leaf crystals to improve aptitude for a short period of time during the first evolution, and then when the strength is raised to a normal high level, can there be a chance to evolve with top-grade leaf stones.

This path is also suitable for Bobo with good low-level qualifications. The difference is that Bobo does not need evolution stones to evolve, but in order to improve his qualifications, he also needs to spend a lot of money to buy flying-type energy crystals.

Different from the leaf crystal, the flying energy crystal is a scientific creation, because there is no such evolutionary stone as flying stone in the wild.

However, in order to provide a large amount of energy for the evolution of flying-type elves, some people artificially created flying-type energy crystals based on various energy crystals that exist in nature, as well as general-type energy crystals and other evolutionary resources that do not exist in nature.

Tian Ci himself doesn't know how he made it. It seems that he heard it said on popular science TV that it is infused with the corresponding energy by a powerful elf.

In terms of price, it is exactly the same as the crystals that exist in nature, and no matter what attributes are on the market now, there seem to be fewer and fewer crystals in nature, and they are all man-made attribute crystals.

Even if someone finds an attribute crystal in the wild, there is a high probability that it will be placed there, and then covered up to hide it. If it turns into an evolution stone, it will make a lot of money.

Because the current technology cannot produce evolutionary stones, evolutionary stones are still valuable, and the higher the quality of evolutionary stones, the higher the value.

 Thank you for the silent and intimate reward from the book friends yesterday.

  Then I looked at yesterday's comment area, it seems that the main thing is to talk about qualifications, I hope to read on, the qualifications are mentioned later, there are ways to improve.

  Finally, ask for tickets and collections every day, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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