Pokemon Poor

Chapter 70 The first person

Chapter 70 No.1

"Bobo, wind up, suppress it, Trumpet bud, the paralyzing powder in your hand, control it first." He judged the situation and quickly issued an order.

"Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" The strong wind instantly made it difficult for the little Lada to move. It wanted to flash with lightning, but found that the strong wind made it difficult to see its direction.

At the same time, Trumpet Bud has put down the immobile male Lada.

Seeing the opportunity, the horn bud of "Moo Moo" immediately waved the whip of thorns, and hit it in the direction of the wind.

"Crack! Crack!" Little Lada was surrounded by the wind, and he couldn't hear the sound of the cane whip breaking through the air at all, so he received two whips firmly.

"Puff~Puff!" The female little Lada looked weakly at her partner not far away, feeling that today would be impossible to escape, but being able to die together was considered the last happiness.

"Pu La Da! Pu La~ Pu La Da!" Looking at his wife covered in bruises, this little male Lada regretted it. He shouldn't have provoked this human being.

Although the body can't move, the male Ladda who can still make a sound with his mouth, began to whine and beg for mercy towards Tian Ji!
"Heh, if begging for mercy is useful, then why are there so many humans who were attacked and died in this forest!

The villages and towns that are destroyed by the tide of elves every year, are they begging for mercy when they break the city? !ah!
No!None of you are spared!After breaking the city, you directly slaughtered all ordinary people! "

Although he didn't quite understand it, Tian Ci probably guessed it when he saw the expression of the male little Lada.

He thought of his parents, family, and friends who had been destroyed in the tide of elves. He lost control of his emotions and yelled at the immobile little Lada.

"Trumpet buds, Bobo, end them! Don't blame me, blame the real world!"

The anger in his heart was still burning, and the smiles of his parents when he was young, and the scenes of playing games kept reappearing in his mind.

You must know that he was an orphan in his previous life since he could remember, how happy he is when he knows that he has a family in this life!
The few years he spent with his family in this world are the happiest memories in his two lifetimes.

"Moomoo! (◣д◢)"

"Bobo! (◣д◢)" The anger and sadness from the contract affected the emotions of Bobo and Horn Ya.

"Crack! Crack!" Trumpet bud brandished the whip of thorns and whipped the male little Lada non-stop.

"Boom!" Bobo used a flash of lightning to slam the female little Lada into the air, and at the same time pecked the little Lada's eyes with his sharp beak.

"Pfft!" Red blood dripped from the bird's beak, and Bobo grabbed the corpse with his claws and placed it in front of Tian Ci.

At the same time, Horn Ya carried the bloody male Lada and placed it in front of Tian Ci.

"Bo~" "Moo~" The two little ones could only feel the pain in Tian Ci's heart, and they didn't know how to comfort them, so they could only go on as usual.

Bobo landed on his shoulder, and rubbed his head against Tian Ci's cheek, while Horn Ya hugged Tian Ci's thigh, acting coquettishly as always.

"Thank you, Bobo, Trumpet Bud! You are my family now!" Tian Ci wiped his eyes and patted the heads of the two little ones.

Quickly calming down, Tian Ci divided the two little Ladas and the remaining green caterpillar.

"Trumpet Bud, Bobo, let's continue!" He greeted, and the trio started the next round of hunting.

An afternoon passed quickly, and during the day, whether it was a green caterpillar, a unicorn, or a little Lada, they all fell into Tian Ci's hands one by one.

I have to say that Tian Ci, who has experienced the era of information explosion in his previous life, really has ideas in terms of tactics and moves.

Ordinary newcomers and civilians may come up with some cooperation in a flash, but more people are dead-set moves, and they do what they should.

But Tian Ci is different. Although he was also a low-level person in his previous life, basic Internet access and a mobile phone are standard equipment. All kinds of information have greatly expanded his thinking.

That's why he can often jump out of the inherent thinking of moves, to combine and innovate!Maybe this can be regarded as one of his golden fingers.

Trumpet Bud is responsible for producing a large amount of powder, and Bobo is a natural wind control player. The powder-sprinkling tactics of the two make them basically invincible when hunting outside.

On the way back, Tian Ci patted his bulging backpack, feeling very satisfied.

"A total of 18 green caterpillars, 12 unicorns and 8 small Ladas were hunted today!"



Counting and counting, Tian Ci was startled, and the total was 3.

"I guess it's 2 to 3 times the training of other newcomers." Touching his nose, Tian Ci was a little happy.

He also doesn't have other newcomer trainer friends, so he can only rely on his own rough guesses. Generally speaking, civilians first train the elf they have in hand, and only consider the second elf after they reach the normal level.

If he hadn't had the adventure of the wave of flying elves haunting the periphery, he had originally planned to do so.

"If an elf fights alone, 13 to 14 bugs a day should be about the same.

For little Lada, unless the initial elf is a flying type, otherwise he would not dare to provoke it!

Then consider the green caterpillars, the price of selling materials for 14 worms is almost [-]. "

"I have Bobo at night, and I can go hunting and walking grass, so I am not four times as much as other people in a day, hahaha." Thinking of this, he touched his smart head.

Along the way, the whip of thorns, bird hunting tactics, selling news, dusting tactics, and the claws and pecks that Bobo is still training!Isn't it all the trainer's idea?

Back in the town, he quickly sold out all the materials he had on his body, but he shocked the owner of the grocery store, Grandpa Arai.

From Grandpa Arai, he knew that the other civilian trainers were probably worth less than 1, and those with weak strength were about the same as his first time, with 2 to 3 thousand harvests.

"No wonder, this old man is willing to talk to me a few more words, it seems that I am already No.1 in the rookie stage in the common people,
But it is still necessary to become a normal level as soon as possible, the normal level is the trainer who is truly recognized by the public!Only then can I truly leave an impression on the old man’s mind, maybe the master of the gymnasium will accept me as a disciple when the wind blows in his ears, hahaha”

Tian Ci had a self-Ah Q in his heart. He also knew that apprentices looked down on him. You must know that the members of the various families in the town were just ordinary students at the gymnasium level.

However, it can leave an impression. If there is something good in the gym or the town, you can know it immediately.

Soon, as night fell, Tian Ci took the rest of the two cubs out of the city gate and walked towards the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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