Pokemon Poor

Chapter 54 Persuasion

Chapter 54 Persuasion
"Also, I don't think it's just supersonic bats," Tian Ci quickly added when he saw that Captain Sam had agreed to his request.

"Oh? Why is that?" Captain Sam was interested

"Actually, it was because I was on the outskirts yesterday. I also encountered an Arbor snake. Fortunately, I brought repellent spray, and that Arbor snake has just been promoted, so I pay more attention to its own situation.
You also know that Arbor snakes like to prey on bird elves, I have observed that when it opened its mouth, I saw red feathers." Tian Ci smiled wryly and adapted the incident of encountering Arbor snakes yesterday.

"Oh! You boy, I don't know whether to say that you are lucky or not. I didn't expect that you caught a small Lada with ordinary high-quality qualifications last time on the periphery.

This time, I even encountered an ordinary-level Arbo snake on the periphery, and I also encountered a supersonic bat at night." Captain Sam looked at Tian Ci with a little surprise, and began to value Tian Ci more deeply in his heart.

After all, with this kind of luck, and he can still come back alive, it means that this kid should have some tricks.

"Amount (︶︿︶) = convex

!Uncle Sam, I don’t want to either, I originally only planned to honestly hunt bugs outside to save money.” Tian Ci said helplessly that he didn’t want to either.

"Hearing what you said, I feel that it should have something to do with the cleaning activity not long ago, and the town was cleaned up to the depths of the inner circle.

It may be because of the big cleanup. Although the insects in the inner circle are multiplying quickly, they obviously cannot satisfy the food supply of so many elves.
So some elves turned their attention to the periphery. After all, although the strength of the periphery is low, the qualifications are poor.

But when there is not enough to eat, it can provide energy no matter what. "Captain Sam touched his chin and expressed his opinion.

"Hmm! It should be like this, as expected of Uncle Sam." Tian Ci who was next to him couldn't help nodding, and he also felt that it was almost the same after listening.

"Crack! Alright, then I'll call the members of Team 2 and Team 3 to capture it together. Boy, do you want to come?" Captain Sam slammed the table down, turned to Tian Ci and asked.

"Uh, Uncle Sam, I won't hold back, as long as you remember to leave one for me." Tian Ci immediately shook his head and politely refused.

Just kidding, the weakest members of the guards are the ordinary level, and the danger they encounter must be much greater than what he encountered!

Moreover, Tian Ci was not familiar with them, so he couldn't guarantee whether these team members would come to rescue him if he was in danger.

And with just his trumpet bud, how could he snatch the members of the guards!

It's better to stay at home these few days, anyway, Uncle Sam has promised to keep one for him, it's not good to lie down and make money.

"Okay, then you go home first, and I will notify you if I catch it." After speaking, Captain Sam took out his mobile phone and began to contact his team members.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Sam, goodbye Uncle Sam." Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Tian Ci left the room and walked towards his home.

After returning home, Tian Ci sorted out his current situation in his room after arranging the horn buds.

"The fowling gun is probably going to eat ashes. There are still 28 rounds of bullets. It's hard to sell this kind of second-hand. Let's put it away first. Maybe it can be used in the inner circle of the forest."

As he said that, Tianji locked the fowling gun and the remaining bullets in the cabinet next to him.

"I still have 4 blank poke balls. I need to carry these with me, in case I encounter some rare pokemon again." Tian Ci put the poke balls back into his backpack while daydreaming.

"The biggest spoils these days, a sparrow, two supersonic bats, hehehe!

Although I don’t know the aptitude, but even if calculated according to the minimum aptitude, the average sparrow is 70000, and the supersonic bat is 20000, which is worth 11!

It's a pity that it's only 8% off when it's recycled to the Elf House, and they will definitely have to sell one of them. After all, someone else has verified your qualifications for you, and you don't sell one, so I'm afraid you will be blacklisted. "Thinking of the 8% off price in his heart, Tian Ci sighed, feeling that he had lost a lot of money.

But he also understands that the only way to identify qualifications is to go to the Elf House.

After all, what Uncle Sam told him today was just discovered, so these three must not be shown to him.

As for Ninghui, to be honest, she has only seen two sides of her, and there is a small family behind her, so Tian Ci is not completely convinced.

As for the two happy times, one was that he did it on purpose, and he guessed that Ninghui might also think he was worth investing in.

"In addition to the one that Uncle Sam promised, it's a lot of money, hahaha (ω) hiahiahia" couldn't control his own field times, and laughed.

"Moomoo? Moomoomoo?" Trumpet bud, who was training powder skills outside, said why his trainer fell ill again.

Tian Ci, who had recovered, began to count the cash on his body again, "One, two, three..."

"I really can't help but spend money, only 3500 yuan, ╯﹏╰
But when there is a second elf, he will definitely earn more. Putting the money back into the dilapidated backpack, Tian Ci began to count the rest of the supplies.

"Warning bell, repellent spray, and wound medicine are all necessary, and the travel tent can also be placed first. I feel that I bought it early, and it's all because I was too excited at that time." Tian Ci made changes for the next plan while tidying up. .

"Bobo~", "Pulada~", "Woo~" Accompanied by the cries of various elves, Tian Ci and Trumpet Ya woke up from their sleep.

They don't plan to go out today, since they told Captain Sam the news last night.

It is estimated that these two days are surrounded by people from the town guard, and those are ordinary masters.

You must know that the guards in the town cannot be entered by just an ordinary trainer.

The normal-level trainers recognized by the alliance are elves with at least two normal-level low-level strengths.

The standard for guard members is to have 6 elves, at least 4 of which must be of ordinary strength, and they must go through elimination battles to become a member of the alliance's guard team.

You must know that the establishment of this world is much more fragrant than those civil servants in his previous life.Of course there is more competition.

As for the stronger pioneering team, Tian Ci has only heard that at least three elves with mid-level ordinary strength are eligible to participate in the selection.

Now a group of master trainers at the ordinary level are raging outside, why is he a rookie trainer to join in the fun.

Tian Ci estimated that within two days at most, the flying elves that appeared outside would be captured.

"I don't know if those three rookie trainers have caught the flying elves, sorry."

Thinking of this, Tian Ci couldn't help mourning for the three newcomer trainers. Unless there was something to gain last night, he would probably hang up.

So he won't go out these two days, and plans to train Trumpet Ya's powder skills at home, trying to learn the poison powder.

After that, it was waiting for Uncle Sam to inform him to get paid.

The last thing is to go to the elf's house to test the qualifications, and then decide to take in his second elf.

 Here is an explanation of why we have to take the initiative to disclose the news to Captain Sam, because it was said earlier that two or three newcomer trainers have discovered this situation, and the further the news goes, the more people will definitely know about it.And did you find out that the protagonist, Nabobo and the sparrow, basically have nothing to do, so if he doesn't tell, he will take a huge risk to catch two supersonic bats at night within a day or two at most.It might as well sell this news to Captain Sam, not only gaining the favor of the guards, but also getting better benefits.After all, according to Captain Sam's behavior, his salary will not be low.

(End of this chapter)

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