Pokemon Poor

Chapter 53 Visit

Chapter 53 Visit
"呲~呲~" The supersonic bat, who was forced to inhale a large amount of hypnotic powder, obviously quieted down.

"Horn bud, use the absorption quickly, until you lose your combat power." Tian Ci glanced at the sleeping super-sonic bat, and in order not to waste the poke ball, he crippled it before throwing it away.

"Moo Moo (●—●)" Horn Bud nodded, and began to absorb blood packs.

"Hiss~ hiss~" Tian Ci sprayed the repellent spray on the surrounding area again. After all, it has been a while, what if there is another uninvited guest.

The supersonic bat that was soon disabled was thrown in front of Tian Ci by the horn bud.

This time it took two poke balls to subdue this supersonic bat.

"It's almost 8 o'clock now, Trumpet bud, let's go back!" Tian Ci looked at the electronic watch in his hand and decided to go back. After all, it was too late and if someone fell asleep, it would be difficult to come to visit.

"Moo Moo? Moo" Although he didn't understand why he went back immediately, the obedient Trumpet bud still nodded and began to lead the way.

After using repellent spray regardless of the cost, Tian Ci and Trumpet Ya walked out of the forest without incident.

After all, they are all on the outskirts of the forest, so the repelling spray is still very useful. I heard that in the inner circle or even deeper, some powerful elves will resist the repelling spray to sneak attack the trainer.

After arriving at the gate of the city, several guards looked at Tian Ci in surprise.

"Boy, you came back so early again, it seems that you really cherish your life!"

"It's only been less than two hours, so you can't just hunt a few green caterpillars or walk on grass."

"The few newcomers who set off in front of you haven't come back yet!"

Several guards chattered with Tianji.

"Yes, yes. Brothers, I am relatively timid, and I made a major discovery outside tonight, so I want to come back and tell Uncle Sam, is he there?" Tian Ci responded with a wry smile

"Is there any important discovery? Tell us about it." A thin man rolled his eyes and asked

"Brother, I'm sorry, this is what Uncle Sam told me, and of course it will benefit everyone in the guard team." Tian Ci replied embarrassedly.

"Santa, since it's the captain's business, what are you asking about, Tianji boy, the captain should be in the tutelary mansion now, go find it." The middle-aged guard on the side patted the thin man's shoulder, and pointed at him. Tianji said.

"Okay, okay, thank you all, then I'll go find Uncle Sam now." After finishing speaking, Tian Ci thanked the guards and quickly walked towards the town guard's mansion in the center of the town.

"I didn't expect Uncle Sam to be promoted, and he's now the captain! You don't have to guard the city gate, and you can get your salary sitting in the town guard's mansion!

But he is now an elite class, and this promotion is also normal! "Tian Ci couldn't help feeling envious as he walked quickly.

The tutelary mansion is a building that can only be found in cities or large towns with gym-level trainers.

Among them, the gymnasium-level trainer is the highest status, that is, the guard, followed by the mayor or mayor.

After all, some nostalgic gym-level trainers would be willing to return to their small towns to protect their hometowns.

Such a small town with gym-level trainers will quickly develop and become a big town that is not inferior to ordinary cities.

After the mayor is the minister of each branch of the alliance, and various departments will be set up according to the actual situation.

As far as he knows, Qingmu Town has four major departments: the Logistics Department, the Military Affairs Department, the Agricultural Affairs Department, and the Civil Affairs Department.

Among them, the guard team that Uncle Sam is in is a subordinate unit of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and Uncle Sam is the team leader of the first team.

Of course, after becoming an elite trainer, Uncle Sam has become the captain of the four guard teams.

The status is only under the Minister of Military Affairs, and the power in his hands is only inferior to the minister who controls the 6 pioneering teams.

He quickly reached the gate of the town guard mansion, but was stopped by the guards at the gate.

"Guarding the important area of ​​the mansion, idlers are not allowed to enter without permission!" One of the guards with an indifferent face stretched out his hand to stop Tian Ci who came forward.

"Um, big brother, I'm a trainer registered in the alliance. My name is Tianji Aoki. I need to contact Team Sam for something important! Please let me know." While talking, Tianci took out his ID card, and did not He gave 500 alliance coins to the two guards in a sensual way.

"Cough! Since I'm a registered trainer of the alliance, I'll go in and report." Squeezing the banknote in his hand, the guard walked inside as soon as he looked straight.

Soon he came to the guard office and knocked on the door

"Come in!" came a low voice from inside the door.

"Team Sam, there is a rookie trainer named Tanagi Aoki outside the guard's mansion who wants to see you for something!" The guard who came in lowered his head and said softly.

"Oh? This boy Tian Ci is looking for me, let him in!" Sam who was sitting at the desk was a little surprised
"Yes" the guard immediately exited the room and came outside.

"Go in," the guard said to Tian Ci.

"Okay, okay! Thank you two big brothers."

He stepped into the town guard's mansion, followed the signs to find the office of the guard team, and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

"come in"

"Uncle Sam, I haven't congratulated you on your promotion yet, congratulations! I knew you would be promoted step by step." Tian Ci immediately congratulated him as soon as he entered.

"You don't need to flatter me, boy, just tell me, if you need anything to ask me." Hearing Tian Ci's compliment, a smile appeared on the face of the big man sitting on the leather chair.

"Ahem, what are you flattering? I'm speaking the truth from the bottom of my heart!" Tian Ci smiled awkwardly and started talking about the business.

"Well, Uncle Sam, you know I'm just an orphan with no one to help me,
So thinking about hunting a few bugs or walking on grass at the outermost edge at night, it can be regarded as subsidizing the family." Tian Ci wiped his eyes as he said

"Ai╯﹏╰You are a poor baby too!" The kind-hearted Captain Sam sighed as he looked at Tian Ci whose voice was lowered.

"Sorry, I lost my composure Uncle Sam, and then I saw two supersonic bats on the outermost edge!

You also know that this kind of flying elves generally don't appear in the periphery, and I continued to investigate, and found a few traces of supersonic bats hunting for food! "Tian Ci deliberately increased the volume, expressing his shock.

"Oh? Then why did you come to tell me instead of catching it yourself?" Sam, as an elite trainer promoted from a commoner, although he has a kind heart, he is not really a fool.

"Hey, Uncle Sam, you also know that I am an orphan, and my economic strength does not allow me to buy advanced capture equipment, and my trumpet buds can't fly, so there is basically nothing I can do about these flying elves.

Of course, I am also a little cautious. As an elite class, you must be able to deal with these new-level flying elves with ease.

I just hope that when you lead the guards to capture, if you have any surplus to sell, can you give me priority?" Tian Ci smiled awkwardly, expressing his thoughts on purpose.

"Hahaha, you boy, it's not bad. Don't worry, if there is one, I'll leave one for you for free." After listening to Captain Sam, he laughed, this is the money delivered to the door.

You must know that the difficulty of capturing flying elves is relatively high among common elves.

If there were dozens of them outside the forest, no matter how they were captured, they would be a fortune that even elites could not ignore.

 515 double monthly ticket activity, can new authors ask for a wave of monthly tickets, thank you readers!

  Then I would also like to thank readers Fu Ruo Nian Hua and Kai Ru Xia for their support and rewards yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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