Pokemon Poor

Chapter 418 Pikachu

Chapter 418 Pikachu

Of course, it is impossible for Pikachu to surrender directly.

"Pickup~Pickup~" I will flash the lightning, and the electric attribute moves are very powerful when they burst out at full strength. If I specialize in one person, I may be able to open a gap and run out with the flash of lightning!

Thinking of this, Pikachu's eyes suddenly became firm, and he immediately turned his attention to Ning Hui, who seemed to be the weakest.

"Pickup!" It suddenly yelled, its whole body was wrapped in electric light, and then a thick electric current shot at Ninghui.

And after sending out this attack, it also immediately lay on all fours, and rushed out with a "shua" sound!

However, although this Pikachu thought well, Ninghui was a warrior-level transcendent no matter how bad it was, and "Yinyue Lianxingjue" was not some rubbish.

So even though the little maid had little combat experience, she still sent out a beam of energy in time to shoot at Dian Guang with her right hand.

As soon as the two came into contact, there was a "bang" explosion, and the green light wave from Ninghui still remained undiminished, and with a "puff", it pierced through a big tree behind.

As for Pikachu, it was naturally impossible to be injured by the straight energy wave after using the lightning flash, but it suddenly stagnated in the air as it was about to escape.

"Pi! Pika!" Pikachu's face changed greatly after the accident, and his tail stood upright.

As a new-level Pikachu who only lives in the dense forest, it has never seen a super-type move.

And Tian Ci, because it is cute, or because it is called Pikachu, will not keep it.

The blue light in his eyes under the mask flashed, and the mind power that was originally restraining Pikachu turned into small fists in an instant, hitting Pikachu's weak body with "bang bang bang".

"Pi! Pika!" Pikachu, who was ravaged by countless fists, felt pain all over his body. Even though his body was controlled, the intense pain still made him let out a weak scream.

Then in less than 3 seconds, its eyes swirled, and it immediately lost its ability to fight.

Generally speaking, at this point, the ball can be thrown, but Tian Ci thought about this garbage hunting ball, and decided to torture it again.

I saw that he condensed the thought power that had been scattered into small fists into a ball with a "shua", and then compressed it again, turning into an invisible and careful needle.

"go with!"

The needle immediately pierced the unconscious Pikachu's mind.

And Pikachu in the air was hit by this blow, even if he lost consciousness, his whole body twitched, and white foam came out of his mouth.

Its spirit was directly hit hard.

"Almost~" Seeing this scene, Tian Ci nodded and threw a hunting ball from his backpack.

It hit Pikachu with a "bang", turning it into a red light and receiving it in.

The hunting ball that fell on the ground shook with a "sand", and soon "clicked" and locked, indicating that it was successfully captured.

"It seems that the guess is correct. Although the power of restraint and contract in the hunting ball has weakened, as long as the elf's spirit is also weakened, the success rate of the hunting ball is still quite high."

Picking up the hunting ball with Pikachu in it, he muttered something to himself.

Of course, this speed still needs to be grasped. The first time I tried it just now, I almost turned this Pikachu into an idiot.

Fortunately, he withdrew some of his strength in the end, otherwise he would be foaming at the mouth and incontinent, and he would be 100% a fool.

At that time, no matter how good-looking Pikachu is, no one will be willing to buy it.

After all, it is too troublesome to take care of a fool.

"Brother Tian Ci, Brother Tian Ci, quickly release it, let us see!"

Seeing that Tian Ci had successfully subdued Xiaoling, she immediately urged.

"Okay!" To this, he agreed, and opened the poke ball. With a "swish", a red light flashed, and Pikachu, foaming at the mouth, reappeared on the grass.

"It's so pitiful~" Seeing this scene, Ning Hui couldn't help sighing in her heart, and then she and Xiao Ling started to fight, and at the same time, they helped Pikachu with the medicine.

Soon with the help of special wound medicine, Pikachu's physical injuries almost recovered, but the mental trauma did not heal so easily, and he was still in a coma at this time.

"Master, this Pikachu won't become a fool!"

Looking at Pikachu who was still asleep, Ning Hui couldn't help but said worriedly.

In this regard, Tian Ci gave the little maid a "bang" sound.

"What are you thinking, your master, I am also a warrior-level superpower, how can I not have this bit of control?
I stopped before its sea consciousness dissipated. This Pikachu will sleep for two days at most, and then it will recover naturally. "

"Oh!" The little maid nodded quickly, covering her head.

"Let's go, continue to see if there are any other treasured elves."

After a small episode, the three of them continued on the road.

There are 50 and 1.7 hunting balls, and the average hunting ball is about 3. Even if Tian Ci can use mental power to severely damage the consciousness of wild elves, accidents always happen. It is not realistic to catch an elf with a hunting ball , so the value of a wild elf must be at least [-] or more to be worth selling.

Otherwise, how could they do something at a loss!
This Pikachu, the strength and aptitude of the freshman high-end have just been tested. It is an ordinary high-level aptitude, and it has training value, plus the bonus of appearance, at least it can be sold for a small [-], which is a small profit!

In this way, the three of them stopped and went, and when they saw a valuable wild elf, they shot at each other severely and subdued them with hunting balls. In this way, it took a long time.

The little Kirby, who had been dumped for several blocks, slowly caught up.

At this time, the three of them had just left the dense forest and were resting and eating in a stone cave.

Because along the way, Tian Ci used his mental power many times, and he had to be careful not to really beat those valuable elves into fools, so the consumption was quite large, and naturally he didn't use his mental power to detect his surroundings all the time. .

Furthermore, this is a simulated environment where normal-level kings are king, unless it is the Hack dragon hidden in it, otherwise no one can take the lives of the three of them, so naturally there is no need to be so careful.

This is also the reason why the little Kabimon can keep up and has not been discovered yet.

"Kafu~kafu~" The food in that man's hand smells so good~ I only ate a few berries I had hidden before, so hungry, so hungry!

Seeing Tian Ci eating the sandwich and smelling the aroma, the little Kabimon's eyes showed deep longing, and his saliva dripped down.

"Who is it!" People touched the entrance of the cave and made noises. Naturally, they noticed something strange. Xiaoling asked aloud, and at the same time, the spiritual power of the water element in her hands was condensed!

Chapter 535 The Qualifications of the Little Snorkelling Beast
Frightened by this, the little Kabimon sat down on the ground with a "dump".

That water polo is very painful!Having been beaten once, it is very clear about that woman's strength.

As soon as they sat down like this, the three of them naturally saw what was sneaking around. It turned out to be the little kabby that was fed by the girl before. This little fat boy has been following them for some time. It is perseverance!
"Look~ I'll leave this little guy, Xiaoling, to you~"

With Tian Ci's wisdom, he naturally understood why the little Kirby followed them. It was nothing more than tasted the sweetness of the low-level energy cubes and wanted to find a free meal ticket.

So he looked at the girl helplessly, hoping that she would handle it well.

"Alas~" Xiaoling asked Ninghui to take a few more low-level energy cubes, sighed, and walked towards the little Kirby sitting slumped on the ground.

But what they didn't expect was that before the girl opened her mouth to speak, the little Kabimon yelled "Kafu~Kafu".At the same time, he also made a gesture of surrender.

Because of habit, Tianji put a spiritual imprint on the little Kirby when it appeared. Now link it, and telepathically translates the meaning of the little Kirby.

"Kafu~Kafu~" A powerful human trainer, my little Kirby is willing to be your elf. I am very resistant to beatings, as long as I eat and drink, I hope you will accept me.

After conveying this meaning to the two women, the expressions of all three became strange.

The elves take the initiative to vote, which is a good thing that ordinary trainers can't wait for, if it is not for the Kirby family!
You must know that the food intake of the Kirby family, even the elves that claim to be all over the alliance, dare not breed. It is rumored that only two are raised at the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau, and they will be released when there is a need for guests. birth restrictions.

Otherwise, the alliance will really be eaten up by them!

Although Xiao Ling likes the appearance of the little Kirby, she is not a fool who only looks at the appearance. Even if she likes it, she knows that she must not be able to cultivate it, so she directly gave the seven or eight low-level energy cubes in her hand to Little Kirby. Beast, then stroked its head, and said modestly:

"I'm sorry~ Little Snorkel, I'm glad you can follow me voluntarily, but I'm a water attribute trainer, we don't match each other, I'll give you all these energy cubes, find a safe place to eat them, let yourself Be strong!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving only the little Kabimon stunned at the entrance of the cave.

"Kafu?" What's the matter, don't you want the elves that come to your door for free?

water attribute?I know water attribute moves!

Thinking of this, it screamed quickly.

"Kafu! Kafu!" Strong human beings, don't leave, I know water-type moves!Look at me again!
As he said that, a faint energy of the water system emerged from its palms, and a weak wave hit the stone wall beside it.

There was a "pop~", as a matter of course, it must be that the water waves gathered by the little Snorkel beast broke.

It was an unusable move, not to mention it was just a newborn elf, so how could it be so powerful.

But this move surprised both Tian Ci and Xiao Ling.

"It's the wave of water. This little Kirby can learn moves that are not of his own department at the freshman level. Tianzi looks pretty good~"

Unlike Ning Hui, who only read professional training books, the two of them usually read the basic knowledge given by Nazi, and naturally understood that there are no water-type moves in the Scorpio's bloodline inheritance moves, nor are there any genetic moves. It must be that the little Kirby learned it from other elves.

Inexplicably, Tian Ci thought of the Snorlax that could swim in the Orange Islands and wade through mountains and rivers.

It is undeniable that this Kirby is very strong in the hands of fools!
"Xiaoling, let's have a look at its aptitude~" Thinking of this, he sent a voice transmission to the girl who was still hesitating.

"Hey?" Hearing this, the girl was a little surprised, didn't she think about it?
But Xiao Ling, who was used to Tian Ci's arrangement, didn't ask any more questions, turned around and said something to the little Kabimon.

"It turns out that you know water-type moves. This will give you a chance, but we still have to test your aptitude~"

After finishing speaking, she released a hint of elite breath.

This is to let the little Kabimon know that it has no choice, that it is far stronger than it imagined, and that if it wants to follow itself, it is not up to it to decide.

Of course, a trace of breath will definitely not be judged as cheating and using energy beyond the normal level.

At this time, the little Kabymon faced this coercion directly, with fine hair all over its body, trembling, it felt that the woman in front of it was very, very strong!
Once in the dense forest, it saw the boss of the dense forest here, an ordinary mid-section Lada. Of course, it already felt that the Lada was very strong, very strong, but now compared with this coercion, it felt that the Lada was very strong. Boss Da, count as a p!
You are not worthy of lifting shoes for the woman in front of you!

Of course, after the fear, what comes up is ecstasy.

"Kafu~Kafu~" I will be able to eat that kind of energy cube every day with such a strong human being!

As for the test of its own aptitude, the little Snorkel is not worried, it thinks it is very smart, and the Marylou who kindly taught it the water wave also said that it is very smart and can be taught once taught.

So it nodded immediately, and made a cute gesture with its hands in its pockets.

Little Snorkelling Beast.jpg
Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling couldn't help but shine her eyes again, she felt really cute!
Of course, the test still needs to be tested. If the aptitude is not good, no matter how cute it is, it can only be kept as a pet at most, and with the food intake of the squirrels, it must not be really kept as a pet.

So she "coughed" and touched the little Snorlax on the head with a hunting ball.

With a sound of "唰~", the little Kirby turned into a red light and entered inside.

After the symbolic "rustle" of the hunting ball, it immediately stopped flashing, and soon locked with a "click".

It is worth mentioning that no one wants the Kirby family, unless you happen to meet a specific need, and there are rich people with more than a dozen mines in the family, otherwise the Elf House will not recycle it.

So if this little Snorby's aptitude is not up to standard, then she can only destroy the hunting ball and let the little Snorby go free.

Pick up the hunting ball, put it on the groove of the illustrated book, and with the sound of "beep", the information about the little Snorkel comes out.

Elves: Snorkellings

Attributes: General

Features: Thick Fat

Category: Big Eater Elf

Height: 0.62m
Weight: XNUM X kg
Explanation: They must eat food that is about the same weight as their own to meet their needs every day. They are known as big eaters. Eating and sleeping are their way to become stronger!

Qualification: Elite inferior

Strength: freshman high-end

Status: intact
Cultivation plan: As long as it eats enough and sleeps well, it is the best cultivation for the little Snorlax, try to give some high-energy things in the food."

(End of this chapter)

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