Pokemon Poor

Chapter 417 The Little Snorkelling Beast!

Chapter 417 The Little Snorkelling Beast!

Under a big tree, I saw a dark blue elf with two pointed ears, and a cute and naive elf sleeping, with its stomach rising and falling, it even made a "gurgling" sound.

Since Ninghui had never seen this elf before, she concluded that it must be a rare species, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the two of them.

And Xiao Ling and Tian Ci, who received Ninghui's voice transmission, also stopped immediately. The girl squatted on a thick branch and looked down curiously.

"It's so cute! This is too cute, and the belly is fluffy and soft, it must be very comfortable to sleep on!"

Seeing this elf, Xiao Ling felt that she fell in love with it.

As for Tian Ci, at this time, the face under the mask became weird.

Ordinary people may only know about Snorby, but they don't know that Snorkel actually evolved.

After all, this is the same as Pikachu. What appears most in the public eye is their final form. Not all trainers are scholars. Naturally, it is not clear that they actually have progressive and degraded forms.

And the little Snorkel wants to evolve into a Snorkel, and the memory of the previous life tells them that they need intimacy.

As for the little carbimon, the fastest way to increase intimacy is to let it eat and drink well, and eat and drink well.

When it evolves, you will get a super tank and a more edible big eater!

Snorkel's appetite is not a joke. Big rock snakes, Bangiras, and so on after eating a mountain are all small roles in front of Snorkel.

Although the Snorlax definitely can't eat a mountain for a meal, a mountain in Bangira refers to the total amount, and the Snorlax has to eat four to five meals a day!
Coupled with its long lifespan, there are definitely several mountains here!
Tian Ci asked himself that he couldn't afford it, even if he was given low-grade feed that didn't have much energy, he would be poor!
Moreover, this kind of low-grade feed for pet elves can't supplement the consumption of Snorbymon during exercise, let alone improve its strength.

For people without strong economic strength, raising a Kirby is like raising a useless trash, so few people cultivate Kirby, and almost no one uses it in the arena.

Thinking of this, he gave a wry smile, pulled Xiao Ling who had a happy face, and explained:

"This is the little Kirby, and its evolved form is the Kirby. I believe you should be familiar with Xiao Ling. That is a big stomach king who can't eat enough, a bottomless pit!"

"What! Snorkel has another form!"

The girl who heard this was really surprised, she didn't know that Snorlax had another form.

"I also saw it in those basic collections. According to the above statement, as long as the little Kirby eats and drinks well, it can evolve into a Kirby.

The shape of the little Kabimon is actually not bad, as long as it eats food that is about the same as its own weight, it is enough. The little Kabimon is only two to three hundred catties at best, and we can still afford it.

But the Snorlax must eat at least eight or nine hundred catties of food every day, and if you want to cultivate it to form combat power, you can't feed it with that kind of junk food, at least it must be a mid-to-high-grade energy cube, and even energy crystals, elements What about crystals! "

"My God! Then I'll be exhausted just to make food for it every day!"

Ning Hui at the side also heard this, and couldn't help being surprised.

And Xiao Ling who heard the words of the two is not a person who does not understand human feelings. She can hear that both of them are persuading her to give up, and she actually understands that this Kirby is cute, but if she really accepts it Yes, that will definitely become a huge burden.

There are many elves that can be used as meat shields, such as Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex, Nido King, Water Arrow Turtle, Big Rock Snake, etc. Why do you have to find a bottomless pit of nothing!
So she sighed "Oh~" to show that she understood.

But out of kindness and love for the appearance of the little Snorkel, she still wants to go up and play a few.

"Ninghui, give me two low-level energy cubes of the general system."

"Oh~ okay." After agreeing, the little maid took out two low-level energy cubes of the general system from her backpack.

Although it is said that the big milk cans have long been out of use, but this kind of thing can not be sold for a lot of money if it is re-sold, so it has been kept in the backpack. Anyway, their backpacks are also very large, and they are occasionally given to the elves. It's also good as a snack.

And just when Ninghui took out two normal-type energy cubes, the nose of the little Kabymon who was sleeping below suddenly twitched a few times!
"Kafu~" Relying on the extraordinary talent of their family, it soon woke up, and then looked longingly at the two general-type energy cubes above the big tree!

Intuition tells it that this thing is much more delicious than those bugs and tree fruits, and it is also much more nutritious!

As a little Snorkel who came here by accident and was born not long ago, when it opened its eyes, it saw dense forests and weeds. It didn't know where its parents were, nor did it understand why Will appear here, only know that I am hungry every day!

And there are other meat-eating elves who want to eat it, this helpless little fat boy!
God knows how hard it was when it was just born. Otherwise, the good genes of the Snobs that are not picky eaters helped it, allowing it to survive eating weeds, and its strength slowly improved to the middle of the newborn. May starve to death!
It is also thanks to its thick skin, and most of the hunting areas are new-level elves, so relying on the strength of its skin to resist beatings and not to fight, it finally got such a small piece of territory in this dense forest.

Of course, this territory has nothing but stones and weeds, and there is nothing rich in energy at all. That's why it was taken by this newborn mid-stage, only one step away from the newborn high-stage small Snorkelling.

You know, generally speaking, the elves who can get a small territory here and be recognized by the neighbors around them must have the lowest strength of the freshman high-level!
As for the ordinary level, it is the boss who is in charge of the entire dense forest, and it has never seen it before.

Legend has it that in this area, the normal level is already the peak, and after reaching the normal high level, it will be led to a place with more energy.

It's a bit far away, and back to the topic, the little Snorkel feels that as long as he swallows those two shiny foods, he can break through to the new high level. At that time, he had the capital to be a real little one. Lord, at least I won't eat weeds twice for three days!
So it immediately became serious, and yelled at the two humans on the branch with high fighting spirit.

"Kafu!" Let's fight!I want your food!

At this time, Tian Ci had already linked the telepathy to the little Kirby, so he could naturally hear what it wanted to express, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 533 The Little Kirby Who Wants to Sell Himself
When did a newborn middle-aged elf become so bold!

Shouldn't all the newborn elves hide and transition to the normal level as soon as possible, so that they can protect themselves in the wild?
But after thinking about the common newborn elves in the hunting zone, he seemed to understand something.

"Sure enough, the environment is the decisive factor!"

With a sigh in his heart, he didn't stop Xiao Ling and let her jump directly.

After the girl landed safely with a "bang", the little Snorkel had a serious expression on its face, "Kafu!" It felt a strong threat from the woman.

But it is not afraid, as an elf who has been starving and beaten, it has a full understanding of its own thick skin!
So it immediately pre-empted, "Kafu!" The little Kabimon yelled, with white energy surging all over its body, and rushed over with "bang bang bang" with heavy steps!

This is the hit trick!

When Xiaoling saw this slow and weak impact, a smile could not help showing at the corner of her mouth.

"I really miss it. I didn't dare to attack a green caterpillar back then."

At this time, the little Kabimon also found that his enemy seemed to be a little distracted, and couldn't help but feel happy, the little short legs moved faster!
"Kafu!" I'm going to knock you into the air!
Relying on the advantage of its weight, even those new high-ranking elves dare not take this attack casually, it feels that it is already stable!
At this time, Xiao Ling also came back to her senses, looked at the little Kirby that was rushing to her, and raised her right hand.

With a sound of "crash", it was a jet of water jetting away.

It happened to collide with the little Kabimon that was charging over.

"Kafu!" At this time, the little Kabimon only felt a huge force knocking him away, and at the same time a threatening chill was eroding his body.

Even if the strength is limited, the girl needs to convert the high-quality spiritual power in her body into warrior-level low-level energy, but no matter what, this energy will be much purer than ordinary warrior-level energy.

No matter how thick the little Kabimon is, it is only a newborn elf, so naturally it cannot stop such an attack.

It was trembling at this moment, desperately expelling the water energy in its body.

"Kafu~Kafu~" The boss of the ordinary level is definitely the ordinary level!

While struggling to expel the energy in his body, he thought with fear in his heart.

The little Kabimon never thought that he would provoke an ordinary boss, so he was very scared at this moment.

But Xiaoling didn't care, she saw her slowly stepping forward, touched the little Kaby who was still scared with her hand, and said softly:
"Little Kabimon, these two low-level energy cubes will be given to you to eat, you must grow up well~"

After speaking, she put the two low-level energy cubes on the ground, and turned away reluctantly.

"This feeling is really amazing ~ what a pity!"

Thinking of the soft and fluffy feeling just now, the girl couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Kafu??" At this moment, the little Kabimon looked puzzled, what's going on?This woman didn't kill me, but even gave me something to eat!
The little Kabimon, who couldn't figure it out, didn't even think about it anymore. When he got the item, he opened his mouth wide and ate it in one gulp.

The delicious feeling filled the whole mouth in an instant, and the little Kabymon, who grew up eating weeds and poisonous insects, felt that he had never eaten such delicious food.

It's just that every time it endures a severe beating, the berries it steals are not so delicious!
There are such delicious things in the world, my God!

I am now the happiest little Snorkel in the world!

And thanks to the powerful digestion ability of the Snorlax family, the energy cubes it eats immediately provide its body with a lot of power.

The little Snorkel, who has been eating garbage, only feels that every cell in his body is making a comfortable sound.

Its momentum is also rising steadily, and with a "boom", it naturally rushed to the new high stage.

From now on in this dense forest, it can be regarded as a master!

But after tasting the taste of low-level energy cubes, it no longer looks at those weeds and poisonous insects, and it doesn't even think about the tree fruits that were treasured before and feel that they have enough energy. These are the same as energy cubes. The pen is just scum!

It's a pity that the woman is gone, and it can't be eaten anymore!
Thinking of this, the little Kirby who had just broken through was no longer in a good mood, and sat slumped on the ground, feeling that life was gloomy.

But soon it thought of a rumor.

Legend has it that there are two ways to leave this area, one is to advance to the ordinary high-level, and the other is to leave with the humans who came in. As long as they are subdued, they can go out.

Originally, everyone was a free and unrestrained wild elf, why would you want to be a pet beast for a human being you just met?
This is something you don't have to think about!

But now the little Kabimon said, I can!

It can only allow me to eat that energy cube every day, I am very happy!

So it quickly cheered up, moved its nose, and smelled it!

Although it is not a canine elf, with its innate talent for food, it still smells the faint fragrance of energy cubes.

Then it started to hurry on its way, its short legs desperately trying to catch up with Tian Ci and the others.

On the other side, the three of them didn't know about this incident yet, and the three of them who used the lightness method to rush forward moved very fast, and the little Snorkel had already been thrown a few blocks away by them.

But it's not like I didn't encounter any better elves during this journey.

Like now, there is a trembling Pikachu blocked in front of them!
Although except for that stupid Pikachu who has outrageous combat power, the other Pikachu are very average.

But I can't stand the cuteness of others, even if it is regarded as a pet animal, the price is quite high!
The three of them also spent 150 million to come in, so they can't leave empty-handed, they have to get their money back.

So when you see a valuable elf, you will naturally make a move!

Not to mention, this Pikachu is so cute, both Xiaoling and Ninghui's eyes are shining, and they want to lick it twice!

"Pika~pi~" You, what are you going to do!
As a freshman-level high-level Pikachu, it is also a powerful electric-type elf. It was living happily in the dense forest, but unexpectedly, three humans with terrifying breaths suddenly fell from the sky, making it very difficult to escape. I'm scared~
"Don't do anything, Pikachu will tell you a choice, one is to obediently score into the ball, and the other is to be beaten to death by us, and then forced into the ball!"

And Tianji, who was connected to telepathy, immediately gave Pikachu two choices, and at the same time took out a yellow-green hunting ball.

"Pi~pickup" what, this is a ghost multiple choice question!

(End of this chapter)

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