Pokemon Poor

Chapter 41 Goodbye and Restoration

Chapter 41 Goodbye and Restoration

The two quickly came to the door of the elf center, and it was the first time that Trumpet Ya had seen such a beautiful house.

"Moomoo? Moomoomoo!" It said that this is much bigger than our house, and it is also much better-looking!

Because the previous time it came in was installed in a poke ball, so it was not so intuitive.

So it is the first time to see the whole picture of the elf center.

Shocked, the trumpet bud let out a cry of excitement and exclamation, and turned his head here and there, full of curiosity!

"Hanbaya, don't embarrass me! Keep your voice down, or I'll put you back in the poke ball." The embarrassed Tianji reminded in a low voice!
He had already noticed that some people were already staring at him, and the sound of the main horn buds hadn't been muted at all.

"Moo? Moo moo" Horn Ya also noticed that there seemed to be a lot of people staring at it, and the sound also quieted down.

"Come on, let's go to the newcomer registration area first, see if Miss Ning Hui is there?"

Now that he has come here, he decided to go see his old classmates first, maybe he can get some discounts or something.

Following the sign, he took the horn buds to the newcomer registration counter, and saw Miss Ning Hui who was playing with her mobile phone.

"Cough, cough! Student Ninghui, it's not good to play with your mobile phone at work!" Tian Ci took the initiative to speak up

"Ah!" Ning Hui, who was concentrating on the game, did not expect someone to come suddenly, and she was so scared that she dropped her phone on the ground.

"I'm scared to death, so it's Tian Ci-jun!" Seeing that she was an acquaintance, not a leader, Ning Hui patted her chest, which didn't fit her age, and quickly picked up her phone.

"By the way, are all your tellers so leisurely?" Tian Ci, who secretly stared at him several times, asked hastily.

"No, it's just because I'm responsible for the registration of new trainers, and you know that our town can't produce a few trainers in a year!" He said and rolled his eyes helplessly at Tian Ci
"By the way, Tian Ji-kun, why did you come to the Spirit Center after so many days! I thought I would see you every now and then."

"Don't you train? The elves haven't suffered any serious injuries? Let me see how your elves are now?"

Maybe it was because of spending so long at the counter every day, it was rare to see an acquaintance, so Ning Hui asked several questions in a row.

"Uh... forget it and let it say hello to you, Trumpet Ya, come and say hello to Miss Ning Hui!" Tian Ci hugged Trumpet Ya as he said that.

"Moo Moo (ω)", who had been warned in advance, greeted him enthusiastically.

"Wow! How are you! Trumpet Ya, you've grown a lot!" As he spoke, he patted Trumpet Ya's head.

"Moo (●—●)" Although I don't know why he should be kind to this human being, but I still want to listen to what Tianji said.

"Hey! Hey! Has your trumpet bud broken through to the high-level freshmen, and the scars on your body seem to be high-level from fighting in the wild!"

Ninghui, who was touching here and there, quickly discovered the strength of Trumpet Ya.

After all, although she entered the elf center through the back door, if she doesn't even have the most basic qualities, then unless she is a relative of the Joy family, she can get a job here.

"It's not easy, Tian Ci-kun. Although the freshman level is a relatively fast stage, it's rare to see someone with a solid foundation and combat effectiveness like Trumpet Bud!"

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment, Miss Ninghui! My family is not well-off and I can't afford good feed, so in order for Trumpet Bud to absorb enough energy, I can only take it out to fight early." Said Shitaji lowered his head pretending to be sad.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Tian Ci-jun, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Ninghui from now on.

So you are here this time to check the horn buds?I see that the trumpet buds are not injured. "Speaking, he took his hand back, raised his head and asked Xia Tianji.

"Okay, Ninghui, I want to use the treatment coupons to give Horn Ya the scars on his body." Tian Ci, who is very good at climbing, immediately changed his name.

"Just for this, you need to use the treatment voucher, which is too wasteful!" Ning Hui looked at Tian Ci in surprise.

"How about this, I'll ask my colleague to help you deal with it, and you'd better save that treatment coupon for later use!"

"Is this too much trouble for you, or..." Although Tian Ci, who had already achieved his goal, was delighted in his heart, he still evaded it a few times on the surface.

"Okay, we're not classmates, it doesn't matter, don't tell me you can't trust me!" Ning Hui wrinkled her pretty eyebrows and looked at Tian Ci angrily.
"How could it be! Miss Ninghui! I definitely believe in you as a goddess! Here's to you, Trumpet Bud's elf ball!"

As he said that, he immediately put the trumpet buds into the elf ball and handed them over to Ninghui.

"Say it, I'll be called Ning Hui from now on. Every time Miss Miss calls me, it's too polite, and I'm not a goddess! Just wait here." Although Ning Hui was not very happy, her face There was a clear expression of satisfaction on his face.

"Okay, okay, Ninghui!" Looking at the somewhat excited back, Tian Ci hastily agreed!
"Sure enough, I wear thousands of clothes, but I don't wear them when I'm flattering a horse! But I always feel like an uncle cheating a little girl!" Tian Ci's heart flashed with pride.

This time, the purpose of coming to the registration area first has been achieved, Trumpet Ya can recover for free and also has a relationship with Ning Hui.

"Here, take it, it's recovered!" After a while, Miss Ning Hui returned the elf ball to Tian Ci.

"Okay, thank you so much, Ninghui" Tian Ci took her hand and bowed to her!
"Ah (ω) no, no, Tian Ci-kun, you're always so polite, I'm not happy." After struggling to break free with her hand, the blushing Ning Hui turned her head away.

After the two chatted for a while, Tian Ci got up to say goodbye and walked out of the gate of the elf center
"Hehehe! It feels like the progress bar has risen a lot." After walking out of the gate, Tian Ci looked at his hands and smiled evilly.

After all, Ning Hui is beautiful and has a good figure!And there is obviously a powerful small family behind him, which is quite a temptation for him!

As for the question of eating soft rice, Tian Ci said that only those who can't eat it will speak sourly about machismo!
"Come out, trumpet bud!" Seeing that he was already some distance away from the center of the elf, Tian Ci released the trumpet bud.

After all, if he checked in person, wouldn't he appear to be too petty?

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo Moo" Trumpet Bud, who had been stuck in the poke ball for a long time, complained to Tian Ci for a while!
"Okay, okay, trumpet bud! It's my fault, let me see if you still have any scars on your body."

As he said that, Tian Ci squatted down and carefully observed every part of Trumpet Ya's body.

"Well, it seems that Ninghui really regards me as a friend, and Babaya's body has really recovered completely." After the examination, Tian Ci let go of his worry.

"Let's go, trumpet bud, let's go home together!"

"Moo Moo" Horn Bud nodded, and when he heard home, his heart would be at peace.

Maybe this is the doghouse where the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse!Although the Fairy Center is large and luxurious, without Tianji, there is no feeling of home.

(End of this chapter)

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