Pokemon Poor

Chapter 40 selected

Chapter 40 selected
"Well, this one is good, but it's too expensive, I might as well just go and buy one."

"This doesn't feel very practical. It is said to be effective, but it doesn't say anything! Poor review!"

After finding the shelf where it was located, Tian Ci went to see the introduction and price of the props one by one.

His psychological price is around 2 yuan. After all, ordinary supersonic bats with low qualifications only cost 2 yuan apiece. One must consider the worst case scenario!
"This gun is not bad." Tian Ci was playing with an obviously bigger bird gun in his hand.

Bird gun: The bullet is a silk bullet formed by mixing various insect silks. After shooting, the sound is very small, and a large net will be opened to cover the prey the moment it hits an object.

Price: 10000
Bullet price: 200 pieces

"For others, it may be necessary to buy a lot of bullets to practice, to practice the head, and even if you catch a Bobo and a sparrow in the end, the price is actually almost the same as buying it directly!"

Tian Ci quickly estimated the price in his mind. After all, unless he was a real genius in target shooting in his previous life, most people would need hundreds of bullets to roughly hit a stationary object.

"But I have experience in throwing knives. This kind of aiming practice should not cost a lot of bullets. Buy 50 rounds and try it. It should work!"

Tian Ci, who took a fowling gun and a box of ammunition, continued to search for other items. After all, even if he really caught the net, if the prey shouted for help, the trumpet bud would not be able to stop it.

Now there are quite a lot of newborn sparrows and sparrows in the periphery. If it wasn't for this period, even if he encountered a single sparrow in the periphery, he would dare to use this gun and trumpet bud to deal with it.

After all, it is reasonable to say that there are basically no flying elves in the periphery, and they are usually in the inner circle of the forest, where the bugs are of a higher level, and correspondingly they are more energetic!

Therefore, even if a single sparrow called for help in the periphery, its companions would not be able to hear it.

But then again, if it wasn't for this period, the probability of him encountering flying elves in the periphery would be infinitely close to zero.

His original plan was to break through to the normal level after Trumpet Bud had reached the normal level, and then continue to quickly brush mobs on the outside to make money and buy a flying elf before entering the inner circle!

After all, there are more types of elves in the inner circle, and their levels are higher. Without a scout, it is difficult to guarantee his personal safety!

The key point of this plan is to fight steadily. Although it takes a long time, it is safe to win!

But now that he has discovered the opportunity to get the flying spirit in advance, of course he has to catch it!

It must be much more convenient to have a scout in advance!

"Look for someone who can block the sound or confuse the mind. As long as you can't call out, a flying elf that lands is no match for Trumpet Bud!"

Tian Ci is very clear about his goal, to prevent the opponent from crying for help at the moment of netting the opponent.

"This can block the sound, but if you build it up, even an elf will notice it, it's useless!"

"This will reflect sound waves, no, it's not safe, I don't know how it will reflect, if the reflection is far away, it will be even worse!"

"Hey! This ultrasonic chaos device seems to work." Tian Ci picked up a prop in the shape of a trumpet in his hand.
Ultrasonic horn: It emits ultrasonic waves, which are invisible and invisible. It can interfere with the ultrasonic waves of supersonic bats, making them unable to detect themselves. It is an essential tool for passing through caves!
Price: 1000
"I remember that ultrasonic waves can confuse opponents. I don't know if this is possible, but it doesn't say that it will confuse elves!"

Unsure, Tian Ci took the speaker to the front desk to consult the intelligent robot.

"Drip! The supersonic horn can only be used as a disturbance, not to confuse the elves!"

"Oh, it's a pity, but it's also a pity that if this price can really confuse the elves, then it doesn't mean that as long as you play this sound wave, you don't need the hypnotic powder of the horn bud to sneak attack!"

Tian Ci shook his head, feeling a little wishful thinking!

Back in front of the shelf, Tianji continued to look for props that could instantly block the sound.

"This is good, Silence Barrier! It's equivalent to a silence skill, but it's too expensive to buy." After searching for a long time, Tian Ci finally found an item that met the requirements and could be used in advance without being discovered.

Similar to the protective barrier, it is also a silent enchantment that uses attribute crystals as the source of energy. Unfortunately, he can't afford that energy crystal alone!

This silence enchantment is obviously used to raid and sweep up the elves. After all, as long as there is no sound, most elves will lose the ability to communicate!

What about cooperating and commanding other elves has become a dream.

"Maybe it can also be used against hostile trainer forces"

Tian Ci thought about it darkly. After all, below the elite level, most trainers rely on words to command elves.

Although there is a contract, the contract can only be understood in general. You must know that there is no mistake on the battlefield!
After the elite level, the trainers will actually only briefly remind their elves in shock, coupled with the long-term tacit understanding and contract bonus, even if there is no sound, it will not affect them!

"Oh, it seems like this is the only way to go," Tian Ci ran back and took 4 supersonic speakers from the shelf.

Go to the counter, at this time the intelligent robot starts to settle accounts

"Drip! One bird-catching gun costs 1 yuan, a box of 10000 bullets costs 50 yuan, and 10000 ultrasonic speakers costs 4 yuan. The total is 4000 yuan, please pay!"

The robot quickly calculated the total amount.

"It's so advanced, it's worthy of being a technology zone! I hope it won't be a loss, these flying elves don't seem to be able to stay for a few days!" Tian Ci took out money from his backpack and gave it to the robot.

"Hey, the shotgun needs to be registered, please provide your ID card!" At this moment, the robot shouted again.

"No way, all of these are necessary, this is lethal?"

The alliance is really a harsh system. Tian Ci didn't dare to say this, but honestly took out his identity card.

"Drip! The registration is complete, welcome to come again next time!" The robot completed the registration after swiping the card on his chest.

"I'll come back next time, and I need to be rich!" Tian Ci complained, put the things in his backpack, and then bought 8 poke balls and spent another 4000 yuan.

After purchasing, he left the department store and walked towards the elf center.

"Trumpet bud, come out, let's go check it out, and help you get rid of the scar by the way!"

On the way, Tian Ci released the trumpet bud and pointed to the scar on its body.

"Moo? Moo, moo?" Horn Ya nodded suspiciously, but pointed to the scars on his body, and then to the scars on Tian Ci's face.

"Ah, you mean the scar on my face, that's a warning I want to leave to myself! But you don't have to." Tian Ci explained.

"Moomoo? Moomoomoo (●—●)" Although Trumpet Bud didn't know why, since Tian Ci said that mine should be eliminated, then I will eliminate it!

"Okay, then let's go to the elf center!" After saying that, Tian Ci stepped forward
"Moo Moo" Horn Ya quickly followed Tian Ci.

 Have you ever guessed why you bought 4?

(End of this chapter)

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