Pokemon Poor

Chapter 400

Chapter 400
Elder Miaowahua knew that the question just now was the last chance. If he didn't agree, then Sakagi would definitely kill him, so he agreed.

And hearing this telepathy, Sakagi also showed a gentle smile on his face.

"Very good! Don't worry, I, Sakagi, keep my word."

At the same time, the oppressive feeling full of threats was also put away by him.

Seeing this, Elder Miaowahua breathed a sigh of relief, and then the power of the law surged all over his body, as if he was calling for something.

At this time, in the depths of the woods, a towering giant tree also "sanded" and shook, and soon a green light ball flew out of it.

It didn't take long to come to Elder Miaowahua.

Looking at this green light ball, a flash of memory flashed in Elder Miaowahua's eyes. It was originally an elite Miaowa seed, who could be promoted to the Heavenly King, and even reached the level of the Heavenly King's high-level, half-step champion. Heart of Wood helped it a lot, and it was also the first batch of elves to be helped by Heart of Wood.

It's a pity that half of this treasure is going to be given to the enemy now!

"Oh~" Sighed, it sent the green light ball in front of Sakagi.

"Master Sakagi, this is the heart of Wanmu."

"Okay, okay!" Sakagi, who got the heart of Wanmu, said three good words in a row.

He has studied the dream for so long, so he is naturally very familiar with the breath of the dream. There is indeed a breath of dream in the heart of ten thousand trees, which cannot be faked.

I saw the extraordinary power in his right hand surge, and with a "swish", the light of the external self-protection function of Wanmu Heart was extinguished, and he held it in his hand.

It can be seen that the heart of Wanmu at this time has been introverted, it is just a branch as thick as a fist, and there is no magic at all.

But Sakagi knows that this is the true appearance of the heart of Wanmu. It is said that the heart of Wanmu is a main branch from the world tree, which is completely correct!
Moreover, he has also experienced it with the power of Chang Pan, and there is indeed an extremely strong grass attribute power, and the dreamy breath will not be fake.

"With it, my Mewtwo should be born~"

Sakagi stroked it twice with his hands, and then swung down sharply with his fingers. He only heard a "click", and the fist-sized branch was split in two.

At the same time, the entire Secret Garden seemed to cry out.


The grass-type spiritual power that was almost liquefied in the air began to decay rapidly, and even many bushes, dense forests, and flowers that were originally growing happily began to wither at a rapid rate.

In Yuhong City, the trainers who have reached the elite level have also discovered this change.

"What's going on? The grass-type spiritual power in the air has decreased a lot! And those spiritual plants that haven't been burned have begun to wither!"

Tian Ci, who resigned to his fate, came out of a pile of burnt houses in disgrace, and muttered to himself in doubt.

But soon, he realized that it was the Rockets who succeeded!

The heart of Wanmu is the foundation of the entire Yuhong City. He heard Nazi say that the change now must be due to the heart of Wanmu.

"what happened!"

"It was the fire rain just now that affected the land veins of our Yuhong City!"

"Why has the spiritual power of the grass attribute declined so much!"

"These spiritual plants are all withered!"

And other elite trainers who don't know the inside story are talking about it, and many local trainers even showed worried looks.

On the other side, Li Jia, who was directing the firefighters to fight the fire, finally couldn't hold back at this time!

"Damn it! Team Rocket!"

She gritted her teeth and said something, clenched her fists tightly, the huge force even scratched her palm, and the red blood flowed down "tick-tick-tick" without knowing it.

As the head of the gymnasium in Yuhong City, she naturally knew that the heart of Wanmu must have been cut when such a change happened, which means that the Rockets succeeded.

But she had chosen to stay here before to help the ordinary citizens of Yuhong City, so it was even more impossible for her to give up halfway and go back.

Furthermore, even if she went back, it might not be of much use.

She doesn't have a genius like Nazi in the Golden City next door. Even with the great help of her family, she is still only in the middle of the gymnasium level.

Since the few heavenly king-level guardian elves in the secret garden couldn't stop the Rockets, then she, a junior at the gymnasium level, was useless in the past.

"Who is the real person in charge of Team Rocket? Since you can get the Heart of Wanmu from Elder Miaowahua?"

As the Gym Master of Yuhong City, of course he knows the strongest combat power in the Secret Garden.

"Elder Miaowahua who can beat the half-step champion seems to be the only one. It is said that Sakagi who is promoted to the champion in retreat, it seems that he has succeeded! I don't know if the world of the alliance will change~"

Not long after a few thoughts, Li Jia figured out the key point, looked up at the black smoke billowing sky above Yuhong City, and couldn't help sighing.

Champion!It can be regarded as really jumping out of the entire Kanto region, even though their eight ancient cities are famous in the Kanto region, but no matter what, they are also a member of the Kanto Alliance, and they are courtiers in name.

The reason is that the chairman of the alliance far away on the Quartz Plateau is a champion-level master!
Even in the alliance cabinet, it is not necessarily true that there are more champion-level masters hiding.

So even if it is as strong as Jinhuang City, Junsha and Joy from the cabinet of the vassal alliance will be in high positions on the bright side.

One champion can conquer an entire region in name, and that is the reality.

And as far as she knows, there is more than one champion in the Kanto League. In addition to the chairman of the league, Dr. Oki, who was a genius when he was young, was also promoted to the champion when he transferred to the research industry.

And Dr. Oki has sent a lot of talents to the alliance over the years, which shows that he also has a heart for the alliance.

I don't know if Sakagi will conflict with the alliance?

Thinking of this, Li Jia shook her head suddenly, and smiled with a "heh~".

I feel like I'm thinking too much!

The champion is the strongest fighting force on the surface of human beings. Even the idle king is just a bigger ant in their eyes. She is a gymnasium-level little fish, so there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, the sky is falling, and there are tall people on top.

Wanting to understand this, she continued to direct the firefighters under her command to continue fighting the fire.

In fact, if they knew that Sakagi had been promoted to the championship, then Yuhong City would definitely agree to this deal, but the championship is too difficult, and there are many acting presidents in the history of the league who died at the peak of the king level, just relying on the legacy of the predecessors , Barely have a champion-level combat power, which is why these sub-feudal ministers gradually grow, and eventually become obedient and disobedient.

It's a pity, if there is no if, Sakagi needs to kill chickens to warn monkeys to be promoted to the championship, and their Yuhong City has become this chicken. Fortunately, Sakagi didn't kill them all, and left half of Wanmu's heart for them.

Chapter 501 Champion-level power

In the secret garden, Elder Miaowahua looked at the heart of ten thousand woods that was only half left, and felt the panic that had already been defeated, and a little sadness could not help but show in his cloudy eyes.

And in the garden, other grass-type elves below the elite level wailed "Woo~" one after another.

They understand that half of their home has been taken away by the enemy, but unfortunately they are weak and have nothing to do, they can only cry here.

Sakagi, who was intoxicated in joy, frowned at the atmosphere of the same sorrow.

Originally, what Yuhong City said was exaggerated, but now it seems that it is true.

Fortunately, he was prepared when he came.

Sakagi threw out a few treasures from his space backpack with a "swish", each of them exuded strong grass-attribute energy, although it is definitely not as effective as the heart of Wanmu, but it is also rare A treasure at first sight.

"Elder Miaowahua, these four pieces are the grass-type treasures collected by our Rocket Team. Distributing them to the four directions of this cheat book, although it can't restore it to its original state, it will still have some effect."

The old Miaowahua heard the sound and looked, and found that these four things were a seed, a flower, a vine and a sapling.

With its experience, it can only recognize two of them, namely the Miracle Seed and the Gathering Spirit Flower.

Although it doesn't know the other two, it doesn't prevent it from ordering people to plant them.

It's not that it believes in Sakagi's character, but that it has reached this point, and there is no need for Sakagi to lie to it.

Originally, Sakagi was able to take away the entire Wanmu Heart, but instead of returning half of it, it can be seen that this human being still has the demeanor of a strong man.

Of course, for Sakagi, it was entirely because Yuhong City was still valuable to him, so he didn't do everything right, but still traded with Yuhong City according to the previous conditions.

The reason is that Yuhong City is good at grass attributes, which can play a huge role in the territory he will open up in the future. After all, there are still many wild vegetation environments, whether it is dense forests, mountains, or even the seabed. .

This time, Yuhong City was defeated by him not because they were weak, but because his strength was too strong. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes and schemes are paper tigers!

And he has the strength to crush, and he has calculated every step of the weak, so how can Yuhong City be undefeated!

Back to the topic, after seeing the four grass-attribute treasures in front of him, Elder Miaowahua thanked them first.

"Thank you, Sakagi-sama, for your understanding!"

Then he ordered to the four fastest gym-level elves among them:

"You guys, plant these four things in the four directions at the edge of the garden!"



The four gym-level elves nodded yes, and ran towards the edge with a grass-type treasure each.

Not long after, the four treasures were buried, and in response, a new vitality emerged from the garden.

"Nah~what~" The spiritual power of the grass attribute has risen!

"Nata~" The withered flowers and plants have also recovered!
"Duosha~Duosha!" That's great, that's great!
Under this vitality, the already attenuated environment began to recover, and the elves in the secret garden also began to cheer.

After a short while, the vitality in the secret garden also stabilized.

Elder Miaowahua closed his eyes and felt it. It was about [-]% of the usual level, and his old face showed a satisfied look.

"Thank you, Mr. Sakagi~" At the same time, the eyes looking at Sakagi softened a lot.

In this regard, Sakagi, who still needs to use the opponent, smiled and nodded.

"The resources promised by our Rockets will be delivered later, so goodbye!"

After saying one last sentence, he left with the big needle bee.

When he left, he still didn't forget to send a message to Ah Ju, Ma Zhishi and Anbu.

"The things are already in hand, they can be withdrawn!"

Hearing Sakagi's voice, both sides of the battle couldn't help but stagnate.

Among them, the Rockets are full of surprises in horror!

As the core executives of the Rockets, they naturally know the news that Sakagi has closed the door, and even the real gold-faced leader of Anbu has persuaded him before. After all, the Rockets are booming now. If he dies, the huge Rockets team will definitely fall apart.

You must know that hitting the champion level is really in danger of life and death, and engraved your own way in the world. In just a few words, I don't know how many heroes have been stopped.

In the process of engraving, if you fail, you will die, and there is no second result.

But now Sakagi has come out and won the heart of Wanmu, which means that he has now become a champion-level powerhouse!
How can this not make all the Rockets executives excited!

Even Ma Zhishi and Aju, the ancient city masters of the two alliances, are also excited at the moment, because they know that a champion can conquer an area alone, which means that the Rockets' development plan will definitely succeed!Their wave is definitely a bloodbath!
On the contrary, as soon as they were targeted by that mighty aura, members of the Yuhong family immediately knelt down, even Yuhong Tengyi, who had just advanced to the high-level gymnasium, was no exception!

"It turned out to be Sakagi! Champion level!"

Yu Hongteng half knelt on the ground, and said with gritted teeth, as the price of playing tricks, Sakagi directly doubled the pressure on him, so at this time he even spoke with a vibrato.

As for the elves who were still fighting in the melee before, they were all lying on the ground at this moment.

If Sakagi wanted to make an example of others, he naturally needed someone to spread the news, so he came here before he left.

"Yes!" Ah Ju and Ma Zhishi didn't want to reveal their identities, but it was the two silver-faced Anbu, so they should be right!
Then they began to send signals to the team members who were still in Yuhong City, and the group began to retreat in a mighty way!

And Sakagi did not teleport away directly, but slowly flew up from the high altitude of Yuhong gymnasium, and slowly flew out of the city, revealing the aura of a champion.

No matter which side of the elf or human it was along the way, they were all shocked by its power and fell to their knees.

Li Jia is no exception!

Her face was full of disbelief at this moment!

"It turned out to be a champion!" After muttering to herself, her face was full of bitterness and helplessness!

And because she didn't break the connection with the firefighters, her words to herself were heard by Tian Ci and other firefighters!
"Championship! My God! It's one of the few championships in the history of the league!"

"It's a champion who conquers a region by one person!"

"The Rockets have a championship level!"

(End of this chapter)

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