Pokemon Poor

Chapter 399 Sakagi of the Earth!

Chapter 399 Sakagi of the Earth!
But at this time, unlike other elves, Elder Miaowahua's face was very serious, and after thinking about it, he spoke again.

"Respected strong man, who are you?"

As a strong man who is only one step away from the champion, Elder Miaowahua sensed the danger in this human wearing a copper mask, and also felt the fascinating aura. A realm outside!
"Heh~" Hearing this respectful tone, the bronze-masked man chuckled, and no longer concealed his identity, he took off his mask with a "swish" and took off his disguise.

A tall, middle-aged man with short black hair appeared in front of the group of elves.

Although he looks plain, there is a sense of calmness and danger between his brows, and he is not wearing the usual trainer uniform, but a black suit.

"I am the current leader of Team Rocket, Sakagi of the Earth! I have met Elder Miaowahua and all the powerful people!"

After sacrificing his true self, although he was alone, surrounded by many elves, he did not panic at all and was very calm.

In contrast, except for Elder Miaowahua and the other three heavenly king-level elves among the menacing elves, the other elves were all bowed down by this invisible momentum, even those gym-level elves Higher elves are no exception.

At this moment, they only feel that the man in front of them is very terrifying and a great threat!

"Championship level!" At this time, Elder Miaowahua showed a look of surprise and understanding on his face.

That's right, the elves at the peak of the king level can feel threatened, and only the champion level above this.

"Elder, it's just one realm higher than us. I don't believe it. With you, the half-step champion, and the three of us, we can't compete against him. As long as we delay the time and wait for the two of us to come back, At that time, even the champion will have to drink his hatred at our home court!"

Hearing Elder Miaowahua's surprised voice, Bawanghua, the youngest and vigorous among the three heavenly king-level elves, couldn't help but secretly uttered a word, and his eyes showed a raging fighting spirit.

"No!" Hearing this junior's words, Elder Miaowahua immediately stopped him.

"You don't understand, the champion means to be the champion of the three armies. In ancient times, our thousands of elves were the only one army!
And the three armies in the championship are not the kind of patchwork army, but an elite composed of at least elites!
In other words, a champion-level powerhouse, even if he is an elite-level player with tens of thousands of records, cannot stand in his way!
You three, who can do it? "

"." Hearing this explanation, the three heavenly king-level elves who were eager to try could not help but fell silent.

Their heavenly kings are strong, but it's almost enough to say that a thousand troops can defeat Yi. According to the elder's standard of ten thousand troops, no matter who the three of them face each other, they will all be exhausted to death.

Of course, if the Heavenly King-level elves want to leave, it's not just that thousands of elite-level elves can stay.

"That boy Tengyi wanted to close the door and beat the dog, but he didn't know that it was a tiger!"

Seeing the three juniors who stopped talking, Elder Mianmiao Frog Flower sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Even if it is a half-step champion like it that comes in this time, it is sure to stay at home and work together to keep the opponent.

But the real champion level, it is not sure at all!
Even if the other party intends, I am afraid that the accumulation of thousands of years in the secret garden will be destroyed, and I don't know how many accumulated strong people will be killed.

Champion!That is the character who turned the law into Tao, and engraved his own way in this world, which is not at the same level as the elves who are still using the world.

Thinking of this, Elder Miaowahua's cloudy eyes revealed a trace of yearning.

And Yuhong Tengyi, outside the door, didn't know that he had put a tiger in it.

Not to mention him, even Ma Zhishi and Ah Ju, even Sakagi's direct descendant, Anbu, didn't know that it was Sakagi himself who went in just now!
They all thought that the person who entered should be a general-level figure of the Rockets' king-level.

As the leader of the dark side of Kanto, how could Sakagi put himself in danger!
But Sakagi was about to do the opposite, and he came here without telling anyone!

This also shows his determination to win the heart of Wanmu!

At this time, in the dense forest at the entrance of the secret garden, Elder Miaowahua's face changed for a while, and he still spoke with a sound transmission:

"Master Sakagi, with your champion-level strength, you can't get any treasure you want, why do you have to have the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees that we depend on for survival?

I can be the master, in Yuhong City, except for the Heart of Wanmu, you can take any other treasures, even the materials from the old man!

I just ask you to give us a way out! "

After receiving the sound transmission, Sakagi let out a chuckle of "huh".

"Elder Miaowahua, I came here for the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees that is closely related to dreams, and I don't want any other treasures.

And I only take half of it, relying on this endless formation, the heart of Wan Mu can still slowly recover, how can you cut off your life, it's just a hard time for a while.

Our Rockets also made a promise before that all the grass-type treasures in our organization can be given to you to help you through this difficult period. Even after opening up a new continent, if there are any grass-type treasures, your Yuhong City will also have priority right to exchange. "

"Ah..." Hearing this, Elder Miaowahua showed a sorrow visible to the naked eye.

"There's nothing to talk about! The old man can only offend me, and he must give my younger generations an explanation."

As soon as the words fell, a strong green light appeared from Elder Miaowahua's body.

In an instant, the soil under Sakagi's feet burst open, and the thick vines rushed straight at him!
As for the other heavenly king-level elves, seeing that the elders had all shot, they immediately reacted and shot one by one.

A king-level coconut egg tree, with blue eyes, a huge force of thought instantly fixed Sakagi.

The other two Overlord Flowers and Beautiful Flowers, with a rain of flowers all over the sky, hit Sakagi who seemed to be immobile.

With the joint efforts of the four heavenly king-level elves, Sakagi didn't panic at all, he got rid of the shackles of his mind power as soon as his whole body was refreshed.

Then he swiped his right hand around his waist, and a big needle bee appeared in front of him.


The big needle bee who got the order nodded, his whole body burst into momentum, and his two guns danced.

With a few "swish, swish, swish", the covering vines and the petals containing the power of law were broken.

The attack, which was originally full of power, seemed like a paper tiger in front of this big needle bee, which could be broken with just one hand!
Chapter 499: Bond Evolution and Escape!

"No, it's impossible!" Seeing this scene, the other three Heavenly King-level elves couldn't help being surprised from the bottom of their hearts.

Only they know how powerful their moves are. Such a big needle bee should kill a lot of people with one move, how could it be broken by a few hits.

It's a pity that before they recovered from the shock, the next scene shocked them again.

"Big needle bee! Mega evolution!" After Sakagi said something, the bracelet on his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling light.

Correspondingly, from the neck of the ordinary big needle bee, there was also a dazzling light.

"Wow!" After a very short light, an elf that had never been seen before appeared in front of them instantly.

Different from the general stinger bee, the three parts of the super stinger bee's body are no longer directly connected, but the black link part.The tentacles on the head are shortened and extended to the back of the head for a long time, the mouth is sharper, and the eyes have become very long, giving people a vicious feeling at first sight!
And its tail has also become tapered, with two tapered grooves on it, which seems to be designed for bloodletting.It is worth mentioning that its tail points forward as a whole, and the poisonous needle at the end becomes longer.

And its weapon, the poisonous needles on both hands, also grew parts similar to lance gauntlets, and its feet also became double needles with black and yellow stripes.

Correspondingly, its imposing oppression has once again increased.

Among the surrounding elves, only elves with elite strength were directly overwhelmed by this momentum, as were some gym-level elves with unstable minds.

As for Elder Miaowahua and the other three Heavenly King-level elves, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

At this time, their spiritual sense is reminding them crazily.

"Run! Run away! Otherwise you will really die!"

It's a pity that they can't escape, and if they escape, the heart of ten thousand trees will really be taken away.

As for only taking half, they don't believe this kind of nonsense.

Having been with the humans in Yuhong City for so long, they have seen too many human trainers. In their view, most humans are hypocritical and cunning.

In order to trick their outstanding juniors out, they can make all kinds of empty promises.

That is to say, the existence of the Taoist contract is mainly based on elves, otherwise they would not let their younger generations go out with people who are not from Yuhong City!

"Don't give up yet, that's okay, then try the strength of the mega needle bee!"

When Sakagi saw the four heavenly kings who still hadn't bowed their heads, he shook his head and ordered the big needle bee to attack again!
"Big needle bee! High flash state! Use direct charging drill!"

"Om~" Hearing the order, the big needle bee did not hesitate, and a strong white light appeared all over its body, and its speed suddenly increased a lot.

With a sound of "swish", it appeared behind Meilihua and Bawanghua, and then its two guns merged, its body spinning at high speed, and with a sound of "puchi", it came one through two.


"That's it!"

The two Heavenly King level elves only let out a scream, and then fell to the ground with a "bang", losing their fighting ability. The elf at the lower level of the king level was killed in one blow!
Seeing this scene, Elder Coconut Egg Tree and Miao Frog Flower couldn't help being shocked!

Although I had expected that the champion level was very strong, I didn't expect it to be this strong!

These are two heavenly king-level powerhouses!Just like mowing grass, he was severely injured without any resistance, as fragile as a newborn elf!
This is not over yet, but all the tasks assigned to it by Sakagi have been defeated, so after killing two, the big needle bee focused on the coconut egg tree again.

"Hey wash!" Stared at by those scarlet eyes, Coconut Egg Tree yelled in fright, and quickly used his thoughts to protect himself in all directions. A large number of green leaves form a leaf barrier.

Judging from the power of law shining on those leaves, this leaf barrier definitely took a lot of effort.

It's a pity that it still doesn't seem to be enough in front of the champion-level mid-level Mega Needle Bee.

With a "swish", it appeared behind the coconut tree again. The two guns merged and made two "squeaks", and the rotating drill bit broke through the barrier of the leaf, followed by a "squeak", The mind shield was also broken.

"Da na!" Elder Miaowahua, who saw the crisis of his companion, did not sit still, and the power of law surged around him, "Puff puff puff~" In an instant, a large number of vines attacked the big needle bee.

But the big needle bee didn't care about those vines. After breaking through the two layers of barriers, its double needles lit up with a purple light, and then "puchi", pierced the coconut egg tree.

"Hey wash!" Hit by the tyrannical poison force, Coconut Egg Tree let out a scream, and his face turned purple instantly!
Although it is a bit stronger than the beautiful flower and the overlord flower, it is also restrained by the poison attribute power!
So after the big needle bee pulled out the spear, it shook twice and fell to the ground with a "bang".

At this time, Elder Miaowahua's vines were also tied up. Unfortunately, the mega needle bee in the flash state was extremely fast, and flew to the sky with a "swish", directly dodging the vines.

Elder Miaowahua, who hadn't expected to rush to nothing, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

From its point of view, with this distance, coupled with the speed of its vines, it is logically impossible to catch the air!

After the mega needle bee escaped, it received Sakagi's signal and returned to Sakagi's side.

"Elder Miaowahua, how about it? Do I have to beat you all to the ground?"

Carrying the momentum to easily deal with the three king-level elves, Sakagi and Mega Needle Bee turned their attention to the only remaining king-level elf on the field-Miao Frog Flower.

As for the rest of the gyms, the elite-level miscellaneous fish, under the oppression of the champion-level aura, can't even give birth to the heart of resistance.

The so-called unstoppable army is not casually said!
At this time, facing the pressure of Sakagi and Dapinfeng alone, Miaowahua's old body couldn't help but take a step back.

After living for so many years, it is the first time that it knows that the half step it can't take can be so strong!
Looking at the silent juniors all around, it shook its head and replied:

"Master Sakagi, I hope you will keep your promise and only take half of it, otherwise the old man will risk his life to refuse it, and he will destroy the heart of Wanmu!"

Knowing that he could not pose any threat to Sakagi, Elder Miaowahua finally chose to retreat.

It doesn't spare its life, but the secret garden has existed for a long time, and many younger generations have lived in this land. If it really offends that man, it has no doubt that Sakagi will kill him!
Because when Sakagi asked this sentence, the one facing it had already felt the overwhelming killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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