Pokemon Poor

Chapter 374 Seduction

Chapter 374 Seduction
But the gem starfish is different. It grew up with Tian Ci's team since it was a child, so it knows everything about it and can rest assured.

Therefore, it is safe for Tianci and Gem Starfish to co-frequency with their superpowers, but after all, there is no spiritual contract between the two, so the overall strength is still a bit short of the real co-frequency of superpowers.

After everything was ready, the two quietly waited for the arrival of the detective Bi Diao.

It didn't take long for a small black spot to grow rapidly in their sight, and Bi Diao's appearance was gradually revealed.

But at this time, it looked as if it was injured, and there were still some red blood stains on the feathers on its abdomen.

"Bi Diao~Bi Bi~" as soon as it landed, it panicked and said, even ignoring its own injuries.

It roughly means: the periphery of this fruit forest is okay, although the number of monkey monsters is a little more and their strength is a little stronger, but they are not taken seriously by it.

However, when it was close to the center of the fruit forest, a few elite-level fiery monkeys suddenly appeared and surrounded it with rocks. Fortunately, it ran fast, but it was hit twice by too many falling rocks. This is how the scars on the feathers are left.

"How many elites? Bidiao, have you seen them clearly? How many are there?"

After listening to Bi Diao's narration, Tian Ci asked with a solemn expression while taking the wound medicine to treat it.

Originally, he thought that with his 6 elite combat powers (Koudaihua, Bidiao, Fast Swimming Frog, Gem Starfish, Tian Ci, Xiaoling), he should be able to win this resource point that was ignored by Yuhong City.

But I didn't expect that in such a short time, the fiery monkey clan entrenched in Luoxing Forest has already developed to this point!

"Bi Diao~Bi Diao~" There are 3 of them, no!There should be 4 of them. Although I only saw three fiery monkeys, they definitely didn't use the last falling rock. There should be another one hiding in the tree.

"Four, then what kind of strength are they, Bi Diao, have you noticed?"

Hearing that there were four, Tian Ci's face became more serious, and he hurriedly asked the question he was most concerned about.

Regarding this question, Bi Diao tilted his head and pondered for a while, as if recalling the short confrontation before.

Although it was only a matter of a few seconds, it also felt the energy fluctuations of several fiery monkeys.

"Bi Diao~Bi Diao~" Tian Ci, the three fiery monkeys who besieged me should be elite low ranks, and one breath is not very stable. It feels like they have just been promoted and lack elemental energy.

But that fiery monkey who secretly attacked me should be stronger than me, and should be in the middle of the elite.

"Can an abandoned fruit forest allow the monkey monsters to develop so quickly?"

Hearing Bi Diao's judgment, Tian Ci frowned and couldn't believe it.

With this lineup, even if they have 6 elite-level fighters on their side, if they face each other head-on, they might not be able to beat them at all!
Although Tian Ci and Xiao Ling are equivalent to elite-level warriors, even if he has practiced martial arts, he dare not say that he will face head-to-head with elite-level elves. Physical fitness, resistance, resilience, etc. are not on the same level. yes!
When they really went to battle, the two of them would just play as support, expecting the trainers to fight hand-to-hand. Except for a very few people who can fight at the same level, mainstream trainers basically can't do it now.

So strictly speaking, they can only be counted as 5 elite-level fighters, maybe not yet, but the high-end fighters on the other side are equal to or even surpassed.

One elite mid-tier, three elite low-tier players, it's really hard to say that they can't beat them well.

"Trouble, it seems that a strong attack is not going to work. I originally wanted to find the position of their leader, and then let Bi Diao take us there quickly for a quick battle. Now it seems that it is definitely not going to work. If the battle cannot be resolved quickly, we will hurry up after hearing the news." The other monkey monsters that came, as well as the fiery monkey employers, can pile us up to death."

Thinking of this, Tian Ci scratched his hair with a headache.

On the other hand, Xiao Ling, who was on the sidelines, immediately discovered the target point they should pay attention to.

"Brother Tian Ci, why do we have to fight them head-on? Isn't our goal the monkey wine? We just need to get rid of these fiery monkeys and use your teleportation to search their lair quickly. .”

"That's right! I was almost led astray by the accompanying alliance mission. For this mission, I can just kill a few monkey monsters on the periphery and bring them back."

Hearing what Xiao Ling said, Tian Ci also reacted.

It doesn't matter to him how well the mission of the elf center is completed, and this mission is still unlimited, unlimited, and time-limited, and there is no penalty!Why did he think of destroying the high-end combat power of this monkey monster group just now!
"I'm really stunned~ Okay, then our policy will change, how to lure these elite-level fiery monkeys out?
But I think no matter what, one of them should stay in the nest to guard, so in fact, it only needs to attract three. "

Now that the situation has changed, it is natural to change the previous plan. After Tian Ci finished speaking, he looked directly at Xiao Ling and asked her opinion.

Seeing Tian Ci's eyes, Xiao Ling, who understood what it meant, just pondered for a while and then said:
"Well, Brother Tian Ci, you have superpowers and teleportation, you must be the one who went deep into the lair, and as for the task of leading those elite fiery monkeys away, let me do it.

However, shall we try again first, what if there are more than 4 elites? "

"En~ That makes sense!" Tian Ci also agreed with the hypothesis raised by the girl later.

"Well, let's try it out today. We will attack from different directions at different times, and see how many elite-level fiery monkeys will come to stop us."


In a word, the two re-finalized the plan.

And Bi Diao, who was on the side, had also recovered, and was taken back into the elf ball by Tian Ci.

To be honest, Bi Diao's body shape is really not easy to use in this kind of orchard. It's still a temptation anyway, so it's the same to let Kou Duanhua make a move.

"Let's go, Heluga!"


In this way, after hiding their energy fluctuations, the two walked slowly along the path towards Luoxinglin.

Not long after, a golden map of colorful fallen leaves appeared in front of the two of them.

"It's so beautiful~" The sensual girl watched this scene and couldn't help admiring.

"Yes! Very beautiful!" Tian Ci also nodded, hugged the girl who leaned over, and echoed.

And on the nearest few fruit trees, a few monkey monsters saw this scene and looked at each other with evil smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"Hoja~" Stupid human beings don't even have the most basic vigilance!Then go to hell!

Chapter 452

I saw this group of monkey monsters, whose highest level was no more than ordinary level, suddenly began to exert force, throwing stones or fruit cores in their hands out.

The sound of "咻咻" piercing through the air is endless!
"Finally it's out, I'll just wait and see for you!"

Hearing this voice, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling also took off their disguise and gave orders directly.

"Jewel starfish, block the light wall!"

"Buzz~" Hearing the command, the gemstone starfish flickered twice, and soon several invisible walls blocked the incoming projectiles.

"Bang bang bang~" Although the impact sound was very strong, it was a pity that they couldn't even leave a trace on the bare wall.

After all, this is the light wall used by the elite level, how could a group of monkey monsters whose height is no higher than the ordinary level break through it.

On the other side, Kouduhua also made a bold move.

"Moomoo!" It yelled, and then stretched out its poisonous whip full of thorns at the monkey monster that rushed over.


"Crack!" The vine that has been upgraded to a powerful poisonous whip is much stronger than before!

Those monkey monsters that were rushing forward quickly flew back at an even faster speed.

"Hoja! Hoja!" The screams rang out instantly.

But it stopped abruptly, because they only came in time to let out this scream, and then passed out from serious injuries. Some of the little monkey monsters whose strength was still at the newborn level had no life at all after falling down. Was beaten to death.

The severely injured ones also had blood from the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be dying.

Koudaihua, who killed the enemy with one blow, was a little dazed. It rolled up its vines and put several newborn monkey monsters together. After careful inspection, it was indeed dead. It couldn't help but screamed twice in a daze.

"Moo? Moo?" Why did you die? I obviously lost my strength. You are also weak!Or a fighting elf?
After following Tian Ci for so long, it naturally knew that newborn-level cubs in the wild could be sold at a higher price, so it reserved some strength, but unexpectedly beat them to death.

"It's okay, I'm dumb, we're here to test out new moves, so we'll just use a little more strength next time."

On the other hand, Tian Ci, who was on the side, quickly cut up the material with a knife, and comforted him aloud.

After all, he only trained for one day. Although he was able to use new fusion moves, he still lacked the grasp of some details.

Strong whipping, what is considered strong is actually a very vague concept, which can only be experienced by Kou Daihua himself in actual combat, which is why Tian Ci asked Kou Daihua to start from the outermost periphery.

To be honest, the few monkey monsters that are the highest but not the lowest level of ordinary level just now can be easily dealt with by relying on Hei Lujia, and there is no need to spend such a sledgehammer at all. In the process, the missing details are tempered.

Of course, the acting just now, pretending to be careless, is also to avoid attracting the attention of more elves.

If they moved forward in a good posture, then these outermost sentries would definitely not attack easily, but would gather more clansmen before attacking.

Although he is not afraid as long as it is not an elite hot monkey leading the team, but it can save a little effort, yes, so it is better to sneak forward.

"Let's go, Xiao Ling!" After packing up the materials of the monkey monster a few times, Tian Ci greeted the girl who also just picked up the backpack, and walked forward together.

"Shushasha~" Walking slowly on the golden yellow leaves, surrounded by tall trees bearing fruit, it feels like an outing.

But no one knows that there are murderous intentions hidden everywhere.

After walking less than a few hundred meters, Tian Ci's superpower sensed that there was an enemy lurking beside him.

"On the tree, there are two ordinary and low-slung beetles, and one ordinary and low-slung butterfly.

In the bushes, under the rocks, there are 3 low-level normal-level monkey monsters, and a mid-level normal-level fiery monkey. "

Using telepathy, he quickly told Xiaoling about the distribution of the enemies, and then began to distribute the opponents again.

"Hei Lujia, you go to deal with the big needle bee and Ba Dahu.

Kouduhua, those monkey monsters and fiery monkeys will be handed over to you. "



The two elves also agreed, expressing their understanding.

"Okay, then let's go over now!" After the assignment was made, Tian Ci called Xiao Ling to step into their trap together.

The elves in the wild are not fools. Compared with elves, human trainers must be more fragile.

So in the wild, the human trainer himself is the best bait.

It is worth mentioning that, in order not to be exposed too quickly, the aura of the two of them, including the energy fluctuations of the elves under their command, was suppressed.

Tian Ci and Xiao Ling pretended to be ordinary people directly, and the tallest of them was only the middle of ordinary people.

This is also the reason why the peripheral elves in Luoxinglin did not gather more clansmen.

Just like the leader of the fiery monkey team ambushing behind the stone, it is panting heavily at this time, thinking that it will soon enjoy the pleasure of punching to the flesh, it can't suppress the excitement.

Fierce monkey, fiery monkey, has a very fiery temper, so he is very aggressive!
It was okay when they first migrated here, and there were not many people in the tribe, but in recent years, the number of people in the tribe has increased, and the number of fiery monkeys has also begun to increase, so the struggle within the tribe has intensified.

Introducing the Big Needle Bee Clan and the Ba Da Hu Clan as vassal groups, in addition to helping to take care of the orchard, it can also serve as a vent. Of course, in such a large fruit forest, besides these two, there are still elves of other races living. For example, the small Lada family, the walking grass family and so on.

But without exception, these are all vassals of the fiery monkey group. As long as the fiery monkey gives the order, they will follow to meet the enemy. For example, the big needle bee and Ba Dahu on the tree were pulled here by the fiery monkey team leader thugs.

Back to the topic, when Tian Ci and Xiao Ling stepped into the encirclement one after the other.

It was as if some kind of switch had been triggered!
"Buzz~" I saw two big needle bees flying out of the tree suddenly, and the double needles in their hands lit up white, "咻咻咻!" They kept firing poisonous needles at Tian Ci and them.

"Fuhu~" Ba Dahu, who followed closely behind, also immediately handed over his control, and spit out a large ball of silk thread from his mouth.



Seeing that the vanguard was already on the ground, the fiery monkey on the ground no longer hid, and jumped out first, with a strong white light on its fist, and its eyes were full of excitement!

"Hey~ Sometimes it's really important to know the information about yourself and the enemy!"

Although he was about to be besieged, Tian Ci didn't panic at all, and snapped his fingers pretendingly.

With a sound of "snap!", all the staff tore off the disguise.

"Wow!" Hei Lujia stood opposite Tian Ci with an excited face, opened his mouth and said "hoo", and a jet of flame shot into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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