Pokemon Poor

Chapter 373 Falling Apricot Forest

Chapter 373 Falling Apricot Forest

Soon, a day of hard training passed, and Koudaihua also mastered the move of strong whipping, and then seamlessly connected to the move of thorns and poisonous whip, upgrading this three-in-one fusion move to Strong Poison Whip.

This is the reason why Tian Ci took the task but still went to training first. At that time, Koudaihua had just finished learning it secretly, and it was the time when his memory was deepest, so he had to strike while the iron was hot, and learn this core move first.

Otherwise, if you are dragged to fight in the wild, you will use too many other moves, and then come back to learn them, it will definitely be half the effort.

Now that Koudaihua has completed the update of moves, it is natural to go to the task. As for the training of other elves, it can be done after the task.

"Let's go! Xiao Ling!" In the early morning of the next day, Tian Ci, who was dressed in an adventurous outfit, called out to the girl who was still asleep.

"Hmm~ Brother Tian Ci, didn't Ninghui wake up too?"

Xiao Ling, who had been tossing around for a while last night, replied with sleepy eyes, and wanted to pull back the quilt and continue to sleep.

Looking at the girl who had forgotten, Tian Ci tore off the quilt helplessly, and said:
"Xiaoling, have you forgotten that we still have two time-limited missions to do, and Ninghui can do them in the city because she accepted the mission of nurturing a family.

We are going hunting outside the city! "

"That's right~ I'm really envious~" Hearing this, Xiao Ling also reacted, looked at the little maid who was hugging the quilt and fell asleep again, and couldn't help sighing.

"Hee hee~" Although Ning Hui is a maid, she and Xiao Ling are sisters who have a very good relationship, and they are also called Guan Bao's friend, so some small jokes don't matter.

Hearing this snickering sound, Tian Ci knew that the little maid had woken up too, so he patted the cute girl under the quilt, and ordered:
"Ninghui, you remember to arrange the training plan for the Kami turtle and the marsh jump fish, and don't let them play there all the time."

"Yeah, I know the master~" Hearing this, Ning Hui poked her head out to show that she understood.

"Well, that's enough, Xiaoling, let's speed up!"

After explaining, Tian Ci walked out of the room and told Xiao Ling to get up quickly to tidy up.

It is worth mentioning that because of the lack of strength of Kami Turtle and Marsh Leap Fish, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling handed over the two elves' elf balls to Ninghui before they set off, and asked her to supervise the two elves. Only the training situation.

No way, the strength of the ordinary mid-tier is indeed far behind the seniors in the team. Even Hei Lujia, because of the fire attribute, has a restraint bonus, and a keen sense of smell is helpful for field exploration. Tian Ci Just brought it on.

Otherwise, ordinary high-ranking elves are just a matter of taking a serious blow in front of the elite level. There is really no need for this, and it is better to stay in the training ground and practice.

Not long after, Xiao Ling, who was fully equipped, came out.

Perhaps because of the innate awakening of the water attribute, her usual attire is becoming more and more water-blue, or even light-colored.

Today she is wearing a whole set of camouflage blue sports suit. Although the material may be normal wear-resistant cloth, it can't stand the comfort of the inside!

For the strong men above the elite, especially the strong women, this brand is often bought when going out for adventure.

Tian Ci is also this sports suit, the only difference is that this one on him is camouflage green.

After all, the extraordinary barrier with stress response is here, so the clothing requirements don't need to be too high.

"Let's go, Brother Tian Ci!"

The two walked side by side to the gate of the city.

This time they have two mission objectives, namely the monkey monster family and the Arbo monster family.

Although the lower limit of the task requirements is in the normal level category, it is too cumbersome to do that, and it also requires a little luck.

That's why the two courageous people from Yigao set their sights on the large group of elites from the very beginning.

"Shall we go to the monkey monster or the Abo monster first? Brother Tian Ci?"

On Bi Diao's spacious back, Xiao Ling snuggled into Tian Ci's arms and asked in a low voice.

"Let's get the monkey wine done first, and go to Luoxinglin!"

"Oh~ I don't know if the monkey wine is good or not, I'll try it when the time comes."

After a few exchanges, Bi Diao flew in the direction of Luoxinglin under the guidance of Tian Ci.

Yuhong City, as a big city that cultivates grass-type spiritual materials, naturally has tree orchards.

Luo Xinglin was a tree orchard a long time ago, and various fruit trees were planted in it. However, in a big battle, the ground veins here were damaged by the enemy, which directly caused the energy in the soil to begin to lose in an irreversible form.

Luo Xinglin was originally the largest spiritual plant cultivation site in Yuhong City, but as time passed, the energy slowly declined, and it was finally abandoned.

Yuhong City transplanted most of the cherished spiritual plants, leaving only some low-level spiritual fruit trees, which were not worth wasting manpower and material resources to take away, so they were thrown there.

Although Yuhong City doesn't care about these low-level spiritual plants, to the elves in the wild, every piece of food with energy is precious.

So after several trials, it was discovered that the human trainers in Yuhong City had really given up on this fruit forest, and a battle broke out among the wild elves.

How it will end, no one knows, only know that since then, the monkey monster clan has taken root in this place, they are a big clan, because of this orchard, a few more elite-level powerhouses have been added to the clan .

Yuhong City didn't care either. As long as there were no Gym-level wild elves, they would generally not interfere. After all, no matter how many elites there were, that was all there was to it in front of the entire Yuhong City. Second confidence!

On the contrary, Yuhong City directly announced the location of this place, treating it as a resource point for trainers to enter and exit at will.

It's a pity that most of the local trainers in Yuhong City have two-handed spiritual plant cultivation techniques, so they look down on those low-level tree fruits and spiritual plants.

So very few people went there, except for a very few trainers who wanted to subdue the monkey monster, basically no one went.

After all, the monkey monster, the fiery monkey, is quite strong, and the materials on its body are worthless, and the low-level spiritual plants nearby are also worthless, so why go there?
In this way, there were no tigers in the mountains, and a situation in which the monkeys became the overlord gradually formed. Recently, the monkey monster clan had the intention of expanding their territories, and even attacked two passing caravans.

Then the caravan that was attacked was reported to Yuhong City, and the elf center in Yuhong City also had an additional task of killing monkey monsters. However, because it was paid by the government, the price was relatively low, but the spirit was also easy. In principle, he took it.

A common low-middle monkey monster gives 4000 alliance coins, or 3 points of alliance contribution.

Ordinary high-level hot monkeys will give 10000 alliance coins, or 8 points of alliance contribution.

This price can't be said to be low, it is completely the price of selling elf meat.

But having said that, monkey monsters and fiery monkeys are all muscular elves, and they really don't have any valuable materials on them.

Chapter 450 Preparation

As for the price above the elite level, this alliance task has not been written, and Tian Ci will not change it.

After all, every living elite is a mobile wealth, and the recycling price of the Elf House is much more than the little thing given by the mission.

Unless there are special circumstances, no one is stupid enough to grab an elite elf to turn in the task.

Accompanied by the wind of "huhu~hu~", the two soon came to the only way to Luoxinglin.

Looking at the forest from a distance, one can see that the entire forest is almost golden yellow. It is one of the low-level spiritual plants, the yellow apricot tree. The fruit it bears is sweet and sour, but it contains little energy. Poor, it can only be eaten as a snack at most.

Such it can be called a spiritual plant, so it naturally has other unique features.

The root system of this kind of fruit tree is very developed, which can firmly lock the nutrients in the soil and avoid excessive loss.

Of course, this cannot be planted by the hot monkeys. These yellow apricot trees are the product of Yuhong City's previous efforts.

Although it is effective, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. It can only suspend the loss of the aura of the earth veins. If things go on like this, it will still degenerate into a mortal earth.

Of course, this kind of environment is already very good for the wild elves, especially the monkey monsters who like to eat fruits. This is simply their paradise.

After so many years of reproduction, the strength of their group has grown again and again, and it is inevitable to expand their territory!
"Bi Diao! Go and investigate in the sky!" Standing on the path, Tian Ci gave an order to Bi Diao beside him.

"Bi Diao~" Bi Diao nodded, and with a cry, he flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

"Come out, Hei Lujia, Kouduhua!" After Bi Diao flew away, he called out his other two elves immediately.

"Hei Lujia, you still maintain the scent detection move and scout the way ahead, but this time you are closer to us."

He first said something to Hei Lujia.

Hei Lujia obeyed the order and gave a "bark" to express his understanding, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly yelled "bark" at Tian Ci in aggrieved manner.

"Tian Ci, let me get closer, do you think I'm weak? Let me tell you, I'm very powerful now, and I can burn this forest with a single fire!"

Looking at Hei Lujia's originally ferocious dog face, now he has become aggrieved, Tian Ci felt both angry and funny.

"It's nothing, Hei Lujia, I know you have become stronger now, but two fists are no match for four hands!
And there is more than one elite-level fiery monkey in this forest!I believe you have experienced the strength of the elite level, so we can show our prestige when we should, but if we don’t have the strength to hold on, then the price we pay will be very high.”

There is no way, Hei Lujia is younger, and life has become easier when we are with him, so the psychological teaching still has to come twice often.

"Wow~" Hei Lujia, who was tortured by Tian Ci's broken thoughts, quickly pressed his head to the ground, expressing that he understood, really understood, don't talk anymore!
"Well, as long as you understand, be careful not to let your guard down!"

Seeing Gouzi's performance, Tian Ci understood that it really listened, nodded in satisfaction, and said no more.

Don't look at Hei Lu Jiachang's ferocity, but in fact he is the second youngest in the team, and he usually only looks serious in order to maintain his majesty in front of Sister Kamigui.

In fact, he is still a tsundere little prince in his heart!

On the other side, Xiaoling also called out her two elves, namely the fast-swimming frog and the gem starfish.

"Swimming Frog, you follow behind us, pay attention to vigilance, gem starfish, you and Brother Tian Ci cooperate to use superpowers to detect the surroundings."

"Yo!" The fast-swimming frog showed its biceps, saying that the safety of the rear is left to me, so don't worry.

"Buzz~" The core gem in the middle of the gem starfish also flashed twice, expressing understanding.

Then I saw its figure drifting away, and landed steadily in front of Tian Ci.

"Come on! Gem starfish, super synchronous frequency!"

After a word of telepathy, Tian Ci's eyes glowed with blue light, and at the same time, the core gemstone of the gem starfish also emitted a red light.

With a sound of "shua", the two forces intertwined and soon separated from each other, but when they retracted, both sides mixed a trace of the other's energy and incorporated it into their own sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, when the two parties use super powers to detect the surroundings, not only can they consume less mental power (because after the same frequency, the consumption is shared equally by both), but also the vision can be shared.

The most important thing is that in a critical moment, you can also mobilize the power of the other party to bless yourself. Although it is definitely impossible to double it, after the loss, the power of adding 3-4% is still there.

This is the bt of superpowers, like extraordinary trainers of other attributes, although they can also bless their elves, but many of them do not directly improve their combat power.

For example, Xiao Ling was born with a supernatural water element, but the only one who benefited from it was the fast-swimming frog. Although the subsequent elves also have water attributes, they have nothing special to show.

Moreover, Xiaoling's water energy can't directly bless the fast-swimming frogs with combat power, it can only heal them.

So in comparison, the common frequency of superpowers is really too much, and it is understandable for people to think they are superior.

Back to the topic, after completing the mental frequency synchronization with Gem Starfish, Tian Ci's perception became more subtle, and he even felt that his mind was spinning a lot faster than usual.

"I don't know, what is the gift that Nazi mentioned, what is the fifth elf? Now that the co-frequency with the gem starfish has been improved so much, I really look forward to the scene after co-frequency with the pure super power spirit!"

Feeling the changes in himself, Tian Ci muttered to himself.

Some people may ask, the feeling of co-frequency with pure super-type elves, you go to Nazi, let her elves cooperate with you, wouldn't it be good to experience it!

But you have to know that spiritual co-frequency needs to plant a trace of the other party's spiritual power in one's own sea of ​​consciousness, which requires the unreserved trust of both parties.

If it's him and Nazi herself, then of course it's okay.

But for the elves under Nazi, think about it and forget it. He knows very well that whether it is trainers or elves under Nazi, they are actually respectful to them because of Nazi's face. .

Now let people let go of the most important sea of ​​consciousness, and carry out spiritual resonance, 100% rejected.

And even if he agreed, Tian Ci himself didn't dare, because the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness is the most important place, if an unfamiliar elf breaks in, who knows what will happen.

So he didn't think about it. If he really wants to share the frequency with a pure super power elf, he should cultivate it himself!

(End of this chapter)

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