Pokemon Poor

Chapter 317 Empty Hualan

Chapter 317 Empty Hualan
On the other side, after seeing Tian Ci who bowed her head and the blood stains on the ground, Kiyoko Shuiyuan felt a lot better. After venting some anger in her heart, her frowning brows relaxed.

In the warehouse, Lambda and Nazi exchanged a few words, opened a few backpacks and looked at them, and asked the specially dispatched superpower troops to carry the supplies.

As the dark side of the Kanto Alliance, how could the Rockets not have their own superpower troops? These white uniforms are one of the troops directly under Sakagi. Each of them is an elite-level trainer, and at the same time, they are also warrior-level superpowers. By.

Just now, Nazi and her four subordinates just provided a coordinate, and the teleportation of a large number of people was carried out by this army with mental energy.

However, this troop with explosive combat effectiveness came here today just as a porter.

I saw a member carrying 7-8 large space backpacks, and then resonated with his gem starfish, and appeared in the Rockets' base outside the city with a "swish".

And there are not a few people like him, so in just a few minutes, all the supplies in this warehouse were emptied by the super-power troop brought by Lambda.

"Let's go, Nazi!" On the last trip, Lambda hitched a ride with several backpacks on his body, bid farewell to Nazi, and teleported away.

"Search, is there any hidden Team Rocket members!"

After Lambda left, the girl put down her farewell hand, gave instructions to the four subordinates, and then closed her eyes to feel her surroundings.

The other 4 direct subordinates also used mental power to detect in a decent manner.

After a quick investigation, nothing was found, and the Rockets all left.

Nazi immediately opened her eyes, and looked at Shuiyuan Qingzi who was beside her.

The latter understood, clapped his hands a few times, and immediately someone delivered 8 space backpacks.

"Master Nazi, these are the resources you ordered, secretly hidden."

"En, not bad." Nazi took the one marked No. 1, and then gave Nos. 2 to 5 to her four subordinates.

All the resources of a big city, there are always things they can use, so she kept some of them privately, these things are just a drop in the bucket compared to what was handed over, and she believed that Lambda would not be so stupid, and really handed it all over Boss Sakagi above will definitely intercept a small part for his own use.

Of these 8 backpacks, No. 1 is what she needs, No. 2-5 are the resources needed by her four direct subordinates at this stage, as for No. 4 and No. 6, one is for Tian Ci, and the other is for her younger sister Xiao Ling They are all the resources they can use at this stage, and No. 7 is for Ning Hui, Tian Ci's accompanying maid, which contains some cultivation materials and formulas.

The accompanying maid is equivalent to the head maid. Although she doesn't care, it means that Tian Ci should value Ning Hui more, so she also prepared a copy.

"Tian Ci, these three backpacks are for you, number 6 is yours, number 7 is for sister Xiaoling, and number 8 is for Ninghui, come and get it."

After distributing the 5 backpacks, Nazi called Tianji who kept bowing her head beside her. She felt a little strange. She still remembered that Tianji said before that she was excited to let him choose a few and keep these few. The backpack was largely due to Tianji's request.

Otherwise, with the ability of Jinhuang City, those resources can be collected in a short time, and she is too lazy to stop them.

"Okay~" This is Tian Ci who bowed his head and raised his head, agreeing. The pale face, the blood on the nose, and the bright red on the ground after moving his steps all appeared in front of Na Zi.

Seeing this scene, the girl panicked. Anxiety appeared for the first time on her cold and delicate face, and she appeared in front of Tian Ci with a "shua".

"Tian Ci, why are you mentally traumatized, who hurt you!"

At the same time as the questioning, a gymnasium-level superpower unreservedly oppressed the surroundings.

During the time she went back, she read a lot of books and understood that the position of lover is higher than that of friends. She was very happy and cherished Tian Ci very much!Want to give him everything!

So the girls read more and more strange books, all about how to treat their men better. As for the more normal ones, such as "Some Things Women Ask Men to Do", she doesn't read them at all. Look, she just wants to be nice to Tian Ci, let Tian Ci live happily and freely, and doesn't want to impose any rules on Tian Ci.

That's it, Tian Ci, who occupied her whole heart, was injured under her nose!How can this make the girl not angry!
"I'm sorry, Nazi, it's my fault, because the owner of Qingzi is too beautiful, so I didn't pay attention to look at it twice, and I made the owner of Qingzi angry. I deserve it."

Tian Ci himself felt that at this time, he was very good at tea art, and he looked like he was at fault. After speaking, he bowed and apologized to Kiyoko Shuiyuan.

Sure enough, Nazi's superpower immediately turned to the panicked stunning young woman.

"Shuiyuan Qingzi, what are you! How dare you hurt me!"

After finishing speaking, a powerful mental force hit the young lady owner against the wall of the warehouse with a "bang"!

"Cough! Cough!" Mizumoto Kiyoko was severely injured, and directly spurted out two mouthfuls of bright red blood.

You must know that because of the contract, when facing Nazi with her strength, she will choose to remain silent from the heart, so facing Nazi's angry blow, she really has nothing to resist, if it is not for the promotion by the way Physical fitness is not bad, she died by herself.

"Nazie, she is still useful for you to stabilize Hualan City, so you can't kill her! I've vented my anger, it's okay!"

Tian Ci saw that after this blow, Nazi wanted to gather strength to do it again, as if she was going to beat Shuiyuan Qingzi to death, so he hurriedly shouted.

You must know that if Shuiyuan Qingzi was killed, Hualan City is really leaderless. Such a situation will definitely attract the attention of the alliance. Maybe Junsha and Joey of Hualan City will take the opportunity to make trouble. The Qingshui family is gone. Those who are in control, the two of them are really the most famous in this city, and it is very likely that the good situation will be twisted by chance.

Of course, there is another small reason, that is, he is a bit reluctant to let Nazi be beaten to death like this because he is so familiar with the stunning young woman.

Hearing what Tian Ci said, the furious Nazi stopped, but still pulled Mizumoto Kiyoko in front of her with her mental power, locked in mid-air, looked at the people around her, and said with a cold snort:
"Shuiyuan Qingzi, and you all, remember! Aoki Tatsuji, this man's status is comparable to mine, what does he ask you to do, what do you want to do!
As a follow-up punishment, Shuiyuan Qingzi, you will be the first cauldron furnace after Tian Ci's conversion! "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Tian Ci's eyebrow with his right hand, and at the same time spent his mental energy to help him recover, a martial arts practice method passed down from ancient times was passed on.

It's called "Flying Phoenix Playing in Water"!
Chapter 348 Selection of Cultivation Method
The name "Dianfeng Xishuijue" is a dual-cultivation method inherited from ancient times, and it is ranked among the top secrets, second only to the "Golden Meditation Method" that Tian Ci is currently practicing.

"Golden Meditation Method" is the core inheritance of the Nazi family. It ranks in the ranks of super-class cheats.

She found quite a few high-level cheats, including the same super-grade cheats, and there was one in Jinhuang City, but why did she choose the high-level cheat "Dianfeng Xishui Jue", which is preserved in Hualan City?

One is because the road to martial arts is inherently difficult, even for those who are talented in martial arts, it will take several years to master a low-level cheat book. (Refer to Shitou, Dishaquan has been accomplished in two years)

Even if there are more advanced cheats, the time required will not necessarily be shortened. She has helped Tian Ci secretly test it before, and the roots are average, which means that Tian Ci's martial arts talent is very average, not bad, and the average talent is about the same as a passer-by. of.

With such a talent, there is really no need for Tian Ci to spend a lot of time on the road of martial arts, or else he will not be able to catch up with her.

So she helped Tian Ci choose the way of dual cultivation, wouldn't it be faster to plunder others directly through dual cultivation!
However, Na Zi's Golden City does not have the double cultivation method she likes. The only book "Shuo Yang and Sweeping Yin Art" is only a middle-grade cheat book. Not to mention the disordered qi, there is also the risk of going crazy. The advantage is that the advancement is very fast.

She definitely can't let Tian Ci practice this exercise, what if she goes crazy, so she checked a lot of information, and finally chose the exercise "Dianfeng Xishuijue".

"Dianfeng Xishuijue" is much better in comparison. It can be gentle and double-cultivated, which is good for both parties. You can also plunder the cauldron to practice, and the advancement is faster. If it is not pure enough, it will be weaker than the same level. This is the reason why this exercise is not ranked as a super grade. It is not because it cannot advance to the championship, but because the people who practice it are weaker than the same level.

How can you be weaker than others if you want to rank in the super class? This is definitely not possible!

Of course, there is also a martial arts technique that is powerful and quick to practice, such as "Butterfly Transformation", as the name suggests, every promotion must be at the juncture of life and death. If you see through life and death, you will be able to turn from a chrysalis into a butterfly. After nine times of life and death, you will be able to achieve great success , and can leapfrog the level to kill the enemy.

Well, it can be called a necessary skill for the protagonist of fantasy novels, but why is Nazi willing to let Tian Ci go through 9 times of life and death, if she is really dead, what should she do?So pass it directly!
The second is because of family reproduction. Because human beings are in a disadvantaged position in this world, it is better to have as many offspring as possible. Almost everyone attaches great importance to their own blood inheritance.

In Na Zi's view, Tian Ci must also establish a family and let her blood be passed on.

Family, family, how many people can be called a family?How do a few people compete with others for territory?How to resist the tide of elves?
There must be many people, like the Golden Family, hundreds of thousands of people are called a big family, so Tianci's body must be good, and the more seeds left, the better, although the first generation will definitely not reach hundreds or thousands, But there must be dozens of children!

In this way, the double cultivation method that has additional blessings on Tian Ci's body won again.

The third is because of guilt, because of the family's regular inspections, Nazi can't give herself completely to Tianci, not even her close subordinates, that is to say, it will take a long time to catch up with Nazi in Tianci, or get Before the approval of the Golden Family, neither of them could take the last step, let alone leave Tian Ci's blood, so she hoped that someone else could replace her and leave Tian Ci's blood.

Three reasons made Na Zi make a decision, and she believed that Tian Ci would like it.

As for combat power, isn't there super powers to focus on? There is a super-grade cheat book "Golden Meditation", so what are you worried about?
After receiving the information, Tian Ci smiled as Nazi expected.

Yes, he is very satisfied with practicing this dual-cultivation method. Martial arts, to be honest, after gaining superpowers, he has indeed been reduced to a support. If he is weaker at the same level, he will be weaker. He doesn't rely on this to fight against the enemy.

On the other side, when Qingzi Shuiyuan heard that she was going to be the cauldron of that scar-faced man, and saw that Nazi valued this man so much, she felt completely remorseful. People who care!
However, under Nazi's order, the contract made her kneel down with several other elite Hualan City trainers from the bottom of her heart and said:
"I've met Lord Tianji!"

"Okay, okay, let's all get up." Tian Ci looked at the girls, at worst they were all charming beauties, especially Qingzi, who was severely injured, her beautiful face looked pale and weak, making him My mind can't help but shake.

However, he didn't get to the point where he could think about it. After getting them up, he looked warily at the four masked subordinates behind Nazi, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Nazi:
"Nazie, those four subordinates of yours won't tell the truth, right? You just said that my status is equal to yours. If they pass it on to your family, it will cause you a lot of trouble!"

Hearing that Tian Ci was concerned about herself for the first time, the girl showed a smile on her cold face, and said softly:
"Don't worry, Tian Ci, the four of them are my saviors, their thoughts, life and death are all in my mind, and they are also my personal maids, absolutely reliable."

After she finished speaking, she also asked the four silent people behind her to take off their masks and go to meet Tianji.

Under Nazi's order, the four took off their masks and half-kneeled in front of Tian Ci.

"Spring, summer, autumn, and winter have met Mr. Tian Ci!"

Yes, the names of the four are replaced by seasons, everything about them belongs to Nazi, and their names are just code names for them.

What surprised Tian Ci was that the four of them looked at young beauties with good looks, although they were a little indifferent, but with their curvy figure, they would also be great beauties in the future, that is, the beauties of the first class of school beauties in the previous life. The important thing is that the 4 people turned out to be quadruplets with the same appearance!

No wonder the mental power of the four of them was so consistent just now. They were obviously high-level elites, that is, high-level warrior-level superpowers, but just the combination of the four of them gave him a sense of oppression comparable to that of a gymnasium.

But just surprised, Tian Ci immediately said to the four girls:
"Okay, okay, you don't have to be so polite, get up."

He understood that it was all because of Nazi, so he didn't make a fuss, he was very polite to them, and helped the four of them up.

"Tian Ci, the four of them are also on the family's regular inspection list, so they can't be completely handed over to you, or else you and their four double cultivation will be enough to be promoted to a warrior."

Seeing Tian Ci help the four girls up, Na Zi nodded and said with a little regret.

 As for martial arts, of course it is best to become stronger while lying down.Martial arts minor, physical fitness, has already been said very clearly, the main attack must be superpowers.

  Finally, thanks to Wanzhi (1500 points), Yunmeng Passing Water for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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