Pokemon Poor

Chapter 316 Closing

Chapter 316 Closing
However, those who could be brought out by the two gymnasium masters were all core direct descendants, so they quickly averted their eyes.

Tian Ci also appeased the three water attribute elves, he knew that Nazi would not forget him, this sacred spring, other people dare not say, but he will definitely have a share.

Of course, it will definitely not be given now. I saw that the holy spring was divided into three parts in the air, the largest part was put into a container with the R logo, and the other two parts were put into two jade bottles, one of which was It floated in front of Ma Zhishi.

"Nazie, I don't need so much, as long as you can join me and Ah Ju's faction, you can split this bottle in half."

Ma Zhishi didn't pay too much attention to this sacred spring. Although it was useful to him, he didn't need much as he specialized in electricity.

On the contrary, if Nazi can be brought over, the potential benefits are far greater than this half bottle of holy spring.

"Okay." Nazi has nothing to do with this, and it doesn't hurt her to join Ma Zhishi's faction. Besides, many people in the Rockets already think that she, Ah Ju, Ma Zhishi has long been a faction. So she agreed directly, and Nazi put the half bottle of the holy spring into a small bottle.

"Hahaha, good!" Unexpectedly, Nazi agreed so simply, Ma Zhishi laughed and put away his share.

At this moment, that stunning young woman, the gym master of this generation in Hualan City, woke up. She understood what had happened as soon as she woke up. She looked around blankly with her dark blue eyes, and shed two lines of tears. She knew Hualan City was over.

Although she still has self-awareness, she can't feel any resentment towards the people in Jinhuang City over there. On the contrary, she looks at the culprit—Nazzi, and she feels flattery and reverence. She suspects that if Nazi told her to die, she would die with a smile on her face.

(Before, Hu Di, a gymnasium-level source of power, could imprint Tian Ci's spiritual body with the brand of loving Nazi, and now the spiritual brand planted by the owner of Qingshui Pavilion is even stronger. Look at the size of the front battle!)
For her like this, there is no difference between being alive and dead, but just when she was about to bite her tongue to kill herself, she found that she couldn't even die.

"Why, why!" Pavilion Master Qingshui's exquisite and exquisite face was full of sorrow, and she muttered to herself as she slumped on the ground.

"Because you are too weak, Hualan City is too weak!"

Nazi and Ma Zhishi, who had collected the sacred spring, came over, and after hearing her question, they told her the cruelest truth.

". Woo. Woo" Hearing this answer, the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion was silent, his shoulders twitched, and he began to cover his face and cry.

In the end, she is just the new owner of the humanitarian hall living under Granny Lan's wings.

"Okay, don't cry, let me ask you, what's your real name?"

Seeing the owner of Qingshui Hall hiding his face and crying, Nazi frowned. She didn't want to waste time and asked directly.

On the ground, Pavilion Master Qingshui paused when he heard Nazi's order. The extremely sad mood in his heart was suddenly and slowly changed, and tears could no longer be shed. Instead, a sense of joy surged up. It seemed that it was a great honor for her to communicate with Nazi.

"Master Nazi, my real name is Shuiyuan Qingzi."

The raised face was also extremely respectful.

"Well, Qingzi, you have to play a play with us next, dealing with the people in Nibi City, first...then..."

Nazi was very satisfied with Shuiyuan Qingzi's attitude, and began to explain her follow-up plans.

After all, there is still a way for the reinforcements. Although Nibi City teleports much slower than their Golden City, but everyone has come, so we can't let them go back without seeing each other.

"Okay, Lady Nazi!" After hearing the plan, Shuiyuan Qingzi was clearly unwilling, but she was immediately suppressed, and turned into joy from the bottom of her heart, expressing that she would complete the plan wholeheartedly.

Tian Ci, who was watching beside him, couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, and sighed secretly, Jinhuang City, as an ancient city with super powers, is really unpredictable.

I used to think that it was too much of a fuss for Jinhuang City to spend such a large amount of money to control a gymnasium level, but now I know that they want the Qingshui family to "voluntarily" be slaves from generation to generation!Contribute to the Golden City!
Even the mind can be distorted for you. He estimated that Shuiyuan Qingzi would follow the mind in a short time. After all, both consciousness and emotion are derivatives of the mind.

On the other side, the battlefield where Lambda is located has also ended. In the case of superficial assistance and actual backstabbing, Grandma Lan and the strongest king-level tyrannosaurus were directly killed, and the angry water arrow turtle The Hethorn Dragon King was also besieged and killed by 6 heavenly king-level elves including the natural bird and the sun elf.

This battle ended with the complete fall of Hualan City.

Next, when Nazi received the information from the outside investigators, knowing that everyone in Nibi City was rushing over on a big steel snake, a big drama began.

She, the two clan elders, and Shuiyuan Qingzi, the gym master of Hualan City, repelled the Rockets' attack together. When the reinforcements from Nibi City arrived, they saw Lambda riding a cross The scene of bats fleeing at the speed of light with their direct descendants from the cave entrance.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. Nibi City, which had just been attacked, took action immediately, leaving behind dozens of Team Rocket members. Unfortunately, they are all ordinary-level miscellaneous soldiers. There are only a few elite-level squadron leaders. It was destroyed by the big steel snake of the Heavenly King level and turned into ashes.

Coincidentally, none of these Team Rocket members were core subordinates, and they were also the ones who saw the Golden City turning back and killing Granny Lan and Gyarados.

This made Tian Ci feel terrified. If he was not from Nazi's side, but an ordinary member who was forcibly recruited, even if he was the squadron leader and did not have a big backer, he might not be able to get the reward for this compulsory mission at all. , when exiting the entrance of the cave, it will be destroyed and turned into ashes by a burst of death light.

"It's so ruthless!" Behind Nazi, he sighed in his heart.

On the other side, after repelling the Rockets, Kiyoko Shuiyuan, Nazi and the leader of Nibi City exchanged a few words and withdrew.

After all, Hualan City was in a catastrophe, so they must do the post-war cleanup work as soon as possible, and the rewards can only be done later.

On the way back, the leader of Nibi City didn't notice anything unusual at all. After all, Kiyoko Shuiyuan's words were spoken from the heart, and her expression was truly sad.

He also lamented that even in the declining Hualan City, its heritage should not be underestimated!There are actually 6-7 Heavenly King-level Guardian Spirits.

That's right, in order to find out the origin of the Gotha Ducks that will migrate in at that time, Nazi asked Qingzi to make some appropriate remarks when talking about the battle.

Chapter 346 Supplies in Hualan City

On the other side, Tian Ci only walked halfway with Nazi, and the team was divided into two teams. The two clan elders from Jinhuang City took most of the people and continued to teleport back to Jinhuang City, while Nazi brought the few left behind by her. A helper and Tian Ci teleported back to Hualan City.

The role of the two clan elders ended here. Subsequent subjugation of Hualan and the secret development of Hualan City were all handed over to Nazi. After all, Nazi managed a golden city very well.More than enough, I believe it would not be a problem to add a docile Hualan City.

As for them, they will come to Hualan at that time, but they will only send resources, as well as the heavenly king-level elves and their groups in the family secret land, and settle in the Hualan cave, two Gotha ducks, two gem starfish, plus stay The hippopotamus and the King of Silly, there are six in total, enough to guard Hualan Cave.

I have to say that Golden City, which is faintly ranked first, is really much stronger than Hualan City at the bottom, and the family's secret training grounds are not enough, which is why they want to plot Hualan City, it is not enough , I can't release the Heavenly King-level elf, I can only grab it from others.

Back to Hualan City, at this time Qingzi had ordered all the resources of Hualan City, and was sitting in the office on the top floor of the gymnasium.

She felt very confused and sad, and she could feel the changes in her body, but she couldn't even die, so she could only let it go, her life was arranged by Granny Lan before, the only time she made her own decision It's the Star Project.

But the star project was also perfected with the help of Granny Lan, and it was also because of Granny Lan's support that she dared to do it freely, because she knew that the sky was falling, and there were people to support her, but now that it is gone, she has become She was the tallest person, so she was terrified.

In fact, this is because she hasn't taken over for a few years, and she hasn't fully adapted to the life of the gymnasium owner. Maybe it's because Granny Lan helped her too much.

Nazi came here in the same way at the beginning. She just took over as the head of the gymnasium, and the clan elders basically helped her deal with the affairs. However, she is very smart and can be in charge of her own affairs in less than two years.

"Shua!" When Nazi, Tianji and 4 of Nazi's direct subordinates appeared in the office, what they saw was the dumbfounded Mizumoto Kiyoko.

However, although she was confused and fearful in her heart, the contract would help her to do things. Seeing Nazi appeared, under the effect of the contract, a burst of joy surged in her heart, she immediately stood up, and came to Nazi, half He knelt down and greeted him:
"Congratulations, Lady Nazi!"

"Well, take me to the treasure house." Nazi nodded and let Qingzi lead the way.

"Yes!" Qing Zi agreed with a smile all over his face, and led everyone to a secret warehouse.

Of course, those who guard the warehouse are elite trainers, who are also diehards of the Qingshui family, but in the Hualan Grotto, these diehards have been planted with the same contract as their owner, so when they see Nazi, they are all Greeted with joy.

"Squeak~" After opening the door, the phenomenon of overflowing jewels and energy did not appear, because I had received Nazi's order in advance, and all the treasures were stored in the largest space backpack. Oversized warehouses fill up.

It is conceivable how amazing all the resources of an ancient city are. This is still the Hualan City that has declined, the bottom of the eight big cities.

"Master Nazi, all the accumulation of Hualan City is here."

After opening the gate, Shuiyuan Qingzi, the owner of the contemporary Qingshui Museum, said something to the cold girl next to him.

"Well, you and Tian Ci should back off first." Nazi nodded, signaling the other party to back off first, and then resonated with her four direct subordinates, as if they were sending something.

Qing Zi and Tian Ci stepped aside and leaned silently.

According to Tian Ci's induction, the worst of the 4 direct descendants is also a general-level superpower (corresponding to the elite-level high-level) superpower!And it is indeed transmitting something.

"Wow~wow~" I saw that the space in that piece of space was distorted, and then with a "swish", a large group of members of the Rockets wearing white R-shaped uniforms appeared, and the leader was the fourth general of the Rockets. Muda is also the commander in chief to destroy Hualan!
Because Kiyoko Mizumoto's allegiance is to Jinhuang City, she still has the same feeling for the Rockets. Tianji heard her clenching her fists beside her.

But obviously, she also knew the relationship between the Rockets and Nazi, Yin Fang bit her lip tightly and said nothing.

Tian Ci turned his head and glanced at her, and found that she was indeed a stunning young woman, and she looked very good-looking when she was angry!
Qingzi also noticed Tianji who had been looking at her all the time, she was very displeased with that perverted appearance, she had to be respectful to Nazi, but that didn't mean that the contract would make her respectful to Nazi's subordinates too!

"Hmph!" She snorted coldly, and the sound wave rushed straight to Tianci with spiritual power.

Caught off guard, Tian Ci felt a "bang" on his head, his expression was in a daze, and two streams of blood flowed from his nose.

The warrior level of human beings corresponds to the elite level of elves, who can also comprehend the power of elements, and at the warrior level, even fighters who practice martial arts, their mental strength will not be weak, and they can use some small means of spiritual sound transmission .

Not to mention Qing Zi, who was born with the same extraordinary water system as Xiaoling, and her aptitude was even better than Xiaoling's. With such a technique, her mental power was only weaker than that of a person with natural superpowers. With her high-level warrior strength, she could deal with a Little Tianci, an ordinary middle-level superpower user, of course, is omnipotent, and Tianci will be injured in one blow!
If it wasn't for Nazi's face, for fear of Nazi's trouble, Tian Ci could be turned into an idiot this time, instead of just teaching her a lesson.

According to her understanding, even if she submits to Jinhuang City, she should be at the highest level under Nazi's subordinates. She is at the level of a gymnasium in strength, and her status is still the city lord of Hualan City. Let me teach Tian a little lesson. Second, a minion who is worthy of the elite level, and his own strength is only at the warrior level, there should be no problem.

Moreover, Tian Ci was not called to go there by Na Zi, which meant that his status was not as high as those four.

In this way, at most, he would just talk about her, and Nazi would never do anything to her.

So why not vent your anger?
"Damn woman!" Tian Ci suffered a severe mental shock just because he took two extra glances, and when he recovered, he immediately lowered his head and cursed inwardly.

At this time, Nazi was still talking with Lambda, and there were a lot of outsiders. He knew that he couldn't expose it, so he lowered his head and endured it. However, he didn't wipe the blood from his nose and the blood dripping from his feet. The trauma has only slightly healed.

He was going to let this woman know that he, Aoki Tachibana, was not just random rubbish!

 Two pieces of good news, let’s talk about the good news first, the poor have been recommended this month, and the blood is about to return, and the data is not dropping, so feel free to write.

  The bad news is that Koda Duck has collapsed. When that book was on the recommendation list, I posted and archived the manuscript regularly, and I completely forgot to ask for follow-up reading, and I begged for votes~ Then the data was not ideal, so I retweeted it. Next Friday " Elf: My Kodak Duck Doesn’t Stay at All” was released miserably. As for whether it has been released or not, let’s look at the data for the week starting next Monday. I hope the big readers can help!Save the ducks!

(End of this chapter)

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