Pokemon Poor

Chapter 306 Fast-Swimming Frog Messenger?

Chapter 306 Fast-Swimming Frog Messenger?
Considering the great changes in the future of Hualan City, it is better not to follow the maid with low strength. Of course, the city may not be very safe, so Tian Ci asked her to open such a room.

"En, yes, master." Ning Hui nodded readily and agreed.

Since Tian Ci broke through to the elite level, Ninghui has made up her mind, and she will follow Tian Ci wholeheartedly from now on, and she will do whatever she is asked to do.

"Xiaoling, this time, do you want to?" After arranging Ninghui, he turned to look at the girl beside him.

He has already broken through the elite, so he is qualified to go further, maybe he can get something better, but Xiaoling is only in the middle of the ordinary. In the action, it is really possible to become a drag.

"Brother Tian Ci, I, I am superhuman in the water system. In this environment, if we cooperate with mosquito-repellent frogs, their strength will be stronger. I am also proficient in water."

The girl understood the meaning of Tian Ci's words, and immediately began to explain to increase her bargaining chips, but under Tian Ci's gaze, her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Xiaoling, I know, but I don't want anything to happen to you. I only have an elite-level bidiao in my hand. I'm afraid it won't be able to protect you if it becomes chaotic~"

Looking at the girl who was slowly silent, Tian Ci stroked her water-blue hair, and said something affectionately.

If Xiaoling is just a temporary teammate, or an ordinary friend who doesn't have a deep relationship, Tian Ci is more than happy to take her on a journey. As she herself said, she is born with an extraordinary water element, and with the cooperation of a few water spirits under her command , in a place like the Hualan Grottoes, the addition of strength is definitely not lower than that of ordinary high-ranking players. It is a very cannon fodder for attributes, the kind that can be used to block damage at critical times.

But the girl is the woman who has been with him for more than two years, and no one can be ruthless than grass, so he must be reluctant. The incident in Nibi City was really a fluke (the author helped to open it up), if it was not a chance Coincidence took down Na Zi, Xiao Ling might really die.

"Then, then, the mosquito-repellent frog and starfish will be handed over to you at that time, Brother Tian Ci.

I stayed in the same room with Ninghui. "

Hearing what Tian Ci said, Xiao Ling felt as sweet as honey. After thinking for a while, she took a step back and decided to lend her two strongest water spirits to Tian Ci.

She knew that the only water-type elf in Tianci's hand was a Kami turtle. The Kami turtle, which has just evolved not long ago, can be said to be weaker than the marsh jumping fish. at a disadvantage.

Hearing what Xiao Ling said, Tian Ci thought for a while, then nodded, and said:


He also considered this situation. After Xiaoling handed over the two strongest ones to him, she stayed with Ninghui in a room with higher security. Including the remaining marsh jump fish, there were three elves. Self-protection should It is enough, and it is not certain whether there will be chaos in the city.

After the discussion, the three embraced each other and fell asleep together.

This night, under the elite-level aura slightly leaked by Bi Diao, no elf with no eyesight came to attack him.

On a new day, after a good night's sleep, Tian Ci took his two daughters to another water area. According to the collected information, there are four major races in the water area around Hualan Cave, which were divided up for 4 weeks.

They are the horned goldfish family that has just been investigated before, and the mosquito-repellent frog family that is going now, followed by the stinging jellyfish family, and the strongest starfish family.

Of course, there are also some small groups under their command, such as King Carp, Big Tongue Clam, Kodak Duck, Slow Beast, Claw Crab and so on.

However, because these small clans do not have elite-level leaders, they can only attach themselves to the big clans. For example, the big tongue shells are mainly attached to the waters of the horned goldfish clan. Although there are other waters, they are relatively few.

All the way to the territory of the mosquito-repellent frog family, as expected, there were more mosquito-repellent tadpoles, and more mosquito-repellent frogs.

"Yobo~yo~" Because there is a mosquito-repellent frog that looks like a fast-swimming frog in the team, the exploration of the waterway in this field went smoothly. It was the messenger of the fast-swimming frog who came down to inspect, so they all cooperated very well. In addition, Xiao Ling's mission had nothing to do with the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, so in half a day, Tian Ci's notebook had another sketch of the passage under the water.

It is worth mentioning that these less than elite wild elves cannot tell whether other elves are wild or raised by humans.

So when Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent frog was dressed as a fast-swimming frog to explore the waterway, there were some hosts who gave some benefits to the inspectors who came down. In total, more than 10 low-grade energy crystals were crystallized, which made Tian Ci a little dumbfounded.

These mosquito-repellent frogs or fast-swimming frogs that were sealed off in various small rivers and lakes are actually equivalent to feudal officials, and Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent frog, which was mistaken for a fast-swimming frog, was regarded as a For the imperial envoy who came down to inspect, this must be a boon!

Of course, this idea didn't come along long ago, but after being misidentified by a mosquito-repellent frog in a small river, Tian Ci asked them to act like this.

The result was very good, the world was settled after half a day, and then they went to the Starfish Clan non-stop.

At this point, there is no way to pretend to be an imperial envoy. Although there are starfish in the team, but with ordinary middle-level strength and no evolution, he is just an ordinary clansman.

However, normal communication is still fine. After roughly exploring the waters of the starfish, they are completing the task of capturing three newborn starfish.

At this time, in a stream, Xiaoling's starfish was fooling around with a few newborn starfish.

"Buzz~buzz~" I found something good in the crevice in front of the rock, there are delicious soft shellfish, do you want to go and have a look together.



Hearing Ruanbei, his favorite food, the red lights in the middle of the bodies of those starfishes who were just born and still at the newborn level flickered wildly, and said excitedly, go go!Thank you, senior!
No way, it's just so easy to fool around, because when they are born, the people around them are very kind to them, no matter whether they are familiar with them or not. Who knows that this senior who suddenly appeared is actually the elf of the human trainer.

"Buzz~" After receiving the impatient message from the newborn starfish, Xiaoling's starfish agreed, and then swung the water with a "crash", leading a few juniors to the hiding place of the Kami turtles. go.

When they reached behind the big rock, Kami Turtle, Marsh Leaping Fish, and Mosquito Frog shot instantly, and the energy fluctuations only appeared for a moment, and then stopped.

At this time, the few freshman-level starfish had already lost their fighting ability in the midst of many ordinary-level attacks.

Chapter 336 Stinger Jellyfish

After knocking out these freshman-level starfishes, Kami Turtle and them each quickly swam to the shore with their spoils.

Fortunately, the place they were looking for was hidden enough, so they were not discovered by other sea stars, so Tian Ci and the others successfully completed the task, and then slipped away.

To be honest, he doesn't want to fight against the Starfish family unless it is necessary. As elves who are born with superpowers, although they have not undergone systematic training, they are relatively weak individually, but hundreds of them use their mind power together, and I am afraid they are elites. The level should also temporarily avoid the edge.

And Tian Ci's Bi Diao is just a newcomer to the elite. If an elite starfish is really provoked, anyone with a discerning eye can tell who wins and who loses.

That's why he only caught a few newborn sea stars and then ran away. The other sea stars in this water area didn't kill any of them. You must know that the core orbs in the middle of the sea stars are very valuable.

But no matter how valuable it is, it is not as valuable as your own life. The reason to go to the Goldfish King to kill is because the strength of the Goldfish King will be greatly reduced after landing. A few elite-level jewel starfish use their mind power together. I'm afraid they won't be able to fly away, so it's better to be a human being with their tails between their legs.

"Huh~" Just like that, Tianci let out a sigh of relief when he slipped into the water area of ​​the stinging jellyfish. A few babies run away.

But there is no way, if he really asks Bi Diao to kill the big officials there, the group of gem starfish will definitely dare to cross the waters to chase him down. As the number one force, they are so overbearing!

This is not a joke. The information he collected through inquiring and collecting specifically stated that the starfish family around Hualan Grotto should not be provoked unless necessary.

In the waters of Haixingxing, it can be said that at least a dozen elite trainers who acted recklessly died.

Back to the topic, after arriving at the waters of the agate jellyfish family, Xiao Ling took out the collected information, frowned, and said to Tian Ci:

"Brother Tian Ci, this place is not easy to mess with. Agate jellyfish are poisonous and aggressive. The waters where they live almost have their venom dissolved in the water. It may not matter to other elves who have adapted for a long time, but the mosquito-repellent frog They are afraid"

Hearing what Xiaoling said, Tian Ci also frowned. He knew that the stinging jellyfish family was the second most powerful force, but he didn't expect them to be so ruthless that the entire water area was turned into poison water for a long time by them. .

No wonder they came here and saw almost all agate jellyfish, and the appearance of some small group of elves was a bit different, and their appearance was a little purple. It turned out that the environment had mutated and their poison resistance had increased.

"It's okay, let's do a general search. If it doesn't work, we will kill all the agate jellyfish in the lake, just like the horned goldfish family. Anyway, their strength will be greatly reduced after they land."

He touched his chin, and a stern look flashed across his face.

He had already thought about it just now, it is impossible not to explore. If the water is poisonous, he can only work hard on the Kami turtles and drink a few more antidotes before going into the water. If those agate jellyfish are really aggressive, then attract Come up and kill them until they dare not make a move!
Hai Xingxing's super power plus he is an ordinary mid-level super power elf, restraining them, let alone the lethality of the eagle elite, it is absolutely possible to clean up the lakes and waterways.

If a large number of sting jellyfish really gather, he will run away at worst. The sting jellyfish are the same as horned goldfish. They dare not go ashore. If they are really stimulated by him to come ashore, this is a good thing. Selling only elite-level stinging jellyfish can make more money than killing ordinary-level jellyfish!
Moreover, he searched roughly, and didn't kill all the way to the nest of the stinging jellyfish, so it should be possible.

"Come on, drink two antidotes first." Now that he had made his decision, Tian Ci also took out the antidotes that had been prepared in his backpack all year round, and divided each elf into two.

"Gulu~Gulu~" Cammy Turtle did it without saying a word. After drinking it, he wiped his mouth and showed a happy expression on his face. Can I get another one.

"Ahem~" Tian Ci was shocked by Kamigui's peculiar brain circuit. Although he knew that this kind of potion, in order for the elves to drink it, the taste of the potion was suitable for the public, but it can't be drunk as a drink. !
Seeing Kamigui like this, he somehow felt like someone in his previous life was addicted to cough syrup.

"Kamigui, you can't drink too much of this, I gave it to you because I was afraid you would be poisoned."

"Kami~Kami~" Fortunately, the young Kamigui is still very obedient. Hearing what the trainer said, she yelled twice in disappointment, indicating that she knew and would not drink too much.

In fact, this taste does get its taste.

At this time, Ning Hui, who noticed this scene, came up and said: "Brother Tianci, Kamigui probably likes the taste of lily of the valley in it. I'll try to see if I can add it to its meal."

"Well, I'll trouble you then, Ninghui." Hearing what the maid said, Tian Ci nodded noncommittally.

"Kami~ω" Sister Kamigui thanked Ninghui gratefully, she is a polite girl.

"Hehehe~ It's all what I should do, Kamigui is so good."

After receiving Kamigui's thanks, Ninghui touched Kamigui's head and said something with a smile.

Tian Ci has already seen from these small details that Ninghui is truly dedicated to him at this time. In the future, she will not pay attention to small details. If Ninghui's maid work is rated, he has not been promoted before. When she was an elite, Ning Hui's work attitude should be around 80 points. It can't be said to be perfunctory, nor can it be said to be very good.

But now that he has advanced to the elite level, Ning Hui's work attitude should be 100 points. I believe that even if he breaks the contract at this time and drives her away, she will not leave.

After all, she is not a fool. Now that Tian Ci is backed by Nazi, and she has been promoted to the elite at such a young age, where can she find such a master? With her status as a small family that was excluded, how could it be her turn.

Back to the topic, after Kami Turtle drank it, Xiaoling's three elves, Mosquito Frog, also "Gulu, Gulu" quickly drank two bottles of antidote.

Then the four elves jumped down with a "plop" together. As soon as they entered the water, they noticed the difference in water quality, and their skin felt a slight tingling sensation. It was obvious that the water was indeed poisonous.

 Thanks for the reward from yesterday's book friend 20190705104402312

(End of this chapter)

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