Pokemon Poor

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
"It's so strong! Bi Diao!" Tian Ci couldn't help sighing when he saw Bi Diao easily dealt with the Goldfish King.

"Beep Diao!" Bi Diao grabbed the goldfish king and flew to the shore, and when he heard what Tian Ci said, he yelled triumphantly.

Touching Bi Diao's feathers, Tian Ci turned his head to Xiao Ling and asked

"Xiao Ling, have Mosquito Frog and Sea Star recovered from their injuries?"

"It's almost there, Brother Tian Ci." After the girl's two elves came up, they originally wanted to help, but found that they were not needed at all, so they returned to Xiaoling's side to heal the wound. Most of the injuries have recovered.

"Yo boo! (_)"


Mosquito-repellent Frog and Starfish also agreed, saying that they have no problem. In fact, when they fought just now, their injuries were not particularly serious. With the special wound medicine and the girl's unique water therapy, they have recovered for the most part.

"Okay, then the four of you go down together, and go to the Goldfish King's lair to search for any extra gains."

Seeing that the two main forces were fine, Tian Ci gave orders to them.

This has defeated the boss, it's not justified not to search the lair!

"Megu~ lol"

The relatively weak Kami Turtle and Marsh Jump Fish readily agreed.



Not to be outdone, the two main players, Hai Xingxing and Mosquito Frog, immediately nodded in agreement.

Then the four elves jumped into the water again with a "plop".

At this time, the underwater was in chaos, the Goldfish King was easily defeated, and he lost a large number of elite soldiers (ordinary mid-level elves). At the bottom of the lake at this time, the old, weak, sick and disabled were basically scattered around. Fleeing for their lives, they kept rushing to the underwater tunnel.

Of course, there were also a few bold ones who touched near the goldfish king's lair, thinking of getting rich before leaving.

Starfish and the others caught a low-end horned goldfish and led the way. When they arrived at the Goldfish King's lair, they happened to run into those thieves who had just finished looting. There were three of them. An ordinary low-section mosquito-repellent frog, and finally an ordinary low-section large tongue shell.

Seeing the place, in order to prevent the leading fish from rebelling, Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent frog punched "bang", freezing the leading horned goldfish into ice.

Since learning ice-type moves such as Frozen Fist, Mosquito Frog has found a new way in the past two years, delving into ice-type moves and combining them with fighting-type melee moves. At this time, the power of ice-type is not weaker than water-type Yes, it can be called ice water double cultivation.

"Duosha!" Seeing this scene, the horned goldfish, the strongest one, yelled directly, indicating to run away separately!
"Wow~" In an instant, two horned goldfish and a big tongue shell fled in three directions with the water behind them.

Don't look at the big tongue clam, which can't move much on land, but it can swim very fast underwater.

At this time, it was holding a medium-grade water-system energy crystal in its mouth, and fled out quickly.

"Woo scared!" Big Tongue Shell was a little happy and a little bit regretful. The happy thing was that it snatched an energy crystal, but the pity was that the water stone was not in its hands!
Otherwise, it can evolve directly. When it evolves into an armored shell, it will be afraid of those elves!

But before it could think about it, suddenly the water flow around it began to swirl, and it was the starfish and the others who combined their efforts to create a tidal vortex!
With the joint efforts of several elves and the superpower assistance of Hai Xingxing, the horned goldfish that did not escape far were all pulled back by the strong water attraction.



"Woo scared!"

The panicked three little thieves shouted anxiously, "There are still more inside! Don't hold us!"

The mosquito-repellent frogs don't care about them, all the goldfish king's old nests belong to them, and it doesn't matter if one is missing. The mosquito-repellent frog opened its mouth and "hoo~", and the freezing wind condensed the surrounding water into broken ice cubes.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." These ice cubes exuded a chill and were also swept into the maelstrom.

"Bang bang bang~"



"Woo scared!"

The sound of ice hitting and cutting, and the screams kept ringing in the vortex.

"Shua Shua ~"


That's not all, Marsh Leap Fish and Kami Turtle are still throwing water guns, water bombs, or mud bombs.

Although horned goldfish have strong resistance to water attribute moves, they can't withstand so many continuous injuries.

Not long after, when the vortex stopped, the three thieves lost their ability to fight.

The mosquito-repellent frog punched a few times, freezing them into ice cubes, and letting the Kami turtles guard the spoils. It and the starfish entered the underwater cave and began to search.

With Sea Star's mental power detection, they found a low-grade evolution stone in the cave, and 5 medium and low-grade water energy crystals.

In addition to the things they found from the three thieves, they got two water evolution stones in the goldfish king's cave, one medium-grade, one low-grade, and 8 medium- and low-grade energy crystals, with a total value of 110 yuan. about ten thousand.

But these will definitely not be sold. They are basically used on Xiao Ling's elves, and of course Kami Turtle must also have them.

Now Xiaoling's elves are also using the secret version of the cultivation cheats, and with these water system resources, it is estimated that the mosquito-repellent frog and starfish should be almost at the high level.

It is worth mentioning that the secret version of the cultivation cheats has a technique of absorbing the energy of the evolution stone, which can ensure that the mosquito-repellent frogs absorb more pure energy and at the same time ensure that they do not evolve.

In this way, their cultivation efficiency will be higher, and they will be promoted to ordinary high-ranking ranks just around the corner. After all, Xiao Ling spent a lot of resources on it before.

After the search was over, they wandered around the bottom of the lake again. Anyway, they were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and they were all running around. There was no elf who didn't have eyes to provoke them, so the search was over quickly.

Only one middle-grade water energy crystal was found. After all, the elves are not fools. They all ran for their lives, and they didn't take their family fortune with them.

"Yobo~yo~" Since we searched around and found nothing else, Mosquito Frog, as the leader of the water team, asked the other three to follow it back to the shore.




The three elves nodded, agreed and swam to the river bank with a few frozen elf corpses.

They have been hunting for so long, and they have long known that normal-level elves, trainers don't want to live, as long as they are dead, they can sell materials, so they don't need to do anything, just kill and take them away.

"Yobo~yo~" As soon as the mosquito-repellent frog came ashore, he handed over the biggest harvest, the water evolution stones and energy crystals, to Tian Ci.

The girl has already told them all that Tianji's order is her order, and Tianji is also the highest leader of the team, so it must be given to him.

Chapter 334 Complete exploration of horned goldfish waters
After collecting these resources and disposing of these elf corpses, Tian Ci continued to set off with them.

In this wave of harvest, what can actually be sold are those elf corpses. He roughly calculated that the big head is the ordinary high-end goldfish king, and the horns of the horned goldfish. The material is doubled to 1000 pieces, and the ordinary high-end is doubled again to become 2000 pieces.

The purchase price of fresh-grade horned goldfish meat is about 70 yuan per catty. According to the same theory of ordinary low, double the middle, and double the normal high, the fish meat of King Goldfish is nearly 300 yuan per catty, and Tianci harvests it. The fish that can be eaten by the goldfish king is about 60 catties, which is 1 yuan, which may have an income of about 8 yuan.

In other words, an ordinary high-level goldfish king brought him more than 2 yuan in income, plus other ordinary low-level and middle-level elf materials such as other horned goldfish, mosquito-repellent frogs, and big tongue shells. There are about 12 or so.

If those evolutionary stones are counted, the energy crystallization will have an income of about 130 million.

Of course, evolutionary stones and energy crystals must be for personal use, and the income that can be sold is about 12.

Sure enough, they are stronger. Although they spend a lot, they also earn more. If they are still of ordinary high-level strength, let alone clean up Goldfish King and them, Tian Ci may have to take Xiaoling to run away in a hurry.

They are both normal level, other people are fighting at home, and there is one ticket low for the middle class, even if the horned goldfish, the goldfish king will not go ashore, but it is still possible to beat the enemy away in the lake.

"Wow~" Tian Ci and the others walked along the river bank, while the mosquitoes and frogs swam in the river, throwing out the corpses of a few elves from time to time.

Because of the spiritual contract and Tian Ci's mental power detection, they were able to determine the location of the mosquito-repellent frog and the Kami turtle. Along the way, Tian Ci also drew a simple water route map.

In this way, without knowing it, he walked for a long time, and during this half day, borrowing the power of the eagle, he killed another ordinary high-ranking goldfish king, and then searched this small branch, and the harvest was similar, a few evolutionary stones plus ten About 10 energy crystals, the material that can be sold is calculated, and it is about [-].

But that's it. Through the narration of the mosquito-repellent frogs, Tian Ci knew that it was probably the horned goldfish family. The real big leader realized that after all, the ordinary high-ranking members were already the generals of their family who went out to guard one side. After half a day, Two deaths in a row must have been noticed.

The mosquito-repellent frogs were in the water, and they clearly felt that the probability of encountering horned goldfish was greater, and their strength was also stronger. They were obviously searching for who was killing wantonly in this water area.

If Bi Diao has the strength of the elite middle class, or even the elite high class, plus a Koudaihua who is also an elite class, Tian Ci will go directly to the lair of the leader of the Goldfish King without saying a word.

What arrogance is there for a fish whose strength is greatly reduced when it lands!
But it is a pity that he does not have such strength. According to the information obtained, the leader of this area of ​​goldfish waters, the Goldfish King, is at least in the middle of the elite level, and the possibility of other elite-level Goldfish Kings is not ruled out. In the old lair, there were no more than double-digit ordinary high-ranking goldfish kings. Tian Ci brought Bi Diao in, and he would definitely die.

In this way, the mosquito-repellent frogs will become elves with their tails between their legs, and try not to fight if they can, mainly to explore underground waterways.

Fortunately, thanks to the massacres ahead, most of the missions they took had already been completed, so it didn't matter.

After all, the missions that Xiao Ling takes are generally low and middle difficulty. Generally, trainers who take this difficulty will not come to the waters around Hualan Cave.

As I said before, because of the strong water aura in this water area, the strength of elves is relatively high, and the corresponding danger is relatively high. Even trainers who have just been promoted to ordinary high-level trainers will not come here.

For those ordinary low-level and middle-level tasks, they usually go to rivers and streams farther away, even if it takes a little longer, after all, there are too many accidents here.

If it weren't for the backing of Bi Diao and Koudaihua, the mosquito-repellent frogs would have been killed long ago. When they were fighting before, they were often attacked by sneak attacks. They couldn't beat them. What should we do?Surfaced to ask the two big brothers to help!
This is the reason why the mosquito-repellent frogs and the others can only run amok for a while, of course they can't do it now, being a low-key person really angered the horned goldfish family, so he can only run away.

If you run away, you can't do it now, he hasn't finished drawing the waterway map yet.

Therefore, for the next half a day, the low-key Tian Ci and his party quickly shuttled in the surrounding rivers, and finally when it was dark, they roughly touched the underground water channel in this water area.

After dinner, set up a tent, and did a good job of security. Tian Ci, who was worried, arranged a vigil for Bi Diao and Kou Daihua, and the three of them got into a large tent together.
At the end of the battle, Tian Ci looked at Xiao Ling and Ning Hui who had been defeated by him, and nodded with satisfaction.

He has already discovered that his physical fitness has increased a lot after the breakthrough of the fighter, which mainly exercises his body. In addition, he also has an additional improvement in superpowers. Although the physical improvement is not much, but together, No matter what, he was stronger than Uncle Sam at that time!

And Uncle Sam had just made a breakthrough at that time. In the villa in Qingmu Town, he had more than 20 young and beautiful maids. When he left the town, he was still adding. In more than two years, it seemed that there were almost 50 maids.

Before he was still lamenting "Uncle Sam is really inhuman!"

Now he understands a little bit that breaking through the extraordinary is really evolving into an inhuman, from an ordinary mortal to an extraordinary, no matter which aspect it is.

Both Xiaoling and Ninghui are ordinary trainers whose physique is far superior to that of ordinary women. Even if they work together like this, they will be defeated by him. If it is not for the two women's bodies, he feels that he can fight for another [-] rounds. A little gun king is really not too much.

In fact, he didn't know that most fighters broke through to the warrior level (corresponding to the ordinary level of elves), and after they officially set foot on the extraordinary, their abilities will be improved. "Double Forging Jue" and so on, can be called the king in this respect.

Back to the topic, after the battle, the three of them fell asleep hugging each other, Xiao Ling and Ning Hui lying on Tian Ci's sides, listening to his arrangements for themselves.

"Ninghui, you can wait in Hualan City with peace of mind this time, and open a high-end room with the highest security."

 Thanks to yesterday's book friends 20191026082529591 and Shen Yuanyu (500) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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