Pokemon Poor

Chapter 275 Trap

Chapter 275 Trap
With the cooperation of the red and white faces of the two elite trainers, a group of casual people had no choice but to agree.

At this time, the three people walking in front each released a Rumble Stone, a Big Mouth Bat, and a Mountain King, and began to move carefully in front of them.

Because of the terrain, releasing too many elves will only increase the probability of encountering danger, so the three of them only released one, and it is also after careful consideration. The rumbling stone can be used as a meat shield, and even explode directly in a critical moment. Bat flying in the air can also use ultrasonic waves to detect traps, while Chuanshan King, as a speed elf, is a rescuer.

"Tatata~" Under the leadership of the three of them, a group of people shuttled through the not-so-spacious tunnel, and suddenly there was a "boom", and the Rumble Stone in front of them was blown back.

"Hey Cha!" Its stone body was full of cracks, and this rock elf who was good at defense was hit hard with just one blow!
But this is not over yet, the explosion just now seemed to be just an appetizer, and soon the sound of "boom boom~" explosions rang out one after another.

"Ah! Help me!"

"do not want!"

The three mid-level trainers who walked in the front, together with the Big Mouth Bat and Chuanshan King, were buried in this series of explosions, and even a lot of flying debris hit other people's bodies.

In such a large-scale series of explosions, all calculations are in vain. There is no chance of flying in the air and saving the field. That is, the Rumble Stone in the middle was very lucky to be blown back, otherwise it also die.

However, feeling the break of the spiritual contract with the trainer, the seriously injured Rumble Stone didn't want to live any longer. It lit up white light and rushed into the explosion, "Boom!" Accompanied by a more violent explosion, when some smoke disappeared At the time, there were only some fragments of clothes left on the ground, and some pieces of flesh that were unknown whether they were human or elves. As for the space backpacks of the three of them, including the contents inside, they were all reduced to slag.

"My lord, it's the normal-level Small Fist Stone and the Rumble Stone that burns life." An experienced direct-line elite went up to investigate and told Na Zi the conclusion.

Only with such a self-detonation can the ordinary mid-section Rumble Stone be seriously injured in one blow.

"Heh~ I'm willing, that's right, there are so many rock-type elves in Yuejian Mountain, and some small fist stones with low qualifications, Rumbling stones are probably very common." She nodded her head with envy in her subordinate's return.

Different from the rock system that Nibi City is good at, as the gym master of Jinhuang City, she is good at the super power system, and the super power elves are very expensive, as you can see from Xiao Ling's starfish, it only comes with super power Attributes are much more expensive than ordinary water-type elves, let alone pure super-type elves.

In addition, in terms of cultivation resources, the food that super elves eat is also very expensive, so although her Golden City is richer and more prosperous than Nibi City, it can't waste the elves' lives like this.

After a little bit of envy, Nazi's mouth under the mask moved slightly, and a thick male voice came out, "Continue!"

"Yes!" The subordinate in charge of arranging the transfer of personnel immediately agreed, and then with a finger pointing, a new three-person team came out.

Although the three of them were very scared, they didn't dare not to come out. After all, they might survive if they went up to explore the way, but if they didn't go, they would die immediately!

"Come out, Haoli!"

"Long Longshi, come out!"

"Come out, Nidorino!"

After the elves were released, the three tremblingly walked forward accompanied by their respective elves.

Seeing the speed of the three of them, Nazi frowned. This one was too slow, so she sent a voice transmission.

"Hurry up, or I'll kill you all now!" The trainer who played the red face immediately shouted after receiving Nazi's voice transmission.

"Yes yes yes!" Seeing that the wishful thinking had been seen through, the three of them had no choice but to speed up their pace and walk forward.

Looking at these three people, Tian Ci shook his head. In his opinion, these three people are dead, there must be traps below, and the three people who can't investigate carefully, even if they have summoned their most powerful elves I am afraid that I will still die.

Even though the elf momentum of these three people is stronger than that of the previous group, but the previous group still cooperates. If it weren't for that rumbling stone walking faster, they should have been able to survive the ultrasonic detection of the big-mouthed bat. That one.

And these three people, although they were forcibly brought together, they were just fighting on their own. Although each of them was a bit stronger, they didn't suffer too many injuries. In this way, how could they survive safely.

Sure enough, after the three of them had walked for a few minutes, a large number of dark purple poisonous needles suddenly began to shoot out from above the cave.

"Cool~" Sensing the threat from above, the strongest Haoli directly blocked its trainer's body.

"咻咻咻~" The sharp poisonous needles shot down like rain, and there were bursts of "puchipuchi~" sound of sharp blades piercing the flesh when they were shot on the elves and people.

Moreover, the ground they were standing on suddenly vibrated. Accompanied by the sound of "boom boom boom" explosions, the three people who could barely hold on were finally blasted to bloody flesh and lost signs of life.

But it was better than the previous three. At least most of the corpses were preserved, and there were still some materials on the body. One of the fine gold mines flew not far from a trainer, and he subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

"Don't pick it up!" A loud shout came over, but it was too late, his hand had already touched the ore.

In his opinion, he was wearing a protective suit, and with the gloves of the protective suit, even if it was poisonous, he should be fine, but he didn't expect that there was a burning sensation in his hand at this time, which made him scream "ah" , and then retracted.

I saw that the glove on his right hand had been corroded long ago, and the part that touched the ore was also glowing purple. It was obvious that he was poisoned!

"Gulu~Gulu~" He was so frightened that he quickly took out several bottles of antidote and poured it down. Fortunately, he didn't have much contact, so the toxin was finally lifted.

"It's a kind of toxin specifically for the material of the protective clothing. It was invented to kill the trainer. Be careful." Seeing that the man did not die, the trainer who sang a bad face before explained a sentence, and at the same time Let others be careful not to be greedy.

Now less than one-tenth of the remaining distance is gone, and 6 people have been lost. If one more person dies because of this, it will be too wasteful. These people can't be wasted in vain.

"Okay, the third group will go up." After the white face finished speaking, the trainer who played the red face immediately pointed to the others, indicating to continue to explore the road.

The person who was immediately pointed out stood up with a pale face, called out the elf, and continued to explore the way.

 It's almost one o'clock in the morning, and the code word has been written for a long time, and the upper and lower posts are wrong. The chapter name, these are the two chapters just coded, which will not affect the reading. Then tomorrow, Thursday, I will ask for leave. After sorting out the situation, a single chapter explanation will also be issued. Under the circumstances, I may not be able to hold on any longer. I’m sorry, I didn’t expect the small climax data to be even worse. After reading the latest additions, it has dropped below 500. I lost [-] orders in two weeks, and some added book friends. People in the group know that I also work at night

(End of this chapter)

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