Pokemon Poor

Chapter 274 Moonstone Cave

Chapter 274 Moonstone Cave
Next, the three of them quickly organized the space backpacks on their bodies. The 18 large and small space backpacks quickly became 6 large backpacks, 3 medium backpacks, and several medium backpacks. , the small space backpacks were all empty, and they were rolled up by several people and pinned to their waists, looking like a nouveau riche.

"Let's go, let's go into the cave!" Tian Ci said to the two of them after putting on a robe over the protective clothing to cover it up.

"En!" The two also nodded and followed. As for the face, the protective clothing covers the whole body, including the mask and helmet. In such a chaotic scene, no one is stupid enough to lift the mask.

"Tatata~Rustle~" Walking into the cave, I found that this place, which was heavily protected by the Wu Neng family, was really different from the surrounding caves.

Although it is still a pitted stone wall, the fluorescent stones on the stone wall are obviously arranged deliberately, and looking at the poisonous needles on the ground that are glowing deep purple, and the mutilated corpses that died of poisoning can be seen every few steps, Tian For the first time, I understand that the Wu Neng family must have set up many traps here!
Although it is similar to an ordinary cave when it is not activated, it is obvious that the guardian inside knows that he has lost so many people and has activated the defense system of the entire cave.

"Fortunately, we were a little late, otherwise it would be difficult to pass this section of the road." Xiao Ling also said with a concerned face.

"That's right, this poison can even kill a Rumble Stone with a pure stone body!" Stone also noticed the body of one of the Rumble Stones. The original gray stone body was now glowing purple, which was obviously caused by poison.

"Let's go, be careful, don't touch these corpses." Although there are many corpses of human trainers on the ground, it is obvious that their backpacks are all gone, and the valuables are only those messy elf corpses, but for To be on the safe side, he still warned that the toxicity is too strong, and he is not sure whether the protective clothing can really protect it.


"There are a few." Hearing what Tian Ci said, the two nodded but did not look at the corpses, and quickly moved slowly with the elves.

Although some people have worked hard to find a way, it is hard to say whether there will be any remaining mechanisms, so we can only be cautious.

Fortunately, there were enough people and elves who died in this section of the road, and the three of them cautiously went deep into a section without encountering any danger.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Ah, no!"




But after walking for a while, they all heard the sound of fighting and screams from deeper. It was obvious that the people inside were still fighting. They caught up because they didn't encounter any danger.

"What should we do, Brother Tian Ci? Are we going to follow?" Shitou asked, and then Xiao Ling also looked at Tian Ci with a questioning face.

"Uh... let me think about it." Tian Ci pondered for a moment, his brain began to spin wildly. To be honest, he actually wanted to wait for the people in front to get out of the way before following him. After all, it was too dangerous. An ordinary trainer Almost a piece of death.

But he was afraid that in this way, he might not even have a mouthful of soup. Looking at the journey, he knew that they didn't get anything.

But before he could figure it out, there was a sound of "Tat T T T T T" from behind.


"Hey Cha!"


Koudaihua, Longlongshi, and Mosquito-repellent Frog also put on combat vigilance postures.

Soon a group of male trainers in full-body protective clothing appeared in front of the three of them. He was about to get out of the way and prepare to pass by the well water without interfering with the river water. Unexpectedly, a female voice sounded from the bottom of his heart. "Follow up!"

"Well, don't think about it!" Hearing the female voice, he immediately understood that this group of people should be Nazi. As for why the female appearance changed into a male, it should be a mental illusion. For Nazi's strength, It's not too easy to fantasize.

"Let's follow!" When Na Zi and the group walked in front of them, Tian Ci seemed to have finally made a decision, and said to Xiao Ling and Shi Shi.

"Okay!" The two had no objection and agreed, thinking that Tian Ci was going to use the group of people in front as a shield, so they didn't think much about it.

"Shashasha~Tata~" made a decision, and the three of them hung behind Nazi.

Because there was Nazi opening the way in front, they advanced very fast, and they mixed with the frontmost troops in a short while.




"Bang bang bang~"

It can be seen that the large army is fighting a group of Pixie, among which there are 7-8 elite Pixie, more than 10 ordinary high-level Pixie, and the rest are ordinary low-middle-level Pixie.

As for the large army, it seems that there are only three elite-level trainers, and there are only 6 elite-level elves. The Kexi tribe fought back and forth.

"The ones in the back, hurry up, there is a small-scale Moon Stone deposit behind this group of Pixies!" Seeing Nazi and her group approaching, the elite trainers immediately shouted.

However, Nazi didn't have much reaction to the Moonstone mine in the second half of the sentence, she just frowned, feeling that these trainers who fished in troubled waters were really useless. None of the roads have arrived!

"Don't waste time, let's fight together!" Thinking of the message that the Wu Neng family sent for help on the alliance's internal network, she let out a low voice and asked everyone to fight together.

"Yes, my lord!" The direct descendants following her all nodded yes.

"We'll make a move too, so we'll have a reason to snatch the spoils." Tian Ci also received a telepathic voice transmission from Na Zi, so he told Xiao Ling and Shi Shi.

I don't know if it's to clear up the suspicion or to facilitate the attack. Almost none of the elves released by Nazi's direct line are pure super power elves, most of them are Gotha Duck, Gem Starfish, and Silly Hippopotamus. class sprites.

Although there were only a dozen of them, once they were released, the aura of unfolding made the chaotic scene quiet, because the worst ones here are all elites!With more than a dozen elites teaming up, I have to wonder if these people belong to the Rockets.

"Buzzing~" It's not over yet, I saw that their trainers also secretly resonated with the spirits released, increasing the mind power of these spirits.

Of course, outsiders can't see it at all. After all, superpowers have no form or form.

"Unite! Mentality!" I saw these dozen or so elite-level elves, under the command of their respective trainers, use superpowers to attack.

"Mouth dumb, seed machine gun!"

"Mosquito-repellent frog! Water bombs burst!"

"Long Long Stone, the stone bombs are fired in succession!"

Regarding this, the three of Tian Ci hurriedly kept pace with the attack.

"Shua~" A powerful wave swept across the entire battlefield in an instant. Although they deliberately avoided the elves of other miscellaneous fish, many elves were accidentally injured.




Under the combined mental force of one move, the chaotic scene was directly leveled out, and the Picosi family all fell to the ground, and of course there were many other elves mixed in on the ground.

But these people didn't dare to complain, they obediently put away the elves who had lost their fighting ability, and then waited for this group of strong men to deal with them, even the three elite trainers did the same.

Nonsense, it’s obvious that it’s a special warfare unit that has undergone hard training. There is a high probability that they are members of the Rockets, and their subordinates are all elite. The leader is obviously the gym at worst. How dare they Grab the spoils of these big guys.

"Let's collect the loot together. The wild elves will directly use the blank elf balls to capture them. You will hand in half of everything you find! Our team Rocket is very merciful~"

Looking at the miscellaneous fish who dared not move rashly, Na Zi nodded in satisfaction, and gave instructions in a disguised male voice.

There is no other way, she still needs this group of miscellaneous fish to help her on the way. There are many traps along the way. If the elites she brought are damaged because of these traps, it is not worth it!
Because the entire Moonstone Cave has an instrument dedicated to guarding against mental power detection. Although the range is too large, it does not have much effect on reducing mental power moves, but it is still no problem to shield the detection.

So even if it is as strong as Nazi, it can't detect the real huge moonstone depository, let alone teleport there, because there is no spiritual coordinates, so there is no way to teleport, but Anzi sent back an internal map. According to this map, it is possible to use human life to find a way.

This is why Nazi is willing to give 5% to these miscellaneous fish.



"this is mine!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down!"

Hearing the leader's order in front of them, all the scattered people acted quickly, those who threw poke balls threw poke balls, and those who dug ore ore were digging ore, and the three of Tian Ci were no exception.

Because Tian Ci followed behind Na Zi like a thief before, and after attacking together, he deliberately moved to the position of Na Zi's direct troops, so most of these scattered people think that Tian Ci and Na Zi are the same If it was related, I gave some face, and secretly didn't grab something that the three of them valued.

In this way, the three received 4 Pippis and dug up 2 mid-grade Moonstones. After packing up, they also came to the elite trainer for inspection immediately and handed in [-] poke balls , and a middle-grade moonstone, and for the sake of his own life, Tian Ci specially handed in a large space backpack.

This also made the elite trainer who took the place of Nazi to direct the scene smiled at him, feeling that this young man can do things, he glanced roughly, 3-4 million is still there, for an elite trainer It's not a small amount either.

At the same time, this behavior also made most of the scattered people present more certain about the relationship between the three of Tian Ci and Na Zi's group. Otherwise, why would they hand over a special space backpack?

Of course, there are also some trainers who are willing to do so. After seeing Tian Ci's operation, they also learned a lot. Cai, the trainers under Nazi's command all accept everything according to the order.

Nazi herself turned a blind eye to the behavior of her subordinates receiving gifts. Originally, with their strength, if they acted freely, they would definitely be able to make a lot of money in this chaos, but now because of the task, they can't The full strength of energy cannot be exposed, nor can it be plundered wantonly, these things should be compensated.

As for the later trips, it’s a big deal to give those who have given gifts some preferential treatment. Those who did not give gifts will be in the front row first, and those who have given gifts will be in the back. side lineage.

Because a bunch of people were cleaning up the battlefield, so within a few minutes, the scattered people were all cleaned up, and they stood together scatteredly waiting for the boss to deal with them.

"Shua~" Nazi glanced at everyone covertly, feeling that there were few people and a little weak. Although the trainers who can come here are considered good players in the ordinary class, no matter how strong the ordinary class is, they are still in the ordinary class. Ah, it's weak for Nazi, and there are only about 60 people.

However, the three elite trainers could still take a look, but she also discovered that there were only five team captains of the Rocket team who were originally spies, and now with the one behind her, there were only two left.

Only two of the spiritual imprints left on the five people remained, and the remaining three have dissipated. In this situation, either a strong person took action to erase the spiritual imprints, or the person is dead.

How could a few captain-level spies come into contact with another gym-level powerhouse, so they must be dead.

"Sigh, it's really fragile. I don't know if it's enough. If it's really not enough, I can only take two spies on the road." After making some silent calculations in her heart, Nazi stood up and signaled to go.

"You guys, and you, send elves to go ahead!" After receiving the hint from their own gymnasium master, several direct descendants began to arrange pathfinding candidates, and soon some ordinary middle-level training candidates who were relatively weak in strength The players were selected, and under the detection of superpowers, their strength is very clear at a glance.

"Why, why! My lord, these are all for you, can I quit!"

"Yes, my lord, my elf is seriously injured, can I quit!"

The faces of the few people who were pointed out were all pale. They were afraid and asked tremblingly.

For these weak chickens who wanted to get away, a direct elite directly asked the Gotha Duck to forcibly control them to float with their thoughts, and then smashed them to the ground with a "bang".

"Exit, it's a beautiful idea, no one can quit, you can quit when you get to the huge moonstone hole, but now you all have to listen to us!" Looking at the weak chickens who fell to the ground and howled in pain, The elite of the direct line glanced around and said sternly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain. You, you, and a few of you are in the second group, and the others here are in the third group. We adopt a rotation system. As long as the group you are in passes One agency, and the next one will switch to another group." Since someone was singing the red face, a mild-mannered elite of the direct line came out to sing the bad face, and slowly talked about the rotation system that had been planned long ago.

 Thank you for the reward from book friend 20200215122105136 (500 points) yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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