Pokemon Poor

Chapter 266 The Battle with Nido 1 Family on the Mountain

Chapter 266 The Battle with the Nido Family on the Mountain
PS: Add more rewards for the popular 233 bosses!
Of course, for Xiaoling, he still depends on Xiaoling's own thoughts at that time. If she is really liked by the gymnasium owner of Hualan City and offers generous conditions, if she wants to go, Tian Ci will not stop her.

He believes that with the two years of getting along and having an intimate relationship, as long as the girl is not forcibly brainwashed, after she becomes strong, she should remember him no matter what.

After a night's rest, the group of people led the elves to Yuejian Mountain.

Maybe it's because this road is the only way to go to Yuejian Mountain, and there are many people coming and going, so although it is in the wild, he really didn't see a few wild elves, and they arrived very smoothly The entrance to Mount Moon.

"Big ear, you just went out to sell the ore, and then you came back again, and you don't want to accompany your wife and children?"

"Why do you accompany me? Giving him an initial elf with excellent qualifications is the love for him. I will work hard to mine!"

"Yes, yes, Yuejian Mountain is really a treasure!"

"I heard it was being dug thousands of years ago, and it hasn't been finished yet!"

As soon as they came to the entrance, they saw a dark crowd and noisy discussions.

"My God! How profitable this is!" Shitou couldn't help being startled when he saw so many people waiting to enter Yuejian Mountain.

There are about 60 people at this entrance, that's more than 60. They didn't do anything. They collected money here, and the Wu Neng family received more than 60!
Moreover, Yuejian Mountain is very big. It is said to be a mountain, but it is actually a continuous rolling mountain range. The Wu Neng family has dozens of fee-paying entrances like this, which is tens of millions of income every day!
Legend has it that there were not so many mountains in the first place, but after being built by successive generations of heavenly kings of the Wu Neng family and gymnasium-level powerhouses, it has the current scale. After all, the strength of the rock-type and ground-type elves has reached a certain level, and it is still very easy to build a small mountain. of.

Of course, other people didn't go in, they were about to come out on the same day, and they usually brought supplies, and they would only come out when their supplies were exhausted or their backpacks were full.

The thief's Wuneng family didn't set up a material point or a recycling shop in Yuejian Mountain, so they could only come out to supply supplies, and the nearest surrounding area is Xiaoshan Town, so despite the fact that Xiaoshan Town is relatively small, the annual income is still considerable. of.

"Brother Tian Ci, didn't they ever think about sneaking into such a huge mountain range?"

Xiao Ling also looked at the large mountain range in surprise, and asked furtively.

"Cough~ There are high-tech drones patrolling around the house, and a lot of big needle bees are raised as guards, let alone you believe that such a large resource point does not have powerful elves to guard it~"

When Tian Ci heard this question, he also answered in a low voice.

Before he came here, he had done his homework. If he dared to sneak in, 99% of them would be caught, all the proceeds would be confiscated, and he would be blacklisted and banned from re-entering for 3 years. They will also be caught afterwards and fined more than 50 yuan!Also no re-entry for 3 years!
The Wu Neng family in this piece of Nibi City is heaven, let alone this is their resource point, if you sneak in and get caught, even the law of the alliance is on the side of the Wu Neng family.

A group of ordinary miner trainers can't even imagine the background of the Wu Neng family, a thousand-year-old family!

Of course, in front of the Rockets, the Millennium family is probably not enough to see, because he learned from the special computer that the Rockets' base is around here, under the nose of other people's resource points, and he browsed the local missions and found almost It's all about Mount Moon!
It's equivalent to stealing the wool of the Wu Neng family all the time!
But it might just be because of a sub-base. Even though they were trying to collect wool, they didn't dare to be too open and above board. The tasks were all collecting some unimportant resources.

Anyway, he was going in, so Tian Ci also picked up a few missions related to the alliance.

"Oh, so that's the case, but they really make money!"

After Xiaoling and Shitou heard it, they also gave up their thoughts of taking advantage of the small ones, nodded, and looked enviously at the person who charged at the entrance.

After the next few people paid 1 tickets each, they entered inside.

Maybe it’s because it uses the mode of elves managing elves. Along the way, Tian Ci really feels that he has come to the primitive mountains, where there are lush and large trees and dense grasses everywhere. If there is not a guide card from time to time , and with the map in his hand, he was really afraid that he would get lost in it.

And precisely because of this, after walking a short distance, they couldn't see anyone else except themselves. Obviously dozens of people came in at this entrance plus them, but after a few corners, they scattered in all directions. , and no one else can be seen around.

"It's really big. Yuejian Mountain is indeed the foundation for the survival of the Wuneng family!"

Tian Ci also sighed about this. He felt that the Wuneng family was really smart. Perhaps at the beginning, Yuejian Mountain had limited resources, and there might only be one or two mountains in the place, which could only be developed by the family for more than 100 years.

However, the Wu Neng family did not exhaust their wealth for fishing. Instead, they developed and invested at the same time. They forcibly managed Yuejian Mountain for thousands of years, leaving behind a resource point that can be handed down from generation to generation.

The elves can be dispersed and cultivated, and they will gradually prosper on various hills, and the mine veins, Tianci, can also be cultivated. Maybe apart from the huge moon stone, there are other treasures handed down on Moon Mountain, such as rocks. Gemite, geocentric stone and other rare treasures that can evolve into veins!
Of course, it may also be the extra effect of the huge moon stone. After all, in the anime he watched in his previous life, such a big moon stone is definitely beyond the best!Some extra magic is also normal.

Perhaps because of the proximity to the entrance, no elves were encountered along the way. As the road here became more and more difficult to walk, and there were more and more gravel and weeds, the elves finally increased. One of their targets, Nidolan and Nidolan!

Of course this is their goal, and for this they must defeat Nidorino and Nidona who are standing in front of their children!

"Neega~" Nidolino's body is the same purple as Nidoran's, but the spikes on his body are sharper, and his body and limbs are stronger. The burly man was yelling threateningly at them.

"Niduo~" As a mother, Nidorina is not to be outdone. Her light blue ears are wider and rounder than the male Nidorino's, and the spikes on her body are compared with her daughter Nidorino who has not grown much. Lan also grew a lot.

These two strengths are only at the low level, and they are obviously newly-evolved newlyweds. They were taking their two cubs out for an outing when they were blocked by Bibi Bird at the door. Feeling the powerful momentum of Bibi Bird, they were a little scared. But in front of the child, he can only bear it hard.

"Get ready! Squirrel, the water gun, attack those two little ones."

Tian Ci glanced at Nido's family who were slowing down, and immediately shouted, and at the same time let Jenny Turtle take action!
"Pippi, the voice of charm! Temporarily control Nidolan, Nidolan!"

"Mud Shot, Swamp Jump Fish, Target Nidoran, Nidoran!"

"Rush forward, bag dragon, high-five surprise attack!"

Seeing that Tian Ci made a move, the other three immediately commanded.

"Jenny~wow~" Jenny Turtle's cheeks bulged, and a water gun shot at Nidolan.

"Wow~" Nidoran wanted to hide, but suddenly a singing of "Pi~Pi" reached its ears, making it stop.

"Neega!" Nidorino had no choice but to stand in front of the water gun for this disappointing son. The sharp purple corners lit up with white light, and one horn bumped against the water gun.

But Tian's second priority is that the two of them have to defend, because the real trump card is yet to come.

"咻咻咻~" I saw that after the water gun passed, the mud was shot at them rapidly.

"Nee duo~" Nidona stood up at this moment, and shot away with poisonous needles.

"Bang bang bang~" Although it offset a lot, it's a pity that Nidona obviously didn't go through many battles, and there were still a lot of mud bullets hitting the Niduo family.

"Ah! Aww!" For a moment, the four members of their family were wailed by the nasty ground-type energy, and their eyes were covered with mud, which affected their vision.

"Roar~ bang bang!" But it wasn't over yet, and finally the dragon rushed up, and its two huge claws went up to face Nidorino, Nidorna and his wife, each with a big ear scratch!
"Bang~" Both elves were knocked to the ground by the huge force.

"Wow!" Nidoran's barking sounded like a puppy when he was a child, and tremblingly used the double-kick that his father had just taught him to the huge monster in front of him!
"Nah!" Nidolan next to him also used the double kick with his brother's encouragement.

"Roar! Bang bang~" For the attack of the two little guys, the bag dragon directly blocked the attack with its bright white claws, and then knocked the two babies who were only in the middle of the newborn level to the ground, and then continued to clean up Ni Dolino went.

It's better to give these two to the companion who is also a freshman, it has already heard the order from behind.

"Squirtle, foam!"

"Pippi, rush up! A series of slaps!"

How could one give up such an opportunity to pick up leaks? Seeing Nidolan and Nidolan being shot down on the ground, Tian Ci and Ninghui immediately let the two elves rush up.

"Shua Shua ~ BANG!" On the other side, the bag dragon who came to Nidorino's side, aimed at the opponent who had just stood up, and under the command of the stone, he punched two more quickly.

"Well~" Nidorino, who had just stood up, was beaten to the ground again under continuous punches.

"Roar~" the bag dragon shouted excitedly, it loves the silk scarf given by Shitou so much, it feels that the power of its moves is much stronger!

"Marsh jumping fish, mud bomb!" At the same time, Xiao Ling was directing the marsh jumping fish to deal with the female Nidona.

Because of the many times of mud shooting, Marsh Jump Fish has finally comprehended mud bombs in the past few days, but although it is more powerful, the mud shooting is faster because of its accuracy and speed.

Of course, this is the reason why there is no special training. As long as you use more and practice more, you can still improve and replace mud shooting.

"Well~ Duo~" Nidona just stood up staggeringly at this time, so Xiaoling let the marsh jump fish use this trick.

"Swish, swish, swish~" The marsh jump fish immediately started rubbing the mud ball and threw it over. It can be clearly seen that the mud ball is hollow, and the ground energy is hidden inside, and it will explode when touched, so it is called a mud bomb!

"Wow! Hush!" When Nidona stood upright, the mud ball was already close at hand, and it quickly fired a poisonous needle in an attempt to resist.

"Bang bang bang~" It's a pity that as soon as the poison needle touched the mud ball, the unstable bomb exploded directly in front of it.

"Nah!" Nidona was blown out again, her body was covered in mud!
"Give it the last blow, the spiral water gun!" Seeing Nidona covered in mud, Xiao Ling decided to help her wash it, or else the harvest would be too dirty later, and she would end it directly at the same time!

"What, huh~" Zhua Yueyu was also very happy to see that his new move was effective, nodded, bulged his cheeks, and shot straight away with a fast water gun.

"Bang~neiduo(_)" was hit by the water gun again, and Nidona finally lost her ability to fight.

"Xiaoling, I will trouble you to harvest the spoils of that one, and I will take the two little ones first."

Seeing that it was all over, Tianji said immediately.

"Oh!" Xiaoling nodded, picked up the dagger and walked towards Nidorina. She had already seen that Brother Shitou was already dealing with Nidorino's body, so she couldn't be too slow.

"Jenny, Jenny!"


When Tian Ci took the poke ball and walked to the two little ones, Nidolan and Nidolan, Squirrel and Pippi happily asked him and Ninghui behind him for credit.

It can be seen that Nidolan is okay, but he has lost the ability to fight. Nidolan is in a worse situation, his face is red and swollen again, and it is obvious that Pippi slapped him down again.

"Okay, you've done a good job, Squirtle, Pippi!"

After simply complimenting the two little ones, he took out the poke balls and started to tame them. It took a total of 5 poke balls. After taming two of them, he put Nidoran's poke balls on the illustration book, and immediately the machine turned cold The sound played out the information about Nidoran.

"Spirit: Nidoran

Attribute: Poison

Ability: Stinger
Category: Poison needle elves
Height: 0.53m
Weight: XNUM X kg
Description: The ears are very large, and when listening to distant sounds, the ears flap like wings.When angry, it will release poisonous needles, and the muscles that affect the ears are also very developed, and the ears can be turned to any direction at will.It is a spirit that will not miss the sound no matter how small it is.

Qualification: average

Strength: Freshman middle

Status: Seriously injured
Breeding plan: Nidoran can train its physical strength more, as well as the poisonous thorns on its body..."

After such a test, it turned out that he was an ordinary person, not Ouhuang, and the task required good qualifications. The first time he encountered this one obviously did not meet the requirements, so he could only keep it and sell it for money.

Immediately after that, I took the Nidolan test. My classmates are also qualified in the general middle school, and they are well-regulated ordinary Nidoran families.

"Let's go, Shitou and Xiaoling, both of them are qualified in general middle school!"

After putting away the poke ball, Tian Ci touched the dog's head of Hei Lujia next to him, and shouted at the two of them.

"Here we come!" The two of them also speeded up, and quickly finished the process. After passing it to Tian Ci, they set off again, and some wreckage and blood were left on the gravel...

(End of this chapter)

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