Pokemon Poor

Chapter 265 Persuasion

Chapter 265 Persuasion
Now that the task was completed, the few people stopped dawdling, and arrived at the transit town—Xiaoshan Town in about half a day.

"Stop coming, please show your alliance ID card!"

As soon as they arrived at the door, they were stopped by two guards, and they needed to swipe their alliance ID cards.

"Welcome Aoki Tatsumi to Xiaoshan Town!"

Soon several people swiped their ID cards and entered the town.

"Brother Tian Ci, it's the same as we are in Qingmu Town. Those outsiders have to come in. It's very simple. I thought it would be double- and triple-checked like Nibi City."

As soon as Xiao Ling came in, she said something to Tian Ci.

"Well, this kind of town inspection is just a formality."

Tian Ci nodded. He had figured it out a long time ago in Qingmu Town, and had communicated with those guards. Although it was said that there was a high-tech defensive eye at the gate of the town, he learned from the members of the guard that the defensive eye had already It is a product of the last few generations, and the list is often updated every few years. Although it is a bit protective, that's it.

On the contrary, those big cities have the latest protective sky eyes, and the blacklist is also updated in real time.

Don't these small gym owners, the controllers of small towns and villages know about this situation? Don't the high-level leaders of the alliance know about this situation?

Tian Ci probably knew about it, but they all acquiesced to this kind of thing.

After all, there is no such thing as black and white in the world of adults. These small towns and villages are probably to provide supplies for those who walk in the gray area between black and white.

Many small towns and villages rely on these people for their income, and the area to which the alliance belongs really rejects these people. It is estimated that they really joined the black organization.

I didn't see that there is a so-called black market in Qingmu Town, which is equivalent to a buffer zone between black and white.

"But it is indeed a little smaller than our town, and it seems that there is only a small elf center and an elf store. There is no elf home?"

After Shishi looked around, he only saw the elf center with only two floors, and the elf store with only one floor, which was different from Nibi City, even smaller than the one in Qingmu Town, just like ordinary houses, if it weren't for the above With the Pokeball logo and the league logo, he thought it was a small shop.

"Cough~ Keep your voice down, Shitou." Hearing that Shishi was on his territory, and talking loudly about the bad situation of his place, Tian Ci hurriedly coughed.

Fortunately, there were no people on the street, so few people heard it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Stone also reacted, touched his head, and lowered his voice.

"Normally, it's not far from Nibi City, and it's not far from Yuejian Mountain. The locals like the ground a lot. You can catch elves of the rock type by yourself, or go to Nibi City to buy better ones."

Seeing the awkward stone, Tian Ci also explained in a low voice.

"Oh, that's right." Hearing what Tian Ci said, Shitou also reacted and nodded.

"Let's go, let's go to eat first, and then go to the elf center to hand in the task."

After finishing the evaluation of this small town, several people went to have a meal first, and found a restaurant with a feeding area for elves. Tian Ci and the elves all had a full meal.

After eating, I went to the Elf Center. When I entered the door, I found that it was really small, and the decoration was not as magnificent as that of Nibi City. It was a very simple hotel decoration.

However, although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, there are still treatment areas, rest areas, and mission areas. The mission area is crowded with people, so they can only queue up.

After queuing for more than half an hour, it was finally their turn, and they immediately handed in the prepared materials, and at the same time handed over their ID cards.

Because he is already at a high level, the task efficiency has also improved a lot, so he has received a little more tasks. On average, he can get more than 30 alliance merit points a day, and the alliance coins include those materials sold to grocery stores. There is about 10.

It can be said that as long as they reach the level of ordinary high-level, a serious trainer, if he wants to Yusanjia, he can exchange it for a little bit, but the actual price is much more expensive than the league's clearly marked price. (For details, refer to the water jumping fish obtained by Xiaoling with more than 7000 points of alliance merit)

First transferred the alliance merits to Shi Shi and Xiao Ling, and then they immediately went to the grocery store outside. The black market sold the excess materials and the valuable elves they captured, and then transferred the money to the two of them.

Shitou earned about 3 yuan in the past 4 to 20 days. It cannot be said that it is a drop in the bucket, but it can only be considered a barely a little surplus.

With the development of the marsupial dragon, it eats more and more. Tianci has asked Ninghui to tell a white lie, saying that there has been a breakthrough in the food formula of the rock and ground system, and asked Ninghui to supply it to Stone sold the food for the elves to him at a low price.

In fact, if Shitou had to give money, he actually didn't want to accept Shitou's money, and Shitou was suspicious when he reduced it to a par price, let alone sell him at a loss. The explanation of the nouns on the website successfully made him faint, so in the end, he happily accepted the elf food that was reduced in price.

After all, there was a small breakthrough, and the price dropped by about 2%, which is still reasonable.

In the evening, at the hotel in the town, Tian Ci and Shitou were having a long talk.

"Stone, isn't the pressure increasing?" At the beginning, Tian Ci asked straight to the point.

"Well, brother Tian Ci, there is a little bit, but I will work hard. In fact, if you didn't say you wanted to find me tonight, I would also plan to go out to hunt tonight."

Shi Shi gave a wry smile, without any intention of hiding anything, and revealed his plan.

"Then have you ever thought about the invitation from the gymnasium in Nibi City a few days ago? Of course, I don't dislike you. With your help, I will be more relaxed during this period, but have you ever thought about the future?"

Looking at Shi Shi who had already put on protective clothing, Tian Ci patted him on the shoulder and persuaded him again.

"No, I won't go, Brother Tian Ci, my life is yours, and because I'm still useful, I can't leave the team anymore. As for the future, I will leave by myself and go back to the town to retire, that's fine. "

Hearing Tian Ci's persuasion, Shitou's expression changed, and he sat down and said in a muffled voice.

"Confused! You stone-headed, I treat you as a tool, okay! Even if I treat you as a tool, do you think you want to be a temporary tool or a long-term tool to me? More favorable!
When you reach the elite level, your lifespan will be extended, including that of elves, so that our two brothers can go out for real adventures together. Fighting together for decades is not a problem. Elite level is a longer process, and you will be in town by then. Elderly care, let Brother Tianci and I sleep there alone! "

Seeing the stone still sulking, Tian Ci simply changed his words, and his voice became louder.

"Brother Tian Ci, I, I" was yelled at by Tian Ci, Shi Shi immediately opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know how to explain when the words came to his lips.

"I, what am I, do you want to say that's what I think, I'm wasting a few years with Brother Tian Ci, and then I can go back to my hometown to retire comfortably."

Tian Ci understood what Shitou was going to explain, but he purposely said the opposite, provoking Shitou.

"I'm not, I didn't think so, Brother Tian Ci, I think I can help you all the time." Shitou blushed when he heard Tian Ci say this, and quickly retorted.

"Then what are you taking to follow me all the time, and you said earlier that you would go back to the town for retirement, what about the bag dragon, what about the bag dragon, it likes you so much, and its talent is so good, let it waste the rest of its life, it could have become an elite class, Even gym-level ones, just because you are so unmotivated, you will waste your life!"

Seeing the red-faced stone, Tian Ci asked louder and faster.

"Pyramidosaurus, pouchosaurus it." Shito was asked, and he didn't know how to answer for a while. His mind was full of details about Pycnosaurus and him when he was a child, and there was a pouchosaurus watching TV with him when he was not grown up. , There is also a picture of the training, although it hurts, but the picture of continuing to train.
"So, not only to keep up with me, even for the elves under your command, for the bag dragon, rumble stone, rat, mouse, etc., you need a background you can rely on, join the gym, and have an elite master Take care, your situation will be much better than now." Seeing the slightly painful stone, Tian Ci gave a few words of persuasion in the end.

In fact, this is the tragedy of ordinary people and the children of small families. Even if you get elves with good aptitude, even if you switch to the Yusan family, but you don't have enough resources, and you can only get relatively mediocre elves in the end. Cultivate, and then slowly wear it over time.

Maybe you who have persisted in your original intention for more than ten or twenty years will wear it down, but who can guarantee that for such a long time, you and your elves can continue to train for decades, and most people can only be reconciled in the end It has become the bottom cornerstone of the alliance.

Therefore, if talented civilians and small family trainers have no great opportunities, the best choice is to join the Daoguan or a big family. Only in this way can they develop.

Tian Ci himself only went with the idea of ​​joining a big family at the beginning, but he just happened to catch the Rockets bus, and he himself was not a bright and great person, so he got on the bus happily.

After staying in the Rockets for more than two years, I can only say that the league is really deliberately vilifying the Rockets. Maybe the Rockets were really a terrorist organization at the beginning. The technology is almost perfected.

For its members, you just want to remodel, and you have to pay the Rockets. Like his former boss Okamoto, he was allowed to remodel only after he paid a large amount of contributions to the Rockets and prepared the materials himself. .

Even through Kwai's internal news, he also knew that experiments were also being carried out within the alliance. After all, the four major families were assimilated by the Rockets. Coupled with the help of the Rockets to get access to this news.

Aoi's status in the family is already very high now, she is equivalent to a figure on the outside, only through her channel can Tianji know so much.

After all, it is impossible for her to take the initiative to tell about the spiritual contract, so no one in the family knows.

Back to the topic, Shitou held his head in pain for Tian Ci's repeated questions. He actually didn't have a long plan, but felt that Tian Ci needed him, so he was here, just follow Tian Ci.

But now when Tian Ci put a series of questions in front of him, Shi Shi realized that he really seemed to have no choice.

"...I understand, I will seriously consider it, Brother Tian Ci, not only to keep up with Brother Tian Ci, but also for the dragons!"

After a long time, Stone calmed down and replied.

"Well, don't worry, maybe we will get a big opportunity in Yuejian Mountain, and then we don't have to think so much."

Seeing the decadent stone, Tian Ci couldn't bear it, and said comfortingly.

Of course, it’s not pure consolation. It’s really possible. Every few years, there will be lucky people who will get great opportunities in Yuejian Mountain. Among other things, picking up a few more Moon Stones is a lot of wealth, and maybe the stones will rely on Attribute advantage is not necessarily the discovery of a new vein.

"Well, I hope." But Shitou obviously didn't think so, so he listened purely as comfort.

After the discussion, Tian Ci returned to his room, and Shitou went hunting alone.

"Brother Tian Ci came to Hualan City, will you not want me~"

Relying on her natural sensitivity, Xiao Ling could clearly hear the corner of the wall, but she didn't hear everything. She was lying on Tian Ci's body at this time, and asked resentfully.

"Cough~ What do you mean I don't want you anymore, Shitou I really hope him well, so I persuaded him a few words, you have also seen the talent of the bag dragon, and the relationship between him and the bag dragon.

And it doesn’t matter whether you will go or not, even if you do go, it’s just that you won’t see each other for a year or two, maybe it won’t take a year or two, we will be able to meet again at the next Quartz Conference..."

Touching Xiao Ling's smooth blue hair, Tian Ci's head was full of black lines, which was obviously misunderstood. He immediately began to explain to the girl, analyzing each one for her.

"So that's the case. That gym seems to be quite suitable for Brother Shitou."

After the girl finished listening, her pale blue eyes showed sadness. Although she understood the truth, it was still quite sad to say goodbye.

"I must be careful in Hualan City, I can't be valued by the people in the gymnasium!"

At the same time, her heart became more determined about her previous decision. For her, if there was a risk of exposure, she didn't even have to go to gyms. Anyway, there were not only 8 gyms.

After all, looking at other people is different from what you encounter yourself, not to mention that she has a closer relationship with Brother Tian Ci!

Thinking of this, the girl got up from Tian Ci's arms and sat on it again...

That night, the boys and girls in the three-person team were all in a state of mind.

Of course, what Xiao Ling doesn't know is that Tian Ci is also struggling, the next big city is Hualan City, if girls are also valued, what will she do?

In his heart, Tian Ci hoped that Xiao Ling would stay by his side. After all, he was born extraordinary. Even though Xiao Ling might be the one with the worst aptitude, the owner of the Arai Gymnasium came here in person just because of a piece of untrue news. Yes!

So he speculates that Xiaoling's future is nothing to worry about. Even if she doesn't join the gym, an elite should not be able to escape at the last time, let alone there is no such great economic pressure as a stone.

(End of this chapter)

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