Pokemon Poor

Chapter 250 Team Rocket's Infiltration

Chapter 250 Team Rocket's Infiltration

"Beep beep~" Kui's Bibi Bird had been secretly instructed by the trainer long ago, and it was looking for an ordinary mid-level Arbo monster that it had found in advance.

Because it was found in advance, it was unsurprisingly ahead of the toucan, and it flew back to report in less than 10 minutes.

"Uncle, my Bibi has already found an Arbor, let's go."

After Aoi finished listening, she spoke to Kokura, who was always flirting behind her.

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, give this Abo monster to me, and let Xiaokui show you how powerful uncle is~ hehehe~"

Seeing that it was Bibi Bird who found the prey and came back first, Gongcang's face flashed a bit of embarrassment. After making the toucan fly back as soon as possible through the spiritual contract, in order to save the face he lost, he didn't even ask about the strength of Abo Monster. The package was taken down.

"Really! Uncle~ You are really a man, but this Abo monster is in the middle of the ordinary, uncle, can you do it?"

Aoi didn't expect the plan to go so smoothly. Of course, in order to prevent this person from getting cold feet, she first praised the work warehouse, and then asked pitifully, is it okay?

How can you say no at this time!Although the ordinary mid-tier made Gongcang a little bit shy, but looking at the exquisite figure of the girl in front of him, and thinking that he had 4 low-tier elves, he gritted his teeth and said something pretending to be indifferent

"Hahaha, Xiaokui, just watch it, uncle will definitely do it!"

"Then Xiaokui, it depends on uncle's performance!"

Seeing this, the girl pushed the boat along the way, and after showing an expression of admiration, she agreed.

"Hahaha, easy to talk about." Seeing the girl's admiring expression, the big-bellied middle-aged man became even happier. He patted his stomach, looking confident.

Not long after, Aoi brought Kokura to the resting place of the big snake.

"Uncle~ It's up to you!" The girl pointed to the snake's tail protruding from the grass, and said to the workshop.

"Okay, let's see mine." Gongcang also saw the purple snake tail, and after releasing the 4 elves, he was ready to fight.

"Long Longshi, you stomp first! Big-billed Sparrow, you charge forward in a flash and then go straight to drill! Haoli, you finally charge forward for melee combat!"

Although he has been eating and waiting to die for many years, as a trainer of the family faction, he still has a high minimum limit. This arrangement can be said to be justified.

"Hey Cha~ Boom!" Long Longshi took the lead in fighting, his thick arm bombarded the ground heavily with the energy of the ground system, and the ground shook instantly.

"Shusha~" Tian Ci, who was hanging behind, felt a little vibration around him.

"It's too different from Shitou's Rumble Stone, especially in terms of energy control, but it's normal, after all, I've been enjoying myself for so long."

Feeling the vibrating ground on his side, Tian Ci immediately compared it with the rumbling stone of the stone in his heart. Although it seemed that the middle-aged uncle had a great momentum, it was entirely because the power control was not high and it was too scattered The reason is that the typical thunder is loud and the rain is small.

"Just right~" Sure enough, although the vibration caused a little damage to the Arbo monster, it didn't affect its action at all. With a dodge, it avoided the more powerful straight drill of the toucan.

"Cha~咻咻咻!" After getting out of the way, it opened its mouth wide, and shot consecutive poisonous needles at the charging Hao Li.

"Haoli, get out of the way! Toucan blows those poisonous needles away!"

Seeing that the result was different from what he expected, Kokura wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly asked Toucan for help.

"Huhu~huh~" The toucan flapped its wings in time, shifting the direction of the flying poisonous needle, and let Haoli dodge in time.

"Haoli, rush over, fight in close quarters, rumbling rocks, cover with falling rocks!"

After seeing Haoli dodging, he immediately organized the next round of attack.

"Just right~"


All of a sudden, the four elves fought together. As for the uncle's other elf, Ba Dahu, it did not participate in the battle, but was responsible for guarding the safety of the trainer.

And even if it participates in the battle, it is actually not very useful. It has not developed mind-power moves, and usually only sprinkles powder to assist it. Unfortunately, for the poison resistance of Abo monster, its powder without special training is the same as tickling. So Kokura didn't let it participate in the battle.

As time went by, although the Abbe monster was of ordinary middle-level strength, it was born in the wild and its combat level was not necessarily higher than that of the industrial warehouse. Slowly, it was severely injured by the three-on-one siege.

"Cough~ how about it, Xiaokui, this is still the strength that I haven't fully recovered. I'll give them special training later, and it will definitely not be a problem to take you flying."

Although his three elves were also seriously injured, Kokura, who had already won the game, still flaunted something to the girl next to him.

"Heh~ Uncle, your strength is really not worth mentioning!"

The girl with her head down showed a disdainful smile when she heard it. The time has come, and she doesn't need to play tricks with this fat man anymore.

"Rada, kill the front teeth! Bibi, attack the touque!"

She immediately gave the order to the arranged elves.

"Puff~" A well-developed Lada jumped and bit the wing of Ba Dahu next to him.

"Fu Yi! (_)" Caught off guard, Ba Dahu was bitten through his wings before he could react at all, and the powerful destructive power of the killer front teeth directly made him lose his fighting ability.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"


"beep beep~"

At the same time, there was a series of attacks from the side and rear, the green seed machine gun, the hot flame bomb, and the huge tornado. It was Tian Ci's three elves who shot.

"Hey Cha~(_)"

"Cool Miles(_)"

"Gull Europe (_)"

Unexpectedly, the three elves, who were suddenly backstabbed, were directly knocked down by a series of attacks. In the process of fighting with the Abo monster, they were all seriously injured, and they were also restrained by attributes. After being specially targeted, it is logical to lose the ability to fight.

"Aoi! You bitch, what do you want!"

Perhaps it was because he had been talking about the same thing in the store for a long time, but this fat, greasy uncle hadn't recognized the form clearly, and accused the girl angrily.

"What are you doing, Uncle Kokura, I don't think you realize what's going on right now!"

Seeing the fat man who was still scolding her angrily, Aoi directly took out a dagger and pressed it against his broad neck.

"If you have something to say, if you have something to say, Miss Kui, I have the money for what you want! I can give you a lot of money!"

Feeling the cold blade on his neck, this middle-aged uncle who had been at ease for a long time finally realized that this was in the wilderness where no one cares. Even if he died, no one would know.

Especially in order to avoid the yellow-faced woman at home, he didn't tell others that he was going to form a team, he just said that he went out to train the elves as usual, so if he really died, others would only think that he had unfortunately encountered a powerful monster Elf, died in the wild.

"Oh~ how much is it, this uncle." At this time, Tian Ci, who was walking over, also heard Gongcang's anxious shout, and asked with great interest.

"50! I hid my private money, 50! This is all my private money and I will give it to you! My lord, please spare my life!"

At this time, Tian Ci had already put away Koudaihua and Hei Lujia, and there was only a popular Bibi bird beside him, and he was wearing a special helmet, so Gongcang couldn't recognize him.

"Hand over the card and give us the password too! Otherwise, I'll kill you directly!"

Seeing Tian Ci who came out, Aoi's expression was a little unnatural. She originally wanted to take the 50 yuan all by herself, but she didn't expect Tian Ci to hear it, so there was nothing she could do.

"Here, here, the password is 453879" Sensing the tingling pain from his neck, he regretted why he insisted on pretending not to wear a helmet that covered him. Now that he was under the eaves, he had to bow his head and tremble. Trembling, he opened his backpack, took out his bank card and handed it over.

"Hmm~" This card was of course taken by Tian Ci. After taking the card, he took out the corresponding poke ball from the middle-aged uncle, and took the four pokemon back one by one.

"My lord, can I go?" Seeing the elf that didn't kill him, Kokura felt that he had a way out, and asked Tianji quickly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this man covered in protective clothing is the real speaker.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a good place next time, maybe we'll be a family after we get out." As he spoke, Tian Ci took out the hypnotic powder he had prepared in advance from his backpack, and sprinkled it on Gongcang's face. Go up.

"A good place, family. People~" The special effect hypnotic powder from Koudaihua soon put the fat man into a deep sleep.

"Aoi, are you looking at what's in his backpack?"

Seeing the fat man falling into a deep sleep, Tianji asked the girl to check just in case.

"Okay~" The girl also had this intention long ago, took the space backpack and started to flip it.

"It's really gone. There isn't even a single energy crystal. It's just some very common elf food. It's probably because of eating these for a long time that his elf's strength has been unable to improve, and it has degraded."

After turning upside down, Aoi threw the space backpack back on the fat man in frustration, feeling really poor!this person!

"Forget it, Kou Duanhua, I'll trouble you, and use vines to lead him for a while."

For this situation, Tian Ci didn't care, or he had expected it long ago, after all, he was just a waste of comfort and enjoyment, so he called Export Daihua again, let him take the fat man with him, and the group went to the Rockets base.

Near the Rockets base, they ran into a few colleagues, and they also had one or two captured trainers in their hands.

"Sure enough, the three major families have absolutely no power to fight back in front of the serious Rockets."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci sighed silently, feeling that this task might be over in a few days, and the middle-level of the town would be controlled by the Rockets without anyone noticing.

After handing over people to specialized personnel, they got the first contribution point of 50 points.

These staff members will make the captured trainers join the Rockets willingly within a few days. Although they don't know what the means are, they are nothing more than coercion, or a little spiritual hint. After all, such a large base, there is no He doesn't believe in superpowers.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him. After handing in the person, he first went to the bank self-service machine in the central square and tried the card. Fortunately, the fat man did not lie. The card did have 50. According to the rules, he After taking 40% and transferring 10 to herself, the remaining [-] was given to Aoi.

Seeing the 10-point contribution and 10 yuan in hand, the girl's pretty face turned, "My mother exposed her true identity and betrayed her beauty, and finally got this point!"

"Thank you Brother Tian Ci!" But she quickly adjusted back and smiled brightly at Tian Ci.

"Well, don't think too little. We can talk about the distribution plan when you Bibi Bird is in the middle stage." Of course, he saw the change in the girl's face, so he gave a symbolic comfort. It's okay to stop the cooperation.

In his opinion, this woman is relatively dangerous, and long-term cooperation is difficult. Only when he has reached a high level and can firmly suppress this woman will he cooperate again, or find an opportunity to give her a contract, then he will I will continue to cooperate with Aoi with peace of mind.

"En~" The girl nodded with a smile on her face, but in her heart she also thought about breaking up when the time comes!Twenty percent is really too little!

Not to mention the two people who have their own ghosts, at least for now they are still close partners, and as expected by Tianji, this mission only appeared in 8 days and ended. The three famous families in the town, only After persisting for 8 days, he changed his face and threw himself into the arms of the Rockets.

Of course, in these 8 days, they also made a lot of money. Including the first uncle, they abducted a total of 6 people by virtue of Aoi's seduction technique, 5 of whom were ordinary low-rank, and only one was ordinary middle-rank.

In the middle section, he almost let him run away. Fortunately, Aoi and Tianci's flying elves are both Bibibirds, and the two Bibibirds worked together to find him out.

Tianci also made a lot of money in these 8 days. The 6 people who contributed points alone provided 330 points, and he scored 8 points with 264 points. It can be said that except for the mid-level trainer, the other 5 people, under the care of mental arithmetic and carelessness, especially Easily overwhelmed.

Of course, the point of contribution is not the big head, the big head is the personal property of these people. After converting it into alliance currency, basically everyone provided Tian Ci with hundreds of thousands of income, especially the middle-level trainer, who even provided Tian Ci With an income of over 100 million yuan, 8% of the income, he has received an income of about 8 million yuan in these 320 days.

As for whether these people will retaliate when they come back?Anyway, he is not afraid.

The first reason is that the public elves like Bibi Bird were the ones he exposed to the eyes of several people throughout the whole process. Koudaihua and Hei Lujia hid in the dark and took them back after successfully attacking them.

Second, he has never shown his face, and he is covered in protective clothing the whole time. These people can only know that he is a man. Not afraid at all.

As for the woman Kui, I'm afraid he won't know about it, and he can't care about it. Anyway, he has given her all the money that should be given to her.

 Let me explain, there should be more than 20 characters before leaving the town, and then I kept talking about jumping the timeline, so I felt that there would be a lot of female roles. There will be three before leaving the town. In fact, Ninghui's roles should be very few. But the following 20 words are shortened into a few chapters, so I give you this feeling, how to talk about women!

  Xiao Ling and this Aoi represent the two factions of the League and the Rockets. In the following 20 words, the protagonist would have interspersed between these two, wandering between the League and the Rockets, so that it would not appear that there are too many female roles. .

  These two must be talked about, even if you jump the timeline, you must talk about it, otherwise you won’t be able to write later, and you will jump and collapse, or else a key woman will suddenly pop up in the third volume, and you don’t know who it is It's very embarrassing, I guess it won't be able to end at that time, and I can only be forced to end it. I can only say that I didn't want to jump the timeline, but the second volume is really too long. I can only say that my skills are problematic. I had no experience when writing a book, but now I see that some places can indeed be shortened.

  Finally, thanks to Mi Qiu 815 (1500 points) for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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