Pokemon Poor

Chapter 249 Xiaoling's decisiveness, Aoi's cooperation

Chapter 249 Xiaoling's decisiveness, Aoi's cooperation
"No, Ninghui, return the elf ball to you, and then put this illustration book here for you for the time being. This should help you in your journey as a cultivator."

Now that he had made a decision, Tian Ci immediately put it into action, and handed over the illustrated book to Ning Hui.

"Thank you ~ master!" Ning Hui took it with both hands, very touched.

"Master doesn't want this kind of thanks~" Tian Ci didn't like Ning Hui's thanks, he grabbed Ning Hui's hand and pulled her back to the bedroom.

"Shua~ Ninghui wears this to serve the master today~"

After arriving in the bedroom, Tian Ci took out a cow uniform from a spatial backpack, threw it to Ning Hui, and motioned her to change it on.

"~En~ I understand~ Master" Looking at the uniform facing the big milk tank, Ning Hui blushed, but she still took the clothes and began to change.

"~Master~ Let the big milk pot serve you~" I saw the girl who had changed her clothes, wearing black horns on her head, and dressed in pink all over her body, just like an anthropomorphic big milk pot.

"Hey hey~ let's have some first!"

When Tian Ci saw the big milk pot Ninghui, he smiled evilly, and a hungry tiger pounced on it.

All of a sudden, various charming voices sounded.
"Damn bad woman! Why are you screaming so loudly!"

"Brother Tianci~Brother Tianci~"

At the same time, Xiao Ling, who was separated from Tian Ci's house by a house, vaguely heard the voice from there. Her smooth legs began to close together, and she hugged the quilt tightly. Under the blue pupils, she revealed shyness and firmness. , she seems to have finally made a decision.

"Squeak~" The girl, who was only wearing light pajamas, turned over, opened the door and walked towards Tian Ci's house.

"Bang bang bang~" When she came to the door of Tian Ci's house, she heard the louder and more charming voice inside, her face turned red, but she still firmly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Hearing the familiar knock on the door, he reluctantly let go and asked pretending not to know.

"Brother Tian Ci~it's me~" After hearing Tian Ci's response, Xiao Ling plucked up the courage to say something in a low voice.

"Squeak~ It's Xiaoling, why are you here?"

Putting on some trousers, Tian Ci opened the door for Xiao Ling shirtless, and saw a girl in a light blue nightgown outside the door, with a blushing face and tangled hands, wanting to say something but not daring to say anything look.

"I~I~I like you! Brother Tian Ci!" The girl raised her head, and after a few times of opening her lips, she finally yelled out in one breath.

"Hmm~" Looking at the girl who confessed to him under the moonlight, Tian Ci kissed her without any hesitation.

"Xiaoling, I may have many women, maid, will you regret it?"

After a long time, looking at the girl in her arms as soft as water and stroking her water-blue hair, Tian Ci asked.

"I know, I won't regret it, as long as Brother Tian Ci has me in his heart."

The girl stared at Tian Ci's not-so-beautiful, but rather ugly scarred face, and replied firmly word by word.

"Okay!" Hearing Xiaoling's affirmative answer, Tian Ci didn't hesitate anymore, picked up the girl by the waist, and walked into the bedroom.
The next day, leaving Ninghui at home, Tian Ci continued to go out with Xiaoling and Shitou to do quests, and the next period of time was another boring quest trip.

It is worth mentioning that Ning Hui lived in Tian Ci's house most of the time from that day on, taking care of his daily life, and truly became a housemaid.

Xiaoling still lives in her own house, but she often makes appointments to come over to Tianci at night, with Ninghui. It makes Tianci develop a lot of new uses of the extraordinary water system, hehehe~
Of course, he did not forget the cooperation agreement with Jiang Qikui before. He would always spend a few days a week during the day or night to do missions for the Rockets with Jiang Qikui. With her help, the contribution of the Rockets has also caught up with the achievements of the league The growth rate, especially after she has two ordinary low-level elves.

Calculated in this way, he can get more than 160 points of alliance merit and about 100 points of Rockets contribution in a week, and the alliance currency is about 50 a week. Tianci, who has helpers on both sides, has really ushered in a period of rapid development.

Of course, some people may ask, Xiaoling and Shitou are not curious about Tian Ci leaving the team every week, what is he doing?
In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon. Everyone's elves are different, and the cultivation methods are also different. There will always be various situations. You may need to train alone to strengthen it, or you may suddenly have inspiration and train combo skills. This happens, but not so often.

Of course, Tian Ci has another excuse, which is to help Ninghui collect the materials for cultivating the formula. Some formula materials are not necessarily stored in the town for a long time, so they can only be found in the forest by themselves. This is why the elf center often There is a reason for the quest of collecting berries.

As for the matter of the private maid, it was fine. If it was to collect materials specifically, he meant that it would not be good to bother the two of them every time, so he temporarily left the team for a few days to collect materials.

Xiaoling and Shitou certainly believed in this. After all, Ninghui was developing into a cultivator. They all knew about this and seemed to have made progress, so after asking once, they didn't ask again. This also allowed the cooperation between Tian Ci and Jiang Qikui to continue.

After this lasted for 4-5 months, Jiang Qikui's Lada reached the average middle level, and her appetite also increased, especially when the Rockets came out with such a mission.

"Task number: 001111
Task level: no level
Mission description: Rob the trainers of the three major families in the town except for the Jiang Qi family, and let them join the Rockets
Task time limit: no time limit
Mission rewards: 50 points/person for the lower ranks of the normal level, 80 points/person for the middle rank of the normal rank, and 200 points/person for the upper rank of the normal rank. If you are a genius member in the attached table below, the reward will be doubled!
Attached table: Genius members of the three major families"

Aoi suggested that she find members of other families to form a team, and then set a trap to capture them.

At first, Tian Ci was a little worried, so he didn't agree, but Aoi told him that more than one member of Jiang Qi's family had already done this, and their head of Jiang Qi's family seemed to be planning a plan too!

This made Tianji agree. Of course, he didn't just listen to Aoi's one-sided words. He gave Captain Okamoto a great benefit, and learned that there is another version of this mission at the upper level, which is to capture the patriarchs of the three major families and them alive. For other elite trainers in the clan, each elite level will contribute 2000 points, which is twice the contribution of the previous elite level!
Moreover, the completion time of the upper level task is the real time limit for the ordinary level task below. Although this task says that there is no time limit, in fact, as long as the elite level of the family joins, then the ordinary level task will end here.

With such a high reward, the squadron leaders at the upper level, and even the captains, are gearing up to take them down with their magical powers.

As for where the news about the team leader Okamoto came from, it was because Luke Squadron seemed to have cooperated with Patriarch Jiang Qi to lure an elite from another family to go out. As the team leader under Luke, Okamoto, although He can't intervene in elite battles, but ordinary high-ranking players can handle some chores, such as cleaning up ordinary fish, covering up the battle traces and aftermath, and so on, so he was informed of the news.

Of course, now this news was sold to Tian Ci by his 200-point contribution. After combining Aoi's rhetoric in this way, Tian Ci finally made up his mind to agree.

Originally, the reason why he didn't agree was because the risk of revealing his identity was too great. As long as one of these newcomers was exposed, then the family's high-level officials would follow the vine and they would definitely implicate them.

But now that the high-level combat power of the three major families can't be guaranteed by themselves, it doesn't matter if they eat some meat.

Tian Ci didn't think that the other three major families in the town could withstand the Rockets' offensive. Even if the three of them were stronger than Jiang Qi's family, it wouldn't help if there were one or two elite families who were not on the bright side.

After all, the captain is an elite high-level figure. There are several such people who choose to make a move. In addition to the other squadron leaders in the base who also want to make a living, it is estimated that the three major families have not reacted, and they will be forced to secretly Changed flags.

After agreeing, Aoi immediately took action. To be on the safe side, she first dated a collateral branch of the Asada family, a lecherous uncle who was almost 40 years old. When she was selling materials, this uncle came up to him by himself. of.

I have to say that although Kui's figure is not as good as Ninghui's, she is very attractive to outsiders because she likes to wear tight clothes, and she looks pretty, especially now that she is used to relying on herself, and she has the look of a strong woman in her previous life Temperament, that's why the uncle I met was moved.

"This uncle in his 40s with ordinary low-level strength is called Asada Kokura, and there are 4 elves who are still in the ordinary low-level, namely Hao Li, Long Longshi, Ba Dahu, and Touju.

He is the person in charge of a store in Asada's house. I tempted him a bit, and he agreed to help me hunt ten Arbo monsters in the wild.

Brother Tian Ci, when the time comes, we will find an Abo monster, and I will let his elves fight head-on. When the end is almost over, then you will come out and give him a fatal blow! "

At the entrance of the wild forest, the two who had been waiting under the big tree were discussing the plan. Of course, this time the plan was organized by Aoi, and Tian Ci was just a thug.

The more Tian Ci listened, the more he felt familiar, and suddenly three words appeared in his mind, that is "immortal jump!"

The woman tempted the man to come over, saying what he could do, and when he was about to get to the point, he, the hulking thug (the man who caught the rape), broke into the door, took pictures and threatened, and asked the man to hand over a large sum of money!
"What a terrifying woman. If in her previous life, she would eventually become a sea king with countless spare tires~"

Looking at the girl who talked more and more excited, although the figure outlined by the other party's tights is still hot, but now he feels that this woman is a femme fatale who has not yet fully grown up. She is very good at using her colorful and glamorous appearance. The prey attracted by its appearance will be swallowed by her one by one.

"How is it, Brother Tian Ci? Why don't you speak?"

While talking, Aoi suddenly found that Tian Ci didn't express any opinions, but just stared straight at her figure under the tights, she couldn't help but blush, and asked a question.

"Ooo, I'm listening, Aoi, you're very good, I have no objection."

Hearing the girl's question, Tian Ci immediately smiled awkwardly, saying that there was no problem.

"Hmph~ Then follow the plan!" Although she could already see the appearance of She Xie, she still hadn't fully grown up after all. After being blushed by Tian Ci, she signaled Tian Ci to hide first When people arrive, just follow them from a distance.

After all, for Aoi, Tianji is her first man (the previous article has been figured out), and it will always be a little different.

"Okay." Tian Ci nodded, and began to walk into the depths of the dense forest next to him.

Not long after he hid, he saw a middle-aged uncle with a big belly, wearing the largest protective clothing, walking towards Aoi.

"Miss Aoi, you are still so charming today!"

As soon as the greasy uncle named Gongcang came up, he grabbed Kui's delicate hands with both hands, and his face also looked lewd.

"Ah, don't be so impatient, Uncle Gongcang, I have to see your strength first before considering whether to form a team with you for a long time, when the time comes, I'll see you again"

Seeing the grasped hands in front of her, Aoi flinched away and dodged them, then coquettishly said in an affectionate tone.

"Hehehe~ It's easy to say, Uncle, I was also a middle-level trainer before. Although I have lost my level these years, I should be able to return to the middle level after training for a few months after today.

And as far as I know, Ms. Kui is not very popular with the young people of your family~ But it doesn’t matter, when the time comes, the uncle will take you and make you happy, hehehe~"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the plump face of Gongcang, who hadn't touched his hand, and quickly released his strength, as evidence to prove that he was a mid-level trainer before.

Then he vaguely pointed out Aoi's current predicament, saying that only he could help her, with an expression of certainty on his face, and his eyes were sizing up Aoi's exquisite figure under her black tights.

As the owner of a store, although he is lecherous, he is not a brainless person. Before he came to the appointment, he specifically asked about the chick in front of him.

"Hmph~ I don't need that group of trash! Don't talk nonsense, just looking at it won't work, go to Abo, if your performance this time can satisfy me, then talk about other things!"

Unexpectedly, this fat-headed, dead fat pig had investigated her, so Kui's face turned cold, and she no longer pretended to be false, and directly stated her purpose.

"Hey hey~ go to Toucan, help find Abo~"

Seeing the girl whose complexion turned cold, Gongcang was not angry. In his opinion, he had already settled for this beauty. She is so glamorous now, and when the time comes, he will let this girl come back under him!

He released the toucan, gave instructions, and followed behind the girl.

"Huh! Bibi Bird, you can go too!" Seeing the disgusting uncle release the elf to investigate, the girl snorted coldly, and released her second elf to investigate together.

It may be because she was defeated by Tian Ci's Bibi Bird twice, so after she had saved enough contributions from the Rockets, she slapped the pot and replaced it with a good Bobo as her second elf.

After several months of cultivation, it has also evolved into Bibi Bird, whose strength is at the low level of ordinary.

 I originally wanted to ask for leave today, because the paid leave ended early, and I went back to work. The organization’s rectification and transformation will be very busy. I have no code words for several days this month. Even the few days of vacation at home are also very busy. Looking for information, Make a file, save the manuscript and run out T_T
  Forget it after thinking about it, let’s release the last chapter of the manuscript, and start to jump the timeline, but I still want to briefly talk about the important things in the past few years. Think about what to do?Writing novels full-time, judging from the declining data of my starting point, it should be impossible T_T I can only say that in the face of survival problems, I have to stay in the back row!

  Finally, thank you for my curiosity yesterday (2000 points), book friend 20200705124234567, and three readers of Wanyan 6 for their rewards!Many thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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