Pokemon Poor

Chapter 230 The Opening of the Conference, Joey and Junsha

Chapter 230 The Opening of the Conference, Joey and Junsha

Although Qi himself was not talking, the people around him were still talking about it. Tian Ci also took this opportunity to hear a lot of useful information, some about Qi, and some about the unspoken rules of the game.

"The one named Qi seems to be very famous. The initial elf is a giant claw crab. It seems to have evolved into a giant claw crab last year. I just heard that he broke through to a high level not long ago. That should be a giant claw crab breakthrough. up.

As for the water system, under the restraint of Moutaihua, it's not impossible to fight. "

He silently kept Qi's message in his heart, this is definitely a strong enemy.

There seemed to be a heavyweight seed player from the family faction before, but he was too far away, he only saw a back and didn't hear anything, but if he can attract people from the family, it must be a young high-level training home.

The annual Aoki Conference, in principle, any local trainer under the age of 50 can sign up, but in fact, novices trainers will not come to participate at all, their primary goal is to break through the ordinary level first.

And the older generation of high-level trainers will not participate, they also have to face, the old-fashioned ordinary high-level trainers can be regarded as prominent figures in this town, and it is really a shame to compete with the juniors for the rewards of several million What a shame.

Moreover, veteran high-level trainers in their 40s are not very short of those millions. After they reach high-level, they have plenty of ways to make money.

Some feel tired, they will form a small family or a small gang, and make some money in the shop industry.

There are also some who want to rush to the elite level, so they will form a hunting group and do quests in the wild.

Of course, no matter which one, they definitely don't need these few million. This amount is a bit big for them, but it's not worth the face of their patriarch or group leader. Sometimes the face is indeed worse than this. A few million is worth the money.

Since they chose to hang out in the town instead of traveling, the town's face still needs to be maintained.

Moreover, the regulation of the Aoki Conference is that a person can only participate three times in a lifetime. Generally, those who are still in the town in their 40s must have participated in them all.

Of course, Tianji estimated that the real reason for them to give up should be this matter.

More than 10 years ago, the head of a small family suddenly remembered that he had one more chance to participate, so he participated in the Aoki Conference regardless of face, and successfully won the first place. The reward was given by the Joey family at that time. But it wasn't long before he was forcibly recruited again, and then he died outside again, almost the same as that iron-headed civilian.

So the meaning is obvious. The Qingmu Conference does not require old antiques to come to collect rewards. This is the stage for the new generation and Mesozoic trainers in the town.

Of course, after taking the first place, is there any idiot who will continue to come to collect rewards next year? Of course there is no such thing.

After all, the person who can get the first place should have good talent, not to mention outstanding in dealing with the world, at least he is a normal person.

You won the first place, and you have already apprenticed or got married, so even if you are really stupid, people from the three major forces will definitely remind you not to participate in the Qingmu Conference again, and leave the opportunity to others.

Of course, if you are stupid enough to go against the intentions of the three major forces, you have to participate. If you collect rewards again, Tian Ci is likely to be forcibly recruited to do the task of clearing the payment, and then he will
After all, if you are so stupid in your life and conduct yourself against the three major forces, then why should they train you to become an elite? Now that you are only an ordinary high-ranking person, you dare to go against the meaning of the above. If you really cultivated you to be an elite, isn’t that right? Have you raised an unfamiliar silver wolf for yourself?
So to sum up, the annual Aoki Conference is actually an opportunity for selection. For those who want to enter the development of the alliance's big forces, they must cherish these three opportunities and go all out to show themselves every time.

Of course, for those who want to travel and don’t want to be bound, even if you can get No.1, you can’t get it!You have to pretend to lose in a very reasonable way!

After all, it can be said that No.1 almost 100% wants to join the three major forces. If you join, you will definitely do things according to their rules.

Even the patriarch of the Asada family, although it seems that he has become independent and is in charge of an elite family, in fact, he does not listen to the master of the gymnasium everywhere, and puts the gymnasium first in everything.

The current Tian Ci definitely doesn't have this distress, and he doesn't need to pretend to be a reasonable defeat. He dares to bet that he probably won't get the first place this time.

His goal is to be in the top three, and now there seem to be two high-level trainers, who knows if there are more?

It is not too early to know that he came, maybe there will be another seed player appearing before him, or there are people like him who are unknown, but the actual strength is quite strong!
"I feel that the first three are difficult~ It seems that I have to make a copy of the high-level cheat book first."

Tian Ci rubbed his nose, feeling more and more uncertain. Although he had three mid-level elves in his hand, Hei Lujia just broke through to the middle level.

He thinks he can make it to the top 16, and there should be some play in the top 8, but he really has no bottom in the top 4. You must know that there must be veteran mid-level trainers participating in this conference.

For veteran middle-level trainers, they will definitely not only have three elves in their hands. After a few rounds, the elves in Tianci's hands are probably exposed. Under restraint, he really might not win.

And he believes that if he really reaches the top 16, he will have a high probability of encountering a veteran mid-level trainer. After all, none of them who can make it to this point are weak, and most of them are experienced and qualified trainers.

"Brother Tian Ci, don't worry, this time it's time to test the waters."

At this moment, Xiao Ling patted Tian Ci's shoulder and said something in a low voice.

It turned out that Xiao Ling saw Tian Ci's face was cloudy and uncertain, so he came to explain a few words.

"Well, I'm fine Xiaoling, I just feel that this time I might have to run with me."

When Tian Ci heard Xiao Ling's words, he forced a smile and responded.

"My goal with Xiaoling is to pass two rounds. Brother Tian Ci, if you make it three rounds, four rounds should be fine."

Stone also noticed that Tian Ci's face was a bit unsightly, so he took advantage of the situation to persuade him.

"Yeah, let's work hard!" Tian Ci couldn't say, I must be in the top three!Because there is a maid who is still waiting for my complete acceptance!Hearing the reassurance of the two, he could only smile cheerfully, pretending to be relieved.

"Ahem~ Trainers, please be quiet."

At this time, a thick boy suddenly came from the high platform in front.

"Come on, be quiet"

"The line is neatly lined up!"

"Speed ​​speed~"

Hearing this voice, the experienced trainer knew that the conference was about to officially open, and quickly stopped the conversation of the surrounding people and started to organize the team.

After a simple team formation, the hall became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to the high platform directly in front of the hall.

"Okay, thank you trainers for your cooperation. Next, we will invite our gym master Arai-sama to give a speech on stage."

When the host on the high platform saw the silence in the hall, he said something to the crowd, and then immediately left the stage.

"Ahem, good afternoon, all outstanding trainers in Qingmu Town! I am the gym master of Arai Gym!"

Although Tian Ci was at the back, he could clearly hear what the gym master was saying through the big screen and loudspeaker.

"Okay! Crack! Crack! Crack!" Hearing the gym master greeting himself, no matter whether it was a civilian trainer or a family faction trainer, they all applauded and responded loudly. Tian Ci and Shitou did not agree. exception.

"En. Suso~" But Xiaoling didn't respond, instead her body began to tremble, and some sobbing sounds came from under the big robe.

"Xiaoling, control yourself, we can't keep running away, you have to learn to face the past, if you don't even have the courage, then even if you become stronger than him in the future, you won't be able to take revenge on him!"

Tian Ci noticed Xiao Ling's abnormality, and quickly turned his head away, explaining.

"Xiao Ling, listen to brother Tian Ci, hold on!"

Stone also patted the girl's shoulder with his hand, and comforted her.

"Well, I couldn't help it just now, I will control myself next time!"

When Xiao Ling heard the comfort from the two, she immediately stopped crying and began to calm down.

Fortunately, Xiaoling was sandwiched between the two of them, and she was covered in a big robe all the time, so no one else noticed the movement except the two of them.

"All the trainers are the elites of our Qingmu Town, they are the future of our Qingmu Town"

Of course, the gym master on the high platform didn’t notice Xiaoling’s little gestures. He just kept repeating his own clichés. Although it was different every year, the meanings revealed were actually the same. Anyway, it was to encourage, inspire, Then there are two words of praise for the gymnasium.

This is also the benefit he can get every year, after all, the conference is held in his gym every year.

Don't underestimate this speech. Although the meaning in the words is repeated again and again, it is actually the same as an advertisement. It will leave an image on people and refresh the presence of the gym. The potential benefits are relatively large. big.

"Next, we invite Miss Joy to give a speech!"

After a long speech by the gym master, it finally came to an end, and it was Miss Joy's turn next.

"Hi everyone! I'm Joey from the Fairy Center~"

Joey, who was wearing a pink nurse uniform, greeted the trainers below gracefully as soon as he came up.

"Good! Miss Joy is so beautiful!"

"Miss Joy! We love you forever!"

"Angels! Angels!"

Seeing the beautiful and gentle Miss Joy, the trainers below broke out with even greater enthusiasm!Especially the trainers in the civilian circle, shouting shamelessly one by one.

"This is too exaggerated, although it is very beautiful."

Tian Ci looked at the trainers around him, shook his head helplessly, and blocked his ears with his hands, the screaming next to him was really too loud!

He admitted that Joey is very good-looking. In terms of appearance alone, it should be above Ninghui. Joey's face perfectly interprets what is soft and beautiful. On the whole, it has a classical and weak beauty, which can easily arouse men's protection. want.

"But Ninghui's figure is better than Joey's!" After comparing secretly, Tian Ci came to such a conclusion.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, but my time is limited, I still hope everyone can be quiet and listen to me."

Seeing that she was so popular, Miss Joy also had a smile on her face, but thinking of her time limit, she added another sentence.

"Stop talking, be quiet"

"If you like Miss Joy, just listen to her!"

"Stop arguing!"

Hearing Miss Joy's request, some old fans began to quickly clean up the team, and soon the trainers below became quiet again.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. Our elf center, including the town's logistics department, has taken care of it for everyone this year."

Seeing the trainers who had calmed down, Miss Joy bowed slightly and began her speech.

Because it was not hosted by the Joey family, and the venue was not theirs, she had the least time for the opening remarks of this conference, but Joey, who had prepared in advance, finished what she wanted to say fluently. Within the prescribed time.

"Next, we invite the last guest of this conference, Miss Junsha! She is also the organizer of this conference! The No.1 reward is provided by Miss Junsha!"

After Ms. Joy left, the host immediately invited out the last guest, but because it was the organizer's sake, there were a few more words.

"Ahem~ Hello everyone, I'm Junsha from the Police Department."

Unlike Ms. Joy's soft voice, although Ms. Junsha's voice is still pleasant, it sounds quite powerful and powerful.

"Junsha! My goddess!"

"Miss Junsha is so sassy!"

"You look so handsome in uniform!"

"This long leg, Yujie Goddess!"

Just like when Miss Joy came on stage, when Miss Junsha in police uniform came on stage, the trainers below were howling again.

Different from the soft Miss Joy, although Miss Junsha's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, but it gives people the impression that she is full of heroism and sassy, ​​and people can tell that she is a strong woman and a strong horse at a glance. For this kind of The goddess Yujie, I believe that every man would fantasize about conquering her.

Coupled with the bonus of the uniform, according to a trainer who did not want to be named, he secretly conducted a survey. In the case of Miss Joey and Miss Junsha, about 6% to 7% of men Will choose Miss Junsha, and this uniform plays a big factor.

"Please be quiet, everyone! Be quiet! Attention!"

Junsha, who was born in the police force, saw the noisy scene, and handled it differently from Miss Joy, and directly gave orders with a loudspeaker.

"Yes!" Hearing Junsha's order, the trainers off the court quickly shut up and stood still.

After all, the orders of the police department still have to be obeyed, and most of the law enforcement powers are in the hands of the police department.

"Okay, then let me talk about the situation of our police department, first of all, this year our police department"

Because it is the organizer, Ms. Junsha has the longest speech time, so she can introduce it from the beginning in detail.

"Finally, I hope everyone can achieve a good result in this conference!"

 Thank you Ai Ruxia for your tip of 9500 points yesterday!Starting today, these few days will be a double monthly pass event, and there will be another crowdfunding event from 8:12 to [-]:[-] in the evening these days. If there are big rewards, you can come and let me add more!
  The author has also finished his class today, and he is on paid vacation. Next, he will definitely add updates in time, and it won’t be too long (of course, it is impossible to update tens of thousands of words a day)

  Anyway, looking at the announcement of the starting point, these days from 8:12 to 1500:4 in the evening, after the activities are superimposed, it seems that [-] points may get up to [-] monthly tickets!Go for it!
(End of this chapter)

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