Pokemon Poor

Chapter 229 A Huge Expense and a Deed

Chapter 229 A Huge Expense and a Deed
After paying the registration fee, and knowing that the competition didn't start until this afternoon, Tian Ci took his number plate, took Xiao Ling and Shi Shi to the street and started strolling.

He is rich now!For the past 46 days, he has been doing tasks every day!
So now his wealth has undergone a huge change, and the balance on his bank card has also changed from 6 figures to 7 figures, and the current balance is a full 360 million!
Originally, if you don't spend a cent, there should be more than 400 million, but if you want to improve the strength of the elves, how can you not spend a penny?
In the past 40 days, he spent [-] yuan on food alone, not to mention occasionally buying a few energy crystals to absorb for the three elves to speed up energy accumulation.

The accelerated growth in these cultivation cheats all mentioned that energy crystals can be used, but absorbing energy crystals every moment is too wasteful, and Tian Ci doesn't have so much money.

So after exploring the absorption rules of the next few elves, Tianji asked them to absorb energy crystals every once in a while and speed up once.

This way of accelerating according to the law will be faster than relying solely on oneself, and it will not cost too much money. In the past month or so, Tian Ci bought a total of 4 energy crystals for the three elves.

Among them, Koudaihua has the most demand conversion. It uses a mid-grade grass-type energy crystal and a low-grade poison-type energy crystal.

Bibi Bird only used a middle-grade flying-type energy crystal, and Helujia was the weakest, and it only used a low-grade fire-type energy crystal.

These four energy crystals cost another 30 yuan, plus other miscellaneous expenses, this month's cost probably cost more than 80 yuan.

This can already buy back Xiaoling's previous house, which is equivalent to Tianci spending more than a month on a house in the city.

So raising elves is really expensive!Moreover, Tian Ci reckons that the cultivation cheats in his hands must be relatively common, and the big families in the alliance must have better ones.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about how to shorten the time for the elves to reach the normal high level. He doesn't believe that those big families really use energy crystals to pile up each elf. He can figure out some rules, so those The big family will definitely have a more efficient method, but it's all kept secret.

After talking about his alliance coins, let’s talk about Tian Ci’s merit points. His current merit points are 1807 points. Although he still hasn’t decided what to exchange, he believes that he will definitely use them in the future, but his current strength and status Neither is enough, so it looks like the Rockets' contribution points are a little more useful.

Speaking of the contribution of the Rockets, he has also done more than 20 missions in the past month, and the current contribution of the Rockets is exactly 600 points. (The high-level cheats of Kou Duanhua and Bibi Bird were replaced in the middle)
He originally intended to change to the high-level cheats after Kou Daihua reached a high level, but at that time he would test the energy absorption speed of Kou Daihua, thinking that there might be a way to shorten the energy accumulation in the high-level cheats, so he also I changed these two high-level cheat books.

But it's a pity that the two cheat books didn't talk about this aspect at all, and it's useless to say it, and I can't say that. I will always use it later when I wait for Dumber and Bibi Bird to reach a higher level, but I just need to press the bottom of the box For a while.

The three of them walked on the street, looked left and right, and felt that everything was much cheaper.

However, Tian Ci and Shitou, two big men, have lived a hard life, so they just look at them. These are not their necessities, so although the price is much cheaper, there is no need to spend money to buy them.

As for Xiao Ling, because in her own town, the people who come and go are basically the people of the town.

So she was afraid of being exposed, so she didn't go shopping in a big way like she did in Nibi City, but just followed Tianci silently, but from the hat that shook twice at that time, it can be seen that she was also very excited, and she must have Look here, look there.

"Brother Tian Ci, look, the store that sells elf food, the one we often go to, is offering 8% ​​off!"

Suddenly Xiaoling saw a huge signboard, and the conspicuous 8% discount made her short of breath even more, she directly pulled the corner of La Tianci's clothes, and said in a low voice.

"Huh! It's really discounted!" Tian Ci turned his head to look, and it turned out to be the store they often come to. There is a particularly conspicuous alliance mark on the signboard on the storefront, which shows that this store is endorsed by the alliance. Or to put it directly, there is an alliance participating in the share.

The elf food in this kind of shop is also the most recognized by the public. After all, the alliance endorses you, and even if something happens, the alliance will compensate you according to the value.

It is also because it is most recognized by the public, so this kind of shop rarely has price reduction activities. Anyway, Tian Ci bought so many times, all at the original price.

Now seeing the news of the discount, based on the principle of saving a little, I rushed to the back of the line and started to line up. As for Shitou and Xiaoling, they also immediately lined up behind Tian Ci.

Time passed slowly in the long wait, and they also moved forward slowly.

At this time, Tian Ci finally saw clearly the small characters under the 8% discount, and it said that the mid-range food for a year was only 8% off if you bought an ordinary-level elf.

No matter the type of elf food, it can be simply divided into 3 levels according to its function.

Low-grade food: food that can only meet the daily consumption of elves, and does not help elves to improve their strength.For example, unprocessed elf meat, ordinary iron ore, middle and low-grade elf feed, etc. all belong to this category.

Mid-range food: It can not only meet the daily consumption of the elves, but also obviously help the elves to improve their strength.For example: refined iron ore, various alloys, mid-to-low-grade energy cubes, etc.

High-end food: It can not only meet the daily consumption of elves, but also has a prominent effect on improving the strength of elves.For example: various rare metals, high-grade energy cubes, etc.

Of course, these are all food categories that can be bought with money, and the top-quality foods above that cannot be bought with money, such as the top-quality energy cubes, or the one-to-one conditioning plan of the cultivator.

Now the three of Tian Ci bought the elves all in the mid-range category, which is also the most cost-effective one.

Like the high-end top-grade energy cubes, it's not that they can't be eaten, but they can't be completely absorbed. After all, with your physical fitness here, you can only absorb so much, and the extra will definitely be wasted.

Although each time after absorbing full energy, the speed of strength improvement will be faster, but compared with the mid-range one, it does not improve too fast, so it is not worth it for ordinary people.

"Xiaoling, Shishi, you have seen it too. The rule is that you can get a 8% discount if you buy a year's supply. Do you want to buy it for a year?"

After weighing it for a while, Tian Ci asked the opinions of the other two.

"One year, it seems too expensive! I remember that on the last day of the three days at the end of the year, there will be an auction in the evening. I think I should save some money for the auction. After all, once a year, there should be something good. .”

Shitou shook his head first. He only had about 100 million yuan in his whole body. If he bought a year's rations, there would definitely not be much money left.

"Well, I have the same idea. I think it's better to buy it for half a year. It's okay to get a 9% discount. Always save some money for emergencies."

Xiaoling also nodded. She has a little more money than a stone, but she spends no less than a stone.

After all, Starfish wants to exercise and improve its superpowers. Let’s just talk about energy cubes. Low-grade energy cubes with common attributes cost 200 a piece, but energy cubes with superpowers cost 400 pieces. double.

Anything that is linked to rare attributes such as dragons, superpowers, and ghosts is basically more expensive than those common attributes.

After all, you are strong!Being strong means wealth, and you have to sell it twice to highlight the power and rarity!
"Well, then I'll buy it for half a year. Otherwise, if I buy the three elves for a year, there won't be much left even after the discount. Now I'm living on [-] a day for food."

Tian Ci heard that he bought it for half a year, so he also decided to buy it for half a year.

He didn't care much about the auction, and he was not in a hurry with the fourth elf. Now the three elves can almost handle most of the situations. With the addition of Xiaoling and Shitou, it can be said that it is a complete team.

And he didn't think that the annual auction held in the town could produce better things than the one in Nibi City.

Next, after waiting for a while, the three of them finally entered the store. Tian Ci also bought food for the three elves for half a year. It cost him almost 153 million, and the balance of the card is now 207 million. It took more than an hour , I spent another suite.

Originally, he thought that the 9% discount should be more than 160 million, but it seems that it is not easy to calculate the discount according to the year, because he bought 3 elves for half a year, so it seems that some of them are 8% off, and some are still there. Additional promotional activities, after the activities are superimposed, there will be a loss of more than 10.

Tian Ci didn't understand the promotions of this store anyway, but he always made money. It used to cost about 180 million yuan, but now it only costs more than 150 million yuan, which is equivalent to earning 30 yuan in vain. Monthly rations!

"I've made a lot of money, I've made a lot of money~"

"Yes, yes! I didn't expect there to be other activities."

"That's right, it's really a conscientious businessman!"

When the three of them came out, they were all smiling, as if they had made a lot of money.

Although I know that the cost of energy cubes is relatively low, even with such a discount, the store must still make some money, but who said that I can't make energy cubes, there is no way to prevent others from earning this money.

"Let's go, let's go to eat, the meeting will open in the afternoon, we must fill our stomachs before fighting!"

After buying the elf food, Tian Ci said hello, and led the two of them to the nearby food street.

As for Koudaihua, they will arrange lunch in the elf feeding area of ​​the food street.

After all, there are too many people on the street. If the elves can still be released as before, the pressure on law and order will definitely become enormous.

Therefore, during the three days of this new year's festival, trainers are not allowed to release their elves in public places.

After a simple lunch, Tian Ci and the others walked towards the direction of Aoki Gym.

"I will definitely take the first place this time!"

"Come on! Just pass one round!"

"A group of garbage!"

As soon as he entered, Tianji heard the lively communication.

At a glance, the hall of the gymnasium is full of people, at least hundreds of people.

However, although there are many people, it can still be seen that the crowd is divided into two factions according to the dividing line in the middle.

The group of people on the left looked haughty, and their clothes were all embroidered with the name or badge of the family. They should be the family faction in the town.

The group of people on the right gathered together in twos and threes, their clothes were in disarray, and some even wore slippers. Tian Ci guessed that this was the trainer of the civilian faction.

However, although the team on the left is more orderly and more beautiful, the number on the right is obviously much larger.

"Let's go, let's go over there, it should start soon."

Tian Ci looked at his watch and found that it was only half an hour away, so he led the two of them to the civilian circle on the right.

"Tata." Like a drop of water melting into a big river, the three of Tian Ci didn't attract much attention, after all, the three of them were not well-known.

Of course, if Xiao Ling is willing to show her true colors, she may still attract some attention.

For the next time, the three of them waited silently in place.

"It's Qi! I didn't expect him to come too!" Suddenly, the noise next to him attracted Tian Ci's attention.

"Qi! He seems to be only 20 years old, he is already an advanced trainer!"

"Yeah! It feels like he is the favorite to win the championship!"

"I heard that it broke through not long ago, what luck!"

"As expected of the future of the common people!"

Under Tian Ci's intentional eavesdropping, he also understood that there seemed to be a popular player to win the championship from the civilian side. Out of curiosity, he also looked in the direction that everyone was looking at.

I saw a young man wearing a trainer uniform walking slowly from the door, with brown hair and a kind smile, making people feel like the big brother of the neighbor's family.

"Qi! You have to work hard! You must win this year!"

"Give us civilians a sigh of relief!"

"come on!"

When Qi walked by, the trainers next to him would cheer him up loudly, as if he was a star-chasing fan.

"Thank you for your blessings, I will work hard! I hope everyone can get good grades!"

For everyone's support, Qi also responded very kindly, and after bowing to thank everyone, he silently walked to the side and waited.

"Qi is still so good-tempered!"

"Yeah, I heard from people who have done missions with him that he is very polite and decent."

"Very hard, and his training method is also very hard!"

"What's rare is that his giant claw crab is also very hardworking. I still remember that he encountered attribute restraint last year and the number of elves was not enough, so he stopped in the top 8."

"That can't be helped. He must have given all his resources to that giant claw crab last year."

"That's right, I just don't know if he has cultivated any new elves this year."

"Even if you don't win the championship this year, it doesn't matter. The 20-year-old high-level trainer will definitely be recruited by the three major forces."

"It's hard to say, but Qie still has another chance to participate. Even if he doesn't this time, he will definitely do it next time."

 The unspoken rules of the competition will be explained in the next chapter. Some readers may think that this conference can be used for rankings or something, or they can participate in rewards for several years even if they are strong.

  Thanks to Feikonghenshang (1000 points), book friend 20210629011556276 (500 points) for the reward, and also thank you for the character template provided by the domain of God ex. If you are interested in creating a character, you can participate.

(End of this chapter)

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