Pokemon Poor

Chapter 175 Dividing the Battlefield

Chapter 175 Dividing the Battlefield
However, Tian Ci, who followed at the end, found that he didn't seem to be going anywhere.

Although he was able to preserve his own strength because he followed at the end and avoided the most chaotic contact battle.

But it was precisely because he was at the end that he seemed unable to pick his opponent.

Just now, the four Rockets that Lord Luke mentioned just now took off their outer clothes, revealing the black R uniforms.

The sudden rebellion of the four of them directly caused three trainers to be defeated and captured alive.

So the current situation is that they have 54 small soldiers, besieging 20 ordinary trainers and some ordinary people trembling in the innermost circle or newcomer trainers from Jiang Qi's family.

Because Tian Ci has already seen that besides some ordinary people crying around the truck in the innermost circle, there are also a few new-level little Lada, Bobo, and monkey monsters guarding them.

Those boys and girls holding poke balls were also wearing clothes with Jiang characters tattooed on them. They probably came out with their elders to see the world.

"It's a pity, who told you that you didn't even know that you entered the Rockets' base camp."

Looking at the terrified boys and girls, Tian Ci mourned for them from the bottom of his heart, and then averted his gaze, it was not suitable for him to intervene there.

He had observed that place where the fighting was the most intense. On the caravan side alone, there were two ordinary high-level guards around these juniors, which correspondingly attracted the two small captains from the Rocket team, and 4 to 5 ordinary middle-level elite soldiers are besieging the truck together.

After giving up the truck, Tian Ci began to try around, but it turned out to be a pity that no one knew him, and no one wanted to share the spoils with him.

After all, two or three people besieging a trainer of the same level is basically a sure thing.

Why suddenly add a stranger to share the spoils.

After this round, the good-tempered colleagues will stop him from intervening, and the bad-tempered ones will even directly let the extra elves attack him.

"Kao, why am I just doing this and watching!!! How can this group of people have such an ugly diet, everyone eats alone! Don't you know that we must first get rich and then get rich, and everyone gets rich together!"

Tian Ci, who had no chance to intervene, cursed, complained, and vented his imbalance in his heart.

However, he had nothing to do except scold him, so he could only retreat to the outer edge of the battlefield.

Otherwise, he might be injured by the aftermath, and he might not get anything by then, and he would be injured in vain.

Bored, he just looked around the battlefield here and there, and he had the right to learn from other people's combat experience.

"Hey~ Those two high-level trainers are finally about to lose their hold."

Suddenly he noticed that in the center of the truck battle circle, the trainers of the two caravans did not release any new elves after another elf on their side lost combat power.

"It seems that those young people are going to be captured."

Tianji, who watched with relish, finally came to such a conclusion.

Unexpectedly, things didn't seem to develop according to his guess. The high-level trainers of the two caravans released Long Longshi, who was the first to lose combat effectiveness.

"Huu~hu" may have been healed hastily, so although the Rumble Stone that came out was weak, it looked like it still had some combat power.

"Why, you don't think these two wounded numbers can stop us, do you?"

One of the rocket team soldiers who participated in the siege couldn't help but mocked when he saw that the enemy had re-released the Severe Wound.

"Be careful, they are likely to explode themselves!" But at this time, the experienced team leader of the Rockets immediately reminded.

"Heh~ You guessed it, then you guys can't stop it! Long Longshi blew himself up!"

"You blew yourself up too, Long Longshi!" The two high-level trainers of the caravan didn't want to hide it from the enemy. After all, even if they guessed it, they can still hurt a few enemies in this dense battlefield!
So they directly ordered Longlongshi to explode.

"Hoo Rumble!" "Call!" Although the two Rumble Stones were still seriously injured, after hearing the trainer's order, they ignited their little energy without hesitation, and their bodies began to emit a dazzling white light.

"You guys, run away!" Of course, they didn't forget the juniors behind them, and immediately turned around to let them run away.

"Run, run!" The ordinary people and newcomers in the rear panicked immediately after hearing the self-explosion, and began to run back in all directions.

"Ka~ What's mine is mine!"

"Wow~" However, there were also a few ordinary people who were desperate. When they were running back and passing the truck, they suddenly thought of something, directly opened the cargo box of the truck, grabbed a few at random, and then ran away.

"Wow~wow" He also dumped the cargo box on the ground with this run, and all kinds of energy crystals were scattered all over the ground in an instant.

"Mine! I want to pick it up too!"

"Others have picked it up, so I should be fine too!"

"Gulu~ I'd better run quickly!"

This seems to have opened up the greed of this group of fugitives. Most of them lowered their heads and grabbed a handful when they passed by. Only a few of them didn't even look at them and fled straight to the rear.

"Bang! Bang!" At this time, the self-detonation of the two rumbling stones also exploded, but the power was very limited. After all, it was a seriously injured body, and the energy in the body recovered little, and it was not a self-destruction that burned life.

"Wow!" As for the effect, there was only one unlucky soldier on the Rockets' side who was blown out, and a few Li elves lost their fighting ability.

"Hahaha, there is no other way." As for their main enemies, the two captains of Team Rocket, apart from being injured by an elf, they have nothing to do with themselves.

Experienced, they immediately released the intact elves to stand in front of them.

This level of self-destruction did not make the high-level elves of the two of them lose their combat effectiveness.

"But...evil~" In comparison, the two high-level trainers in the caravan were miserable, because there were no elves anymore, so even if they retreated with all their strength, they were still hit by the aftermath of the explosion. Now Can only lie on the ground and cannot move.

"Captain, shall we go and catch those escaped brats? Or~"

"Yes, captain, how about we..."

After capturing the two high-level trainers alive, several soldiers looked eagerly at the energy crystals scattered on the ground, but as confidantes, they still asked their captain's opinion.

"Chasing a p, a family's talent is 100 points, converted into money, it is only 10. Now as long as you pick up these scattered on the ground, the two worst ones are worth 10!"

One of the captains also greedily looked at the pile of energy crystals scattered on the ground, and at the same time said the pros and cons, which was actually for the companions next to him to hear.

After all, if the vacancy is too large, I am afraid that Lord Luke will cause trouble at that time.

"That's right, and we didn't open it ourselves, those brats stole so much by themselves, it has nothing to do with us!"

Another team leader of the Rockets blinked a few times when he heard the words, and after quick weighing, he agreed and gave his group an excuse.

"Yes! Yes!" The group of people fumbled away so much by themselves, and it has nothing to do with us.

"Yes, yes, we were held back by the blast, so we didn't see much missing."

Hearing the words of the two squad leaders, the other soldiers immediately nodded and completed their remarks.

 Tianji, who is excluded, how can he drink some soup!

(End of this chapter)

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