Pokemon Poor

Chapter 174 Contact War

Chapter 174 Contact War

"The team members who can poison gas and smoke listen to the order, let your elves stand in front of the crow head, and then release their skills with all their strength."

After Luke listened to the information from the head crow's investigation, he immediately began to give orders loudly.

"Yes! The gas bomb releases the turbid mist forward with all its strength~"

"Double bomb gas, you too!"

The elf who heard the order quickly walked up to the head of the crow, and began to release poisonous gas and fog with all his strength.

"Hiss~hiss~hiss" Seeing more and more purple gas spreading forward, Tian Ci was a little puzzled, he didn't see anyone at all, how did it start?

But at this time, Luke's order, as well as the strength of the head of the crow, answered Tian Ci's doubts.

"Head of the crow, go all out to blow away, using the power of the elements!"

"Crow!" Hearing the order, the black wings of the crow's head began to emit strong flight energy, and the wings began to wave quickly.

"Huhuhu~huhu~" The strong wind instantly carried the poisonous powder mixed in the smoke and flew towards the distance.

"It turns out that the head of the crow is elite. No wonder it can control the smoke so far."

When Luke said about the power of the elements, Tianji understood the reason why he had to attack so far away. It turned out that the crow was elite.

"However, this should not be of much use to those who are also at the elite level, but it is also useful against the ordinary level.

It seems that Master Luke's opponents are really good, and he specially prepared this move to weaken the strength of the opponent's miscellaneous soldiers. "

Tian Ci looked at the poisonous smoke flying farther and farther, and the color became lighter and lighter, thinking silently in his heart.

"Dididi~Didi~" After a few minutes like this, suddenly a rush of information sounded. Tian Ci looked at the source of the sound, and it turned out that Luke's communicator was beeping.

Luke unfolded the screen of the communicator, and it showed a few words sent by Neiying.

"The poisonous smoke took effect, 6 elves were directly poisoned, and 4 elves were unwell."

"Haha, good! The little ones rush over with me."

Seeing that his tactics had taken effect, Luke laughed, and immediately followed the crow and rushed over.

"Follow up! Follow up! Hurry up!" Seeing that Luke had rushed over, the other team leaders also beckoned the team members to follow up quickly.

"Come on!"

"Evolution stone, I'm here!"

"Hey Cha~" "Buzzing Buzz~" "Cha Ba Cool!"

The other little soldiers who received the order to kill also excitedly rushed out with their elves.

"Bibi Bird, we'll just be right behind."

Seeing Bibi Bird who was affected by the surrounding emotions and wanted to rush out, Tianji hurriedly said something.

"Beep beep~beep?" Bibi Bird was a little confused, why don't you hurry up?

"No, no, this kind of melee is too dangerous, especially the moment the two sides make contact, the scene will be chaotic, and if you don't pay attention, you will be accidentally injured by your own people behind."

Seeing the unwilling Bibi Bird, Tian Ci also explained while running.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded, feeling that what she said made sense, so she slowed down and followed behind the team.

On the other side, Luke, who took the lead, had already seen the dark figure in front of him. He threw the poke ball in his hand forward and shouted loudly.

"Tyrannosaurus Earthquake!"

"Hey~ Duo!" A red light flashed, and a 2-meter-tall armored Tyrannosaurus appeared in front of the caravan. As soon as it came out, it raised its right leg high.

"Boom!" Even Tian Ci, who was at the back, felt the shaking of the ground, let alone the caravan elf who was hit head-on.

"Woo (_)" "Woo (_)" In an instant, the few rumbling stones that were at the front of the caravan and acted as human shields lost their fighting ability.

After all, it was an elite-level armored tyrannosaurus, an earthquake that used the power of elements. For these restrained ordinary-level rumbling stones, it is normal to be killed in seconds.

"Damn it, it's the Rockets! Don't panic, I'll deal with him, you guys reorganize!"

"Come out, circle bear!"

Just when the caravan was in a state of confusion, a middle-aged man sitting in the center of the truck stood up, and he immediately released his trump card.

"Roar!" The circle bear yelled at the armored tyrannosaurus as soon as it came out. Judging from the momentum on its body, it was also an elite elf.

"Long Long Stone, Falling Rock!"

"Abo monster, poisonous needle!"

"Ba Dahu, silver whirlwind!"


It's a pity that before the two elves fought, the five team leaders who followed rushed over, and immediately let their elves release long-range attacks with all their strength.

The little soldiers of the Rockets who followed saw that their captain had released their skills, and immediately directed their elves to start throwing their skills.

"Alidos, Poisonous Needle!"

"Bibi Bird, Tornado!"

"Rumble Stone, roll!"


All of a sudden, all kinds of skills flew randomly, and the formation that was not arranged in the first place was completely scattered.

"Circle the bear, block those skills with the arm hammer, and then we will give them an earthquake."

Seeing the mess and disorder on his side, and then looking at the Rockets soldiers who were about to rush over.

The elite of Jiang Qi's family has no choice but to let the circle bear block it first, and then also disrupt the opponent's position.

"Bang bang~boom~" After receiving the order, the hands of the circle bear began to light up with white light, trying to block the attack from the opposite side as much as possible, and at the same time, yellow ground energy began to emerge from the feet.

"Heh, it's quite beautiful to think about, head of the crow, there was a flash of lightning, and then a surprise blow!"

Luke, who noticed this scene, smiled contemptuously. He let the crow fly higher to make the opponent think that he was only facing an elite.

"Crow~" I saw a black shadow flashing in the air, and the next moment the black evil energy hit the circle bear's leg.

"Roar!" Circle Bear didn't notice the enemy high in the sky at all, and he didn't expect to hit it so quickly, it was hit directly, it roared in pain, and the earthquake move was directly interrupted.

"Rada, go up!"

"Sparrow, stop them!"

"Piercing Mountain King, split!"


However, because there was a circle of bears on top for a while, the rest of the caravan finally had some time to react. They immediately took back the elves who had lost their fighting power just now, and then released the other elves to jointly resist this wave of attacks from the opposite side.

"Longlong~" "Jie~" "Puff!"

"bang bang bang"

With the concerted efforts of the caravan, no excessive casualties were caused in the end, but the battlefield was also divided.

Because taking advantage of the opportunity, everyone in Team Rocket had already rushed in front of the caravan. After trying to fight, everyone in Team Rocket soon found their opponent.

As for the two elite-level bosses, they have already stayed away from this battlefield with a tacit understanding. After all, the aftermath caused by the elite-level on the battlefield is also relatively large, and it is easy to accidentally injure them.

"Bang bang~" "Roar~" "Jie~"


Tianci was so far away that he could hear the elite-level fights over there. Looking at the big trees that fell from time to time, and the wild elves fleeing in a hurry, he was also glad that there was Lord Luke on his side .

Otherwise, there were no elites blocking them, even if their number was twice that of the caravan, they would probably have been massacred by the elites of Jiang Qi's family.

(End of this chapter)

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