Pokemon Poor

Chapter 159 Kentello VS Big Needle Bee

Chapter 159 Kentello VS Big Needle Bee

"Rumble~Moo!" After killing the bugs that got in the way, the young leader of Kentaro continued to rush forward with the cattle.

"Buzz~buzz~" The big needle bees who rushed over saw that the group of mad cows had started to run wildly in the territory. In order to protect their homeland, they had to start to fight back.

"咻咻~咻" I saw that more and more big needle bees began to use poisonous needles to carry out long-range attacks, hoping to block one or two.

It's a pity that the real leader hasn't come yet, so the big needle bees are fighting each other in twos and threes, and these scattered poisonous needles can't stop the Kentairos at all.

"Moo! Moo!" The Kentaro who were attacked by the poisonous needle became more and more angry!
"Moo~" I saw more and more Kentaro screaming, white general energy appeared on the body surface, and the eyes became blood red.

"This is the use of anger, come on! It's up to you to open the way."

On the other side, Tian Ci hid in the thorn bushes at the very edge. Of course, he had already put the Bibi bird away. Just in case, he also sprayed a whole bottle of powerful repellent spray around himself.

Now that he was hiding well, he also saw this scene through the gap in the jungle, and felt that the nearly one hundred Kentaeros acting as the vanguard were simply invincible!
"Bang! Rumble~ Bang bang! Hiss!"

After using their anger, Kentaro charged again collectively, and directly tore these wandering soldiers into pieces, and their feet were covered with the broken corpses of the big needle bee.

"I k! This mighty tmd elite level doesn't dare to stand in front."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci was so scared that his eyes widened. He had seen Uncle Sam's elite-level Arbor, so he was not too unfamiliar with the elite-level strength. He was sure that the one just now The impact force, elite-level head-on collision will either kill or maim!

As for the twenty or so normal-level giant needle bees, they were torn into pieces like paper!

"Buzzing! (◣д◢)" "Hey!" At this moment, dozens of butterflies and wasps finally flew from a distance, and the leader wasp was full of anger!It exudes a powerful aura!
"This is... an elite class! Sure enough, if a group wants to gain a foothold in the inner circle, the leader must be an elite class!

On the contrary, those Ba Dahu should be asking for reinforcements, and the leaders should also have ordinary high-level strength. "

Because when the leader of the big needle bee came, he happened to see so many tribesmen dying in front of his eyes, so he was very angry, and had no intention of restraining his coercion at all.

This caused Tian Ci, who was hiding aside, to easily feel the strength of the leader of the big needle bee!

Back on the battlefield, after the leader of the big needle bee saw the tragic death of the tribe just now, it directly gave up the idea of ​​persuasion, and immediately began to form troops.

"Buzzing~" It first said a few words to Ba Dahu, the leader, and then began to direct the clansmen under its command.

"Mm~hm~" Hearing the order, Ba Dahu immediately divided into two rows, one of which began to gently flap its wings with phosphorous powder.

"Shushasha~shashasha~" A large amount of yellow powder slowly gathered in front of them.

"Hoohoo~" Another row of big butterflies immediately flapped their wings vigorously, and the strong wind immediately blew the paralyzing powder towards Kentaro.

Seeing that Ba Dahu was already sprinkling powder, the leader of the big needle bee immediately raised his spear.

"Buzz!" It gave an order, and the other big needle bees also raised their spears according to the formation, and purple poisonous energy began to emerge from the tip of the spears.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A large number of poisonous needles were mixed in the paralyzing powder and shot at the cattle not far away.

"Puff~Puff~" "Moo!" "Moo~"

"Boom~" "Boom~"

Caught off guard, several kentaros fell down in the herd, and the other kentaros were also affected by the powder and began to panic.

"Elite level, it's really strong! This is just a poisonous needle with relatively low power!"

Tian Ci has been paying attention to the battle of the leader of the big needle bee after he appeared on the stage, and found that the poisonous needle of the leader of the big needle bee is really strong, and basically two shots can take away a strong Kentaro, and other Compared with the power of the poisonous needle of the big needle bee, it is a world of difference!

"Moo! (◣д◢)" In this kind of chaotic situation, finally the Kentaro leader stood up, and saw it let out a long cry, and a strong general-type energy suddenly burst out from its body surface, and then the cow The hoof hit the ground heavily.

He was humiliated by a bird today, but now even a group of insects dared to attack him. As the parent and son of the great patriarch, he must defend his dignity!

"Moo! Moo!" Calm down, it's just a bunch of fragile bugs, what's there to be afraid of!Since you dare to attack us, we will destroy their family today!
"Moo!" After saying the above two sentences, I saw the leader of Kentaro screamed again, and a powerful general energy burst out from his body again.
"Moo~moo!" Seeing how mighty the young master is, the other kentaros also calmed down, and also began to gather energy.

"Hulonglong~longlong!" The cows who had calmed down immediately formed their most commonly used formation, (with the ordinary high-ranking leader Kentello as the target, and the others in order of strength) directly towards Bada Butterfly and Big Needle Bee launched a charge!
"I k! Isn't this the front and arrow array! The cow can also use the art of war, and it is worthy of being a wise cow."

Tian Ci was stunned when he saw this formation. Sure enough, after the creatures became intelligent, even a cow would know how to attack to cause more damage.

"Hey ~ hey ~" Seeing the herd of cattle rushing towards him, Ba Dahu was very scared, but as an ally, they couldn't escape directly, and could only flap their wings desperately under the leadership of the captain.

"Huhuhu~huhu" I saw a whirlwind blocking the front of the cattle.

"Moo! Moo~" After using Qi Gathering, these kentaros had long forgotten the pain in their bodies, and the illusion of full energy allowed them to directly break through the attack of the whirlwind.

"Hey! Hey!" Seeing that the blockade on his side hadn't had much effect, the ordinary high-ranking captain Ba Dahu immediately yelled loudly, telling his clansmen to scatter and run for their lives!

They are only here to help, not to die!
Besides, this is not their territory in the final analysis, but the territory of the big needle bee. Although the relationship is usually very good, there is no need to bury so many clansmen for others!
"Buzz! Buzz buzz!" The leader of the big needle bee didn't blame these Ba Dahu, of course it also understood that they came here, and they definitely wouldn't come to die in vain.

It just made all the clansmen under its command use Qi Gathering immediately, ready to fight to the death!
"Buzz!" "Buzz!" I saw the big needle bee silently used up the Qi gathering, and then followed the leader, showing the will to die!
PS: For the 10000 points of crowdfunding, we will add more rewards!On the last day of this week, the cumulative number of small rewards exceeded 10000 points, so a new chapter will be added!thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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