Pokemon Poor

Chapter 158 Kentello's Wrath!

Chapter 158 Kentello's Wrath!
"Zi~" Bibi Bird realized that he really had no stock, so he could only shoot a waterline from the tail.

"Tick-tick-tick-" The light yellow water dripped from the face of the young leader, and the leader of Kentaro was stunned for a moment. . .

"Beep beep~beep!" Hahaha, you need to moisten your mouth after eating dung, how about it, Master Bird's water is delicious!
Bibi Bird doesn't care so much, as long as there are some things that break through the first time, there is no psychological pressure to continue doing it.

"Moo! (◣д◢)" There is no one who bullies cows like this!I am the son of the chief patriarch!No one has ever done that to me, this bird!This bird shit and peed on me!
The leader of Kentaro, who had never been humiliated so much, was swallowed up by anger, and his eyes turned blood red!
"Moo!" If I don't kill this bird, I swear I won't be a cow!

I saw the eyes of Kentaro leader bleeding and crying, looking up to the sky and screaming, as if calling for something, the voice spread far, far away!
"Bibi Bird, you are better than blue than blue!"

Tian Ci himself hadn't even uttered a single swear word when he saw the scene where Bibi Bird pissed and killed Kentaro, and instantly felt like he was a master.

"Moo!" "Moo~" Soon Tian Ci heard the echoing sound of a cow in the distance.

"Hu Long Long ~ Long Long ~" The sound of rushing also followed one after another.

"Moo! Moo!"

At the same time, under the long roar of the leader, the Kentellos in front of Tian Ci also began to struggle crazily one by one, even if they were bloodstained by the poisonous stinger, they had to break free as soon as possible.

".Run! Go back to the Poké Ball. Bibi needs you to attract hatred. Fly ahead!"

When Tian Ci saw the frantic appearance of those Kentellos, he immediately took back the slow-moving dumbfounded flowers, and then let Bibi Bird escape to the territory of the big needle bee with him.

On the way Tian Ci came, he met the Abo monster first, and then encountered two patrolling cannon fodder snail bees, so the territory of snail bees is not very far.

He guessed that the reason why this group of large needle bees set up their territory near here was because Kentero didn't eat meat, he was usually mild-tempered, and his strength was not weak, so he chose such a good place.

"However, I don't know if you still think it's a good place!"

Tian Ci looked back at the spectacular scene of flying dust and bulls running behind his eyes, and couldn't help mourning for the big needle bees.

Of course, in order not to calm down the group of Kentellos, he would often make Bibi Bird turn his head around, make defecation movements, and taunt a few words.

As for himself, he can't fly, so he can only run away with all his strength.

After Tian Ci ran for a few minutes, he looked at the navigation guide in his hand and found that it was getting faster, and his sore legs seemed to have new energy.

After running for another 2 minutes, Tian Ci had already seen the two types of elves on the branches from a distance, and knew that they had arrived.

"Tie Kekun, Iron Armor Chrysalis! I love you so much!
Bibi Bird, rush in! "

When Tian Ci saw these two types of elves, he immediately yelled, hoping to attract the attention of the big needle bee inside, and at the same time took out a disposable protective amulet from his backpack.

For this talisman, he went to the department store to buy another one before he came to do this task, and the other one was left over from the last time he teamed up with Takashima.

Because after using it last time, I found that although it is expensive, it is very useful, life-saving props, just in case, he will still prepare two!
"Crack, click!" After Tian Ci smashed the amulet, a faint protective shield appeared around his body.

"Buzzing~" "Buzzing~" On the other side, there is no need for Tianci's reminder. Although the big needle bee, as an extraordinary elf, is weak in comparison, such a big movement has been discovered long ago, and it flew out several times immediately. A patrolling bee came to check the surroundings.

As soon as they flew out, they found a human flying towards them with a bird, and there was a lot of dust behind them!

"咻咻~咻咻~" In order to protect the safety of the territory, they directly raised their double guns, but fired consecutive poisonous needles!
"Heh~ A group of cannon fodder still want to stop me, Bibi Bird, let the wind blow away these poisonous needles, and then the tornado, get rid of them!"

Tian Ci looked at these poisonous needles with a contemptuous smile on his face. It wasn't that he didn't like the big needle bees, it was because the big needle bees patrolling outside were too rubbish!
Originally, it evolved by burning lifespan. After evolution, its strength did not increase at all. Even if some evolved, their overall combat power declined because of burning too much vitality. Such a big needle bee can barely be regarded as an ordinary crane tail. Let's fight.

"Huhuhu~" Bibi Bird nodded and began to flap its wings. It also despises this kind of big needle bee. The two it encountered before were also solved by it alone.

"Buzz~" "Buzz!" It was obvious that the two big needle bees were about the same strength as the ones they encountered before, and they were seriously injured by Bibi Bird's flying skills and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry about them, let's keep going!" Seeing that Bibi Niao was about to make up the knife, Tian Ci hurriedly stopped, and directly passed the two cannon fodders, the treasure land was in front, there was no need to waste time on these two cannon fodders!

"Duo~" "Buzz~" Seeing that the enemy is about to enter the territory, the iron shell kun and iron armor chrysalis on the branches began to tremble violently after a burst of screams, and bursts of white light were transmitted from their bodies.

"Burning life to evolve, it's a pity that I'm not your real opponent, look behind~"

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci smiled and didn't care too much, because of the delay just now, the group of mad cows was only a few hundred meters away.

"Hey!" "Buzz!" In just a few seconds, Ba Dahu and Big Needle Bee, which had successfully evolved, appeared in front of Tian Ci. After hearing Tian Ci's words, they immediately looked back .

"Hulonglong~ Moo! Moo!" I saw a group of red-eyed Kentaro, led by the blood-red eyes of Kentaro, running towards this side quickly!

"Buzz, buzz!" One of the newly evolved Big Needle Bees immediately flew to the clan, and the other Ba Da Hu and Big Needle Bees didn't care about Tianci anymore.

From their point of view, even if Tian Ci went in, he was looking for death, and their primary goal now was to persuade the group of Kentellos to stop.

"That Bibi Bird, let's fly a little further, and then play it by ear!" Seeing that there was really no elf stopping him, Tian Ci immediately rushed in with Bibi Bird.

"Mm~hmm~" "Buzzing~" Several other Butterflies and Needle Bees stepped forward to try to negotiate.

"Beep~beep!" It's a pity that Tian Ci had already ordered Bibi Bird to stop in mid-air and perform a scene reenactment for the Kentaro leader before entering.

"Moo! (◣д◢)" the leader of Kentaro didn't mean to stop at first, after seeing this scene, he was dazzled by anger and yelled, and then the two horns lit up white, Ignoring Ba Dahu and Big Needle Bee in front, rushed over!
"Moo! Moo!" The other kentaros also used the corner bump, and began to charge towards the territory of the big needle bee!
"Bang! Hiss~paji~" Those few persuasive big needle bees and Ba Dahu were directly hit to death by successive horns, and their bodies were even trampled into meat paste!

(End of this chapter)

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