Pokemon Poor

Chapter 150 Neighbors

Chapter 150 Neighbors
"Well, think about it yourself, it doesn't matter if I accompany you."

"But let's finish the training plan first."

Seeing the girl who nodded in agreement, Tianji smiled and turned the topic back to training.

"Oooh, okay, Brother Tian Ci, you continue to talk."

The girl who had no doubt about him nodded and looked at Tian Ci expectantly while holding the notebook.

"Okay, then the next step is the training plan for mosquito-repellent incense tadpoles. For physical fitness and dodge training, please refer to mine here. This is before they evolved."

As he said that, Tian Ci turned to the first few pages of his notebook, and showed Xiao Ling the content of running circles and hiding stones.

"Yeah, Brother Tian Ci, you have considered everything thoroughly!"

Xiao Ling took a look, and found that she basically thought about it, she couldn't help but look at Tian Ci with glowing eyes, and at the same time began to speed up her hand to copy.

"The second part is the training of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles' moves. The most developed one is playing with water. This is actually very similar to Xiaoling's water control ability, so you can let the mosquito-repellent tadpoles try to change the water flow with you. shape.

Of course, this must be done after the mosquito coil tadpoles and you have 100% control over the energy in your body, which will be much simpler.

First of all, you still have to let the mosquito coil tadpoles hone the water gun and foam light skills over and over again. As the number of times it is used increases, its power will gradually increase, and its hit rate will also increase.

In this way, you start with a fixed target of about 10 meters, and after the power of the mosquito-repellent tadpole's moves is fixed, you can throw the wooden plate by yourself and let the mosquito-repellent tadpole attack, which becomes a moving target practice.

After all, in the wild, elves will not stand still and let you fight. "

Seeing Xiao Ling who was still writing quickly, Tian Ci simply told the training plan of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles.

"Yeah, okay, brother Tian Ci, let me finish copying first, and then we go to move?"

Xiaoling nodded after listening, and thought of the neighbor's question again, so she asked one more question.

"Actually, there's no need to be so anxious. It shouldn't matter for a few days. Besides, Xiao Ling, you are actually very different from the way you were a few years ago. As long as you don't see you often, you should not be recognized.

Of course, if you are very worried, then I can skip training in the afternoon and accompany you to fix the house first. "

Seeing the girl's worried expression, Tian Ci pretended to persuade her, otherwise it would be too obvious.

Moreover, he also discovered that Xiao Ling is not only a homebody, but also very insecure. It is estimated that the incident has affected her too much.

"Then go after I finish copying, Brother Tian Ci, you are so kind!"

The girl automatically ignored Tian Ci's persuasion, and only wanted to move early so as to reduce her risk of exposure.

At the same time, she didn't realize that she was becoming more dependent on Tian Ci.

After a while, Xiao Ling finally finished copying. She rubbed her sore fingers and looked at Tian Ci expectantly.

"After copying, let's go, those documents are in your backpack."

Looking at the expecting girl, Tianji rubbed his forehead and greeted her.

"Okay, let's go together, mosquito-repellent tadpole." Saying that, Xiao Ling pointed the poke ball at the mosquito-repellent tadpole who was quietly waiting beside her.

"Wait, you don't need to bring the mosquito coil tadpoles, just let them train here with Koudaihua. Hurry up and start training the water gun and foam light that fix the target. If the water is not enough, just turn on the tap to replenish it. alright."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci hastily stopped Xiao Ling. You must know that his time is money. The sooner he contributes to combat power, the sooner he can take the tool man to make money.

"Ao'ao, yes, Brother Tian Ci!" Xiaoling nodded obediently, and began to explain the training to the mosquito-repellent tadpole beside her.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, you are in the open space in the backyard in the afternoon, you should train hard, understand, you have to work hard just like Koudaihua!"

After explaining the training to the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, Xiaoling finally encouraged the mosquito-repellent tadpoles!
"Yo yo~_)" The mosquito-repellent tadpole who received the trainer's first order immediately yelled imposingly, saying that I understand, and I will work hard!

"Okay, then you should go to rest first, and when they wake up, they will take you to train."

Seeing the mosquito-repellent incense tadpole with high fighting spirit, Xiaoling happily touched its head to show encouragement.

"Yo ω" the mosquito-repellent tadpole nodded and walked to a corner of the room and began to sleep on its stomach.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tian Ci, I kept you waiting for so long."

"It's okay, but Xiaoling, you are becoming more and more like a trainer now, haha"

"No, Wadaji-san is still far behind~"

After finally arranging everything, the two walked towards the commercial street while talking with each other.


After a quick operation, the bank cards in Xiao Ling's backpack increased by 80.

Because the girl wanted to move as soon as possible, she sold it directly to a second-hand housing agency. She also bought a small house near the garbage station from the agency. It only cost 4 yuan, and her credit card immediately had 77 A huge sum of 5!Tianji who watched was very jealous! !

Then Tian Ci contacted a moving company for her and spent 5000 yuan to move all the things in the community to the newly bought small house.

The two of them cleaned up again in the new house together, and when everything was done, it was past 5 pm before they knew it.

"Thank you so much, Brother Tanagi! We will be neighbors from now on, please take care of me! Hehe~"

Looking at the brand new home, the girl turned her head and said something to Tian Ci with a smile.

She felt that she was more at ease mentally. In fact, when she knew that her cousin had also died, she felt sad, panic, and confused. All kinds of bad emotions once overwhelmed her.

"But fortunately, I have a new support, Brother Tian Ci, thank you!"

"It's all right, Xiao Ling, let's go back to my house, and I'll have dinner at my house, and take a look at the situation of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles."

Of course, Tian Ci didn't know that the girl had completed the self-guided strategy, so he waved his hand politely and replied.

"Hmm~" The girl looked at Tian Ci with light blue eyes, and nodded heavily.

As soon as she returned to Tian Ci's home, the girl went to see the situation of the mosquito coil tadpoles.

"咻~咻" In the open space in the backyard, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles are shooting water guns one after another from their mouths meticulously. It can be seen that the speed and water volume are a little higher than in the morning.

"Mosquito coil tadpole, I'm back, you are so hardworking! Awesome!"

Xiaoling also obviously noticed the improvement of the mosquito-repellent tadpole, and immediately came to its side, and praised,
"Yo yo ω" Hearing his trainer's praise, the mosquito coil tadpole was very happy, and his tail began to wag again.

"Okay, then I'm going to the kitchen to help with the cooking, you have to keep working hard, mosquito coil tadpole."

After Xiaoling briefly exchanged feelings with the mosquito-repellent tadpole, she touched the head of the mosquito-repellent tadpole and instructed.

"Yo~" Mosquito-repellent tadpole nodded, expressing understanding.

PS: For the book friends, 233's 10000 points are rewarded and updated!Thanks guys!

(End of this chapter)

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