Pokemon Poor

Chapter 149 Training Cousin (Xiao Ling)

Chapter 149 Training Cousin (Xiao Ling)
"It's about the same time. I'm going to make lunch. Xiaoling, you can stay here during the day. I'll tell you about the training plan later."

Seeing the two people who had finished showing off, Tian Ci was ready to cook. After all, people are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry!
Especially now that he contacts the exercise exercise every day, so that he has to eat a lot of food for every meal.

"Let me do it, brother Tian Ci! My cooking is delicious (-ω-`)" Hearing Tian Ci's words, Xiaoling immediately opened his mouth, and it was a rare opportunity to help.

One must know that ever since she lived in brother Xiaoyuan's house, she began to take the initiative to help with housework and learn to cook, and when brother Xiaoyuan's mother also passed away, for more than a year, she was actually doing all the housework.

"Well, that's fine, then let's go together ~ I'm afraid Xiao Ling you're eating too little, but I eat a lot."

Tian Ci nodded when he saw the expectant girl, why not use free labor.

Soon, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling's chatter and laughter came from the kitchen. Under Tian Ci's deliberate chat, the relationship between the two of them took another small step forward.

"Stay dumb, Bibi Bird has eaten, and will take a break at noon after eating."

After Tian Ci prepared lunch for the two of them, he first called the two elves who were still training.

"Moo~" As soon as Koudaihua came in, he concentrated on eating energy cubes without saying much. He had been eating this meal for quite a long time.

"Beep~ω" Bibi Bird is different, this is the first meal of its exclusive set meal, so after eating it, it feels different, and its energy has slightly increased than before!
"Beep~beep" No wonder Brother Koudaihua grows faster than me, so the difference is here!
"Yo yo~" The mosquito-repellent tadpoles in Xiaoling's arms saw that they were eating so deliciously, and immediately begged for food from their trainer.

"Yes, yes, the mosquito-repellent tadpole is yours." Seeing the mosquito-repellent tadpole begging for food, Xiaoling immediately took out a piece of Lada meat weighing more than half a catty from the kitchen, which was of course given to her by Tian Ci Yes, after all, she didn't prepare anything.

"Wu~lu~yo~wu" The mosquito-repellent tadpole who got the food immediately put the meat into his mouth and began to swallow.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles are omnivores, usually eating small insects and other meat, as well as tree fruits and aquatic plants.

"Okay, let's start eating too, and chat while eating."

Tian Ci saw that the three elves had been arranged, so he moved his bowl and chopsticks.

"That's good." Xiao Ling, who had the experience of living under a fence, picked up her own chopsticks when she saw Tian Ci move them.

"Well, Xiao Ling, your cooking skills are much better than mine, and this fried pork slices are too delicious!"

"Xiaoling, you're welcome, you can eat too, don't worry, although I have a big appetite, I can't finish eating so much."

At the dinner table, Tian Ci praised the girl's cooking skills from time to time, and would also serve her meat dishes and tell jokes.

Slowly, Xiao Ling also relaxed and seemed much more at ease.

After eating, Xiao Ling took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then came to Tian Ci.

"Ahem, I'm sorry to trouble you Xiaoling, I didn't expect to let the guests wash the dishes."

Seeing the girl who had finished washing the dishes, Tian Ci smiled awkwardly, which was of course the reason why he deliberately didn't grab it.

After all, he was always helping the girl along the way, so too much help would definitely make Xiaoling seem restrained, which would not improve the relationship and trust. That's why he was doing little things like cooking and washing dishes. Let her do it, which will reduce some psychological pressure on Xiao Ling.

"It's okay, Brother Tian Ci, I did all the work at home before."

Xiao Ling obviously relaxed a lot, and smiled at Tian Ci.

"Then sit down and let me tell you about the training plan. This time, I will help you make a plan. Of course, I will also teach you how to make a training plan. Later, you need to make a training plan based on the strength of the mosquito coil tadpoles. gone."

After Xiao Ling sat down and took out her notebook, Tian Ci began to tell her about the training plan.

"First of all, Xiaoling yourself. Although you are a girl, since you have become a trainer, you must go to the wild. You must know that the elves in the wild don't care whether you are male or female. They attack humans regardless of gender!"

He first emphasized to Xiao Ling the dangers of the wild. After all, even if he is born extraordinary, he must also need to exercise his abilities.

"Yeah, the danger in the wild, I've heard Brother Xiaoyuan talk about it before, I'm mentally prepared, and I will train myself well."

After listening to Xiaoling, she immediately said that she would not reject her own training, and knew that the wild is very dangerous.

"Okay, Xiaoling, your training is mainly in two aspects. Among them, the physical training subjects are similar to mine. You can just copy a copy from me, but your standard should be based on your own limit. There is no need to follow me. me too."

As he said that, Tian Ci handed his notebook to Xiao Ling.

"Yeah, okay." The thank you in the girl's mouth was affected by so many measures, and finally dropped a lot. She took the notebook and started to write.

"Okay, then the next step is your water power training. You'd better test the limit of your water control first, and then get familiar with every ounce of energy in your body to achieve perfect control. The next step is to try The moves I told you about, water bombs, water archery..."

Tian Ci didn't know how extraordinary people exercised their extraordinary abilities, but according to the elves' training method, it should be similar.

He can only let Xiaoling fully control his own energy first, and then make changes in his moves to increase his lethality.

"Well, don't worry, Brother Tianci, I won't be lazy! But, I~I"

After listening to Tian Ci's arrangement for herself, Xiaoling nodded, expressing that she would train hard, but at the end she looked a little hesitant, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Xiaoling, what's the problem? It's okay to speak up boldly."

Tian Ci also noticed the girl's hesitation to speak, and immediately gave a word of encouragement with a gentle expression.

"Okay, that~ that Tianji brother, can I come here to train with you, at my house, I'm afraid I will be discovered.

Don't worry, I won't trouble you, brother Tian Ci, I can also help you cook and do housework! "

Seeing Tian Ci's encouraging eyes, the girl's heart broke, and she said what she thought was an unreasonable request. After all, Brother Tian Ci taught her everything, and she still had to rely on him for training and guidance.

"Cough, that's right, Xiao Ling, your neighbor must know a little bit about your situation, but even if you come and go every day, it is easy to be discovered."

Tian Ci was overjoyed, he didn't expect the girl to ask this question.

"~That's right, then what should I do, Brother Tian Ci, I don't want to join my enemy's gym!"

After listening to Tian Ci's analysis, Xiao Ling became visibly flustered, after all, she was just a reclusive girl before.

"Hey, my suggestion is that you can sell that house and buy the one next to me. You can also see that my area is basically uninhabited because it is close to the garbage station, and the concealment is very good.

Then you can also train with me, so you don't have to walk so far back and forth, which increases the risk of being discovered for nothing.

In the end, the money from selling the house can also be used as your daily fund for cultivating mosquito coils and tadpoles. Of course, the certainty here is that it is relatively smelly. "

After Tian Ci spoke out his suggestion, he quietly waited for the girl's decision.

In fact, he originally planned to mention it after two or three days, but found that Xiao Ling seemed to have completely trusted him, so he took the initiative to mention it again, so he took advantage of the situation to say it.

"Brother Tian Ci, you are right, can you take me to buy and sell houses this afternoon~"

After pondering for a while, Xiaoling finally nodded and decided to move!

 Let me explain, the tentative idea of ​​this book is that there is no heroine. Maybe most people now think that Tianshuiling will be the heroine. I can only say that there will be a woman. In fact, it will be seen in the next few chapters that the protagonist treats her as a tool person , little brother (sister), if the mud can't support the wall, if it's useless, the protagonist will also put her...

(End of this chapter)

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