Pokemon Poor

Chapter 140 Squadron Leader - Luke

Chapter 140 Squadron Leader - Luke
After a while, the passageway to the base was opened, and Captain Okamoto, with a happy face, immediately saw Tianji next to the big tree, and of course the unconscious Takashima.

"Hahaha, boy, you really have it, and it didn't take long for us to send a gift to Team Rocket."

Captain Okamoto immediately stepped forward and patted Tianji on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Just in time for the meeting, just in time for the meeting~ Captain, look where we are going to send him, so that he will never survive!"

When Tian Ci heard Captain Okamoto's compliment, he immediately humbled a few times, and then asked with a stern look.

"Well... the success rate is not high. I remember that there were fire-type ability transplant experiments, and organ graft experiments... Anyway, there are quite a lot of them. As long as you find that kind of experimental platform that has just started, this person will definitely not survive."

Okamoto touched his chin and explained to Tianji.

"Oooh, then follow the captain's command~ I will give it to whoever you say."

Hearing Captain Okamoto's answer, Taji immediately said flatteringly.

"Hey, you kid, it suits my taste, don't worry! I will never let this person come out alive.

By the way, you tell me, this person's strength also has the type of elves, so I can arrange it for you. If you encounter a test bench that is in urgent need, maybe you can get more benefits. "

Hearing Tianji's reply, although he knew he was flattering, but who doesn't like to listen to flattery and flattery, so Captain Okamoto was very happy, and asked a key question on his own initiative.

"Captain, this person is an ordinary low-level trainer, the initial elf is a wrist strength, and the other elf is a small fist stone, both of which are of ordinary low-level strength, and they are still alive!"

Hearing that there might be additional benefits, Tianji immediately explained Takashima's information clearly.

"Fighting and rocks! You are lucky, come with me! I will take you to meet our immediate squadron leader, Lord Luke."

After listening to Tianji's reply, Captain Okamoto replied with a little surprise, and then walked towards the entrance of the base.

"Okay, captain, wait for me." Tian Ci saw Okamoto who was already walking in front, and immediately asked Kou Dahua to hold the prisoner and followed.

"Hey, that captain, tell me, what kind of person is Lord Luke? I'm afraid that if I accidentally offend him, if there is no reward, I might be punished."

After checking his identity, Tian Ci followed Captain Okamoto to the experimental area, and on the way he started to collect information with a stern face.

"That's right, then I'll tell you about it." Okamoto thought about it after hearing it, and thought it made sense, so he was about to introduce it.

"Master Luke, the current position in our Rockets team is the squadron leader. There are 5 teams under his command, and our team is one of them. So when you see him, you must be respectful, understand!"

Okamoto first introduced Tianji's position, so that Tianji had an intuitive feeling.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely be respectful."

After Tian Ci listened, he immediately expressed his opinion, and then immediately asked a question.

"Then captain, what is the strength of Master Luke?"

"I'm an ordinary high-ranking man, what strength do you think he is?"

Hearing Tianji's question, Okamoto immediately asked back, but before Tianji could answer, he went on talking by himself.

"Lord Luke is an elite trainer. Apart from being proficient in fighting, he is also the main person in charge of an experiment. He is an out-and-out genius in our Rocket team!"

"I didn't expect Lord Luke to be both civil and military! What a genius!"

Seeing that Luke was praised so much by Okamoto, Tianji naturally had to compliment him with a few words of praise.

"Then captain, can you tell me what kind of experiment Master Luke presided over?"

After blowing a few words, Tian Ci rolled his eyes, and immediately asked again.

"Well, this is no secret to the people in our team, let me tell you.

The experiment presided over by Lord Luke is mainly related to the qi of fighters. The research direction is whether the energy of fighting elves can be converted into the qi of fighters.

So he needs a fighter trainer to do the experiment, and after the experiment, he will be dissected and analyzed, so after handing this person to Lord Luke, I believe you will never see him again. "

Hearing Tianji's question, did Okamoto hide it, and explained it generously to Tianji.

"Okay, it's almost here, you kid, don't talk nonsense then, Master Luke will be whatever you say, understand?"

Okamoto had already heard the wailing from the experimental area, so he straightened his expression immediately, and gave Tianji a serious warning.

"Yes, Captain!" Seeing Okamoto with a serious face, Tian Ci immediately returned to his indifferent face, and silently followed behind Okamoto.

"Ah! Kill me~ kill me!"

"Jie!" "Puha~Pucha!!"

"Bang! Boom!"


Along the way, Tian Ci was greatly shocked in his heart, this is indeed a terrorist.

He saw many organs soaked in green solution, human and elf.

I also heard the screams of unknown people, as well as the screams of various elves.

Although along the way, except for the organ containers outside, he saw all the small compartments isolated from light, but every compartment would be made a loud noise from time to time, announcing the internal organs. How the man or the elf wants to get out!

"Don't look at it, the outermost part of this place is the place of detention. Hurry up and go to the laboratory. I believe that if Lord Luke knows that he has sent a new experimental product of fighting system, he will be very happy!"

Okamoto also noticed Tianji's slowing down, and immediately reminded him.

"Okay, captain." After hearing Okamoto's reminder, Tian Ci also came back to his senses, and immediately stepped up. He was really shocked just now. This kind of thing was only done by international terrorists in his previous life. Do it.

After walking for a few minutes, they came to the laboratory. Unlike the detention area, it was unusually quiet here, and each room was much larger.

"Dong dong dong~" Captain Okamoto came to the door of Laboratory No. 9 cautiously, and knocked on the door gently with his hand.

"Who is it, what's the matter!" A young male voice came from inside.

"Master Luke, I am Okamoto, the captain of your team. We have captured a combat trainer and sent it here specially for you."

Hearing the male voice from the laboratory, Okamoto immediately replied respectfully.

After Okamoto finished speaking, Tianji only heard a squeak, and the door opened by itself.

"come in!"

"Yes, Lord Luke!" Okamoto looked happy when he saw the door opened, and immediately responded, and then gestured to Tianji.

The two entered the No. 9 laboratory one after the other.

 This character is modified from the character template provided by book friend EricoPucci, thanks!Anyone who wants to play a guest role can leave a message in the top post in the comment area!

  Finally, thank you for the rewards of Mi Qiu 815, Gold Plus, what to give to your wo, 20190209153102597 yesterday.I also thank you for the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket I sent to a book friend, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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