Pokemon Poor

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

"Tian Shui Ling? You don't mean the little girl who was taken to the gymnasium by her family a few years ago and said she was born extraordinary!
But that year, the gym owner tested it himself. This guy was not born supernatural at all. I heard that in the past two years, this guy's parents seemed to have been secretly messed up because of fabricating lies. He died outside last year! "

Hearing this name, Tian Ci was taken aback for a moment, without him, this little girl is really famous.

Tian Ci still remembers what happened back then. Originally, she was from an ordinary family, but two years ago, she was taken by her parents to kneel outside the gymnasium to worship a teacher. Her parents said she was born extraordinary!
This scene also shocked the whole town, the master of the gymnasium came out of the gymnasium to meet her personally. At first, everyone thought that this little girl was going to become the proud daughter of heaven.

But the truth is surprising. After conducting various tests, the master of the gymnasium found that this little girl is just an ordinary person!

He didn't expect that ordinary people would be so daring enough to fool gym-level trainers!
Of course, in order to show his generosity, the owner of the gymnasium said this to the whole town.

"Your child is very well-behaved and cute, but after my test, it's a pity that she is not born extraordinary, but just an ordinary person!

If you want to become a trainer, you can come to the gym as an apprentice after the age of 15, but remember not to try to take this shortcut! "

After saying this, the gymnasium owner waved his hands and walked back to the gymnasium.

The onlookers instantly pointed at the family, saying everything.

The rest of the matter was simple. Although the gym owner said that it was nothing, but in order to please the gym owner, the people below began to make things difficult for the family, and life became more and more difficult immediately.

The final outcome is that after this guy's parents died outside, she was adopted by relatives, and this matter ended.

"You actually lied to me with this matter, don't forget that I am also from this town!"

After quickly going through the biggest news in recent years in his mind, Tian Ci immediately came to his senses and decided to take care of this dishonest guy Takashima immediately.

"Kouduhua, hypnotist, let him go on his way in peace!"

Koudaihua nodded, and when she was about to spread the powder, Takashima suddenly defended herself quickly.

"Listen to my explanation, listen to me, Tian Ci! My cousin has shown a lot of abnormal phenomena this year. She can sense when it will rain and is very sensitive to the water vapor in the air!
And I also tried, the same all black ten cups, I only poured water into one of them, she can pick out blindfolded!This is not born extraordinary, what is! "

"Oh! Wait a minute, Kotahana" Hearing Takashima's last two sentences, Tanaji also became interested, and asked after waving his hand to stop Koudaika.

"Go on, why don't you go to apprentice anymore? Or get an elf for your cousin?"

Hearing Tianji's question, Takashima breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his life was saved for the time being. After calming down, he began to explain.

"Because Xiaoling also understands that her parents were actually killed by people under the master of the gymnasium, so she hates the master of the gymnasium, and she is unwilling to go to the gym to study again, let alone expose her innocence in front of others. Maybe it's really a born extraordinary identity.

As for contracting an elf for her, it's my fault. Since my parents died, I have no one to control me. I have spent all the money I earned, and there is not much left. Buying a elf with rubbish qualifications to contract with Xiaoling like this is completely useless. waste!This is also the reason why I want to attack you, captain. "

After Takashima finished speaking, he deliberately explained at the end, and then looked at Tianji pitifully.

"Well, let me think about it~" Tian Ci walked aside pretending to be thinking, but secretly gestured to Duanhua.

"How about the captain, as long as you let me join the Rockets, Xiaoling will also be a member of the Rockets, and there may be a natural and extraordinary trainer under your command!"

On the other side, Takashima kept repeating his chips.

"Captain~you...considered...no! Detour~me"

As Takashima was talking, Koudaihua's large dose of hypnotic powder was inhaled by him at close range. When he felt something was wrong, he couldn't resist the drowsiness, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Takashima-kun, when you are blindly greedy and demanding, your end is already doomed, go with peace of mind! I will take care of your cousin for you!"

Looking at Takashima who had fallen into a deep sleep, Tianji muttered to himself.

Mainly, he feels that Takashima's style of doing things is very similar to him, even more ruthless than him!There is no lower limit!
Such a person as an enemy is a terrible thing!

So when Takashima ordered Xiaoquanshi to explode himself, Tianji had already made up his mind to send him to the test bench where he would die without life.

"However, you can't believe everything this guy says. Although there is a high probability that what he said at the critical moment of life and death is the truth, his words still need to be verified.

If you are really born extraordinary, then you can make a lot of money! "

Regarding the cousin's matter, he decided to verify it by himself before making follow-up plans.

After bringing the person under the big camouflaged tree, Tian Ci was ready to contact his team leader, mainly because it was his first time bringing a person here. I don't know which human experiment is the most dangerous!

If it weren't for the urgent need for contribution points, he would have killed Takashima a long time ago, so that he would never suffer from future troubles. Even if he was sent to the test bench, he would definitely have to choose a dead man with no life left.

He didn't want to meet a Takashima who had succeeded in the experiment and had great strength to greet him when he came to the Rockets again.

"Toot~toot" took out the dedicated phone, and Tian Ci sent it.

"Hey, Tianji, what's the matter?" Soon after the call was connected, Captain Okamoto's voice came.

"It's like this, Captain, I captured a hostile trainer, and I have a life and death feud with him!
I want to send him to the most dangerous experimental platform, so that we can earn a contribution point for the two of us, so I ask the captain for your opinion. "

Tian Ci didn't forget that because of his status, his boss had to take away one-tenth of the contribution points for each task. Since he took this contribution, he must play some role.

"Oh! Sure enough, I read you right, kid. Where are you now? Bring someone over to the base, and I'll take you there."

Captain Okamoto was overjoyed when he heard that there were live experimenters, this is a big harvest!
Unexpectedly, this newly recruited member would bring him extra gains so quickly.

"Uh~Captain, I'm right under the big tree outside the base"

"Okay, take care of the person, I'll come out right away and take you there!"

Hearing that the windfall was outside, Okamoto immediately hung up the phone and prepared to go out immediately to get the windfall!
"Okay~beep~beep" Tian Ci looked at the phone that had been hung up, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and waited quietly outside the base without saying anything.

PS: Add more rewards for Daxia Jiangshan's 10000 points!I really don't have any manuscripts saved, I can't code today, there are activities on campus tonight! ! !Give lessons to students during the day.

 The character of Tianshui Ling was provided by the character template of book friend Huo Liao 233, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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