Pokemon Poor

Chapter 125: Soaring Strength

Chapter 125: Soaring Strength
"The next thing is to spend you in the mouth." After arranging the bibi bird, Tian Ci turned his attention to the flower in the mouth again.

"Moo(_)" Koudaihua yelled confidently, let the horse come over!
"Okay, Kouduhua, I finished reading the cultivation cheats yesterday. You mainly need to train the two tricks of rooting and photosynthesis."

"Moomoo?" Hearing these two nouns, Koudaihua called twice in doubt, saying that I know these two terms.

After speaking, I showed it to Tian Ci, and I saw roots appeared at the bottom of Koudaihua's body, which plunged into the soil fiercely, and at the same time it opened its leaves and hands to absorb the sunlight.

"Ahem, I know you will, but you don't realize that it's too slow. We need to train it to be able to use it as a regular move!
In this way, as long as the opponent doesn't kill you with one blow, they will be able to recover, and your stamina will be greatly enhanced! "

Tian Ci also saw that the recovery speed of the dumbfounded flower's instinct seemed to be a little slower than that of the Trumpet Bud period.

"Moomoo?" After hearing Tian Ci's call to stop, Koudaihua asked doubtfully how to exercise?
"Kouduhua, don't worry, I will teach you, remember the trick of absorbing! You have to use this trick to increase your absorbing speed, specifically..."

Seeing Kou Daihua who was puzzled, Tian Ci didn't hold back, and immediately told Kou Daihua the method in yesterday's cultivation cheats.

At the same time, he also took out a specially bought solar spotlight, which is similar to the kind of artificial greenhouse lamp, which is exactly the same as the sunlight.

"Koudaihua, let's practice separately first. During the day, we practice light and effect under the spotlight and sunlight. At night, we practice rooting. After we are proficient, we will try to use the two moves at the same time!"

After explaining all the tricks and methods to Koudaihua, Tian Ci also set a training time.

After listening to her training plan, "Moo Moo(_)" Kou Dahua nodded and began to return to her training ground, and began to train according to the plan.

"Next, it's me! Bobo evolved into Bibi Bird and broke through to the normal level. This energy feedback has improved my physical fitness a lot!"

Seeing the two elves who were already training according to the plan, Tian Ci also moved his body. He felt that his physical fitness had become much stronger again, and he needed to regain control of these.

"I don't know how long it will take to get started with the exercises. The feeling of Qi is a bit metaphysical. The book says that the better the physical fitness, the easier it is to feel the sense of Qi."

After practicing in the open space according to the posture of the exercise exercise, Tian Ci sighed silently. Sure enough, he is not a genius. What is the three-day sense of qi, the seven-day entry will not appear on him at all.

"Let's just study hard and practice hard." His day is basically to familiarize himself with the increased physical fitness, practice throwing knives, and then give instructions on the training of Bibi Bird and Kouhuahua respectively.

The days passed day by day like this, and after more than a week, the two elves also completed their goals, and Tian Ci himself completely controlled his current body.

It is worth mentioning that now, Koudaihua is getting closer and closer to the position of control + tank player in the team. After mastering the real light and effect and rooting, the current Koudaihua can also be said to have a thick and long-lasting HP. This is also in line with Tianji's idea.

On the other hand, the evolved Bibi Bird was beyond his expectation!
Now Bibi Bird has changed from a scout to the main attacker in the team. Whether it is the tornado move or the self-made wind blade, after these few days of training, the power has been greatly enhanced!

In addition, Tian Ci has never given up on Bibi Bird's physical training. With the unlimited supply of bone strengthening powder, Bibi Bird can be said to be a good hand in close combat!
Whether it's a claw strike or a peck, it can surprise the opponent who finally gets close!
"It's time to pick up the mission. I didn't expect money to be so cheap! Sure enough, you can only raise elves by fighting!"

Tian Ci took a look at the balance in his card, which was only about 15 yuan. In just over a week, he spent 5.6 yuan on nothing!
The food expenses of the two elves plus his own day will cost nearly 3000 yuan!
Although he didn't know Bibi Bird's breeding plan, he still added a mid-grade flying-type energy cube to each meal of Bibi Bird these days.

After all, Bibi Bird has to practice so many flying moves every day, and he can't recover his skills. It would be a waste of time to recover slowly.

"Let's take a look at Team Rocket's first. We should exchange Bibi Bird's cultivation cheats to Ah as soon as possible!"

Thinking of the obvious differences between the two elves in the past few days, he determined that his short-term goal is to get the Bibi bird breeding cheats as soon as possible.

It must be that the Rockets with a 8% discount are more delicious, although his own alliance merits have not reached 100 points, and he can't see the alliance's exchange list.But he asked Uncle Sam, the Alliance's Cheats for Cultivating Silly Flowers - the normal level requires 500 points!
As for why he was in such a hurry, it was because he found that after being cultivated according to the cheats, Koudaihua was better than Bibibird in terms of physical fitness and energy growth.

Although there is only a little bit every day, it will be terrible after a long period of time. This way, you can reach the high level of the ordinary level earlier, and you will have more time to break through the elite!

He skillfully turned on the computer and clicked on Team Rocket's redemption list. He saw the price of Bibi Bird's normal-level cultivation cheats, which was 480 points!
It is more expensive than the one spent by the mouth, which is within his expectation. After all, the flying elves really have an advantage in the early stage, and the corresponding prices will be higher.

"Drip~" Tian Ci continued to click, since Kou Duanhua's cheat books can be bought in sections, there is no reason why Bibi Bird's cheat books can't be bought.

"Shua~" Sure enough, the book icon on the computer turned into three small booklets after Tian Ci's mouse click, corresponding to the low section, middle section, and high section.

"Normal level low level - 100 points, normal level middle level - 150 points, normal level high level - 230 points."

Looking at the price displayed on the screen, Tian Ci hesitated for a moment. There was still 15 in the card, and 10 for the low-level cheats of the ordinary level, which seemed to be enough!
But it seems that the money has been spent again, and 5 yuan is only enough to feed two elves for half a month. It may not be enough, because the feeding plan in Bibi Bird's Cheats is definitely more expensive than his current one!

"100 points, it seems that you can earn it by doing tasks! I remember seeing this task before."

After hesitating again and again, Tian Ci decided to do the task in exchange, after all, it must not work without money.

He exited the redemption list and began to browse Team Rocket's mission panel. In his impression, that mission earned a lot of money and wasn't too difficult.

"Found it!" Seeing the task of recruiting newcomers, his eyes lit up and he clicked in.

(End of this chapter)

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