Pokemon Poor

Chapter 124 Cheats for Cultivating Silly Flowers

Chapter 124 Cheats for Cultivating Silly Flowers

After Tian Ci read it, he counted it. A medium-grade energy cube costs 400, and a low-grade energy cube costs 200. Add 2 catties of elf meat, which is almost 200.

It costs 800 yuan to eat a meal, which is 2400 yuan a day!

"Sure enough, the strength is stronger. Although the money is quicker, the cost is also more!"

He still remembers the first time he took trumpet buds to go hunting in the wild, and he seemed to have earned 2-3 thousand yuan!
Shaking his head, he continued to look down, and the next step was the highlight.

"Koudaihua's basic instinct move development: As we all know, in the trumpet bud period, as a kind of plant elf, taking root to absorb soil energy and photosynthesis to absorb solar energy are the instincts of their family!

But this kind of instinct without forming a move can only allow them to recover their physical strength and energy very slowly without being disturbed, and there is no way to achieve a quick recovery effect in the battle.

This article will teach the basic development of these two moves. After learning, you can quickly recover yourself in battle according to the weather and field conditions. Generally, the combination of the two moves can restore between one-twentieth and one-tenth of yourself. It depends on the surrounding environment.

①. Rooting development skills: Rooting is to absorb the energy in the soil through the roots with their own channels, so why the instinct of the trumpet buds absorb so slowly? It is because the absorption speed is not fast enough, and the channel transmission is too small reason.

After evolving into a flower, although the root channel has expanded, the overall energy has also become greater, so there is no speed increase in essence, and it even becomes slower than the original trumpet bud stage. It can be seen that the roots are instinctive.

Then is there any way to expand the channel and increase the energy absorption speed?Of course there is!

Here we use a grass-type basic move - absorb.

The absorption speed of absorbing this move is definitely much faster than Koudaihua's instinct. You only need to let Koudaihua master the absorption, and then construct the energy circuit of the same move into your roots, then you can quickly Plunder the energy of the surrounding soil to achieve the effect of quickly recovering itself"

Tian Ci's eyes lit up when he saw this place, as expected, he couldn't underestimate the crystallization of wisdom in this world!
Perhaps because of the lack of knowledge and limited vision, the common people today are overtaken by him, the traverser, everywhere.

But the big families and wealthy families in this world definitely have a better method than his own tossing around.

"Absorbing this trick, Koudaihua has already mastered it very proficiently. It shouldn't be difficult. It's awesome! This is equivalent to getting 5 yuan of rooting skill balls for nothing!"

Thinking of this, Tian Ci couldn't help but glanced at Koudaihua who had fallen asleep next to him. He originally called him over thinking that he might need to cooperate with the verification, but after reading it, he found that it was not necessary at all, so Tian Ci was dumbfounded Flowers went to rest.

Rubbing his eyes, Tianji continued to look down.

"②. The development technique of light and function: This move is actually the same as rooting, that is, the energy absorption speed, so it also uses the energy circuit of the absorption move, as long as the energy circuit is also on the big leaves of the hands to stabilize and quickly Constructed to solve this speed problem.

Another difference is that light and action are actually absorbing special substances in the sunlight and air. If you can be sensitive to this substance, it will also greatly accelerate the effect of photosynthesis.

During training, you can buy a solar spotlight, let the elves experience this special substance in an environment with air circulation and a lot of sunlight, and increase the elves' sensitivity to this substance. "

After reading it, Tian Ci was dumbfounded. He was completely stunned because he was not highly educated in his previous life!

Sure enough, he couldn't compare it with the poor civilian class. When he compared it with the cheats of the family faction, he instantly felt his own inadequacy.

After reading Koudaihua's breeding cheats, he immediately opened the Little Fist Stone's breeding cheats. This is an ordinary low-level cheat and comes with an evolution plan.

It is estimated that Akizawa's small fist stone evolved by relying on this evolution plan.

"If there is someone out there, Xiaoquanshi, who has this secret book, it's not impossible to consider it."

After reading the cheat book, Tian Ci thought of Akizawa's resolute and powerful little fist stone, combined with this cheat book, he couldn't help but have some other thoughts in his mind.

"Forget it, it's almost 10 o'clock, let's go to bed early! Make arrangements for Bibi Bird and Koudaihua first, and think about other things! Get up early tomorrow morning to train and buy supplies!"

After looking at the time displayed on the computer, he thought about it, and decided that it is better to arrange the two little ones first, and then think about the third one!

Another morning, Koudaihua and Bibiniao were already waiting in the open space in the backyard.

They have also adapted to the smell of the garbage station next to them. Fortunately, there is a garbage station next to them, so Tianci can have such a large open space to train elves.

"First of all, Bibi Bird, your training plan is like this
The first thing is to achieve perfect control of energy, which requires you to release a lot of skills, but the following moves will also give you this opportunity! "

Tian Ci still put the newly evolved Bibi Bird first, with a special emphasis on energy control.

"Beep beep(_)" Bibi bird nodded, it will not hold back Tian Ci anymore.

"Okay, then you have three main moves, the first one is the tornado, you are now scattered to form multiple small tornadoes, causing a large area of ​​damage.

What I'm thinking is, can we gather the energy of multiple small tornadoes into one tornado and turn it into a powerful single-body move!With Bibi Bird like this, you are in control of a truly powerful killer! "

Tian Ci said, and showed Bibi Bird in the form of pictures.

"Beep beep ω" After hearing Tian Ci's thoughts, Bibi Bird nodded again and again, it felt very reasonable!

"The second is to sharpen your claws and beak. Although the new claws and beak are stronger after evolution, there is definitely room for improvement. The illustration book also says that you have strong claws. So we can't give up. This aspect of training!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Ci took out a few boxes of bone strengthening powder that he had just bought this morning from his bag, and gave Bibi Bird a signal.

"Beep~(_)" Thinking of hitting a tree again, although Bibi Bird is no longer afraid, she still habitually shows a crying expression.

"Ahem, Bibi Bird, don't pretend! Let's talk about the third move next, which is the wind blade move! You need a lot of practice to consolidate this move, and even if we practice for a long time, it may really become powerful. The air blade!"

After Tian Ci's evolution last night, he had already understood Bibi Bird's determination to become stronger, so he directly saw through Bibi Bird's habitual disguise, and continued to issue the third move training.

"Beep beep(_)" Bibi Bird, who was exposed, was not embarrassed, so he just pretended that this had never happened, and patted his chest to express his peace of mind!I must train well!
PS: Reward 20180628161559449 points for book friend 10000 plus updates!
 The author went to bed first. . .It should be gone, I finally persuaded a big guy to go to bed first, and after typing at one o'clock in the morning, I found out that a big guy tipped 10000 points, thank you!It's better to publish this chapter first!

(End of this chapter)

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