Chapter 9 9: Kakashi's Test
"How could it be possible to learn a shadow clone that is more advanced than the clone technique in one night?"

Naruto and the shadow clones of Naruto around him all looked eager to try: "I'm a genius!"

Although Sasuke didn't understand what happened, he continued to taunt: "Idiot!"

Kakashi hurriedly stopped the two from continuing to quarrel: "Do you still want to become ninjas?"

The two quickly stopped their quarrel and looked at Kakashi. Kakashi raised a wooden sign in his hand and said, "Did you see this wooden sign?"

"Your names are written on it. I will give the wooden sign to my shadow clone, and let them hide in the woods ahead."

"All you have to do is to find my shadow clone, then defeat my shadow clone, and then grab the wooden sign with your name written in his hand."

Naruto raised his hand: "But how do we know that the shadow clone is carrying our own wooden token?"

"What if I got the wooden sign of the two of them?"

Kakashi smiled treacherously: "This is the crux of the problem!"

"You must get a wooden sign with your own name written on it to be considered qualified."

"A friendly reminder to you, I only give you one hour,"

After speaking, Kakashi threw the three wooden cards to his three shadow clones, and the three shadow clones quickly rushed to the woods and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Then Kakashi took out an alarm clock and put it on the wooden stake next to him: "Then the assessment begins."

Naruto rushed out without hesitation, but Sasuke didn't rush out immediately but looked at Kaijiang: "How is your strength?"

Kaijiang is very confident: "Don't underestimate me!"

"My strength is not much worse than yours!"

Sasuke: "In that case, let's cooperate."

"According to what you said, Kakashi became a Jonin at the age of 11, so his strength is definitely not simple."

"Even if we fight against the shadow clone alone, it is impossible to be absolutely sure that we can defeat it."

"Only by cooperation is it possible to defeat each other's shadow clone!"

Kaijiang thought for a while and said, "Cooperation is fine."

"But how can I be sure that you can continue to help me after you get your own wooden token?"

Sasuke frowned and quickly thought of the key to this exam, trusting his partner, if he can't trust each other, both of them must save their strength.

Because once the other party gets his own wooden card, he may directly betray the cooperation, because there is no need for him to continue working hard, he is already qualified.

So if you don't retain enough strength, once the opponent chooses to quit, then you will consume too much physical strength to help him capture the wooden card.

In the future, it will become more stressful for me to fight against a shadow clone alone, and it is very likely that I will fail the assessment.

Thinking of this, Sasuke said directly: "In that case."

"Let's defeat a shadow clone reasonably. If it's your wooden card, I'll keep it for safekeeping. If it's my wooden card, I'll give it to you for safekeeping."

"Until both of us get our respective wooden tokens!"

Kaijiang nodded, this method is reliable: "Then it's decided."

Sasuke and Kaijiang ran towards the woods together, and soon found footprints in the woods, apparently left by Kakashi's shadow clone on purpose.

Sasuke looked at the extremely obvious footprints: "This should be a trap!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto screamed in front of him, Sasuke and Kai Jiang looked at each other, whether it was a trap or not, one fool helped them find the way.

All we have to do now is go up and defeat that Kakashi's shadow clone!

Sasuke and Kaijiang rushed over and saw Naruto rolling on the spot holding his butt, while Kakashi's shadow clone was squatting on a tree reading a novel.

Sasuke winked at Kaijiang, Kaijiang quickly understood, and ran in an arc from the side, Sasuke saw it and immediately made seals with both hands: "The art of fireball!"

A huge ball of fire rushed directly to Kakashi's shadow clone, and Kakashi's shadow clone jumped away sharply in an instant, and the fireball directly blasted on the tree and directly blasted the tree.

At this time, Kaijiang locked on the foothold of Kakashi's shadow clone and rushed over in an instant: "Twelve consecutive cuts in an instant!"

Twelve sword lights flickered instantly and enveloped Kakashi's shadow clone, cutting off all possible dodge positions for Kakashi's shadow clone.

In the next second, Kakashi's shadow clone was cut into several pieces, but Kakashi's shadow clone that was quickly cut into several pieces turned into a piece of wood, which is a substitute technique!

Kaijiang quickly began to look around, but Sasuke shouted: "Here!"

After speaking, Sasuke rushed over and started a melee combat with Kakashi's shadow clone, but it was obvious that Kakashi's shadow clone was more powerful in melee combat.

Sasuke was subdued by three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, and at this moment, Kai Jiang rushed over and aimed the sword again: "Eighteen consecutive cuts in a blink of an eye!"

Kakashi's shadow clone had to let go of Sasuke, otherwise he would not be able to dodge Kaijiang's continuous slashing attacks, and Sasuke attacked again the moment Kakashi's shadow clone let go.

That's right, Kakashi's clone didn't have time to dodge immediately, Kaijiang's blade touched Kakashi's shadow clone, and Kakashi's shadow clone turned into smoke and dissipated.

As the smoke dissipated, a wooden sign fell to the ground, but it was impossible to see whose wooden sign was on the ground on the back. At this time, the problem was very embarrassing.

Sasuke and Kaijiang stood at the wooden sign twice, and it was a question of who would take the wooden sign first, and whoever took the first could get their own wooden sign, thus the premise of the previous cooperation agreement was broken.

Because whoever gets his wooden card may directly flash away, and may not hand over his wooden card to the other party for safekeeping. After all, having a wooden card is equivalent to passing.

Both Sasuke and Kaijiang looked at each other and fell into a entanglement mode. It was difficult for either of them to take the wooden token first, but it was not a problem if this continued, after all, there was still a time limit!
At this moment, Naruto came over and grabbed the wooden sign on the ground, Sasuke and Kai Jiang shouted almost immediately: "Stop!"

Naruto didn't understand what happened, so he glanced at the wooden sign: "It's a pity it's not mine."

"It's your Kaijiang!"

Naruto threw the wooden card to Kai Jiang, and Kai Jiang subconsciously got the wooden card, Sasuke looked at Kai Jiang: "According to the agreement, your wooden card will be handed over to me for safekeeping."

Kaijiang looked at the wooden card in his hand, hesitated for a second and threw it to Sasuke, Naruto looked at Kaijiang dumbfounded: "What are you doing?"

"Isn't that Kaijiang's wooden sign?"

"Why do you want it?"

Sasuke took Kaijiang's wooden token, but he didn't put it on his body. Instead, he thought about it and threw it back to Kaijiang: "I'll give it back to you."

"You've proven your attitude."

(End of this chapter)

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