Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Kaijiang took the wooden sign and threw it back: "Thank you for your trust, but let's keep it with you for the time being."

"Now come and help you take your wooden token!"

Sasuke put the wooden sign on his body without hesitation, and Kakashi peeped not far away and smiled: "It seems that the foundation of trust has been laid."

Naruto was puzzled by Sasuke and Kaijiang's behavior: "Are you two sick?"

Sasuke snorted coldly: "Idiot."

After speaking, Sasuke began to recover his own Chakra consumption, although he only used a Fireball, and then used Chakra to increase his strength and speed.

But for Sasuke, this kind of consumption is not a lot, Kai Jiang smiled and said to Naruto: "This is an agreement between me and Sasuke."

"We decided to cooperate, because Kakashi has the strength of a ninja, even if his shadow clone does not have all his strength."

"With our current strength, it is not so easy to deal with alone."

"So the best way is to cooperate, but after defeating the shadow clone, we can't determine whose wooden sign it is."

"So we agreed that if it was our own wooden sign, we would hand it over to the other party for safekeeping."

Naruto tilted his head: "Why?"

Kaijiang explained: "Because it is the foundation of cooperation and trust."

"Obtaining the wooden card is equivalent to passing the assessment, so how can you be sure that the other party will not continue to help you after getting your own wooden card?"

Naruto froze for a moment and scratched his head: "Is that so?"

"We're all in the same village, and we're about to become teammates in the same team. What's there to distrust?"

Kai Jiang smiled: "So I threw the wooden sign to Sasuke to let him rest assured that I will definitely abide by the agreement."

Naruto clapped his hands: "So it is!"

"And Sasuke threw the wooden card to you, indicating that he has believed in you, and there is no need to continue to keep your wooden card."

"And you threw it to Sasuke, which means that you will abide by the agreement with Sasuke."

"Can that count me in?"

"It seems that I really can't defeat Kakashi's shadow clone alone, and he is so wretched!"

"What kind of millennium killer is used to insert my ass!"

The question marks on Sasuke and Kaijiang's faces, what kind of millennium kill, sounds like a very powerful trick, but inserting the butt should be a low-level attack method.

Sasuke didn't say anything, Kaijiang said indifferently: "Yes!"

"However, as an agreement, if it is your wooden sign, it must be handed over to me for safekeeping."

Naruto grinned, "No problem!"

"Is the set of cooperation you just agreed on?"

"How do we cooperate next?"

Kaijiang shook his head: "No."

"I saw that Sasuke gave me a signal, and I guessed that Sasuke should use ninjutsu or a hidden weapon to attack."

"I'm going to outflank it. No matter how strong the shadow clone is, it is only composed of chakra. Once it is hurt, it will be released."

"So he must choose to dodge, and I just need to seize the opportunity to go up and entangle him, waiting for Sasuke to come up and carry out a joint attack."

"In a two-on-one situation, no matter how strong the shadow clone is, as long as it reveals a little flaw, it may be defeated by us."

Naruto opened his mouth wide: "Is that so?"

"Then what should we do now?"

Kai Jiang said directly: "Sasuke just used ninjutsu, plus using chakra to stimulate himself."

"His chakra loss is a bit too much and needs to be recovered, and we don't have that much time to wait."

"Can't you separate out the physical avatars? You divide into a dozen and search for Kakashi's shadow avatars in all directions."

"After you find it, just yell to let us know the specific direction, and we will go together when Sasuke Chakra replies."

Naruto smiled and patted his chest: "Leave it to me!"

Speaking of Naruto's exaggerated separation of more than 20 clones, Kaijiang looked confused: "How many of your chakras have fallen to the ground?"

"The consumption of shadow clones is not low. There are more than 20 at once. Do you still have Chakra to continue fighting?"

Naruto chuckled: "My chakra is too ruthless!"

"Brothers, go find Kakashi!"

The avatars dispersed and explored around the woods. Since it was an assessment, Kakashi's shadow avatar could not go too far.

Otherwise, with the ability of Kakashikage clone, the three of them don't have to chase after running, because it is impossible to catch up.

Soon one of Naruto's shadow clones was blown up, and a memory came back. Naruto pointed directly at a direction of the forest and shouted: "Over there!"

Kaijiang was dumbfounded again: "How do you know where it is?"

Naruto tilted his head: "My shadow clone was blown up just now, it's the message from the shadow clone."

Kaijiang looked at Naruto stupidly: "What kind of shadow clone are you?"

"Can you send back information after disappearing?"

Naruto: "I don't know either."

"I learned this multiple shadow avatar technique from the forbidden scroll yesterday."

Kaijiang was completely dumbfounded: "Is this the B-level forbidden technique of multiple shadow clones created by the second-generation Hokage Senshou Fujian?"

Naruto: "Huh?"

"Is this the ninjutsu created by the second Naruto?"

"I'm really a genius, I just read it once and learned it!"

Sasuke stood up and took a Bingliang pill: "Let's go, idiot!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke unhappily for a moment, and then secretly said to Kai Jiang: "Wait, if it's Sasuke's wooden sign, you can give it to me."

"I won't give it to him if I take it!"

"Let him go back to Konoha School for a year!"

Sasuke frowned: "Next time you whisper, can you keep your voice down so I can hear you!"

Naruto was stunned: "I'm so quiet that you can hear me!"

Sasuke: "Idiot!"

Kai Jiang: "Okay, let's go there quickly, or Kakashi's shadow clone will run away."

The three quickly chased after him, and Naruto once again pointed in one direction: "Over there!"

The three hurried over again, and soon found Kakashi's clone, Naruto said directly: "How do you fight this time?"

Kai Jiang: "I will perform ninjutsu, and you will surround me from left to right."

Sasuke nodded and started to rush to the left, Naruto saw it and rushed to the right, Kaijiang made a seal with both hands: "Fire Escape Flame Bullet!"

A fireball much smaller than Sasuke's fireball rushed towards Kakashi's shadow clone. Although it was much smaller, the temperature of this fireball was higher than that of the fireball.

Hao Fireball mainly has a large range, while Yanbo pays more attention to destructive power. Like before, Kakashi's shadow clone directly dodges this ninjutsu.

Sasuke's accelerated sprint up was a set of Taijutsu combo, which was easily resolved by Kakashi's shadow clone, but Naruto's appearance surrounded Kakashi with ten shadow clones.

(End of this chapter)

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