Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 28 The rain stopped

Chapter 28 The rain stopped

This bobtail cat should still be a kitten.

The reason why Chen Qi made this judgment was entirely because the size of this short-tailed cat was not much different from the short-tailed cat he knew in his previous life.

and so……

There is no animal in this post-apocalyptic wilderness that is not an enlarged version!

It looks so normal, it must be a child!


Because it had fallen into the water for too long and held the vine rope in its mouth for too long, the little short-tailed cat was obviously a little sick. It lay there motionless. If it weren't for the fact that its chest and abdomen were still rising and falling rhythmically, it proved that it was still alive. While breathing, Chen Qi wondered if he was rescued by a bobtail cat that had already returned to Meow.

However, although Chen Qi was still holding on to the pine stick and did not dare to go forward, he looked very cautious and prepared to fight.

But fans who are separated from the camera in the live broadcast room will not be frightened by such a pitiful kitten whose whole body is wet with water.

The fact is, no matter how clearly Chen Qi speaks or explains, no matter whether the fans in the live broadcast room understand the level of the bobtail cat's combat power.

Facing such a cute looking kitten, they would never be afraid of it.

Just like someone who is afraid of lizards, even if he knows in his heart that pet store lizards will not hurt people, he will still be afraid.

Whether it's cute or not has nothing to do with combat effectiveness.


"Chen Qi! Quickly take off your clothes and help the kitten clean."

"Chen Qi! Jump into the water and catch fish for the kitten"

"Chen Qi! Hurry up and make a big fireball to keep it warm."

"Chen Qi! Quickly catch the rabbit and make soup for it to drink."

"Chen Qi! Hurry...ban the guy above, he is mocking you!"


At the same time, there was another wave of gift giving in the live broadcast room.

Chen Qi was also quite helpless, and could only follow the fans in the live broadcast room as much as possible and said: "Thank you for the plane [this year's [-]th standing like a minion], it's not that I don't wipe it, house cats hate others To touch their fur, the wild cats are even more disgusted with this.

they themselves will...

Thanks for the [1.8-meter Pei Rabbit] for the plane, Sister Pei, is it okay if you are my Sister Pei, catching fish...

I think it catches fish for me to eat, which may be more in line with the definition of protecting the weak. "

Chen Qi thanked a large group of fans, mainly female fans. Taking this opportunity, Chen Qi also discovered that there seemed to be quite a lot of female fans watching his live broadcast...

Moreover, they are all very rich!

"Fans and friends, don't continue to swipe gifts. Control it.

No matter how many presents I get, it's hard for me to let go of my guard against this bobtail cat. Wouldn't it be nicer for everyone to spend more money on cat food and feed it to their little furry children~"


"The cloud cat breeder is here!"

"The people who join in the fun are here!

"The rich and willful people are here!"

"Brother in front, can I hang out with you?"


After much persuasion, Chen Qi was no longer overly persistent.

The short-tailed cat that was caught has been relieved for a while now, and the situation looks much better.

It's no different from a domestic cat. The first thing this cat does after it can stand up is to shake itself in various ways, trying to shake off the water.

Then it was licking, and during the whole process, Chen Qi found that the kitten had never given up on its guard.

It can be seen from the position.

Although Chen Qi kept an eye out and put the bobtail cat he caught on the side near the river, he squatted on the side near the shore.

In this way, if any "expected" unexpected situation occurs, it will be more convenient for Chen Qi to deal with it or jump ashore to escape, and second, if the plan goes well, Chen Qi can also use a pine stick to drive it back into the river. In order to protect his face from being disfigured.

However, the kitten had no intention of approaching Chen Qi at all. Instead, it huddled in a corner of the wooden bed, licking its fur, while arching its body, facing Chen Qi, and sometimes facing Chen Qi Make a purring sound.

It seemed that facing a creature like Chen Qi that he had never seen before, this underage little wild cat was more afraid of people than water.

In this case, Chen Qi was a little relieved.

He was also worried that if he had to drive the little wild cat into the water, he would lose part of the audience.

In that case, the gain outweighs the loss, it might as well not save it from the beginning.

Although, this kitty brought several star destroyers for himself, and a lot of gifts of aircraft and rockets.


Time passed minute by minute like this, because it was already evening, and there were rain clouds, even in summer, the sky darkened quickly.

On the wooden bed, there are two corners, one person and one cat, standing opposite each other, guarding each other.

However, it looks somewhat ridiculous.

Chen Qi is 1.8 meters tall. Even if he is squatting, he is far from being able to compare with a kitten less than one meter long.

At this moment, he was holding a stick over one meter long in his hand, confronting a cat? !

Chen Qi himself was suffering and couldn't tell.

The hair on the bobtail cat's body is almost dry now, and its spirit has recovered a lot. Seeing that it is getting dark, Chen Qi suddenly thought that animals like bobtail cats are also nocturnal creatures!
It can stay up there, staring at itself without sleep all night, but Chen Qi can't stay up all night too!

But if I really sleep...

Really slept six!

It is impossible to fall asleep at all!

Who has such a big heart, knowing that falling asleep is likely to suddenly lose his nose, face disfigured, claws on his neck, etc., and still be able to sleep? !

With one person and one cat sitting opposite each other, the fans in the live broadcast room were delighted.


"Some people are naturally gentle and can play with wild cats and butterflies."

"Short-tailed cat: Do you think I look like a human, or a god..."

"You are like a multi-chamber spaceship with multi-core linkage, clean energy and full voice input intelligent control!"

"One thing to say, your answer is higher than mine, I lost"

"Tell me, what are they thinking now?"

"The anchor is thinking about the big girl, and the cat is thinking about the mother cat"


"Is it possible that it is a female cat?"

"Can't a mother cat think of a mother cat?"

"I lost"


Chen Qi doesn't have the time to watch the barrage right now. He even wants to broadcast the "technical problems" in the live broadcast room, and then the kitten "falls into the water by mistake", and then "expresses deep regret" himself.

It is not a wise choice to stay in a shelter with such a grumpy and fierce carnivore.

Chen Qi only hoped that before the cat fell into the water, it had better be full.



In the middle of the night, Chen Qi nodded in a daze and woke up suddenly!
Looking up at the corner of the wooden bed, two "big lamps" were staring at him brightly in the night.

A little hastily raised the stick in his hand, and the bobcat took two steps back.

Only then did Chen Qi notice that at some point, the cat moved two steps towards him.

"Damn it, it really wants to come and hunt me!"

Turning his head to look at the small screen of the drone, it was densely packed with reminders from fans.


"It's here!!"

"Anchor wake up!"

"It's over, it's over"

"Damn it! I said I shouldn't have rescued it up"

"The anchor is going to be cold!"

"In September of a certain year in North America time, Chen Qi died in the palace on the water. The cause of death: a cat clawed out his heart!"


Chen Qi is also a little angry, I saved you by special code, it's fine if you don't repay me, you want to attack me? !
Controlling the drone, Chen Qi was going to use the drone to attract its attention, and then hit it back into the water with a stick!
When the drone was lifted into the air, Chen Qi noticed that it seemed that during the time when he fell asleep for some reason...

The rain stopped.

 Ask for votes for collections!
(End of this chapter)

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