Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 156 Almost Completed the First Kill

Chapter 156 Almost Completed the First Kill
When pot after pot of water was being boiled, Chen Qi used everything he could use.

On the stove stood a copper pot, a pan, a kettle, and a shallow tin box.

Brother Sihai's small box for knives was considered a high-end product, but in Chen Qi's hands, it was used to hold ashes, soil, and snow for boiling water.

It can be regarded as a special code that makes the best use of everything.


The few large pieces of ice brought back earlier had been put into the "bathtub" by Chen Qi, and the cabin was still very warm under the premise that Chen Qi's stove was constantly burning for nearly 20 hours a day to ensure the temperature.

It is particularly troublesome to dig the frozen soil underneath, but this also has a little advantage, that is, the water seepage is very slow, almost no water seepage.

After all the ice cubes turned into water, and Chen Qi poured pot after pot of boiling water into it, after going back and forth several times, Chen Qi reached out to touch the water temperature, and it was already warm enough.

"Hahaha! I haven't showered in two months!"

Finally, Chen Qi brought the two pots of water that had been boiled and placed them on the open space next to the "bathtub". After aiming the camera of the drone at the ceiling, he took off his clothes.

Although these days he got himself a fairly warm house, a soft grass bed, and fur to cover it.

However, because the temperature dropped drastically after the stove was turned off, in order to avoid being woken up several times in the middle of the night, Chen Qi only took off his outermost clothes to sleep even when he was sleeping.

How many days has he not taken a shower, and how many days has he not seen how dirty he is.


The camera was always facing the ceiling, the fans only heard their voices but didn't see the person, everyone said @超管, all kinds of weird words, and the empty camera was directly covered by various dense bullet screens.

But of course Chen Qi couldn't see it.

He has squatted in the "bathtub", and is bothering to rub the mud for himself.

Fans couldn't see Chen Qi's actions, but they could still hear the voice.

"Hey~! I really don't want to admit that this is my own arm!"

"The skin color has changed!"

"Good guy! I have a lot of credit for my current weight and my gray body!"

"Why take a shower and feel more tired than fighting!"


The situation on Chen Qi's side can be described as "horrible."

I haven't showered for nearly two months, and I still work non-stop every day, sweating, exercising, handling raw meat, burning alder wood...

As Chen Qi washed and washed, he actually hated himself a little.

So he struck even harder!
"I should have put spruce branches in the water or something."

Chen Qi's thoughts came quickly, and so did his actions.The fans only heard the sound of splashing water, and then vaguely saw a head swishing past from the lower edge of the drone lens, and then swishing back.

After another splash of water, Chen Qi returned to the "bathtub".

"It would be nice to have a bath towel at this time. Sigh... I kind of want to rub it with the bark!"

The water cooled quickly, Chen Qi poured in the boiling water next to him, and washed his body at a faster speed.

Although Chen Qi has worked very hard, but... manpower is sometimes poor.

This bath, he insisted on taking it until night to take care of it.

Standing on the wood, tremblingly waiting for the body to dry naturally.Chen Qi just wanted to hurry up and restart the fire that was about to go out.

Putting the clothes back on one by one, Chen Qi happily refilled the stove while humming a ditty.

Halfway through the work, he remembered that the drone was still shooting at the ceiling.

Hurrying over to bring the drone over, Chen Qi was about to share his "journey of rebirth" with everyone cheerfully, as if he heard something outside in his ears.

Wolf? !

Chen Qi is not afraid of this. His wooden door has been strengthened three times, and it is still supported by wood. Now even if a bear really comes, Chen Qi is confident that he can kill it with one arrow in the house before the bear smashes the door. Lose.

Putting his hand on his lips to signal to the fans, Chen Qi pointed to the direction of the door, quietly walked aside, picked up the bow and arrow.

When he walked to the door, Chen Qi deliberately poked a small hole in the moss layer on the door to look outside, but thinking that it was dark outside now, he would definitely not be able to see anything, so Chen Qi didn't do this unnecessary thing.

Just put the arrow against the gap in the door, ready to go.

At this time, the fans who were belatedly realized that there must be something outside Chen Qi's cabin.

However, Chen Qi has confidence in the wooden door he has strengthened, and the fans who saw how Chen Qi strengthened the wooden door with their own eyes are of course more confident.

They gave their guesses one after another.They also said that the deer came to borrow the toilet, some said that the big bad wolf came to look for Little Red Riding Hood, and some said that the staff could not stand the cold outside and came to borrow for a night...

Everyone was not very nervous, and they were even discussing whether Chen Qi would get something for the lottery this time.

The footsteps outside were already very clear, and Chen Qi could feel something approaching his cabin.

Just as he was about to let go and shoot a blind arrow based on his feeling, a loud shout came from outside.

"Chen Qi!! You are Chen Qi, right! Help—!"

Holy shit! !
people? !

Chen Qi's first reaction after hearing this voice was actually: Is it true that I am accompanied by staff that I don't even know about? !
Immediately afterwards, in a trance, Chen Qi let go of his fingers, and the arrow shot out.


The situation happened so suddenly that Chen Qi didn't have time to scare himself, thinking of such things as lonely souls and wild ghosts.

However, when he shoots this arrow, maybe the person outside asking for help will really become a lonely ghost.

At that time, Chen Qi would bid farewell to his live broadcasting career completely because he won the first kill of the terrifying erectus.

Killing people in front of 10,000+ people, the witnesses can fill the court.


There was also an exclamation from outside.

But Chen Qi felt relieved when he didn't hear the screams.

Before he was shocked and embarrassed to think of something to relieve the embarrassing atmosphere after the miss, the voice outside sounded again, and at the same time, Chen Qi also heard the voice constantly retreating and moving away.

"Brother! My name is Zhang Lianjing, and I'm the anchor of Longya Platform. I'm not a bad person!"


Chen Qi remembered.It seems that his fans told him yesterday that the last anchor who challenged him didn't hold on and lost contact.

Thinking of this, Chen Qi understood everything, no wonder.

Maybe no one has been to this barren mountain for many years, so how could it be possible to suddenly meet the same kind.

He looked back at the drone that had been photographing this side, and looked down at his clothes.

Chen Qi thought for a while, but without putting down the bow and arrow in his hand, he turned around and picked up the dagger and put it in his arms.

Although the other party is unlikely to have any crooked thoughts, and now the drone is still shooting here, and 10,000+ people are watching the live broadcast.However, the heart of defense is indispensable.

In Chen Qi's current environment, there would be no possible support at all.

Although there are no specialties around here, poachers and some criminals will still appear on the home planet.

Still the same sentence, be careful, there is no big mistake.


After taking away the wood on top of the door, Chen Qi slowly opened the door and propped it up with wood.

Pressing the set bow and arrow and standing slightly inside the door frame, Chen Qi looked outside the door vigilantly.

With the light of the fire in the cabin, Chen Qi saw a man standing ten meters away from him, trembling with his hands raised, his face full of tears.

"Brother Chen Qi, I'm really an anchor... I... Can I come in and keep warm..."

As the man talked, his tears grew more and more: "I'm about to freeze to death..."

Chen Qi also grinned in embarrassment: "That... I'm sorry, for that arrow just now, I thought there might be some kind of wolf outside, and when I got nervous..."

"Brother, I understand! I would shoot that arrow too."

Chen Qi glanced at him, slowly let go of the bow and arrow, and took a step back sideways: "Come in."

"Thank you! Great! Brother!"

Almost at the speed of a sprint of [-] meters, the Longya anchor named Zhang Lianjing brought a gust of wind and rushed straight into the cabin.

As soon as he entered the house, he went straight to the stove. Seeing him like that, he almost wanted to get into the stove.

Chen Qi's bow was still in his hand, because he saw Zhang Lianjing's hunting knife on his waist.

What Chen Qi didn't expect was that although this guy looked miserable, he was so cold that even his eyebrows were covered with frost.But he was really good at being a man, and when he turned his head and saw Chen Qi standing far away from him, holding a bow and arrow, he threw the knife in the corner.

Turning around, looking around, and finding the drone, Zhang Lianjing stood up straight away, and announced his family name to the camera of the drone.

Name, citizenship id, wife and children, address...

If Chen Qi hadn't been a little embarrassed and stopped him, this guy would have started reading something dangerous.

"It's okay, okay, big brother, you are my brother, we don't have to... that.

cough!Well, I'm just a little cautious. "

From the beginning to the present, his attitude was really very good. Chen Qi even remembered a detail now. When the other party first asked for help, he didn't come up to knock on the door, but stood outside and shouted first.

Thinking of this, Chen Qi felt even more embarrassed, as if he really made a fuss.

"That...are you hungry?"

After Chen Qi finished speaking, Zhang Lianjing, who had just recovered a little, started crying again.

"Brother Chen Qi, I haven't eaten for two days...I'm really embarrassed...but I'm really, really hungry..."

Chen Qi hurriedly took out a dagger from his arms to cut the venison, and at the same time smiled at Zhang Lianjing who was still squatting next to the stove: "It's okay, look at what you said, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

People are starving to death, neither stealing nor robbing, what else is there if you want to eat something. "

Looking at the other person's face, Chen Qi continued: "You must be older than me, didn't you just say that your son has gone to kindergarten, and I just graduated.

Don't call me brother, just call me by name. "

When Chen Qi took the venison off the roof, Zhang Lianjing was a little embarrassed.

He saw that it was a venison shank with little meat left on it.

It's really embarrassing to eat the only food left by others, but he can't refuse it.

After struggling for a while, just as he was about to speak, he saw Chen Qi open the door and go out again.

"I forgot, this piece of meat has been sitting for too long. Let me get you some fresh."

Meat?Put it on for too long?In this kind of place?
Isn't this something that should be interrupted before it can be continued?

Before Zhang Lianjing could get over it, Chen Qi opened the door and went back to the house.

In his hands, he held two large pieces of meat.

"Fried meat, or grilled meat?"

Zhang Lianjing's tears fell again.

I know you don't mean that, but your words are a little too Versailles.

wonderful.This is still a multiple-choice question!

Chen Qi, who always eats delicious food, was greedy by others today.

Seeing how delicious Zhang Lianjing ate, Chen Qi himself seemed to be hungry again.

So he got two more fish that he cooked the day before yesterday and put them directly into the pot, went outside to get another piece of meat, and ate it with Zhang Lianjing.

Double gluttonous.

It's just why Zhang Lianjing cried again, Chen Qi didn't know why.

Maybe I thought of something sad.


The two of them chatted while eating, and it was only then that Chen Qi found out.It turned out that Zhang Lianjing fell into the river a few days ago because of bad luck while digging ice by the river.

He was still a good fortune teller, so he climbed up again, but lost all the equipment on his body.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, not to mention the loss of communication equipment, and the live broadcast equipment was also broken.

In the past few days, he has really suffered a lot.

The ax is gone, the fishing gear is gone, and the ignition equipment that I carried with me is gone.

Had it not been for the fact that he still had a knife and a spare ignition in his shelter, nothing would have necessarily happened.

He was still waiting for rescue, but these two days he could only burn the branches to keep warm. The physical exertion was huge and he still couldn't eat. Zhang Lianjing couldn't bear it anymore after carrying it for two days.

He remembered that colleague that fans kept provoking him in the live broadcast room: Chen Qi.

On this side of the river, Zhang Lianjing lived in a shelter built with a tarpaulin through a fallen tree.

When Chen Qi went to the river, if he walked downstream along the river bank for two or three hours, he might be able to see Zhang Lianjing's shelter.

Chen Qi had been to the river, and Zhang Lianjing had heard from his fans, so after thinking about it, he decided that going to Chen Qi was the best way for him to save himself.

After walking along the river for a long time, I found the footprints left by Chen Qi looking for grouse many days ago.

From his own shelter, Zhang Lianjing finally saw "a big grave bag" in the mouth of fans.


Hearing Zhang Lianjing tell his own story, Chen Qi couldn't help but be speechless, this is too persevering.

"I don't mean to offend, but...the last few days have been so hard, why didn't you quit earlier and go back to the space city?"


Zhang Lianjing sighed: "It's more difficult without money."

Chen Qi: ...

Well, that's a really, really solid reason.

(End of this chapter)

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