Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 155 Only Chen Qi is left

Chapter 155 Only Chen Qi is left

After the food problem was solved, Chen Qi suddenly "became arrogant".

After successfully hunting the deer, Chen Qi first spent a whole day doing nothing but lying down and sleeping.

These days, although he never went to bed very early, he seemed to be sleeping well.

But the real situation is that there is no day when Chen Qi is not afraid.

Fear of cold, fear of hunger, fear of bears, wolves, this and that.

Can sleep well, just tired.

Now, the main body of the log cabin is completed, the stove has never been on strike, and the food problem has been solved. Chen Qi feels that he should also reward himself for a good rest and a purer sleep.

As a result, [A certain anchor earns millions a month by live broadcasting his snoring while sleeping] became a true story.


During this sleep, Chen Qi slept for 15 hours, from around four o'clock in the afternoon of the first day to around seven o'clock in the morning of the next day.

After waking up, he still felt a little regretful.

"Sleeping too much seems to be not a good thing. My mind is groggy now, and my nose doesn't seem to be well ventilated."

The stove had been turned off a long time ago, half of the reason why Chen Qi woke up was because the temperature was too low and he woke up from the cold.

After taking a breath of the cold air in the room, Chen Qi felt that his nasal cavity was extremely painful.After wrinkled his nose a few times and rubbed it randomly with his hands, Chen Qi quickly got up and lit the fire on the stove.

There was nothing urgent to solve, and Chen Qi seemed to be lazy in doing things.

In the past, it took half an hour for him to eat breakfast from the beginning to the end of cooking.

I wake up at six o'clock and have been busy for a long time before seven o'clock.

I wake up at seven now, and it's past eight after dinner.


Dragging his sledge, Chen Qi had nothing to do and went to the lake to fetch two more pieces of ice, fished along the way, and collected some weeds.

Along the way, Chen Qi took two steps and would shoot two arrows at some messy thing. The 10-minute journey dragged on to 40 minutes.Half of the time I spent running around looking for arrows.

Speaking of fishing, Chen Qi sat on the ice for less than half an hour, and felt cold again, felt the wind was too strong, and felt that the tree stump under his butt was too hard...

Anyway, it's just uncomfortable.

Of course, he didn't catch a single fish, so Chen Qi couldn't sit still and wanted to leave.

After dragging a few pieces of ice back to the lake, Chen Qi didn't go out.

I stayed in the cabin for a while, doing nothing but chatting with fans.

The technical outdoor survival anchor has become a chatty chat anchor.

Another day, same thing.

Another day, still the same.

another day...

Chen Qi seemed to be lying flat, and even when he was bored, he would rather grind the antlers in the house with the deerskin peeled off from the deer's hooves than go out.

When I'm really bored, I just use a knife to peel wood.

A good piece of wood was changed from "cut a cane" to "cut a magic wand", to "cut a hairpin", to "cut an ear spoon", and then cut it into a toothpick.

The matter of laying the weed beds could have been done in one day, but it took him seven or eight days to finish it completely.

As for the fans, there were not many people, but they talked more, and the number of bullet screens increased day by day.


Love makes people bald: "Chen Qi played cards again today... No, he slept in again."

Raven is not a duck: "This guy really feels like he's on vacation now, he's either messing around or messing around all day long."

Space Magician: "Except for no alcohol, his life is much better than mine T^T"

Outside of code: “I think it’s quite interesting”

Xia Ren didn't blink: "I still prefer the more compact live broadcast content before. Now, it's a bit like watching monkeys→_→"

The golden voice who loves sugar: "The staff should think of a way! Manual dog head"

Ginkgo leaf lean meat porridge: "He needs some help to get back on his feet. Like..."

Lan Lin is not Lan: "For example, the food was taken away by those two silly birds."

Feng Yunji: "For example, the staff suddenly used firecrackers to wake up the two bears."

Hello July: "For example, the house suddenly collapsed"

Brother Sihai: "For example, I suddenly withdraw the right to use my things"

A scumbag with ideals: "For example...fuck! Brother Sihai! Is that me, you!"


Of course crooked buildings are also an indispensable part of traditional culture.

When the barrage in the live broadcast room turned to teasing the id who was suspected to be Brother Sihai himself, Chen Qi finally woke up at [-] o'clock in the morning.

It is customary to be in a daze for a few seconds after opening your eyes.

Chen Qi, as usual, after greeting the fans, squinted his eyes and went to set Mr. Stove on fire.

After eating venison for many days, Chen Qi had already eaten up those hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

The deer ribs were supposed to be delicious, but Chen Qi didn't have enough seasoning.

The promised job of learning from the Inuit and looking for seasonings under the ice and snow like them was delayed again and again because of Chen Qi's laziness, and the news disappeared.

When Chen Qi woke up this morning, he thought that he was going to eat venison, and suddenly he didn't want to lie in the house anymore.

Since the successful deer hunting, Chen Qi has basically done nothing in the past ten days.

Not only was there no progress, but even the firewood accumulated during the hard work was almost burned.

The only good news is that at least he solved the bed problem.

But that is also a choice made to sleep more comfortably.


Using the blade as a mirror, Chen Qi carefully shaved his beard. Without a beard and other tools, Chen Qi would not dare to shave with the blade close to his chin.

Just cut off some long beards.

"I have to go out today anyway."

Chen Qi's eyes seemed to be clearer: "I can't stand eating venison every day.

It just so happens that the weather today is fine and sunny!Go get two grouse in the spruce field and come back! "

I looked back at my bed, and saw that the leather needed some treatment.Otherwise, it would really stink.


Chen Qi still didn't let go of his daily archery practice.

Of course, this may also have something to do with him being bored and unwilling to go out.

Bringing a bow and arrow, Chen Qi finally left the cabin 20 meters away again after many days.

Chen Qi still remembered where the former spruce forest was, but it seemed that there was no need to go there. This was a forest, and everything was lacking, except trees.

"We walked this way last time. After crossing the river, we saw the spruce forest not far from the river bank.

Let's go in another direction today. "

Chen Qi threw an arrow very casually, pointed to the direction the arrow pointed after it landed, and said, "Just this way. If you go this way today, if you can't hit the prey, just take it as a view."


It may be that Chen Qi's luck finally bottomed out after being suppressed for a long time.

I searched for more than ten days before, and found the berries that I didn't find even after the bed was finished, but today I found it after walking in a random direction.

Behind a fallen tree facing the sun, Chen Qi found a small den of a fox. He was bored anyway, and when he was about to chase after the footprints, he saw a piece of dark red shriveled fruit within a few steps.

The bushes growing berries were taller than all the bushes Chen Qi had seen before, much taller.

The branches are thin and the bark is light brown and smooth.

The long branches of the shrub are luxuriant, and they are covered with small dry dark red fruits, each of which is like a raisin.

"This thing... I don't know it. Can it be eaten?

There is a fox den next to it...I know, this is Zhu Guo!Otherwise, how could there be spirit beasts guarding here! "

Chen Qi didn't know this kind of fruit, so he started talking nonsense.

This shrub does not seem to have leaves. Chen Qi turned over the snow near the roots of the tree, but did not see any fallen leaves. This may be the reason why it was not covered by snow.

A fox made a nest next to it, so no rabbits were willing to come here, so this thing survived in a relatively "outrageous" way.

I tried to reach out and pull one off. Although it was shriveled, it was still quite strong.

"Many plants near the poles are different from those in normal climates and normal temperatures.

Including some plateau areas, the plants in these cold places have their own unique skills of life-saving and reproduction.

Some of them have well-developed root systems, some are extremely cold-resistant, and some will bloom and bear fruit at completely unreasonable times...

This, probably is the case.

Although it hangs so firmly in winter, it may be that in spring, when the snow on the ground melts and the ground thaws, these small fruits will naturally fall. "

Chen Qi hasn't seen anyone say a reliable name on the barrage until now, so it took so long for nothing.

It seems that no one really recognizes what this shriveled little fruit is and whether it can be eaten.

But Chen Qi didn't want to give up, this was a rare opportunity to supplement vitamins and let him taste sour and sweet.

Plants growing in cold regions are generally not as poisonous as tropical regions.

This statement is not absolute, but it is still feasible to see.

This is because the tropics are usually full of flora and fauna, rich in species.A plant may be eaten by various animals, insects, and birds in turn.If it hadn't evolved some toxicity, it might have been extinct long ago.

The biodiversity in the frigid zone is relatively single. The biggest problem that plants face is not the animals, but the climate. Therefore, the general frigid zone plants are not poisonous.


Picking a lot of berries with his hands and putting them in his pocket, Chen Qi was going to try it when he went back.

He did his homework before coming, because he knew that he would not be able to know all the unique plants in the region, so Chen Qi was fully prepared for the possibility of having to eat something.

Generally speaking, if something tastes bitter, astringent, spicy, or other strange smells after eating a little bit, then the possibility of poisoning is very high.

Astringent is tannin, bitterness is alkaloid, sugar and other things.

Repairing water can solve the problem of quite a few poisonous plants that cannot be distinguished.

If it foams after boiling water, it is of course impossible to eat.It will not work if there is obvious precipitation or layering.

Now Chen Qi doesn't have any prey to raise alive, and he can't test poison or anything.So, he decided to try it himself.

"Go back and boil some water, if there is nothing wrong, drink less.

If I don’t have vomiting, dizziness, stomachache, or diarrhea after seven or eight hours, then it’s okay. "

Chen Qi had already made plans, and kept stuffing these shriveled berries into his pockets as he spoke.

It's not sure whether he will come here in the future, I'll take them away today, anyway, there are not many in total, the big thing is that they can't be eaten, so throw them into the stove.


Chen Qi was ready to make a bold move and test the poison himself. Naturally, fans were worried but also a little expectant. Some even gave Chen Qi some advice, telling him that if he vomited after eating, he should prepare a bowl of foot washing water for himself in advance. , can save his life.

In this regard, Chen Qi felt that it would be more reliable to press the throat.


All day long, Chen Qi wandered around looking for grouse.

If there was a food shortage before, Chen Qi would definitely not have dared to do this. He would spend all his time on small animals like grouse. If he couldn't find them, a food crisis would erupt on the spot.

But of course it's casual now, and I have time to look for it. Even if I can't find it, it's nothing more than going back to eat venison.

Relying on this search method of "plenty of time, plenty of food", Chen Qi finally caught two grouse squatting on the tree after four hours of going out.

However, Chen Qi did not go back the same way, but went around in a circle, from another direction, crossed the river, and came back from the other side of the lake.

For dinner, he ate a grouse and some venison, which was Chen Qi's only meal today.

After being idle for too long, Chen Qi felt quite good when he suddenly went out for a walk.

That is to say, from this day on, Chen Qi "cheered up" again.

He first used the method of cooking fat and smoking, and with the help of a large amount of plant ash, he roughly tanned the two furs that were about to harden.

Although due to technical reasons and craftsmanship issues, the two furs Chen Qi got in the end were completely different from the ones seen in the TV series, but they were still softer in the end and could barely be used.

The matter of the washbasin was finally solved by Chen Qi. It was the same as the washbasin he made back then, except that this time Chen Qi deliberately sawed a thicker piece of wood and made a bigger washbasin.

He just didn't have the strength and spirit, otherwise Chen Qi would have wanted to dig a bathtub or something on the ground inside the cabin.

The chair he had been thinking about sat out, and he used the nails he had been reluctant to use before.

Anyway, all the nails were used, so Chen Qi simply used up all the remaining nails and remodeled the wooden door.

It wasn't until another heavy snow blocked the mountain that Chen Qi stopped working.

But he didn't lie down and do nothing like he did a few days ago.

While he couldn't get out, Chen Qi dug a bathing place in the house!
It snowed heavily for one day, and Chen Qi was busy for two days.

Really let him dig one out!
When Chen Qi was bored and digging holes, fans also told Chen Qi an interesting thing.

"What? You said, the last person who was broadcasting here like me lost contact yesterday?"

Chen Qi didn't expect that there were actually people who could resist the third snowfall.

Pushing open the door, although the snow outside had stopped, the layer of snow that had been blown away by the wind before had become waist-deep again.

Losing contact in this situation may have more serious consequences than being chased by a bear...

(End of this chapter)

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