Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 138 This bear is not happy to eat

Chapter 138 This bear is not happy to eat

Although Chen Qi himself didn't know any technical means to judge whether the bear was alive or dead, the prompt [Revenge mission completed] given by the system was undoubtedly the best death notice.

The bear was probably indeed dead.


He sat down on the ground directly, and Chen Qiyi let go of the short dagger in his hand and dropped it on the black ground under the tree.

It seemed that the bones were loose, and Chen Qi lay on the ground logically, his chest rose and fell, he gasped heartily, and let out a series of meaningless laughter.

After a while, Chen Qi stood up, supported the soil behind him with his hands, leaned back halfway, and looked at the dead white bear.

"How about it, how about it! I just said that I am not just a fool, see!

what? !

I'm fucking hunting bears with a bow and arrow!Fierce or not! "

Chen Qi boasted to the live broadcast room, but at this time, no matter how unwilling to admit it, the bear's body was lying there, and no one dared to say that Chen Qi was not "violent".

Regardless of whether he was lucky, or the bear was too generous, too stupid, too hungry and too weak, in short, whether he was live broadcasting the whole process, or came to the door on his own initiative, and killed the big bear.

This skill still has to be admitted.

Otherwise, you can you up.


After showing off his might, Chen Qi also read the id one by one, and thanked the people who rewarded him with ID badges. This process took a few minutes.

After that, Chen Qi had the time to go to the bear's body and check it out.


"Take a closer look, this bear is really thin, not to mention skinny, at this time period, the bears before hibernation, not all of them are fat and strong.

This kid is good, he's almost as good as dirt. "

What Chen Qi said was quite tactful, because the bear at this time not only looked thin and weak, but also had more than ten arrows that Chen Qi shot randomly, it looked like it had suffered a lot. A sensible child is the same as a teddy bear you abuse.

However, this teddy bear really bleeds, and it bleeds a lot.

Chen Qi observed the bear carefully. On his head, there was only the wound left by his shot in the nose.

All that was left was an arrow in his mouth that cut his throat.However, this was obviously not its fatal injury. Chen Qi still remembered the "lively" scene of the bear hitting a tree like crazy after he shot the arrow.

Looking at other places, it may be because of the angle, this bear is still hit the most by the shoulders, both shoulders are full of arrows.

This should not be the cause of its death, including the wound on its back. Although a lot of blood was shed because of the arrow, it would not make a bear die suddenly.

A 150-jin person has more than a dozen catties of blood, and a [-]-jin bear has just so many wounds and no major organs were shot. It is impossible to let it lose too much blood and die.

"But... where did the blood all over the ground come from?"

The reason why Chen Qi always felt that the bear lost too much blood to death was because the bear in front of him was bleeding too much.

But, the wounds are all on the back...

Eh? !

Wait a minute!
Chen Qi suddenly thought that when he shot the bear with the first arrow, it seemed that the bear was still far away from him and was digging a hole, and he shot it in the shoulder, and then the second arrow hit it just right. The chest of this stupid bear.

Chen Qi remembered that the bear wanted to find its enemy because it was in pain. Anyway, it kept rolling and tossing and turning for several times before it found itself in the distance.

if so……

Chen Qi walked half a circle around the bear, and sure enough, he found a wound on its shoulder without an arrow sticking into it.

Pushing the bear's side shoulder, Chen Qi exhausted all his strength, finally turned the bear over and looked down.


There was also a wound on the bear's chest, and half of an arrow without tail feathers was stuck in it.

The blood on the ground flowed from this wound, but just now, the bear had been half lying on the ground, with its chest pressed against the direction of the big tree, so Chen Qi didn't see it.

"Based on the situation, this unlucky bear should have used the same method as the arrow shot in the shoulder after being shot in the chest by rolling to get the things on his body out.

However, it is also unlucky.The arrow on the shoulder just made a big hole in his shoulder and got out.

Although the one on the chest was also broken by its rolling, if it kept going, it might not be able to kill it.

Do you remember the way the bear slammed into a tree after getting an arrow in its mouth just now? "

Chen Qi turned his head and patted the trunk of the big tree, then turned his head and said: "Maybe... it should be at that time, it accidentally hit the broken arrow in his chest, and then pushed the arrow in a little bit.

Then it hurts more, just crazier.

The wound didn't directly kill it, but its extremely rapid increase in exercise caused its bleeding to become more and more serious, and then..."

Chen Qi shrugged: "Then it died. I really shot too many arrows and bled to death.

It has nothing to do with me sitting on it from a distance of three or four meters!Don't pass it on in the future! "


The emperor's sleep: "Okay, the god of the buttocks. I know the god of the buttocks."

Dazhi Changhong in the name of his father: "Next time, I will give it a shot."

Xiao Hua is going to the sea: "One of the Seven Weapons: King Kong Chen Qigu!"

The little shark who eats morals: "Old Man Tianji will miss you when the time comes, I strongly oppose it."

The indelible past: "Today, Chen Qi's vajra buttocks regained the number one spot in the weapon list!"

50 yuan watermelon seeds: "Xiong: Nima, are you polite?"

Yuan Tai didn't want to change the name: "Archery is just a cover, the real killing move..."

Loyal Lucky Star fan: "That's right! It's the King Kong's back!"

God-like philosophy: "The anchor quickly breaks down and carries it! Bear's paw, don't forget to leave me a lottery!"

Yonosuke Nohara: "If I remember correctly, this bear has eaten a piece of calf from Brother Sihai..."


Some fans "cooperated" with Chen Qi and made fun of his various nicknames, some obsessed with asking Chen Qi to draw a lottery, and a very small number of people said some serious things.

And these words also reminded Chen Qi.

"Fuck! That's right, this bear, it has eaten the meat of Brother Sihai..."

Many fans in Chen Qi's live broadcast room have been "undercover" in Brother Sihai's live broadcast room, and some of them are just idle, watching this and that.Some deliberately went to inquire about the news and prepared to report the news to Chen Qi, and some were more powerful, directly turned on several screens, and watched all the wilderness anchors who were broadcasting live here at the same time.

When Brother Sihai was attacked by a bear, a large piece of flesh was bitten off his calf, and he is still lying in the hospital now.

The staff members belonging to Brother Sihai, after frightening the bear away, quickly carried Brother Sihai to stop the bleeding and disinfect it, and then took him back to the space city.

The piece of meat bitten off by the bear...

Not surprisingly, it should have entered the bear's stomach.

That is to say...

"Fuck! I can't eat this bear!"

Although the human diet includes sea, land and air, from plant fruits to leaves, to flowers to branch fungus to tree roots... There is nothing that animals do not eat from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside. A duck is divided into more than a dozen different parts. It is already a happy thing to sell the location of the place.

It seems that people have nothing to eat.

However, there are still in the end.

Leaving aside the one-in-a-kind horror of cannibalism, animals that have eaten humans are also outside the human diet.

This has nothing to do with education or culture, it's just instinctively knowing that you can't do this.

And it doesn't really matter whether the bear is eating a piece of meat or a person.

This kind of thing, when I think about it, I feel a little... so what.


"Fuck... I'm so powerless to accept this fact..."

Chen Qi told the fans in the live broadcast room about it, and everyone remembered it. This time, no one persuaded Chen Qi to take the bear meat back to eat, and no one mentioned the bear paw lottery. Everyone is against this.

Then, they "ridiculed" Chen Qi.

Chen Qi himself felt pitiful.

Originally, although it is impossible for a bear to eat all the hundreds of catties of weight, but even so, it is impossible to get out a hundred catties of meat!
There are still forty days of mission deadlines, and one hundred catties of meat.

It's easy to carry it over.

But now, this beautiful wish has completely come to nothing.

This bear, it cannot be used as food.

"It can only provide me with a skin that I made full of holes.


Pulling out the arrows from the bear one by one, the recycling and reuse of the arrows must be done. Even after a while, Chen Qi had to look for the arrow that the bear dropped from his shoulder. Recycled it.

"Poor, I feel sorry for me too. This is a life-threatening job.

As a result, only a bearskin full of holes was mixed. "

However, what else could be done, Chen Qi killed the bear, so could it be possible to blame it.

Blame Brother Sihai?

That's even more ridiculous!
"If the bear eats a piece of my meat, maybe I can still accept it.

You eat one leg of Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu eats you whole!
Hey, this seems to be no problem. "

Holding the dagger, Chen Qi skinned the big bear in a strange way.

Now in this wilderness, except for a very small number of wolves, he has also removed the only unstable factor that threatened Chen Qi. Therefore, although Chen Qi works slowly, he himself is not in a hurry .

For so many days, Chen Qi had never seen a wolf, not even the footprints left by a wolf.

Think about it, the wolves here also hunt in groups. As far as the number of creatures here is concerned, let alone a large wolf pack, even a family of three wolves is enough to support them. A bear alone is enough to feed Yes, but also a wolf.

"It seems that if you want to eat enough in the future, you have to wait for the river to be sealed, so go over there and have a look."

Anyway, except for this stupid bear who has not accumulated enough fat for hibernation and is still wandering around looking for something to eat, the rest of the bears should have hibernated.

Over there, there shouldn't be too much danger.

(End of this chapter)

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