Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 137 Revenge succeeded!

Chapter 137 Revenge succeeded!

The biggest difference between a bear and other top land predators is that this guy is a tank player.

Also facing the top predators, the bear may be the most courageous guy, but also the least courageous guy, and it has rough skin and thick flesh, which is very difficult to fight.

Although Chen Qi's bow and arrow were top-notch equipment from Brother Sihai, it was obviously fanciful to shoot a bear and kill a bear with the expectation of bleeding.

As long as it hits the wrong place and is not deadly enough, three or five Mitsubishi arrows will not kill it at all.

Therefore, Chen Qi decided to make a decision before taking action and try to kill the bear within three arrows.


Following the footprints, Chen Qi chased them all the way down the hillside.The footprints were all new, and one could tell at a glance that they had just been left behind, that is to say, the bear must be not far from Chen Qi.

Therefore, he couldn't help but be careless.Chen Qi, who was used to walking slowly when exploring new maps, moved even slower now.

However, the fans didn't urge him, this is bear hunting!
In recent decades, except for poachers who dare not post videos online, Chen Qi may be the only bear hunter that they can see with their own eyes.

If it is hunted, it is naturally a cow b.Nothing to say, it looks good, just give a gift and give a reward.

If you can't hunt...

To be honest, the video of a bear eating a human seems quite attractive!
It’s not a loss either way!

As Chen Qi's tracking became deeper and deeper, his movements became slower and slower. Chen Qi had a feeling that he might have approached the bear.

Slowly placing the bow and arrow on the ground, Chen Qi put his hands inside his clothes. He had been walking for too long, and his hands were a little stiff and not so flexible.

Squatting on the spot, Chen Qi took the bow and arrow in his hand again after a while.

As soon as he turned around a small slope, Chen Qi stopped again, and carefully hid behind a certain tree.


No matter how quiet Chen Qi's voice is, many fans guessed what he said based on the shape of his mouth.

"Look, that bear, is it over there..."

The camera of the drone turned to look under the snow slope where Chen Qi was.Fans saw a shaking white shadow.

That thing is poking holes.

What the hell!

Definitely the bear!

Although I don't know what's going on, but the bear that attacked Brother Sihai is also so white!
Polar bear? !


"No...heh...this bear should be the one that attacked me that day, but..."

Chen Qi hid behind the tree, raised his head to observe the tree, and from time to time also stared at the burrowing bear in the distance that was facing away from him. Press down one after another.

"...that bear is not a polar bear."

While busy with his own affairs, Chen Qi explained to fans: "There are four kinds of bears living in Jiama Da.

Among them, the most common one is the black bear, which is the one we are talking about stealing cassocks.

The black bears in the world basically live in North America, accounting for more than 95% of the total.This kind of bear will not attack humans at will.In the past 150 years, a total of less than 100 people died at their hands. They are bears who look silly on the outside, but are actually just stupid bears.

Second, there are brown bears. "

Chen Qi shook his head: "It's not a brown bear either, the color is wrong. Although there are albino bear species among brown bears whose fur has mutated due to genetic problems, it must be at least two years old if it is alone. , the body shape will not match."

Chen Qi took the arrow and measured it twice. It seemed that the distance was a bit far, and he didn't have much confidence in hitting it.

"The rest, polar bears! No doubt in appearance, but not in size.

Never mind whether it should be here or not, if it's a polar bear, it definitely shouldn't be so small!

Folks, polar bears are truly the apex predators of today's land!
An average adult male polar bear can be up to three meters tall and weigh eight hundred kilograms!The bite force is also the best among bears, um... In fact, it is not a big problem to say that it is the best in the world.

Today's polar bears don't necessarily grow big...

So, this bear, it should be a black bear! "

black bear? !
The fans sent out a series of question marks.


Jiu’s father: “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Kumu meets you: "Although I'm colorblind, I personally think that bear is so white!"

If you see me, please tell me to go away and learn: "This is actually a dog, but it's just covered in bear skin."

Qingfeng Xiying: "Ah... this is actually the staff, right? The cassock... Ah no, the bear skin! The bear skin is his disguise! Right!"

Me passing by in the wind: "My black cat is named Xiaobai, so... is there such a possibility?"


The fans "boiled against Yingtian", but Chen Qi ignored it and smiled calmly: "Listen to me.

This kind of bear has a professional name, Kermode Bear.

The reason why it is called a black bear is because it is originally a subspecies of black bear, also called spirit bear. It is the rarest kind of bear in the local area. Generally, it can only be seen in the Great Bear Rainforest of BC, but...

This one should have been squeezed in from over there.Oh, do you think that exclusion, suppression, and marginalization only exist in human society?

As long as you are different from others, they will naturally alienate you.

Ha, I'm digressing, this kind of bear... is quite rare.but……"

Chen Qi looked up at the tree he was leaning against, and still raised his bow and arrow.

"I still feel that my own life is more important..."


In the distance, the white black bear finally gave up on the rabbit hole it had been digging for who knows how long.

In this cave, there is no plump rabbit that it wants to feed it.

Whenever winter comes, it is the most painful time for it, because it cannot find enough food to survive the long winter, and the hungrier it is, the more it needs enough food to supplement its calories. It is winter, and food is harder to find.

When the snow gets heavier and falls thicker in the next few days, the soil will be frozen to an extremely solid level. By then, it will no longer even be possible for it to open a rabbit hole, and digging up tree roots to eat will become a fantasy.

At that time, it can only go out of the forest to eat some thick moss to survive this difficult winter.

Just like the other day.


The big bear turned around slowly, and there was a scabbed wound above its nose.

If Chen Qi's eyesight was good enough, he would be able to see that this wound was left by the arrow he shot that night.

Looking at this position, if Chen Qi had raised the arrow one inch higher, he might have hit the bear in the eye.

If you're lucky, you might be able to kill the bear directly.


Turning around awkwardly and slowly, it has only eaten two rabbits in the past few days, and these calories are far from enough to support an animal weighing hundreds of kilograms, wandering around in the cold winter.

Moreover, it was injured, which made its physical condition even worse. If it was hungry for a few more days and there was not enough food, it might starve and faint in the snow, and then freeze to death.

Be a starving bear ghost.


The lake hasn't frozen yet, maybe we can go to the lake and find a way to get some fish to eat.

Like brown bears, almost all bears living near the Arctic Circle are hunters who like to eat fish and can also catch fish by themselves.

However, with the current water temperature, the bear doesn't really want to go into the water.

However, it has no choice.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk back to the lake, he suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, and the bear stood up and roared loudly.

But no matter how it turned around, it searched all around, but couldn't find anything that attacked it.

Turned over and rolled twice on the snow, the blood was wet on the snow, and at the same time, there was a black, broken stick.


"Fuck! The shot is so wide!"

Chen Qi actually aimed for a long time. There was no wind here, and it was still from a top-down angle. The opponent moved slowly, and the target was more than ten circles larger than his target.

Logically speaking, this arrow should hit where Chen Qi wanted to hit.

However, what was aimed at was the head, but what was shot was the shoulder.

In this kind of place, if you hit ten arrows and eight arrows, it will have no effect on a bear, okay!
The bear is still roaring.No matter how hungry it is and how physically weak it is, it is still a bear!

In this land, nothing can bully it except a brown bear that is bigger than it!

Standing up, the roaring bloody bear still looks very scary.

Although it was tens of meters away and the hiding place was good, Chen Qi was still very scared.

However, he knew exactly what he was here for, and took advantage of the strange smell of alder wood to conceal his existence, and there was something wrong with the bear's nose, and Chen Qi shot the second arrow, hitting the bear's chest!

It's fine if it doesn't stand up.

Chen Qi shot five more arrows in a row, but unfortunately, the bear was already berserk and ran around, and Chen Qi's five arrows were all empty.

To make matters worse, the bear finally found Chen Qi.


He didn't choose to give the bear an arrow while it was running straight along the snowy slope. If he didn't choose to do something else during this time, if the arrow missed, Chen Qi might be taken by the dog.

Using his second-level tree-climbing skills, Chen Qi quickly climbed up the tree with a bow in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the bear ran to Chen Qi's feet, leveled its paws, the thick and long nails popped out, and began to climb the tree.

If a bear is not very heavy, it can climb trees very quickly.

Of course Chen Qi had considered this, so he chose an alder tree with branches everywhere.

"Made! This is what I bet on!!"

During the time when the bear could not climb too fast because of the smooth bark of the alder wood, the complicated branches, and the cork, Chen Qi took out the bow and arrow from his mouth. , controlled himself to calm down with an extremely powerful spirit, opened his bow and set an arrow, one arrow!Hit in the big mouth of the big bear that had put its paws around his legs.

With a hoarse roar, the unfortunate bear fell heavily to the ground.

"I'm so cheating!! Shit!"

Chen Qi roared.

However, the bear still didn't die, it just turned on the berserk mode and frantically attacked the tree where Chen Qi was.


Chen Qi only felt an unavoidable tremor in himself, and even the arrows in his quiver dropped a lot.

So, regardless of careful aiming, Chen Qi just shot with his bow, one arrow after another...

Finally, with the big tree between his legs, Chen Qi, who was standing upside down and leaning over, shot the last arrow in his quiver that didn't fall out.

The bear below also had arrows all over his face, panting heavily, drooling, and fell to the ground.

"Yeah! Hey! Oh shit! Damn!!"

Chen Qi clapped his hands!

His legs became unsteady, and he fell down, just on top of the bear.

This fall also broke the bear's last breath.

Chen Qi, the bear hunt was successful!
Revenge succeeded!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Turning over, he rolled down from the bear's back. Chen Qi got up from the ground with hands and feet, crawled all over the ground, stood up and ran five or six meters, and then remembered that he couldn't leave his back to the beast.

Turning around quickly, I realized that the bow was not in my hand, and there were no arrows in the quiver!

So he directly pulled out the small dagger, ready to fight the bear hand-to-hand, and compare whose life is tougher!

After holding this pose for a long time, the bear...

Why is it not moving?

You are Makabaka: "This operation can only be said to be worthy of Chen Qi!"

SONEYA: "Use your butt to kill a bear, to be reasonable, this is an operation I didn't expect!"

Balala Bald Qiang: "It's really not me who is blowing it up, why do I feel that I can do it too..."

Zhen Biscuit: "You first register a live broadcast account, then buy a drone, then rent a small shoebox spaceship, and then go to the mother star, and you can live broadcast."

Rice Tangtang: "Call me when it's broadcast!"

The poor rabbit who can't afford to hurt: "Chen Qiniu b!!! I would like to call his ass the strongest!"

Just one bite of roasted glutinous rice balls: "A bear sitting on one ass is indeed the strongest. Awesome!!!"

Haiyang is super hot: "You said it's not good for you to provoke anyone, but Chen Qi, he is as small-minded as a rabbit, this damn... What a humiliation!"

[User: Left-handed God of Gamblers sent a rocket]

Left-handed gambler: "I'm so convinced, you are so fierce!"


A large number of gifts were sent to Chen Qi's live broadcast room, and the non-stop tinkling notification sound woke Chen Qi up from his bewildered state.

Thank you in a hurry, I don't know who is who, I have made a lot of mistakes in pronouncing the name, but at this time, no one cares about this, the barrage is all swipe nb, and let him hurry to see that Bear, give me a close-up or something.

It was at this time that a familiar system prompt sounded in Chen Qi's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, the unit type task: Human Revenge has been completed, and the specific rewards, please receive it at the end of the current challenge task. 】

what!It's done!

That bear is dead this time!

(Ps: Last week's combat power list was too easy. This time I'm going to classify the top ten to take a look at the scenery.

Tomorrow on the list!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward! )
(End of this chapter)

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