Chapter 215
As the saying goes, time flies like water.As the sun rises and the moon sets, three years pass in the blink of an eye.

After three years, Kakashi finally taught the three birds to become psychic beasts.

Kakashi could finally pack up and go out of the bird's nest to have a look.

I have to say that Kakashi in this world is really patient.Maybe his daughter Xiaocao is more annoying, or maybe it's the Excalibur Yulei that really changes people.

Always, Kakashi happily led the three Thunderhawks soaring in the sky.

Kakashi stood facing the wind on Mother Bird.The mother bird was covered in thunder and lightning, and she flew an unknown distance with a single wing.In short, that speed is like teleportation.

The mother bird was tired, so she sat down and stood on a big tree to watch the excitement.

The height of the tree is 60 meters, but this is nothing to Bird Mom and Kakashi.

A group of people below are fighting, and it can be said that blood is flowing like a river.Kakashi squinted his eyes carefully to see, isn't this the stick of the Fourth Raikage?What did he do to be besieged by so many people, there must be tens of thousands of people in this posture.

The fourth generation of Raikage shone with a golden thunder, and burst from left to right in the crowd. There was a sea of ​​people on the ground, blood flowed in the oars, and corpses piled up into mountains.

Kakashi felt that the man should be like this.One man fought against one army without showing any weakness, and even Kakashi felt that it was the Fourth Raikage who was annihilating these ninjas.

Finally, when the sun was slanting to the west, Raikage Fourth was tired.He is a man, not a god.Although he has a lot of chakra, he is human, will get tired, and will run out of chakra.

The Fourth Raikage just sat on the mountain of corpses so carelessly, and shouted proudly to the bottom: "Come on, bastards, if you want to rob our food and rob our children, then use your lives to fight.

Uncle Ben is tired, but he can still unscrew a few broken heads.The one who is not afraid of death will come up. "

At this time, a ninja threw a shuriken, Raikage dodged it, and finally stuck it in the shoulder.

The few thousand remaining began to cheer up.

"kill him!"

Suddenly a man shouted: "Kill him, food, women, and the land that is like spring all year round is ours. Think about our young and old wives and children."

"Ah~ kill!"

The crowd rushed towards Fourth Raikage with their swords in hand, Fourth Raikage stood up with trembling legs, and shouted boldly: "Come on, bastard, kill me!"

Suddenly a light blue line of thunder flashed, and with a bang, the first man who rushed up was blown away.The momentum of the charge suddenly stagnated.

An immature voice said belatedly: "Lei Dun, Lei Li's hot knife!"

Ai's eyes warmed slightly, and then he said angrily: "Go back, I'm not dead yet. Who told you to come out."

This immature child is Kirby who is only nine years old. Kirby said: "Hahaha, sir, don't be so fierce! Didn't you say that we are partners, how could we leave you behind? Those uneasy people Let me be locked in the enchantment, don't worry!"

"Cut, you nasty brat." Raikage's eyes were a little red, and Raikage stabilized his mood and continued: "I'm going to die!"

Kirby held a short knife and laughed: "Haha, you are afraid of death, partner!"

"The sandstorm is a bit heavy today, what to look at, brat." Ye Yueai rubbed the corner of her eyes and said, "Don't you regret it?"

Kirby said: "Ah, I don't regret it."

Then the little Kirby pretended to be proud, stood on the mountain of corpses and shouted fiercely to the people below: "Come on, bastards! Don't you want to kill the young master, come on!"

At this time, someone in the crowd below suddenly shouted: "It's just a brat, give it to me. For food and women's land that is like spring all the year round!"

The people below held swords and rushed towards the top of the mountain shouting hoarsely.It looked like a pack of hyenas charged at two exhausted lions, one big and one small.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, it's getting closer.

Kirby stood in front of Ai, his eyes were filled with the light of the knife.

His hands were shaking, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or fear.His little face was covered with sweat, dripping down his cheeks.His face was pale and bloodless.Blood vessels all over his body trembled slightly.

Getting closer, getting closer, he saw the man rushing towards him with red eyes and muscles all over his body, like a beast rushing towards him.Kirby raised his knife tremblingly.

The visitor easily lifted Kirby's dagger, and the man's Kunai came towards Kirby's face.In Kirby's eyes, there were sharp blades of kunai.

Rumbling, Kirby trembled and opened his eyes.

A man holds Thunderbolt in his left hand and a dagger in his right.Her long silver hair reached her waist and was tied with a thick rope.The gray sackcloth was casually draped over his body, and his eyes, one purple and one blue, were shining brightly.Stepping on the man who was about to kill him just now, it was like the god who saved the world descended from the sky.The rushing crowd was shaken off their feet, and those behind them backed away slowly in fright.

It's as if a group of ants met a giant!
The man's cold words came: "It's really embarrassing, fourth generation Leiying Yeyueai."

Ai opened his mouth and said dryly, "Why?"

Kakashi said: "I'm not helping you, I'm just seeing them upset!"

Ai Putong sat down on the ground, laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, I just brewed some good wine, why don't you come and have a drink."

Kakashi gave a simple "hmm", turned to look at Kirby, patted Kirby's head and said, "Kids, don't do such a dangerous thing!"

Then as soon as he turned around, the aura on his body suddenly changed, as if a real murderous aura rushed towards his face.

Kirby tremblingly returned to Ai's side and asked softly, "Boss, are we alright?"

Ai patted Kirby on the shoulder and said, "Of course, that's Ben Lei Jianhao Hatake Kakashi, a leader in the ninja world."

Facing the thousands of people below, Kakashi just shook his head, pinched with his left hand, and stamped with his right.Although the voice is low, it is like thunder in the ears.

Ai patted Kirby and said, "It's coming, look carefully!"

"Nine Heavens Profound Brake, turn into divine thunder." Kakashi took half a step forward and continued: "Huanghuang Tianwei, lead it with a sword!"

The rumbling thunder burst out, just because the sun, moon, and starry sky turned from the earth, and the dragon entered the sea and rolled back with the tide.

Kakashi stepped on yin and yang, wearing thunder.Two thunder eagles hovered in the sky, as if the sun was rising and the moon was setting.

Suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, and the dark clouds rolled in an instant.

Kakashi is like the God of Thunder from the Nine Heavens, who came across the world to punish these scumbags.With a bang, a thunder dragon fell into Kakashi's palm, as cute as a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Kakashi took a slight step forward, swiped and disappeared in place.When it reappeared, Kakashi had already reached the center of the crowd.Kakashi's body turned slightly, and he slashed out with a full moon.

Then the figure turned and disappeared again, and when it reappeared for the first time, it was accompanied by a beautiful crescent moon and bursting thunder.

In an instant, the enemies fell in pieces.

Kirby's eyes were full of longing and longing.Kirby said with trembling lips, "Boss, I want to learn!"

Ye Yueai patted Kirby's shoulder with a big hand and said: "This boss can't. The boss's hell raid is not strong enough, or the chakra coat is not strong enough."

Kakashi swiped back in front of the two and said, "Because, you are not as handsome as me!"

(End of this chapter)

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